These are the sermons presented by Tim Pickard, senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Canoga Park, CA
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Christian Identity: Defense and Offense
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
33:53Here is the outline for today's sermon:1) Don't do what does not fit (vs 3-7)2) Do the light thing (vs 8-10)3) Shine to uncover (vs 11-14)
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Here is the outline for today's sermon:1) God Decides Our Role, Not Us2) Jesus is the Savior, Not Us3) Joy is in Jesus Being Magnified, Not Us Here is what John the Baptist said, a) John 1:15 - "He ranks before me." b) John 1:23 - "I am the voice to point to Jesus." c) John 1:26 - "Jesus is worthy" d) John 1:29 - "Behold, the Lamb of God" Jesus cam…
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Here is the outline of today's sermon:1) We are grace-built gospel changed individuals.2) Grace builds a new community3) Grace calls us to build up not break up community4) Grace makes us walk in love
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This week we will see Paul telling us how to live "Christianly." Here is the outline:1) We must walk differently.2) What futility looks like.3) Learning Christ. 1) Put off the old self 2) Be renewed in our minds 3) Put on the new self
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Here is an outline for today's sermon:1) Gives grace to each one (vs 7-10)2) Gives gifted leaders (vs 11-12)3) Gets us to a common goal (vs 13-16)
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After hearing doctrine, we are now entering the part of Ephesians that tells us how we are to live. Here is the outline of today's sermon:1) A calling worthy to walk in (verse 1)2) The ways of walking together (verses 2-3) 1) Walk with humility and gentleness 2) Walk with patience (longsuffering) 3) Bear with one another in love 4) Be eager to main…
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How are we doing at putting Jesus first in our lives? Here is the outline for today's sermon.1) Exposing Disordered priorities2) Calling for a whole-hearted faith
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Here is the outline for today's sermon:1) Paul's Posture (vs 14-15)2) Paul's Petition (vs 16-19) A. That they might have inner strength B. That they have deep knowledge in love C. That they be filled with the fullness of God.3) Paul's Source (vs 20-21)
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Here is an outline of today's sermon,1) Don't loose heart2) Different way of seeing a. Where we see prison, Paul sees privilege b. Paul gets insight into the heart of God c. The mystery - the gentiles are fellow heirs d. Where we see suffering, Paul sees mission e. The purpose of the church - the wisdom of God…
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Here is an outline for today's sermon:1) The Women - Came with Failed Faith2) The Women - First Witnesses3) The Guards - Afraid
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Here is the outline for today's sermon:1. The Temple Leaders Meet the Temple Himself2. Jesus Reveals the Temple's True Purpose3. Jesus Confronts Disbelief
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Here is the outline for today's sermon:1) We're in His kingdom and family2) He dwells in us collectively
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Here is the outline for this week's sermon:1) Remember in order to appreciate2) Understand in order to be re-oriented
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Salvation is by grace, not by works. Today's sermon is in two parts....1) Salvation is a gift of God Ephesians 2:8-92) Salvation is a creative work of God Ephesians 2:10
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Today's sermon is titled, "The Kindness of God" by Tim PickardHere is the outline:1) God's Kindness in the everyday.2) God's Kindness in salvation.3) God's Kindness into eternity.
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Here is the outline for today's sermon:1. Know what you were. (vs 1-3) (and how bad it really was)2. Realize what God did. (vs 4-6) (and what that says about Him)3. Understand what you are now. (vs 7) (and live by it)
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This sermon has three parts:1) What Paul prays for2) What Paul wants the Ephesians to understand3) What this means for us.
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Today's sermon is about the two blind men who asked Jesus to heal them. Their persistence shows their faith. Jesus' response shows his compassion.
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Here is the outline for today's sermon...1. The basis of our salvation - God's will. vs 112. The purpose of our salvation - God's glory. vs 123. The proof of our salvation - The Holy Spirit. vs 134. The hope of our salvation. vs 14
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Here is the outline for today's sermon:1. What we have in Him2. What will happen in Him3. Encouraging Implications
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