Podcast by 92.9 KISM
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In the lead up to Ozzy Osbourne's final show with Black Sabbath and a legion of metal disciples in tow...Paramount plus is doing a documentary!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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A man is suing his brother-in-law over filling his belly button with super glue...an entertainer known as the "human cannonball" had a stunt go bad...and motorists in Detroit were stunned to see a giraffe in the back of a truck!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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A woman was caught on video pulling the tail of a horse while a kid was riding it causing him to fall...a man tried to steal over $700,000 worth of diamond earrings by swallowing them...and a man tried to break a record for eating 2 pounds of burning coals!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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Yesterday we talked to a woman who has traveled to every country in the world, and she was amazed you could find "American" products in strange places! Today we had some travelers add to the list! Like a Pizza Hut in Cairo!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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Brad was an embarrassed parent yesterday, but he isn't alone!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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The Seahawks will look different next year after the news of Tyler Lockett's release and DK's request to be traded....so today we list our top 3 all time Seahawk wide receivers!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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Brad was surprised to read on a radio industry page that John Reynolds had been fired...turns out it wasn't the same J.R....turns out our John knew that, John. Then we discovered another radio John Reynolds had died!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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The man who tried to break a record for eating 2 pounds of burning coals!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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Paramount plus is streaming all the good MTV "Unplugged" concerts and the Wall Street Journal cited some of the best!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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A high school soccer booster president stole $81,000 and she spent it all on Only Fans...a man shot and injured a Chipotle worker over guacamole...and someone stole 3 artifacts from a church in the UK including a copy of the 10 commandments!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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A man called the place he was just kicked out of to ask if he could come back for the cocaine he forgot...a man in Maine accidentally set off a large firework inside his apartment...and Whidbey Island 911 calls!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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This one was a listener submission and a good one! Had to really think of the top 3 smells that make us happy!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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We got to talking about waterparks with Grant from Vancouver who has built some really incredible waterslide parks all over the world and for some big-time celebrities too!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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We got into talking about the people you meet and the things you see at the laundromat today!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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More with Wendy who joined us to talk about just getting back from North Korea, the last of the 195 nations she has visited!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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One of our guests this morning was a woman who just finished a trip to North Korea to cap off a visit to all 195 nations! Hear about Wendy's amazing travel adventures!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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This morning's early edition of "I can't believe its news" featured a batch of Whidbey Island 911 calls!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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The person who broke into a church in the UK and stole 3 artifacts including a copy of the 10 commandments!!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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Heart is back out on tour after Ann's cancer scare. We have some upcoming PNW dates and the sisters talking about songs they wish they had written!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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A massage parlor got busted in a prostitution sting thanks to a ton of evidence...why did a restaurant have butt paste in the kitchen...and a woman stabbed her boyfriend after he refused to eat her cooking!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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A man sued a movie theater for all the commercials they showed before the feature...an area of Pennsylvania has had their water supply tainted by jet fuel...and a woman got stung by a scorpion at Logan airport in Boston!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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The top 3 list about the worst driver has expanded to include international cities!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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Memphis was named the city with the worst drivers but in today's top 3 we listed the spots where we encounter the worst ones behind the wheel!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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Los Angeles has a big problem with Nutria...a very large rodent from south America. They have been referred to as "swamp rats" and LA wants people to start eating them!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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We go behind the prison walls to find out what's happening in the lock ups! Today we read about a new prison podcast created by the inmates at the penitentiary in Walla Walla!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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This morning a caller had an encounter with a man wearing a shirt that read "World's Greatest Grandpa" that may be up for debate after we heard about his actions!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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The boxer who had to take a knee during a title fight because he got some of his hair product in his eyes!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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Today's top 3 lists are the 3 things we took away from watching Hollywood's biggest night!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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A care home threw a full rave party for a woman who turned 105...a bank accidentally transferred 81 trillion dollars into someone's account...and 3 people got arrested for having a ton of drugs during a traffic stop!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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A woman started a fire in the toilet paper aisle of a grocery store as a diversion so she could shoplift a bunch of stuff...and a man wound up getting a DUI after his girlfriend facetimed him images of her topless!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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A man from Vancouver Island passed away last month and he was a 10-time World Champion in birling! Birling is better known as log rolling!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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Over the weekend John got a funny story from a friend about crashing the parent's car...predictably both Brad & John can relate!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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A 4.5 earthquake hit Orcas Island this morning right before we got on the air! The early part of the show was busy taking earthquake calls and texts!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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The guy who got a DUI partially due to his girlfriend facetiming him images of her topless!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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The latest on the death of actor Gene Hackman plus a preview of the Oscars on Sunday!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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3 drunk tourists got busted for jumping in one of the famous fountains in Rome...a soccer match got postponed after a kid bit the ref on the testicles...and Whidbey Island 911 calls!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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There were only 2 passengers on a Southwest flight from Utah to Arizona...a road rage incident ended with one guy destroying the other car with an ax...and a woman has been arrested for intentionally locking her boyfriend in a storage unit for 5 days!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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Legendary drummer Ginger Baker had a reputation for being tough to deal with and we found that out when we tried to interview him years ago...one of John's friends shared a funny encounter with Ginger from one of his concerts!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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Bizarre stories from the medical world...today we read about a woman who wanted her fiancée to know the pains of childbirth, so she attached electrical impulse wires to his stomach and let the volts fly!!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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We are giving away Neil Young tix this week! Some people say that Neil's voice is hard to take so we made today's top 3 the 3 voices we can't stand to hear!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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Today's late edition of "I can't believe its news" featured a batch of Whidbey Island 911 calls!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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The guy who is going to prison for 9 years after he blew up a couple mailboxes he thought belonged to his ex-wife! He didn't even bomb the right neighborhood let alone her mailbox!!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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Legendary actor Gene Hackman is dead at 95!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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A man carjacked a van and smashed it through the front window at Smash Fitness...a man is going to prison after he blew up a couple mailboxes, he mistakenly thought belonged to his ex...and a woman vandalized a car she thought was her ex's car, but it wasn't!!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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A couple knuckleheads had to be rescued after hiking into deep snow totally unprepared...and a woman reposted her wanted poster and challenged cops to "come get me, do ya job"...and a woman got a tattoo of a toilet paper roll to celebrate her relationship!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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We had a story a couple days ago about a couple who were forced to sit next to a woman who had died on their flight! Today we have the FAA rules regarding someone dying on a plane!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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Today we called down to Chickasha Oklahoma to talk about the town centerpiece....a 40-foot-tall leg lamp ala (A Christmas Story!}Oleh 92.9 KISM
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In honor of Gene Hackman's death and his great scenes in Hoosiers...today's top 3 is our favorite inspirational scenes from sports movies!Oleh 92.9 KISM
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