Sports in Arizona, Gambling and Money, Life and great conversation
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A podcast dedicated to sharing actionable steps we can take to improve our well-being and mental health, so we can create the life we want!
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Die wichtigsten Nachrichten der Woche kindgerecht aufbereitet auf Deutsch und Französisch
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InTime Podcast è un "ritorno", dopo un po' di anni, ma è anche un nuovo inizio. L'inizio di una nuova relazione "in voce" per raccontare quello come i social media, la comunicazione digitale stanno cambiando, mantenendo uno sguardo su innovazione e tecnologia. Tutti temi che tratto su InTime Blog, ma questa volta in voce.
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Moment mal - Geführte Meditationen mit Franziska Behlert
Franziska Behlert - Mentorin für Intuition
Geführte Meditationen sind die schnellste und einfachste Möglichkeit, dich immer und überall mit deiner Intuition zu verbinden. Franziska Behlert ist Mentorin für Intuition und teilt regelmäßig Meditationen für alle Lebensbereiche.
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Calling all music junkies! Ever wonder what it’s really like behind the scenes of the music industry? Well, look no further. Expect weekly interviews that delve into the journeys, challenges, and triumphs of industry professionals. These conversations provide valuable insights and entertaining stories—stories you won’t find anywhere else. Hosted by Jay Franze, an industry veteran, and master dry humorist, Jay will challenge your thinking and inspire you to apply these insights to your own cr ...
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Bleu, blanc, Rugby - Der Podcast über französischen Vereinsrugby! Wir, Marc Bouzigues (eingebildeter Experte) und Oskar Rixen (professioneller Rugbyspieler in Frankreich), berichten wöchentlich das Neueste aus dem französischen Vereinsrugby! Egal, ob Du viel oder gar nichts über die ovale Welt bei unseren Nachbarn weißt, hier bist Du richtig! Ich erzähle euch alles Wissenswerte aus und über die Top 14, Pro D2, Nationale und die Elite 1 der Frauen. Ich freue mich über Fragen, Feedback und The ...
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SARS-CoV-2-Mutationen: Antikörper-Resistenzen und erhöhte Sterblichkeit
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Welcome to a becoming-space. A place for imperfectly ready people to say yes to more Jesus and actual friendships with their neighbors. A place for introverts and workaholics and people-pleasers and self-doubters. Welcome, welcome, if that’s you! I get that pull you feel to go deeper. Find purpose, meaningful conversations, community. I also get how you think you’re not ready. Want to know a secret?! None of us are, least of all me! Also true is that we BECOME ready after, not before, we say ...
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Morri Rossetti & Franzosi, il canale podcast sulle novità in campo legale e tributario. Aggiornamenti, commenti e conversazioni su temi tax & legal da parte dei nostri professionisti.
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Documenting the journey and learnings of a 20-something, German entrepreneur and his friends in London, building a new knowledge sharing company!
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Wenn Sie versuchen, Ihren eigenen Weg zu finden, um Französisch zu lernen, machen Sie es falsch. Lernen Sie Französisch wie Deutsch: indem Sie viel davon hören. (Mit zumindest einer vagen Vorstellung davon, was es bedeutet!) Tausende französische Phrasen werden zusammen mit den deutschen Übersetzungen direkt in Ihrem Gehirn angezeigt: von praktisch über philosophisch bis hin zu flirtend. Nur Phrasen, keine Füllwörter! Gehen Sie weit über die Grundlagen der französischen Sprache hinaus, um ni ...
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Hangout with some folks from Ghostery chatting about data privacy and security and general whatevers! Try Ghostery Premium products for Free! use coupon code PODCAST and enjoy a free month to kick the tires.
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Clint Sabom is an Executive Spiritual Coach for practitioners of Franz Bardon. If interested in coaching, contact him at 'Working with Clint has been great! His coaching has definitely been an accelerator to my progress. He has been able to effectively communicate hermetic teachings in the language of today and been an encouraging figure in working through a notoriously rigid system. Come to a coaching session with a goal in mind and Clint will help you find ways ...
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Die Brüder des Franziskanerklosters in Maria Enzersdorf, verkünden das Wort Gottes mit Passion.
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Der Kurs bringt Ihnen nicht nur die Sprache, sondern auch die Lebensart der Franzosen näher. Die Sendereihe führt durch Frankreich und verbindet so den Sprachkurs mit der Landeskunde. Machen Sie mit! Wir wünschen: Bon courage!
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SLOW LIFE - Das langsame Leben In diesem Podcast dreht sich alles um das Thema Entschleunigung. Viel Spaß beim Hören.
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Friends of Franz is a space for anyone who loves to learn about all things science, healthcare, and medicine. Hosted by Christian Franz Bulacan, a registered nurse from New York City, this e-learning initiative began as an Instagram livestream series highlighting clinical and research experts from different specialties. From relaying their academic journeys to conveying their realizations and tackling field-specific questions where misinformation commonly lingers, the hope is to open the eye ...
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Franzie Thoughts (previously known as Thought Bubbles) is an ultra-short daily blog/podcast that is less than 30 seconds in length. That gives a random thought from the head of Paul Franz
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Franz Kafkas atemberaubende Geschichte über Bürokratie, Willkür und Fremdenhass. Der rätselhafte Neuankömmling K. betritt die kleine, kalte Welt des Grafen Westwest mit ihren eigenen und eingefahrenen Gesetzen. Den Makel eines ewig Überzähligen, des Außenseiters, wird er hier nie verlieren. Kafkas unvollendeter Roman, 1926 posthum von seinem Freund Max Brod veröffentlicht, als grotesk-gruseliges Hörspiel von Regisseur Klaus Buhlert, mit Devid Striesow, Corinna Harfouch, Peter Kurth und Sandr ...
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City-Transformer mit Franz-Reinhard Habbel und Michael Lobeck
Franz-Reinhard Habbel, Michael Lobeck
Erfahren Sie, wie Digitalisierung die Städte verändert. Publizist & Digitalpionier Franz-Reinhard Habbel und Smart-City Experte Michael Lobeck reflektieren In ihrem Podcast die Transformation der Städte und Gemeinden in Deutschland und Europa. Unterhaltsam und mit viel Wissen und Tipps: Hören Sie rein! Feedback gerne an Weitere Infos auch auf
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"The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka is a surreal and haunting novella that delves into the psychological and existential turmoil of Gregor Samsa, a young man who wakes up one morning to find himself transformed into a giant insect. Through this bizarre and unsettling transformation, Kafka explores themes of alienation, isolation, and the absurdity of human existence. Visit for more books and to become a narrator. Follow us on Instagram and stay updated with the l ...
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Mache mich zum Werkzeug deines Friedens: Das Friedensgebet des Franz von Assisi ist ein Gebet, das zu Frieden, zu Liebe, zu Versöhnung aufruft. Es ist zwar vermutlich nicht von Franz von Assisi geschrieben - aber definitiv in seinem Geist. In der heutigen Zeit ist dieses Friedensgebet ganz besonders wichtig. In diesem Franz von Assisi Friedensgebet Podcast spricht Sukadev Bretz, Gründer von Yoga Vidya, über die einzelnen Verse und gibt Inspirationen für den Alltag.
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We are seeing signs every day that we could be living in the last days of earth. The Bible is filled with detailed predictions. The Prophecy Channel looks at the Bible Prophecies that predict what will happen in the final days of earths history. Mike Franzone is a pastor and teacher who has been called to reveal what God is saying in these last days through His Word. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Buckle up! It’s going to be a wild ride.
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Seit über 10 Jahren tummelt sich die gebürtige Französin Aurélie Bastian durch die fabelhafte Welt der französischen Küche. Über leckere Rezepte aus Frankreich und eigene kulinarische Kreationen, ihre Erfahrungen in der Küche, neuen Hypes und mehr, berichtet sie in ihrem Podcast!
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Part of an initiative to develop a free language-learning resource. This book is old, but the basics haven’t changed too much. All the French content is spoken by native French speakers. The book includes sections on vocabulary, nouns, adjectives, verbs and phrases, and will still prove useful. Some of the phrases are dated but hilarious. If you need a flannel petticoat, or to chastise your washerwoman, this book is definitely for you!
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Französische Bulldoggenzüchter in München: Worauf Sie bei der Auswahl eines Züchters achten sollten
Aqsa Bibi
In dieser Episode sprechen wir über die besten Tipps zur Auswahl eines seriösen Französischen Bulldoggenzüchters in München. Wir erklären, worauf Sie bei der Züchterwahl achten sollten, welche Gesundheitschecks wichtig sind und wie Sie sicherstellen können, dass der Welpe aus einer liebevollen und verantwortungsvollen Aufzucht kommt. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem charmanten und gesunden Bulldoggenwelpen sind, ist diese Folge genau das Richtige für Sie!
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Do you want to learn how to become a successful and happy MD? Yes? Well then this show is for you. Each week we bring you an inspiring person or message to help you unlock your full potential. You’ll learn the career secrets of some of the most successful doctors in the world, how they got to where they are, how they learn, their attitudes, what they look for in a young physician and much, much more. We try to reveal the success strategies that no one ever teaches you in medical school. You’ ...
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00:00 Four-Minute Offense 8:00 Sleep! 12:55 Doug's Big One = Suns Are Embarrassing 36:00 Whirlwind! 40:10 Cards and the Combine 58:10 No to Pete 1:06:30 Quick D-Backs Recap 1:12:00 Vs Vegas 1:15:30 The Big FinishOleh Doug Franz
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Our Home, Our Chores: when Caring means Sharing
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
35:17Feeling like you're carrying the mental load in your relationship? From scheduling doctor's appointments and driving the kids to school, to remembering birthdays and sending cards, the invisible labor of managing a household can create resentment and impact relationship satisfaction. You're not alone. This week, we talk with licensed couple therapi…
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Condividere per comunicare: come usare le piattaforme digitali senza subirle
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
7:12Le piattaforme digitali stanno cambiando e influenzano il modo in cui comunichiamo. Come possiamo continuare a condividere senza essere ostaggio degli algoritmi? In questo video alcune strategie per usare i social in modo consapevole.
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My new book, Panic Magic, is magical fiction, and it is now available on Amazon. It could also be put in the category of Urban Fantasy. The work moves like a hero's journey of a tormented magician. Troy Abraham, living in current times, is deeply traumatized from childhood abuse but has the power to levitate. He often slips into surrealistic vision…
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190 - The Best Remedy I’ve Found For My Tendency To Catastrophize
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
7:27It begins to connect as I pause at the word ‘name’ at the end of Psalm 91: because we know God by name–by His many names–we know TO call on Him, HOW to call on Him, and WHAT to call Him. Links mentioned: 1. To get a short, doable tip in your inbox every week to help you get to know your neighbors, sign up here. 2. Read the written version of this e…
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Alyxx: Critically Acclaimed Recording Artist
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
46:03Send us a text Join us in this dynamic episode as we dive deep into the life of rising rock artist Alyxx, who is on the brink of something monumental - her performance at the Inkcarceration Festival. Discover the journey that brought her from a theater background and girl group experiences to carving out her unique identity in the rock scene. With …
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Oleh SR 1
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Die mit der zweiten Liga der Rekorde
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
59:33Die meisten Punkte und die meisten Versuche in einem PRO D2-Spiel haben wir beim Duell zwischen Provence Rugby und Soyaux-Angoulême gesehen. Auch Frankreich konnte ähnlich hoch in Italien gewinnen. Du möchtest deinen Podcast auch kostenlos hosten und damit Geld verdienen? Dann schaue auf und informiere dich. Dort erhältst du…
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SUNS: Booker Decides to Lead
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:58:1700:00 Four-Minute Offense 7:00 Beer Friday Thanks to Hundred Mile Brewing 8:00 Yesterday 19:35 Doug's Big One = Booker Takes His Team Back 52:10 DBACKS: Exclusive 4-minutes with Torey 1:17:47 NFL Insider Howard Balzer 1:51:32 Vs VegasOleh Doug Franz
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NFLPA: Arizona Cardinals Are the Worst
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
2:05:3800:00 Four-Minute Offense 8:00 My 36 hours! 13:22 Doug's Big One = The Corbins 40:20 NFLPA: Only 2 Owners Worse than Bidwill 1:22:10 SUNS: Why KD Is Still Here 1:31:07 UofA: Very Classy by Lloyd 1:41:48 ASU: A New Way to Lose 1:49:04 Odds & Ends 1:57:50 Vs Vegas 2:01:05 The Big FinishOleh Doug Franz
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YIN Meditation "Triff dein Zukunfts Ich" | Tiefenentspannt Wünsche und Herausforderungen erforschen
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
47:46Diese lange YIN Meditation bringt dich mit einem ganz besonderen Menschen zusammen. Nämlich mit dir selbst. Ich nehme dich mit auf eine ganz tiefen entspannte Reise, bei der dein Körper und dein Nervensystem zur Ruhe kommen können und du gleichzeitig aktuelle Wünsche und Herausforderungen erforschen kannst. Ich wünsche dir von Herzen ein ganz wunde…
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00:00 Four-Minute Offense 8:00 Starting to Grow 10:00 Play Like a Pro 12:30 Doug's Big One = Cards, Suns, D-Backs and UofA 22:30 UofA: Lloyd Nailed It 31:08 I'm Done with KD 44:30 Cardinals at the Combine 1:09:30 D-Backs 1:12:50 ASU: Hurley Reflective 1:23:30 Vs Vegas 1:29:15 The Big FinishOleh Doug Franz
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Rascal Flats Hits the Road, Indie Bands, and More - Music News / Reviews / Interviews
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:12:29Send us a text Ever wondered what it's like to navigate the hidden tunnel systems of Nashville with a celebrity in the backseat? Join us for a thrilling recount of chauffeuring Joe Don Rooney of Rascal Flatts and his wife to the CMA Awards, packed with unexpected twists and the joy of connecting over shared music tastes like Journey. Not just tales…
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D-Backs Bring in Dilly Magic
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:52:3600:00 Four-Minute Offense 8:00 Daddy/Daughter Day 12:33 Doug's Big One = Don't Screw Up the CFP 28:41 DBACKS: What Dilly Said 1:01:00 Town Hall Tuesday 1:36:30 NFL: The Tush Push 1:44:42 Vs Vegas 1:49:00 The Big FinishOleh Doug Franz
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X potrebbe tornare a valere 44 miliardi di dollari
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
9:37X, la piattaforma oggi di Elon Musk, sta riprendendo vigore e potrebbe tornare a valere 44 miliardi di dollari. Tornano anche le aziende inserzioniste, ma la piattaforma resta comunque un grande esempio di "algoritmo del proprietario".
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00:00 Four-Minute Offense 8:00 A-Mountain Amber Ale! 14:20 Doug's Big One: Fixing the Analytics of Basketball 29:50 Fixing the Suns 44:00 The UofA vs Big 12 Refs 1:01:25 ASU: No More Freeman 1:14:00 DBACKS: Who Should Start Opening Day 1:26:00 My FailureOleh Doug Franz
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Ry Rivers: Critically Acclaimed Recording Artist
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
52:55Send us a text Discover the transformative journey of country music artist Ry Rivers, formerly known as Ryan Adam, as he transitions from pop soul to his true calling in country music. Ry joins us to share the behind-the-scenes story of rebranding his artist persona, navigating the technical hurdles, and embracing the emotional challenges that come…
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Find Your Voice: Reclaiming Your Power as an HR Leader
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
34:43HR leaders are the backbone of any organization, yet they often face immense pressure and burnout, prioritizing everyone else's needs above their own. This can lead to a loss of self, voice, and confidence, turning them into reactive "ticket takers" rather than proactive change agents. In this episode, we speak with Mindy Honcoop, a seasoned HR exe…
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Oleh SR 1
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Matt Ishbia: This Is What Failure Looks Like
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:58:4900:00 Four-Minute Offense 9:30 What Are We Doing? 18:10 Doug's Big One = Being a Suns Fan is Embarassing 47:00 CKD: We Haven't Done Anything! 1:47:00 Hockey vs NBA 1:50:25 Vs Vegas 1:54:00 Big FinishOleh Doug Franz
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Come funzionano le Community Notes di Meta
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
6:54Meta introduce le Community Notes su Facebook, Instagram e Threads. Gli utenti potranno aggiungere note ai post per contestualizzarli, con regole precise. Funzionerà meglio del fact-checking? E chi può partecipare?
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00:00 Four-Minute Offense 8:00 How Did That Happen 14:30 Doug's Big One = Extremely Misleading Journalism 29:14 DBACKS: Perdomo's Leadership 51:00 ASU WR: Coben Bourguet 1:20:40 SUNS: KD Says Box Out 1:28:28 CARDINALS: Base, Bend, Balance and Burst 1:37:50 Vs Vegas 1:40:45 The Big FinishOleh Doug Franz
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Der RC Vannes macht den Abstiegskampf wieder spannend - mit Nationalspieler Marks in der Start-XV holen sie bei Racing den Auswärtssieg. Du möchtest deinen Podcast auch kostenlos hosten und damit Geld verdienen? Dann schaue auf und informiere dich. Dort erhältst du alle Informationen zu unseren kostenlosen Podcast-Hosting-An…
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Selbstliebemeditation "Grenzen ziehen und Nein sagen" | Lerne kraftvoll und liebevoll für dich einzustehen
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
32:32Diese Selbstliebe Meditation hilft dir dabei, dich abzugrenzen und falls nötig, nein zu sagen. Ich nehme dich mit an einen sicheren Ort in dir, an dem du zum einen spürst, was für dich stimmt und was nicht und wir dann gemeinsam deine Energie zu dir zurück holen. Du kannst direkt aktuelle Situationen aus deinem Leben nutzen und spüren, was dich im …
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00:00 Four-Minute Offense 8:00 I Got Nothing 13:10 Doug's Big One = Run Home Kyrie 23:00 ASU and NIL: Angel of Burrito Express 45:20 MLB: Finally, Getting Closer 56:46 SUNS: KD Says the Right Things 1:05:05 ASU: 7th Straight Home Loss 1:14:10 Vs Vegas 1:18:30 Big FinishOleh Doug Franz
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Dai social media tradizionali alla sfida dei prosocial
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
9:15Nel 2025 i social media assorbono ancora oltre 2 ore al giorno del nostro tempo, guidati dagli algoritmi del proprietario. Ma esiste un’alternativa: la sfida dei prosocial, piattaforme che puntano su dialogo sano e comunità autentiche.
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Blake Tyler: Critically Acclaimed Recording Artist
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
50:30Send us a text What if the journey to sobriety could ignite a transformative artistic path? Join us as Blake Tyler, a rising star in country music, unveils the intimate and often tumultuous experiences that shape his sound. Blake opens up about his battle with addiction, inspired by a deep commitment to his family, and how this personal decision le…
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DBACKS Make Quiet Move that Deserves Spotlight
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:27:3800:00 Four-Minute Offense 8:00 Family Time 10:20 The Old Show! 16:45 Doug's Big One = Contract Extension 36:18 Quick UofA 42:00 Town Hall Tuesday 1:20:00 Vs Vegas 1:22:50 Big FinishOleh Doug Franz
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189 - This Is What Changes When We Know God by Name
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
7:00It begins to connect as I pause at the word ‘name’ at the end of Psalm 91: because we know God by name–by His many names–we know TO call on Him, HOW to call on Him, and WHAT to call Him. Links mentioned: 1. To get a short, doable tip in your inbox every week to help you get to know your neighbors, sign up here. 2. Read the written version of this e…
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Fast Information, come contrastare l'informazione superficiale
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
6:40La Fast Information, spinta dagli algoritmi delle piattaforme e dalla ricerca di like, alimenta superficialità, disinformazione e polarizzazione. Per contrastarla, serve prendersi il tempo per capire e recuperare spirito critico.
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ASU: What's Graham Rossini Going To Do?
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:02:5600:00 Four-Minute Offense 9:30 My Bitter Week 19:20 Doug's Big One = More Ejections than Wins 32:09 Compare Weekends: NBA vs NHL 40:00 D-Backs Bring Back One-time Nightmare 45:15 NFL: Where's the Cardinals? 55:15 Vs Vegas 59:00 Big FinishOleh Doug Franz
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Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Talk, Iconic Bands, and New Music Insights - Music News / Reviews / Interviews
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:05:18Send us a text What makes a band truly legendary, and which Canadian artists fit that bill? Join us on a nostalgic trip as we ponder these questions and more, starting with a shout-out to our favorite northern bands. Get a behind-the-scenes look at my experience producing an album for Alison Piccioni, now known as Rocky Rose, who’s currently electr…
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Find Your Tribe: Overcoming Loneliness & Embracing Change
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
37:42Feeling stuck in a rut? Yearning for deeper connection and a life bursting with purpose? Join us as we delve into the challenges and rewards of breaking free from the familiar. In this episode, we explore practical strategies to overcome loneliness and cultivate meaningful connections, even when embarking on a major life change like moving abroad. …
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Vance Powell: Award-Winning Producer / Engineer (The White Stripes, Martina McBride, Chris Stapleton)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:02:13Send us a text Step into the vibrant world of the music industry with our special guest, seven-time Grammy-winning producer / engineer Vance Powell. From the quiet beginnings in Missouri to the bustling music scene of Nashville, Vance's journey is nothing short of inspiring. Through personal anecdotes and expert insights, he offers a fresh perspect…
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Oleh SR 1
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Rugby 25 ist draußen - wir reden über da sSpiel, die aktuellen Stadion-News und vieles mehr. Du möchtest deinen Podcast auch kostenlos hosten und damit Geld verdienen? Dann schaue auf und informiere dich. Dort erhältst du alle Informationen zu unseren kostenlosen Podcast-Hosting-Angeboten. ist ein Produkt…
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00:00 Four-Minute Offense 7:00 Beer Friday thanks to Hundred Mile Brewing Company 9:40 I Bought Flowers for your Wife! 25:20 Doug's Big One = Monty's Not Competing 33:56 D-Backs Deep Spring Dive 1:11:00 CARDINALS: Case Dismissed 1:34:00 Vs VegasOleh Doug Franz
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Algoritmo del proprietario e SNARF: la via di BuzzFeed per i social media
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
7:59BuzzFeed lancia l'idea di una nuova piattaforma social contro i modelli dominati dall'algoritmo del proprietario e dalla logica SNARF. È davvero possibile una via alternativa per creatività e connessioni autentiche?
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Danny White Explains Good Owners Don't Cheat
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:37:1200:00 Four-Minute Offense 7:00 Thanks Cox! 15:15 Doug's Big One = Hey Bud, Suns Aren't Competing 28:20 Crazy Comic Beat Down 35:00 ASU Legend: Danny White 1:10:39 Rory Says: If You're Butt Hurt, Get Over It 1:29:11 Vs VegasOleh Doug Franz
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Meditation "Vertraue dir und dem Leben" | Tiefe und nährende Entspannung für dein Nervensystem
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
33:00Diese Meditation hilft dir dabei, wieder tiefes Vertrauen in dich und dein Leben zu fühlen. Dabei und dadurch kann sich dein Nervensystem tief und nährend entspannen. Die tiefe Verbindung mit dir selbst ist alles, was du in deinem Leben brauchst. Ganz egal wie aufwühlend und intensiv sich dein Leben gerade anfühlt. Ich wünsche dir von ganzem Herzen…
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SUNS: Is Ishbia Part of the Problem?
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:32:1000:00 Four-Minute Offense 8:00 I'm Going to Go for It 15:06 Doug's Big One = My Issues with KD 20:00 Suns Lose 54:00 DBACKS: Rep. Jeff Wennigar 1:14:28 UofA: It's Not "Make or Miss" 1:24:14 Vs VegasOleh Doug Franz
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D-Backs; Suns & We Laugh at the Cardinals
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
2:07:1700:00 Four-Minute Offense 7:30 Let's Go! 11:15 Cardinals' Forced Compliments 20:00 Doug's Big One = Trying to Figure Out KD 46:15 DBACKS: USA Today's Bob Nightengale 1:13:00 Town Hall Tuesday 1:40:56 Cardinals Court Case 1:49:33 Meet Josh Naylor 1:59:30 Vs VegasOleh Doug Franz
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188 - Three Unique Ways To Repeat What You Need To Believe
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
8:14This morning, wide awake way too early, I pondered how there’s nothing else I’d rather have running through my head when I can’t sleep than the weighty glory of God Himself. Unless I proactively tell my thoughts where to dwell, they wander willful and easily distracted. I lean into lies that incite fear or unworth rather than lean on the One who kn…
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Elon Musk vuole controllare OpenAI, tagliente la risposta di Altman
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
7:40Elon Musk ha lanciato un'offerta ostile da 97,4 miliardi per acquisire OpenAI, ma Sam Altman ha respinto l'offerta con una provocazione su X. Il tutto avviene dopo l'annuncio del progetto "Stargate" da 500 miliardi con Trump, da cui Musk è stato escluso.
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From Ashes to Alchemy: Transform your relationships
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
36:56Tired of dating fireworks that fizzle out into ashes? You're not alone. In this episode, we dive deep with Orna and Matthew Walker, California-based holistic dating coaches, and explore the hidden patterns that might be sabotaging your love life. We'll uncover how childhood beliefs, societal pressures to rush into intimacy, and the fear of loss can…
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X raddoppierà il suo valore, lo dice il principe Al-Walid bin Talal
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
7:53Da giorni si parla di X come piattaforma ormai quasi in pareggio ma pronta a fare il salto in avanti. Vuoi anche per il nuovo ruolo di Musk. Ma la piattaforma potrebbe raddoppiare il suo valore, lo dice il principe Al-Walid bin Talal primo investitore di X.
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00:00 Four-Minute Offense 7:45 I'm Old 14:50 Doug's Big One = From Benched to Believed 26:42 Everybody Knew but Only the Eagles Did It 41:30 WMPO: Well-Done Thunderbirds 45:28 Suns in Free Fall 52:38 The Opposing Directions of ASU/UofA 59:30 Vs Vegas 1:02:28 Caspino Replay from FridayOleh Doug Franz
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