Sermon and Bible Class Recordings
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God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. That means that as long as we walk in darkness, we can’t have fellowship with God. We are all sinners in need of a savior. Thankfully God has made provision for that need. Teacher: Justin P. SivleyOleh Orangeburg church of Christ
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Jesus went around doing good. He healed, he cast out demons, he fed multitudes, and he taught. He did it free of charge, and he did it because it brought glory of the Father. As Christ’s disciples, we must have the same zeal for good works, not doing them to be praised by others, but to bring glory to God. Speaker: Justin P. Sivley…
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The writer of Hebrews warns his readers to be careful to pay close attention to the teachings of Christ which they had been given. Failure to do so would result in a dangerous slipping of our faith, causing us to drift away. Teacher: Justin P. SivleyOleh Orangeburg church of Christ
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One of John’s main purposes in writing his letters is to deal with the false doctrine of the antichrists (whom he describes in his letters). He comes out of the gate with a denial of their claims that Jesus was not divine, showing by the evidence which he himself had been witness to that Jesus was in fact the Son of God. Teacher: Justin P. Sivley…
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Sometimes, when someone hurts us, they will not be willing to try to make things right. In times like these, though we may be able to forgive, there cannot be true reconciliation without repentance. And often we will continue to feel the hurt even after we have forgiven them. In times like this, we can lean on God, who will never let us down. Speak…
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Sparked by a question from one of his disciples, Jesus explained in Matthew 18 that forgiveness is not to have a limit, but that just as God has forgiven us, we must be willing to forgive others. Speaker: Justin P. SivleyOleh Orangeburg church of Christ
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As we begin the Spring quarter, we are going to be focusing on lessons from the book of Hebrews. At the beginning of the book, the writer identifies how God has spoken in times past, as well as how he speaks to us now (through Jesus). Teacher: Matt BurlesonOleh Orangeburg church of Christ
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The three letters attribute to John are short, but impactful. As the first century was drawing to a close, and false teaching was beginning to grow, John sets out to deal with an early heresy and to encourage Christians to remember the blessings they had in the Lord. Teacher: Justin P. SivleyOleh Orangeburg church of Christ
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Around Romans Chapter 12 the Apostle Paul shifts his focus from the need for justification and how one is justified, to how those who have been justified through faith in Christ shall live. Early in the letter he quoted from Habakkuk stating that “the righteous shall live by faith.” The latter chapters of that letter demonstrate how one lives by fa…
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Paul’s letter to the Romans is often said to contain the most complete examination of the Apostle’s theology, especially with regard to justification in Christ. In the early verses of the letter he lays out key points that are developed throughout the letter. All are in need of the salvation that the gospel offers, and all are able to be justified …
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