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The House passes the SAVE Act, and it now goes to the Senate … Week Two of the Joe Biden Candidacy Watch — will he remain the Dem nominee for president after the debate debacle? … a shooter attempts to assassinate former President Trump, but he just shakes it off … Judge Cannon dismisses Special Counsel Jack Smith’s indictments against President Tr…
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House and Senate are back in town — nominations in the Senate and several important bills in the House, including the SAVE Act to ensure noncitizens don’t vote in federal elections; the Legislative Branch appropriations bills for FY 2025; and, maybe, a vote to fine Attorney General Merrick Garland $10,000 per day if he doesn’t turn over the audio r…
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SCOTUS drops a bombshell ruling this morning, declaring that former President Trump enjoys some immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts — but then leaves it to a lower court to decide which of his acts were “official” … Biden drops a **** on Thursday night, in the most humiliating debate debacle in recorded history — will he remain the…
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The Senate is out until after 4th of July, but the House comes back this week for work on three big appropriations bills — Defense, Homeland Security, and State Dept-Foreign Operations … Joe Biden, celebrating the 12th anniversary of Barack Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty program (known as DACA) decides to declare his own unconstitutional amnesty …
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It’s a light week on Capitol Hill, with the House out and the Senate in for two, maybe three days … 12 years ago last weekend, President Obama announced his unconstitutional DACA amnesty program; will Biden seek to top him this week? … Hunter Biden found guilty on three gun charges; what does it mean? … the House holds Merrick Garland in contempt o…
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Will the House hold Merrick Garland in Contempt of Congress? … the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic put Dr. Fauci on the hot seat, anmd he got burned … Joe Biden tries to move numbers on the border crisis with a new Executive Order, but it’s not going to work, and we’ll tell you why … Hunter Biden (finally!) goes on trial, and thi…
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House and Senate are back for a short week … the House will begin the 2025 Fiscal Year appropriations process with a vote on the Military Construction/Veterans Affairs approps bill … will Biden issue a new executive order cracking down on illegal immigration at the border? Will it do anything substantive, or will it be just for show? … the World He…
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The House will vote this week to prevent noncitizens from voting in local elections in the District of Columbia, while the Senate will vote on whether to consider that rotten “border” bill from a couple of months ago, just to provide political cover to Red State Democrats up for reelection in OH, MT, PA, NV, and WI … anti-Trump lawfare will peak th…
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House and Senate are back, with light weeks … President Biden withholds military aid to an ally in his attempt to coerce the ally into changing a policy to benefit Biden politically, and some Republicans ask, isn’t that what you guys impeached President Trump for? So, one GOP Congressman has introduced an article of impeachment against Biden … AG M…
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MTG says it’s time to vote on her MTV — will Speaker Johnson survive, and will she be made to look foolish? Or will she prevail, and will the House be thrown into even more chaos? … the fight against noncitizen voting gets a boost later this week; find out details … the House will vote this week on a bill to add a citizenship question to the Census…
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House and Senate return for a short week … Will Marjorie Taylor Greene pull the trigger on her Motion to Vacate, or will someone else? If so, when? Or is Speaker Johnson going to bypass this distraction entirely? … the latest on anti-Trump lawfare … CNN’s new poll shows Trump leading Biden by 6 in a two-way race, at 49-43, and leading by 9 in a mul…
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The House finally (!) takes up and passes a national security supplemental spending bill and sends it to the Senate, which will act this week … the Senate dismisses the Mayorkas impeachment articles in brutal fashion, and sets a new Senate precedent: lying to Congress, a felony, is NOT an impeachable offense (!) … the Senate passes a bill reauthori…
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The House passes a bill reauthorizing Section 702 of FISA — or does it? … Articles of impeachment against DHS Secretary Mayorkas will finally (!) be delivered to the Senate, but will there be a trial? … Joe Biden really really really wants to “forgive” student loan debt, even if the Supreme Court rules that he has no authority to do it, so he’s try…
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House and Senate are back — first up in the Senate, DHS Secretary Mayorkas goes on (impeachment) trial, or does he? … First up in the House, another try at FISA reform. Will the third time be the charm? … Hunter Biden’s attorneys fare no better than do President Trump’s lawyers at getting cases thrown out of court … all this and more.…
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A New York appeals court says former President Trump can pony up $175 million within 10 days while he appeals, rather than $457 million … House and Senate finish funding the government; will it cost Speaker Johnson his job? … MTG files MTV against SMJ, but doesn’t make it “privileged,” so there won’t be a forced vote … Senate Republicans force Dems…
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Will the House and Senate figure out a way to come to agreement on a funding bill to keep most of the government open before Friday night’s deadline? … Special Counsel Robert Hur testifies before House Judiciary Committee, pushes back on Dem assertions that he “exonerated” Joe Biden … Trump wraps up delegate hunt, takes over RNC, lets go 60 staffer…
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House and Senate finally pass a full-year funding bill for about a third of the government, but leave the hard work for later … what about President Biden’s State of the Union address? … SCOTUS says it will hear arguments on April 25 in a key Trump case, which may delay trial until AFTER the election … should the government ban TikTok? Looks like i…
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The Supreme Court overrules the Colorado Supreme Court and puts Trump back on the CO primary ballot … House and Senate come to agreement on spending levels, then pass a FOURTH Continuing Resolution to buy yet more time to — negotiate spending bills! … Mayorkas is still waiting to be tried in the Senate … Mitch McConnell announces he will step down …
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House and Senate are back in town, with just days to pass another governent funding bill, or risk a temporary partial shutdown … Hunter Biden’s lawyers file bold motions to demand dismissal of the case against him, and former President Trump’s lawyers will be watching closely … Biden folloiws up Navalny’s death with more than 500 new sanctions agai…
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House and Senate are in recess at last … the Senate passes a foreign aid/national security bill with no changes to border policy, but Speaker Johnson says it’s a no-go in the House — what happens next? … is Russia developing a space-based nuke to blind our satellites? … Putin’s strongest political opponent dies under mysterious circumstances in a R…
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The House tries but fails to impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas; will the second time be the charm? … Senate Republicans stand up to Senate Democrats and kill the border bill — then turn right around and resurrect a smaller version of it … Special Counsel Robert Hur, appointed to investigate Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents, says he won’…
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A welfare bill disguised as a tax bill slips through the House — how? … Is DHS Secretary Mayorkas about to be impeached? … the text of the long-awaited Senate border deal lands with a loud thud, it’s DOA in the House … James Biden agrees to sit for a private deposition one week ahead of Hunter’s private deposition … the Supreme Court will hear that…
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Special Tele Town Hall Meeting with special guests Senator Rick Scott of Florida and Senator Mike Lee of Utah. They discussed how the US Senate dropped their so-called “border security” bill, which was nothing more than a giant amnesty bill. The bill would codify into law Biden’s border invasion. It would simply legalize what is currently “illegal”…
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House and Senate are both in session, but to what end? … House Homeland Security Committee on Tuesday will take up two articles of impeachment against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas … what’s the latest on the Lankford/Biden open borders deal? McConnell says “the politics have changed” … all this and more.…
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House and Senate return from holiday break, but did they get much accomplished? … Speaker Johnson releases a document showing the border crisis is all President Biden’s fault … House Homeland Security Committee holds its second Mayorkas impeachment hearing … they’re still talking, talking, talking in the Senate about a border security-for-Ukraine a…
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Christmas break is over, and House and Senate are back in town with deadlines looming — but, look, up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a TOPLINE NUMBERS AGREEMENT! … Hunter Biden’s defiance of a congressional subpoena will be fodder for Oversight and Judiciary Committees, which will both vote to hold him in contempt of Congress … Defense…
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The House votes to formally authorize an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden, just hours after Hunter Biden defies a subpoena and mocks House Republicans … Senate negotiators still have yet to finalize an agreement on border security to go with that emergency foreign aid bill … Speaker Johnson thinks better of it, and pulls competing Se…
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With the Christmas break fast approaching, House and Senate buckle down for a final week of legislating before heading out of town for three weeks ... the emergency supplemental for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and border security is still up in the air … Hunter Biden was indicted, but Joe Biden was protected … will the House vote to formally authorize…
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Senate Democrats walk away from negotiations with Senate Republicans over supplemental spending; will Schumer call McConnell’s bluff? … House Republicans move toward a formal authorization vote to approve a Biden impeachment inquiry … will Hunter Biden testify behind closed doors or open? … Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s long hold on military promotions m…
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House and Senate pass a CR to keep the government funded through the holiday, and it won’t cost Speaker Johnson his job … Senate Dems say they support Israel, but vote against funding .. House Ethics Committee issues damning report on its investigation of Rep. George Santos — is he about to become the sixth Member ever to be expelled? … Iran is sti…
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House and Senate have five days to pass a bill funding the government; will they get it done? … GOP-led House Oversight Committee subpoenas Hunter and James Biden, son and brother to the president of hte United States … minor, but only minor, movement on Biden’s request for $106 billion for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and the southern border … all thi…
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House and Senate are back, government funding expires 11/17, and no one has yet discussed publicly whether or not Congress will pass another short-term Continuing Resolution to keep the government open — House Republicans will discuss this in Conference on Tuesday … House passes an Israel-only, IRS-rescission-funded emergency supplemental spending …
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The House FINALLY elects a new Speaker! … then the House gets back to work and passes another appropriations bill … up this week, another three approps bills in the House and a three-bill “minibus” in the Senate … will Biden’s request for $106 billion in emergency spending on Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and the border make it through Congress in one p…
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Biden gives a rotten speech and asks Congress for $105 billion in supplemental funds for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and the border, but Republicans aren’t convinced … two plea deals in GA Trump case, but neither one is found guilty of the RICO conspiracy charge … illegal immigration is worse than ever, and CBP now warns of Islamic terrorists crossing…
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The Senate is back in town, and so is the House — or is it? We’ll find out Tuesday … the US needs a new ambassador to Israel, but is Jack Lew the guy? Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton says no … what’s the latest on the contest for Speaker of the House? Will Jim Jordan earn the 217 votes he needs to get the House a new Speaker? … all this and …
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Congress avoids a temporary, partial government shutdown by a healthy margin in both houses; what was the hubbub about, anyway? … continued aid to Ukraine is on the line … liberal lioness Dianne Feinstein dies at 90, and CA Gov. Gavin Newsom fills the seat with a black female, as he promised … updates on Biden crime family saga and the Biden impeac…
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The clock is ticking on a government shutdown — less than one week left. What’s the latest? … Special Counsel Jack Smith tries to muzzle former President Trump … what’s the truth about US aid to Ukraine? … fact-checkers are rewriting their Biden-Ukraine narrative in light of new facts brought to light by Just the News … New Mexico’s Governor thinks…
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House and Senate return from August recess a third of the way through September, to find a spending crisis staring them in the face … Dem mayors and governors learn the hard way that chickens have a tendency to come home to roost, at least when it comes to illegal immigration … Joe BIden used three different alias emails when he was VP! Who knew? ……
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Whatever happened to Biden’s Iran nuclear arms deal negotiator, the one who lost his security clearance? … Illegal immigration is rising again, no matter what the Biden Administration says … Can the Constitution really prevent Donald Trump from serving again as president? A Florida lawyer thinks so, and sues to get an answer … Bombshell stories in …
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The Congressional Budget Office has a new projection out for the FY 2023 deficit, and it’s a doozy — up $200 billion in just two months! … a win for Donald Trump in his court fight against special counsel Jack Smith … House Oversight issues another Biden Crime Family memo, revealing $20 million FROM FOREIGN SOURCES WHILE JOE BIDEN WAS VICE PRESIDEN…
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What’s up with the Biden Administration’s claims on lower illegal immigration numbers? … Three House committee chairmen want to know more from the DOJ about that sketchy Hunter Biden plea deal … Hunter’s forme business partner Devon Archer gave a transcribed interview to House Oversight and Accountability that blows Joe Biden’s lies out of the wate…
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House and Senate are gone until September — what awaits them when they return? … Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su has now waited longer for a confirmation vote than any cabinet nominee ever — will she ever get a vote? … State Dept gives House an update on the Biden envoy to Iran who lost his security clearance, but doesn’t say much … Hunter’s sweeth…
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House and Senate begin consideration of the annual defense policy bill … Dems attack the Supreme Court, another Democrat (a Kennedy, no less!), and the First Amendment … Texas becomes largest GOP-led state to leave ERIC … IRS whistleblowers blow the doors off testimony before House Oversight … Grassley releases the FBI document with allegations of …
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House passes massive defense policy bill with lots of conservative amendments, now the Senate takes up its own version … Judge Doughty denies DOJ request to stay his order blocking comms between fed govt agencies and social media companies, so DOJ immediately appeals to 5th Circuit — will this go to SCOTUS? … new Hunter laptop email from 2015 revea…
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House and Senate return for three weeks of work before heading out for the August recess, and it’s all about the spending, spending, spending … SCOTUS issues major rulings on affirmative action, free speech, congressional redistricting, and the unconstitutionality of President Biden’s student loan debt payoff scam … a federal judge blocks the feder…
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The House and Senate Appropriations Committees are on a collision course over FY 24 spending levels — government shutdown to come? … China has been using Cuba as a spy base for years, and now they’re talking about a joint military training facility with thousands of Chinese troops less than 100 miles from U.S. shores? … Special Counsel John Durham …
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House Oversight Chair Comer threatens FBI Director Wray with contempt of Congress charge and finally gets his hands on a tip from a confidential informant that says that as vice president, Joe Biden took a $5 million bribe from a foreigner in exchange for policy action … 11 House conservatives take down a rule unexpectedly to demonstrate their infl…
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New documents reveal DHS Secretary Mayorkas has been using taxpayer dollars to target conservatives, Christians, Republicans, and Tea Party supporters, and equates them with Nazis … House and Senate pass a bill to suspend the debt ceiling and do other things, but not much of what conservatives wanted … an IRS whistleblower outs himself and sits for…
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What’s the latest on the debt ceiling negotiations? And what’s up with all this talk of President Biden using the 14th Amendment to the Constitution to bypass Congress and continue issuing debt on his own? … IRS whistleblower’s lawyers say he and his entire investigative team just got removed from the investigation, at the request of the DOJ … a fe…
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The House passes a huge border security and immigration and asylum reform bill as Title 42 is lifted and tens of thousands crash the border … House Oversight Committee releases interim report on the Biden Crime Family showing millions of dollars received from foreign nationals, but no clue of what the payments were in exchange for … Dianne Feinstei…
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