Join us at Mountain City Church, where we are a group of messy people with messy lives, helping one another become more like Jesus. Learn more about MCC by visiting MountainCTY.Church
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Tune in weekly to our inspirational audio messages delivered by Pastor Ron Hoffman of Mountain City Church. These messages are filled with wisdom, love, and a guiding light, helping listeners navigate through life’s journey with Christ at the center. Whether you are seeking spiritual enlightenment, moral guidance, or a weekly dose of faith-infused inspiration, our podcast is your sanctuary. OUR VISION: Mountain City Church’s vision is to reach every Alaskan with the salt, light, and love of ...
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A disciple of Jesus is a person who is following Christ, is being changed by Christ, and is committed to the mission of Christ.
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God gathers his people together for exaltation, edification, and evangelism.
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The church faces her biggest challenge not when new errors start to win, but when old truths no longer wow.
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We find true joy when we seek it in Christ.
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The greatest desire and purpose of the human soul is to behold the glory of God.
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Christ is our peace.
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If you are a follower of Christ, then every aspect of your life is a gift given to you for the purpose of investment.
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God in His sovereign grace is capable of softening the hardest of hearts—even the heart of an oppressor.
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God is continually working in our hearts to shake away and break down our hidden idols in order to align our hearts with His.
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To enter the kingdom of God, all we need is need; that is, to acknowledge that we are in need of Christ, and that He is all we need.
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We are made righteous not by our own works, but by the atoning death and resurrection of Christ.
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To fear God is to know Him, to trust Him, and to discover His grace.
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At the root of anger is often fear of losing something we love.
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Words hold power, and we are called to use that power for God's glory and the good of others.
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relationships, wisdom, forgiveness, Proverbs, gospel
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The book of Proverbs presents us with two ways of living: a life of godly wisdom, or a life of worldly foolishness.
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Godly exercise of authority protects the vulnerable, strengthens communities, and promotes human flourishing.
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True satisfaction comes through relationship with God, and a life lived for His glory.
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God is our true stronghold who provides perfect peace.
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The deepest and truest need of our souls is intimacy with the infinite God.
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Our identity is a gift; we are esteemed by the Creator of the cosmos.
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The Creator of the cosmos is the one true source of morality.
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Pastor Marty talks with member Sierra about the struggles and joys of pregnancy, infertility, birth and trauma as she shares incredible encouragement from her messy life.
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Proper worship is about all of life.
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If God is for us, no enemy can stand against us.
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God has made a way for our sins to be forgiven, offering us the gift of repentance through the work of Christ.
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In His grace, God reveals the sin in our hearts, and He has provided a way for us to be restored through repentance.
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Jesus has promised to return, and He calls us to be ready, placing our faith in Him and not in the things of this world.
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Faith in Jesus should lead to thankfulness to Jesus.
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Jesus teaches of the power of faith and leads us to the posture of a servant.
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Jesus warns us of the peril of sin and calls us to the practice of forgiveness.
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Pastor Ron Hoffman
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All Christians are called to pray, and all Christians are called to share our faith. We must do both together, not one without the other.
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Embracing Redemption: The Power of Coming Back to Jesus In the journey of faith, it's not uncommon to encounter momentswhere we stray from the path, entangled by our own mistakes and missteps. Yet,the story of redemption and return is central to the Christian experience. Thisexploration delves into the profound lesson of returning to Jesus, even af…
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Hell is the just penalty for all who rest in anything other than God for their help, but those who trust in Him will be saved.
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Our money is not grounds for boasting, nor does it justify us. It is a gift from God, to be stewarded faithfully for His glory.
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We cannot serve God and money; rather, we are called to use our money and resources for the glory of God and the good of others.
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God delights in restoring sinners and Pharisees, and those He has redeemed join Him in loving the lost.
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The Power of Healing: Exploring Jesus'Miraculous Interventions The Gospels provide numerous accounts ofJesus' miracles, which not only demonstrate His divine power but also His deepcompassion for humanity. Among these, the stories of healing are particularlymoving, showcasing His ability to restore not just physical health but also tomend the spiri…
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A true disciple of Jesus loves Him supremely and follows Him sacrificially and steadfastly.
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Pastor Preston Gagnon
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We are called to humbly share the hospitality of the King who brought us into His kingdom.
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Guest Speaker Rick Green
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We will serve God rightly if we know Him rightly.
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Understanding Temptation: A Reflection on Christ's Victory Inthe journey of faith, understanding the nature of temptation and the victory wehave in Jesus is fundamental. This reflection delves into the profoundencounter of Jesus with temptation, showcasing not only His triumph but alsoHis empathy towards our struggles. Through the lens of scripture…
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If you are consumed by God, then you will tell others about God.
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The Unshakeable Truth of the Resurrection In the heart of Christian belief lies the unshakeabletruth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, a cornerstone that sets Christianityapart and offers hope to believers across the world. This profound event is notjust a historical claim but a foundation upon which the entirety of Christianfaith is built. The …
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When Jesus brings you from death to life, you are given an unquenchable, personal hope.
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The Reliability of Scripture: Anchoring Faith in Historical Truth In a world teeming with questions and skepticism, the Christianfaith stands on the foundational truth of Scripture's reliability. Thisconviction is not based solely on tradition or personal experience but isunderpinned by a robust examination of historical evidence and logicalreasoni…
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Because Jesus has brought us from death to life, we are obligated to worship Him as King.
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