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Prawdziwe Zbrodnie

Prawdziwe Zbrodnie

Prawdziwe Zbrodnie to podcast prowadzony przez dwie Karoliny. Rozmawiamy w nim o polskich i światowych historiach kryminalnych (i wielu innych rzeczach przy okazji). Jeżeli NIE LUBISZ się bać, to ten podcast może być dla Ciebie. Zamiast klimatu grozy wolimy czasem trochę się pośmiać! Kontakt: prawdziwezbrodnie@gmail.com // Posłuchaj naszego drugiego podcastu *Karoliny Kontra Życie* // Jesteśmy na instagramie @2karoliny2podcasty
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Dne 24. února 2022 započal útokem ruských vojsk na Ukrajinu nejnovější válečný konflikt v Evropě. Podcast Zbytečná válka přináší nejen čerstvá fakta, ale i úvahy o příčinách války a tom, jak se může celá situace dále vyvíjet.
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The English language Zbrojovka Brno podcast. Football, history, tunes and general nerdiness. Subscribe wherever you get your audio: Spotify, iTunes, Audioboom, you name it. @zbrojovkast on Twitter, FB. RSS feed also on Audioboom.
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Audycja o wybitnych dziełach sztuki chrześcijańskiej oraz ich twórcach. Porusza zagadnienia architektury, rzeźby i malarstwa od okresu wczesnośredniowiecznego po czasy współczesne. Prowadzący podejmują się opisu i interpretacji dzieł sztuki i także ich skonfrontowania z przekazem biblijnym. Audycja ma charakter edukacyjny i ewangelizacyjny. Tematyka nawiązuje do okresów liturgicznych w Kościele Powszechnym. A przewodnikami w owej podróży po pięknie zawartym w sztucę są Izabela Banaszewska - ...
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„Ziemia zbyt obiecana” to pierwszy polskojęzyczny podcast o Izraelu. Opowiada o historii Izraela od przymierza z Abrahamem poprzez deklarację Balfoura, Deklarację niepodległości, Karty OWP i Hamasu, pokazuje społeczeństwo Izraela, od "wielobarwnego tłumu" poprzez tożsamości diasporyczne po współczesne spory o to, kto jest Żydem. Omawia także bieżące wydarzenia w Izraelu. Autorem podcastu jest Konstanty Gebert, jeden z najwybitniejszych żydowskich dziennikarzy, autor wielu książek, wieloletni ...
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Zbrodnie Bez Cenzury

Renata z Worka Kości

Posłuchaj jak wyglądają prawdziwe zło i zbrodnie. Nie oszczędzę Ci makabrycznych szczegółów. Pokazuję zagadnienia z kryminologii i historii bez zabobonów, legend i domysłów, wzbogacone o badania naukowe i statystyki. Opowiadam też o niezwykłych pogrzebach i o tym, co dzieje się z naszym ciałem po śmierci. Nowy odcinek w każdą sobotę o 10:00. Jeśli słuchasz mnie na Spotify, bardzo proszę zaobserwuj mój kanał, wystaw ocenę i włącz powiadomienia (przycisk dzwoneczka). Kontakt: renata.kurylowicz ...
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Zbrodnie Prowincjonalne

Zbrodnie Prowincjonalne

Wykup subskrypcję: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zbrodnie-prowincjonalne/subscribe Z daleka od dużych miast, gdzie latarnie gasną o godzinie 23, a najbliższy sąsiad mieszka zbyt daleko, by cokolwiek usłyszeć, lęgną się Zbrodnie Prowincjonalne. W tym podcaście odkrywamy sekrety małych miejscowości, które do wydań wiadomości trafiają tylko, jeśli ktoś popełni w nich morderstwo. Wykup subskrypcję na Spotify - słuchaj bez reklam, wspieraj kanał i otrzymaj dostęp do archiwum bonusowych ...
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Hi, I am zbrah and I like talking to people. I believe we all can learn from one another and in some cases be inspired as well. I hope that you can learn something new, maybe have a new perspective on life or be inspired to try something different or to pursue your dreams. I talk to wide variety of human beings and have a friendly and fun conversation, nothing is off limits. FOLLOW@ https://www.instagram.com/zmanzbrah https://www.instagram.com/tastemakers_tastytuesdays
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The ZB&J Podcast!

David McCutcheon

Join ZoopSoul, brisulph, and roundthewheel as they discuss the goings-on in the gaming industry, Iron Sheik's tweets of the week, and even some obscure Nintendo Power features from the 1980s and '90s!
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The Zbooks successful authors' podcast is where Bestselling Author Eric Z talks about Independent Publishing, CHALLENGES, and whatever we feel like, with the BEST Authors in the WORLD! Get my new Book "The Power To Publish" (get it now while it's still free!): https://bit.ly/Get-Your-Power Have you noticed? There are no commercials or advertisements on this podcast! Please help keep the podcast free from annoying advertisements! Become a SUPREME MEMBER of this Podcast for as low as ONE dolla ...
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Witaj na Podcast'cie Doktor Fit gdzie rozmawiamy o zdrowym odżywianiu bez restrykcyjnych diet i ciężkich treningów. Same konkrety dla osób, które nie mają czasu, a chcą poprawić swoje zdrowie i jakość życia. W tym podcastzie odkryjemy sposoby, jak wprowadzać zdrowe nawyki żywieniowe w sposób prosty i dostępny dla każdego. Nie będziemy skupiać się na skomplikowanych dietach, ale zamiast tego skoncentrujemy się na zasadach żywienia, które mogą być łatwo wdrożone. Podcast Doktor Fit to miejsce, ...
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Joe Biden and Donald Trump go live in Atlanta tomorrow afternoon, New Zealand time. The televised US election debate is the earliest in the campaign since 1960, with Americans going to the polls in just over four months. It's the third time the US President and the former President will go head to head after two heated encounters in 2020. The Spect…
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Tłum przedstawicieli różnych stanów i profesji a także różnych wyznań zgromadził Brueghel wokół proroka Nowego Testament – Jana Chrzciciela, który głosi Dobrą Nowinę o nadejściu zbawienia. Jednocześnie Jan napomina i wzywa do zmiany postępowania. Podobnie, jak w Ewangelii św. Łukasza tak i u Brueghela do Jana przychodzą tłumy a wśród nich, żołnierz…
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Jeśli ktośz Was chciałby odwdzięczyć się za moją pracę (odcinek nie zawiera reklam czy innego materiału marketingowego), może postawić mi kawę na: buycoffee.to/renata.z.worka.kosciWpadajcie do mojego baru koktajlowego Worek Kości w Warszawie przy ul. Bagatela 10 na moje i nie tylkomoje wykłady z kryminalistyki i kryminologii, komediową burleskę i m…
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Two astronauts are likely to remain stuck in space into July. Barry Wilmore and Sunita Williams were supposed to return on the Boeing Starliner about two weeks ago after an eight day stint in space. US Correspondent Katherine Firkin told Mike Hosking that there have been several issues including malfunctioning thrusters and helium leaks. She says w…
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There’s uncertainty over whether Corrections has capacity, with more prisoners on the way. The Government's sentencing law reforms will mean longer sentences and up to 1700 more inmates every year. Corrections Association's Floyd du Plessis says the prisons are currently full, and while there are more beds in theory, they aren't adequately staffed …
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A Gisborne Civil Defence manager says they're now dealing with the clean up from this week's severe weather. States of emergency in the Wairoa District and Hastings Heretaunga Ward remain in place. Roads were closed and people evacuated after heavy rain lashed the Hawke's Bay and Gisborne regions yesterday. Wairoa District Council says 400 properti…
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Jsi pokrytý modřinami, máš pořád hlad a je ti pořád zima. Tak v podcastu Zbytečná válka popsal ruské zajetí ukrajinský pravoslavný kněz a vojenský kaplan Vasyl Vyrozub, kterého zkraje války zajali ruští vojáci při záchranné misi cestou na Hadí ostrov. Rusové ho drželi dohromady 70 dní, poté ho vyměnili za ruské zajatce na ukrajinské straně. Podcast…
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New Zealand First has invoked the Agree-to-Disagree Coalition clause. Winston Peters says his Party doesn't support the Government continuing the Covid Commission of Inquiry in its current form. The clause is nestled within New Zealand First's Governance agreement with National, allowing Peters and his MPs to speak publicly about a Cabinet decision…
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A gambling scandal is causing a rocky run up to next week's UK election. Six police officers, including a member of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's protection team, are in hot water after allegedly placing bets on the election date. UK correspondent Gavin Grey told Mike Hosking that it's an extraordinary saga, with two Conservative MPs now suspended a…
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There’s hopes a spike in global shipping prices won't stay around for long. Conflict in the Red Sea has caused shipping costs to jump three times higher than the rates seen at end of last year. But, ASB Senior economist Mark Smith told Mike Hosking, the impact on inflation will depend on how long prices remain high. He says the prices have spiked q…
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The latest in the Julian Assange saga is being coined a dark day in American history and press freedom. The Wikileaks founder is set to plead guilty to violating US espionage law and will be sentenced to 62 months of time already served before going free. Freedom of the Press' Director of Advocacy Seth Stern told Mike Hosking that it's a case that …
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Australia is taking a firm stance on vaping. The sale of vapes will be restricted to pharmacies from next week, as the Greens agree to pass a proposed ban. However, the Government has agreed to water down restrictions that would have required adults to obtain a prescription. Australia Correspondent Donna Demaio told Mike Hosking that this has spark…
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Scott Robertson’s All Blacks squad has been announced, with Scott Barrett taking the captaincy. He’s taking over the duties from Sam Cane, with Ardie Savea and Jordie Barrett sharing the vice-captaincy. Rugby Commentator Tony Johnson told Mike Hosking that he doubts there’ll be any drastic changes right off the bat. He said that if they’re going to…
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The Cancer Society says yesterday was a momentous day but there's still a bit of uncertainty around Pharmac's funding boost. The Government's committed $604 million, taken in advance from next year's Budget. It will cover the funding for 54 new medicines, including 26 cancer treatments. Cancer Society chief executive Rachael Hart told Mike Hosking …
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🔊W dzisiejszym odcinku Ziemi Zbyt Obiecanej na szybko, Konstanty Gebert omawia co będzie się działo w Strefie Gazy po zakończeniu wojny, dlaczego wciąż nie ma planu na "dzień po" i jaki to ma wpływ na politykę nie tylko w Izraelu ale na całym Bliskim Wschodzie. Jeśli chcesz współtworzyć z nami Ziemię Zbyt Obiecaną, dołącz do nas w serwisie Patronit…
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Auckland will soon have Police on the beat 24/7. Community Beat Teams will be based in major centres, with 63 officers in Auckland, 17 in Wellington and 10 in Christchurch. It's the Police and Government's newest plan to crackdown on crime rates. Police Minister Mark Mitchell told Mike Hosking “We want to make sure that we have a safe city – not on…
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King Charles will likely skip New Zealand during his upcoming tour to the South Pacific. According to The Mirror, he and Queen Camilla are set to visit Australia and Samoa - but have dropped New Zealand. The visit was never officially announced - just rumoured to be on the agenda. UK Correspondent Gavin Grey told Mike Hosking “His Majesty is said t…
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I think we got enough out of Nicola Willis on the programme Friday to know that today, cabinet’s gonna sign off this money for Pharmac to solve the cancer problem. The big outworking of this is - I hope they've learned their lesson. This government has a couple of problems. The biggest one is the mess they inherited. We are going to spend at least …
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The Blues dominated the Chiefs on Saturday night to take the 2024 Super Rugby title at Eden Park - beating the visitors 41-10. Caleb Clarke scored a hattrick as Akira Ioane and AJ Lam got a try each. It's the first time they've won the competition in more than two decades. Newstalk ZB Sports Anchor, Andrew Alderson, told Mike Hosking “I thought it …
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The Government’s expected to announce a $600 million boost in funding for Pharmac today. If approved, it would bump the medicine budget up 40 percent - and cover the 13 cancer drugs the Government initially promised, and more. Patient Voice Aotearoa Chair, Malcolm Mulholland, told Mike Hosking “From our perspective – this was always going to be the…
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MIEJSCE AKCJI - LOWELL, STANY ZJEDNOCZONEMateriał posiada charakter dokumentalno-historyczny. Wzbogacony o wątki sfabularyzowane, ma na celu przybliżyć obyczaje oraz prawo panujące w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym.Postaw mi kawę: https://buycoffee.to/zbrodniezapomnianeWspieranie kanału:https://patronite.pl/ZbrodnieZapomnianehttps://www.youtube.com/…
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Zabił na pewno i to wiele osób. Uznany zapsychicznie zdrowego dokonywał czynów, które kojarzą się z nieokiełznanym szałem zabijania. Dlaczego? Gdzie szukać motywów? Posłuchajcie opowieści o zbrodniach Erica EdgaraCooke’a! Razem zastanówmy się, gdzie leży prawda, bo czasami same fakty to za mało. Na koniec znów będę miała niespodziankę, historię w h…
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Labour’s lead in the UK election is holding steady as the Tories deal with a scandal. The party has admitted that their campaign head, Tony Lee, placed bets on the timing of the vote, allegedly just days before Sunak went public. The BBC revealed that Tory candidate Laura Sanders, wife of Lee, is also being investigated by Britain’s Gambling Commis…
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New Zealand's officially out of a technical recession but may not be out of the woods. Stats NZ figures show GDP rose 0.2% in the three months to March and the same amount for the year. However, per capita GDP decreased by 0.3%. Infometrics Chief Economist Brad Olsen told Mike Hosking that the numbers are not looking promising for Q2. He said that …
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Tomorrow’s Super Rugby Final is set to be an intense match. The Blues face off against the Chiefs at a sold-out Eden Park, kicking off just after 7pm. ZB’s Rugby Commentator Elliott Smith told Mike Hosking that the Chiefs have come out of nowhere in the last couple weeks. The Blues were expected to face the Hurricanes in the finals, the Chiefs ente…
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A Northland business leader says the large power outage will significantly impact business. Widespread power outages began yesterday morning when a transmission tower toppled at Glorit, northwest of Auckland. NorthPower says supply has since been restored to the majority of Northland. Top Energy is showing 61 customers in Bay of Islands still witho…
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Stredtýždňové služby BožiePiesne: 354, 626, 424, A 62Liturgické texty: Matúš 9, 9-13Kázeň: 1. Korintským 3, 10-15Kazateľ: Peter TajátKantor: Ľubomír MelnaSme radi, že nás sledujete na internete. Pokiaľ však môžete, poďte do živého spoločenstva!"Neopúšťajme svoje zhromaždenia, ako niektorí majú vo zvyku, ale napomínajme sa, a to tým viac, čím viac v…
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Zack and Jeff Brown recap all of this past weekend's action in motorsports including Ryan Blaney's impressive win at Iowa and World of Outlaws at Knoxville. They look ahead to the million dollar purse week for sprint cars at Huset's Speedway and preview all of this week's racing action! Use discount code ZBMEDIA to get $20 off of SeatGeek!…
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Freight operators are thrilled they can deliver goods to Northland a lot faster from next week. State Highway 1 over the Brynderwyns will reopen to two-way traffic from 11.59pm next Wednesday, just in time for Matariki weekend. The Transport Agency says additional space has been created so crews can work on repairs without lengthy closures. James S…
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We'll know later today whether New Zealand was in a technical recession last financial quarter. Gross Domestic Product figures for the three months to March are released later this morning. ASB is forecasting a 0.1% rise. Senior economist Kim Mundy told Mike Hosking that they're not expecting another recession, but neither are they expecting strong…
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There's a renewed call for Boeing to be prosecuted after being grilled in the US Senate over its recent safety issues. US Justice officials have until July 7th to decide if it lays criminal charges. Family members of the 346 victims of two separate crashes involving Boeing planes five years ago were also at the hearing. US Correspondent Katherine F…
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Dolphin advocates are celebrating SailGP's decision to move next year's event from Christchurch. SailGP announced the 2025 edition wouldn't return to Lyttelton Harbour, which has hosted for the last two years. In this year's event, the first day of racing was controversially cancelled due to a Hector's Dolphin spotting. Maui and Hector's Dolphin De…
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Výsledky víkendové mírové konference o Ukrajině ve Švýcarsku probírali v podcastu Zbytečná válka redaktor Alex Švamberk a bezpečnostní analytik Milan Mikulecký. Ten zmínil i význam obnovené americké pomoci pro stabilizaci situace na frontě. Oba také uvedli, že žádný ruský mírový plán neexistuje a žádný ani neexistoval. Vychází také na videu na serv…
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Dozens of migrants have been rescued from a sinking ship in the Mediterranean. German aid group RESQSHIP said it picked up 51 people from a sinking wooden boat, including two unconscious people, and found ten bodies trapped in the lower deck. A second ship sank nearby, and 64 people total are still missing from the vessels. Europe Correspondent Gav…
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Maintenance on ageing Interislander ferries is seen as a short-term solution by the Maritime Union. Estimated annual maintenance costs to keep KiwiRail’s three ageing Interislander ferries running could almost double to $65 million by next year, and keeping the ferries afloat will be an “ongoing battle”. A previous assessment of the fleet’s conditi…
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There’s hopes an improved vaccine against an infectious disease running rife through New Zealand cattle could ease costs for farmers. The Ministry for Primary Industries is backing a project which aims to develop a modified vaccine against Bovine Viral Diarrhoea. It impacts about 80% of our dairy and beef herds and costs the industry more than $190…
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A victims' advocate says new measures to address court backlogs are doable if all players in the system play their part. The Chief District Court Judge has introduced maximum waiting times based on the seriousness of the crime. For the least serious category —where there's no risk of prison— the aim is six months. Independent victims' advocate Ruth…
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Following his visit to New Zealand, the Chinese Premier has begun his visit to Australia. Li Qiang was greeted by hundreds of supporters and protestors upon his arrival in Canberra on Sunday, receiving a ceremonial welcome at Parliament House. Australian Correspondent Donna Demaio told Mike Hosking that there has been talks of better military commu…
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The Government's changed its tune on transgender people participating in community sports. A policy in the New Zealand First-National Coalition agreement threatened to withhold public funding if sports bodies didn't separate trans athletes from grassroots competitions. After feedback from Sport New Zealand, Sport and Recreation Minister Chris Bisho…
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The Government promises “granny flats” of 60 square metres or less will be easier to build after planning changes that will force councils to permit small dwellings on rural and residential zones without resource consent. Making it easier to build granny flats was part of NZ First’s coalition agreement with National. NZ First leader Winston Peters,…
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🔊W dzisiejszym odcinku Ziemi Zbyt Obiecanej, Konstanty Gebert opowiada o Operacji Opera – jednej z najsłynniejszych akcji izraelskiej armii, w ramach której 7 czerwca 1981 roku został zniszczony iracki reaktor jądrowy Osirak. Jeśli chcesz współtworzyć z nami Ziemię Zbyt Obiecaną, dołącz do nas w serwisie Patronite ➡️ www.patronite.pl/ziemiazbytobie…
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MIEJSCE AKCJI - KRAKÓW, WOJEWÓDZTWO MAŁOPOLSKIEJulia nigdy nie sprawiała żadnych problemów wychowawczych. Była grzeczną i uczynną trzynastolatką. Jednak kiedy jej ciało zostaje odnalezione w krzakach nieopodal Kopca Kościuszki, na jaw wypływa niewygodna prawda... Materiał posiada charakter dokumentalno-historyczny. Wzbogacony o wątki sfabularyzowan…
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This weekend's Super Rugby semifinals have raised a few eyebrows over their smaller-than expected attendance numbers. ZB sports reporter Andrew Alderson suspects this is because these Super Rugby matches had to compete with this weekend's Warriors' clash. LISTEN ABOVE See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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The Princess of Wales has returned to the public eye for King's Birthday celebrations, making her first public appearance this year. Kate faced wild internet speculation on her whereabouts earlier this year before revealing she's undergoing chemotherapy treatment for cancer. She was pictured smiling, sitting alongside her three children in a carria…
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One teachers' union is concerned abut the recommended changes to teaching standards in a new report. The Ministerial Advisory Group reviewing English and maths learning has recommended annual 'checkpoint' tests for students. It also recommends children be encouraged to write by hand as much as possible for their first three years at school - and cu…
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Christopher Luxon is on the ground in Japan, but his business delegation won't be touching down for another day. The Prime Minister's plane has broken down yet again, this time while refuelling in Papua New Guinea. Luxon's been forced to fly commercial to Tokyo, while the business leaders, officials and others in his delegation are travelling to Br…
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3. nedeľa po Svätej TrojiciPiesne: 347, 588, 624/1, 604, 298/1, 263Piesne k VP: 300, 301, 303Liturgické texty: Marek 1, 16-20Kázeň: Ján 8, 36Kazateľ: Peter TajátKantor: Miriam MelnováSme radi, že nás sledujete na internete. Pokiaľ však môžete, poďte do živého spoločenstva!"Neopúšťajme svoje zhromaždenia, ako niektorí majú vo zvyku, ale napomínajme …
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