Podcast dealing with survival topics ranging from gear reviews to primitive wilderness skills and modern survival mindsets.
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Join us as we tackle on the misconceptions on the outdoor world. Learn all the ways to love, enjoy, and be safe when exploring the world out of the home. Anywhere from hiking advice all the way to cooking around the campfire, you’ll hear it here!
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Episode 40 – COVID updates, New Rifles, Gardens and Buying Property We talk a little about our updates on COVID-19, what we’ve been up to this past week and we talk about the Rossi RS22 Rifle, our shared garden and what we have been looking for in an investment recreational property. Stay safe and healthy! Enjoy the show! http://archive.org/downloa…
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Episode 39 – Food Storage We talk a little about our updates on COVID-19, what we’ve been up to this past week and we talk a little about food storage and what to store. Check out happyprepper.com for their resource on diabetic long term foods to store. Stay safe and healthy! Enjoy the show! http://archive.org/download/SurvivalTechPodcast/SurvivalT…
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Episode 38 – COVID-19 Update from Ohio Part 2 We give an update on COVID-19 and how it has affected us in Ohio and then we have a small discussion regarding food, gun projects and communications. Stay safe and healthy! Enjoy the show! http://archive.org/download/SurvivalTechPodcast/SurvivalTech_Episode38.mp3…
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Episode 37 – COVID-19 Update from Ohio The brothers are back in a new episode where we talk about the COVID-19 pandemic from our perspective in Central Ohio. It’s good to be back and hopefully you have kept up with your preps as we slacked off. Stay safe and healthy! Enjoy the show! http://archive.org/download/SurvivalTechPodcast/SurvivalTech_Episo…
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Introduction: Survival Tech | The Outdoor World Podcast
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
3:17This is the introduction to our podcast. Who we are, what we’re about, and what to expect. Survival Tech welcomes new and old outdoor enthusiasts. Join The Outdoor World, you’ll be happy you did.
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Episode 36 – Survival Shows, Part 2! The party is back on! Tonight we discuss the latest survival shows, some of which are hits and some you can miss. We talk about what’s been going on and what is to come. Thank you Survival Tech Community and Enjoy the Show! http://archive.org/download/SurvivalTechPodcast/SurvivalTech_Episode36.mp3…
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Episode 35 – Camping, tubing, blowguns and Seizures! What a barrel of fun! We discuss all of these topics and more in our Blitz show to get us back on track! Thank you Survival Tech Community and Enjoy the Show! http://archive.org/download/SurvivalTechPodcast/SurvivalTech_Episode35.mp3Oleh Survival Tech
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Episode 34 – Active Shooter Discussion In Episode 34, Korey and Matt discuss what they learned during a recent active shooter training class with Licking County SWAT. Enjoy the show and note that all info discussed on this episode is how the information was depicted to us. Please look at the show notes and inquire around your area for this training…
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Episode 33, Gun Talk with Andy, we jump into some great topics on the current state of acquiring and maintaining firearms. There’s some great apps that are discussed and we run down some neat guns we have our eyes on. Also, if you are a fan of the AR-15, then this is a good show to listen to, Andy finished a project recently and discusses the build…
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Episode 32 – Q&A and the first show of the new year! We can’t wait to see what’s in store for Survival Tech this year. Enjoy the show! http://archive.org/download/SurvivalTechPodcast/SurvivalTech_Episode32.mp3Oleh Survival Tech
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Episode 31 – The Christmas Spectacular! Korey and I take the reins of the sleigh in this episode and give some last minute gift ideas for preppers/outdoorsmen. There should be at least 1 gift that might make sense on your shopping list, so give it a listen. Enjoy the show and Merry Christmas! http://archive.org/download/SurvivalTechPodcast/Survival…
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In Episode 30, we welcome The TrailRat and ExposerNine to the show and they help us out talking about ATV’s as BOV’s and BOB security. We also touch on the tragedy in Connecticut and due to information that we had at the time that isn’t true now, we edited some of the original conversation. http://archive.org/download/SurvivalTechPodcast/SurvivalTe…
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What’s been going on? Here at Survival Tech we have not been podcasting, which all of you know! We have been hunting and in this episode we share some ideas and upcoming shows with you guys and we have some reviews. We are now on Facebook and Twitter so friend us and follow us. Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/survivaltechpodcast Twitter – @surv…
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It’s MYSTICAL, it’s MAGICAL, it’s RUT! In Episode 28 we explode with the greatness that is the season of RUT! We discuss this past weekend’s trials and tribulations with hope that a good harvest will be blessed upon the worthy by the loin cloth wearing, bolt and arrow flinging tribal Gods of the Whitetail Realm! Is that Magical and Mystical enough …
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In Episode 27, we welcome Tim to the podcast as we discuss the basics of backpacking. Tim brings some great information with him so enjoy the show! Remember, crocs aren’t considered hiking shoes even if they are camo! BIG NOTE: Matt brought up a couple of times the next show, which is the Rut-Archery Special Part 2, which he said is 2 weeks away. T…
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Episode 26 discusses “Vacation Prepping”. We welcome one of our new cohosts, Andy, to Episode 26 and we talk about a lot of aspects to think about expecting the unexpected during a vacation. Although you might practice some of these preps during everyday life, maybe you will take something new away from the show. Enjoy the show and Thank You For Yo…
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Episode 25 is here and so is the new format. In this episode DMAC, Shaun, Korey and Matt discuss multiple hunting topics ranging from scouting locations, hunting bag contents, gear used for Whitetail Archery, our thoughts on some aspects of Ohio’s Hunter training courses and much more. Our emphasis was mainly on Whitetails, but we will never be abl…
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Has the Survival Genre Jumped The Shark? Maybe on TV? Download the show to listen to the discussion. Big things are in the future for Survival Tech, enjoy the show! SurvivalTech_Episode24.mp3Oleh Survival Tech
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In Episode 23, we welcome Dave from our members area for a discussion of the end of June storms and power outage. We talk about our experiences with the storm and lessons learned in our preps. By the way, it’s Derecho, pronounced deh-REY-cho! Enjoy the show! SurvivalTech_Episode23.mp3Oleh Survival Tech
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Episode 22 is finally up! This was recorded before the storms and the intro was recorded this past Friday. Enjoy the show and thanks for sticking with us! SurvivalTech_Episode22.mp3Oleh Survival Tech
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In Episode 21, we welcome D-Mac and Ohio Beagler from the members area to help us out on our discussion of beginning fishing for Panfish. We discuss other types of fishing, but we talk about gear and what to get and what to avoid. This is a very insightful discussion and there’s lots to learn whether you’re a novice or professional. Enjoy the show …
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We’ve discussed First Aid, SOP’s, BOB’s, BOV’s, BOL’s and now we discuss Shelters! In this episode, we run through the many shelters you can buy or construct that might save your life. We also talk about some other paracord projects to try and we tease about Bigfoot and the Turtle Man. Enjoy the Show! If you haven’t done so yet, check out the Membe…
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First Aid is the topic of discussion in Episode 19! We get into some myths about first aid and we discuss the different supplies one should have. We also touch on some items overlooked in our Bug Out Bags that we’ve since added. If you haven’t done so yet, check out the Membership Contest #3 and upload your weapon for your chance to win a Defender!…
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Episode 18 is a halfway short episode and we discuss “Bugging In” in general as an option. We also discuss the latest news headline of the “Zombie” in Florida. Enjoy the show! SurvivalTech_Episode18.mp3Oleh Survival Tech
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Master Peter Brusso joins us on Episode 17 to talk about non lethal self-defense and the importance of self-defense skills in the prepping mindset. We discuss with him the different Defender Self Defense Tools he has to offer and situations where they come in handy. We also touch on the movie, The Men Who Stare at Goats, starring George Clooney whe…
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Episode 16 is another “Blitz” show, just hitting on a few topics including the Intel Report, Korey’s camping adventure, some reminders on what to look for in your gear since camping season is upon us, the new Community Campfire, some camping apps for your smartphone, gear review on the Nebo Redline flashlight and a gear review on the Davey Crickett…
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Episode 15 has been a long time coming and it’s finally here. Brace yourselves, it’s a long one – about 2 1/2 hours! We discuss a lot of great movies and we get some help from Timtay, Andy and Har_D. Enjoy the show! SurvivalTech_Episode15.mp3Oleh Survival Tech
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In Episode 14, we finish part 4 of 4 of our beginning survival prepping series (SOP, BOB, BOV, BOL). In this episode, we are talking about B.O.L.s (Bug Out Locations). We discuss the different types of Bug Out Locations and how to choose them. We also have a lot of fun in the Intel Report this week so be sure not to fast forward through it. Be sure…
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Episode 13 is part 3 of 4 of our “Bug Out” series. We discuss bug out vehicles and the differences between your bug out vehicle and your end of the world vehicle. We discuss the different types of transportation and what needs to be thought about when purchasing or equipping your vehicle. We also talk about recent forum activity and the man himself…
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Episode 12 we discuss Bug Out Bags and the differences between the types of bags and items that are found in a B.O.B and how they differ from the typical 72-Hour kit. We talk about some new canned meat posts and the greatest rubber boot ever – The Tingley Over Boot! Enjoy and Happy Easter! SurvivalTech_Episode12.mp3…
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Episode 11 consists of a discussion of Geocaching and the implementation and importance of an S.O.P. with this episode being part 1 of a 4 part series on S.O.P.’s, Bug Out Bags, Bug Out Vehicles and Bug Out Locations. We get into what we have been up to and we try out a new “Conspiracy Corner” segment. We declare the winner of our Member Appreciati…
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Hey guys, just posting something quick, it was better to record something so it hits all of our listeners. Friday March 30th is the contest deadline so if you’re not a member yet, please join – http://www.survivaltech.webs.com. Have a good week and good luck in the contest! Contest_Update.mp3Oleh Survival Tech
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Episode 10 is another Blitz show and we discuss the recent flooding in Central Ohio and flood safety. We also talk about taking the kids on small adventures out in the wilderness. Finishing the show, we discuss some preps for motorcycles in response to one of our forum posts. Enjoy the show! SurvivalTech_Episode10.mp3…
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Tornado safety, solar flares and faraday cages. We discuss some things that have been going on recently and give a bunch of information regarding the topics. From the recent tornado in Southern Ohio to the Solar Flares that were present on the 6th of March, we felt it was important to touch on some old information that everybody should know and som…
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Episode 8 is a “Blitz” show covering many topics. In this episode we hit on some smartphone apps that we are using, both Android and iPhone. We also talk about some Canned Meat experience and the new members area upgrade. Finally we cover the “Compass” of guns. Enjoy the show! SurvivalTech_Episode8.mp3…
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In Episode 7, Korey and Matt discuss Survival shows on Television. They give overviews on some that are must-see and some that can be missed. Please note that there are some spoilers on some of the more popular shows, but they were brought up to discuss those shows in more detail. Enjoy the episode! SurvivalTech_Episode7.mp3…
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Episode 6 covers some EDC items that Korey and Matt always have with them. There was a problem with the quality during the conversion, but nonetheless, the episode is up. SurvivalTech_Episode6.mp3Oleh Survival Tech
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In Episode 5 we talk about how planning for a family vacation can help with your day to day prepping. We also give an overview on the Mammoth Cave National Park Area around Cave City, Kentucky. Enjoy the Show! SurvivalTech_Episode5.mp3Oleh Survival Tech
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In this short episode we lay out the plans for the show for 2012. Feedback is always welcome and look for our new Youtube channel, just search username survivaltechpodcast. Enjoy the show! SurvivalTech_Episode4.mp3Oleh Survival Tech
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In Episode 3, we discuss different means of communicating while in survival and recreational situations. We review Midland FRS/GMRS two-way radios, talk about SOS practices and we divulge on the “Survival Food” Taste Test, pinning SPAM vs. TREET! Enjoy The Show! SurvivalTech_Episode3.mp3Oleh Survival Tech
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In this episode we discuss the many items that should be considered in a 72 hour survival kit. We talk about the differences between “kits” and “Bug-Out-Bags”, and portable and home-based kits. There’s also a discussion of SPAM, enjoy the show. SurvivalTech_Episode2.mp3Oleh Survival Tech
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In this episode we discuss maps, navigation, and related gear. Talking about different maps and map services to use including Google, Bing, and ArcGIS Explorer. We also cover methods of finding your direction and use of compasses. We briefly hit different apps available on the Iphone including Compass, Compass+, ArcGIS, Accuterra Unlimited, and G-S…
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