As Maya Angelou once said There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. So here i am, sharing some untold stories with you. Mostly my Poetry. Hope you enjoy them 💜
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One of those dreams where you are being followed. Can you hide ?
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Much like,When you gaze into the abyss, it gazes back, and it tells you what you are made of.When you look into the mirror, it looks back at you too. And if you look closely, it might tell you what you are made of. 💌
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Yesterday, turned an year older. And this feeling of being in my late twenties really got me thinking. How everyone says, "Age is just a number", but Is age really just a number ?
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_In love with the idea of love_ ❤️
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
The idea about what love is always intriguing. How its often in the simplest of things, in the most romantic gestures and even in the broken hearts. The idea of love is in everything. Even where the love isn't.
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Social media has given us many platforms to scroll through the lives of others and showcase the best in ours.Instagram is an over whelming place. But there's more more to it than meets the eye. #weareinthistogether
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Sometimes all i want is to ~Move on ~ Let go ~ Unload ~ Uplift ~ Stop ~ Accept ~Shine ~ Set myself free~ and BE the person i have always wanted to be. But the question remains ~ Will i ? ☔
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One drunk chick is that one chick we all know who is all fun & games until she is high. Because once she is drunk, she is unstoppable. Literally. So cheers to that one drunk chick we know. 🥂
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Dilemma ~ Noun. A situation in which you have to make a difficult choice between two or more alternatives, especially ones that are equally undesirable. The Overthinking Dilemma |As i define it ~ Dilemma is the bed in which every overthinker sleeps in most nights. ⭕
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Hardly do we meet any woman, who says she has never seen any form of sexual harrasment in her life. We all have been there, and know very well how, All it takes is a touch ~ to kill the whole vibe.
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Heartbreak is the worst kind of pain. No painkillers for this one. You can have an amazing morning, a great day at work, fun party with friends but still you break down into tears the moment you reach your room at night. You might be having a normal day at office, and suddenly out of nowhere your heart starts sinking, becomes heavy, you run to the …
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My first ever poem in hindi. Wrote it when i visited the most beautiful beaches of Andaman. Standing there on the shore, feeling the sand and litsening to those waves, tried giving that feeling a few words and rhyme.
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Last year i went on my very first trek. To kheerganga. Staying in Camps under star lit sky amid huge mountains, well it does makes you wonder. So here's my wondering from the beautiful trip. 💜
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Not a question, but a feeling of being in love expressed in form of poetry. Hope you enjoy it. ❤️
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