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Aujourd’hui, nous sommes submergés d’infos, néanmoins nous prenons rarement le temps d’aller au-delà des gros titres. Nous connaissons tout… mais en surface. Et si chaque jour, nous zoomions sur un mot nouveau pour vraiment le comprendre ? Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Ordinary Mind Zendo's podcast will play Dharma talks from Zen teacher and psychoanalyst Barry Magid. Barry Magid is a Dharma heir of Charlotte Joko Beck. These talks address a psychologically minded Zen practice adapted to the needs of American students practicing in the context of their everyday lives. Though much of the material here is specific to Zen practice, non Zen folk will find it interesting as well, as it addresses issues of our shared humanity. New episodes will generally be uplo ...
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Dharma Talks at the Ordinary Zen Sangha, a Zen Meditation Practice Center located in Sarasota, Florida. Please help us if you can. Our programs and events are only made possible by donations from our supporting members. Donations Link... Thank you for listening, Will Rauschenberger, Abbot
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Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast

Joan Halifax | Zen Buddhist Teacher Upaya Abbot

The Upaya Dharma Podcast features Wednesday evening Dharma Talks and recordings from Upaya’s diverse array of programs. Our podcasts exemplify Upaya’s focus on socially engaged Buddhism, including prison work, end-of-life care, serving the homeless, training in socially engaged practices, peace & nonviolence, compassionate care training, and delivering healthcare in the Himalayas.
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Mountain Rain Zen Dharma Podcast

Mountain Rain Zen Community

Presented by the Mountain Rain Zen Community based in Vancouver, BC. Featuring talks by our guiding teachers Myoshin Kate McCandless and Shinmon Michael Newton, and other guest speakers. To learn more about our community, explore our extensive teaching archive, and offer your support, visit http://mountainrainzen.org.
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Anas Ebraheem

Listen to Zengeen+ Podcast 5 days a week on https://patreon.com/anasebraheem Zengeen Podcast is the life hack of real economics and the experience of Anas Ebraheem
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Rinzan Pechovnik is the head priest and primary teacher at No-Rank Zen Temple, a Rinzai Zen Buddhist Community in Portland, Oregon. His Dharma talks explore various aspects of Rinzai Zen Buddhist practice, spirituality and religion. He emphasizes practice as a means to develop and cultivate a tender open-heartedness that allows a deep engagement with a troubled world. http://www.norankzendo.org
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Janneke Koch en Arthur Nieuwendijk

Welkom bij zengeluiden, een podcast van Zen.nl. De missie van Zen.nl is om zoveel mogelijk mensen te faciliteren in duurzaam geluk door middel van zen. Dat doen we dagelijks in veertig meditatiecentra in Nederland. Maar ook met deze podcast. Wij zijn Janneke Koch en Arthur Nieuwendijk. We gaan in gesprek met beginnende en gevorderde beoefenaars over hun persoonlijke ervaringen met zen en zenmeditatie. Wat inspireert hen, wat zijn hun uitdagingen, hoe geven ze vorm aan hun leven en hoe kunnen ...
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"Moment of Zen"

Erik Torenberg, Dan Romero, Antonio Garcia Martinez

Every week, Erik Torenberg, Dan Romero, Antonio Garcia Martinez and frequent special guests discuss what's happening in technology, business, politics, and beyond. Moment of Zen is part of the Turpentine podcast network. Learn more: turpentine.co
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Marlous Lazal

Gesprekken over muziek, mystiek, zen en poëzie door radiomaker en zangeres Marlous Lazal. Jouw bescheiden donatie wordt zeer op prijs gesteld. Dat kan via https://petje.af/zenenzo Dankjewel.
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Zen Mind

Zenki Christian Dillo

Zenki Christian Dillo Roshi is the Guiding Teacher at the Boulder Zen Center in Colorado, USA. This podcast shares the regular dharma talks given at the Center. Zenki Roshi approaches Zen practice as a craft of transformation, liberation, wisdom, and compassionate action. His interest is to bring Buddhism alive within Western cultural horizons while staying committed to the traditional emphasis on embodied practice.
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Zen Commuter is about meditation and how it can improve the quality of your life. Thom Walters speaks with acclaimed meditation teachers, authors and everyday practitioners, to help listeners understand how to start a mindfulness habit, as well as keep it going. Along the way he discusses topics that help listeners cultivate a calmer, wiser and happier life. Come join Thom Monday through Friday to deepen your meditation practice.
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Zen Dog Training

Just Curious Media & Zen Dog Training

A unique dog training podcast sharing a peaceful approach to raising your dog with Zen. Hosts: Jason Connell, award-winning documentary producer & dog lover & Gordon Fontaine, master dog trainer & founder of Zen Dog Training.
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show series
We live in an "achievement society," in which we are encouraged to constantly improve our lives in search for happiness. This talk presents Zen practice as a series of simple instructions like sitting down, not moving, and attending to breath and body, which facilitate the discovery and cultivation of a breath-body-attentional-space that can flower…
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durée : 00:50:52 - Zoom zoom zen - par : Matthieu Noël, Cyril Lacarrière, Pierre Courade - Direction 2004 avec Michel Denisot qui lançait "Le Grand Journal". Zoom Zoom Back sur la création de ce plateau incontournable de l'histoire de la télévision française avec celui qui devint l'animateur vedette de Canal +, qui fête ses 40 ans. - invités : Mich…
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Spisovatelé Štěpán Kopřiva a Jiří Pavlovský debatují o zajímavých žánrových autorech, a nejen o nich. Hlavním cílem jejich zájmu jsou detektivky, noir, drsná škola. A jelikož se snaží rozebírat díla slavných tvůrců, nevyhnou se ani spoilerům – tak pozor! Konkrétně tato epizoda obsahuje spoilery pro knihy Jima Thompsona Vrah ve mně, The Getaway, A H…
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In this final Wednesday Night Dharma Talk of 2024, Sensei Monshin explores the deeper meaning of giving during the holiday season. Drawing from both Buddhist teachings about dana paramita (the practice of giving) and indigenous wisdom – particularly Robin Wall Kimmerer’s “Braiding Sweetgrass” – Monshin weaves a rich tapestry of insights about gener…
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This week on the Zen Perry Project we welcome Brandon Gallagher, the Bushwick-based mastermind best known for his blisteringly brutal one-man experimental industrial project TRACE AMOUNT. Recorded shortly before a run of December NYC shows (sorry this is dropping after the fact!) and in the thick of recording his second full length, Brandon weighs …
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Samo and Erik explore Twitter's evolution, digital politics, and Europe's societal constraints. The conversation weaves through topics of online influence, cultural shifts, and the future of political discourse in the digital age. — 📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's drops new publication: https://www.turpentine.co/exclusiveaccess 🙏 Help shape o…
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Send us a text What if you could transform the way we gather and interpret critical data in resource-limited settings? Join us on the Analytical Zen podcast as we chat with Professor Stefano Cinti, a trailblazer in the realm of sensors and biosensors. Stefano's journey from hesitant beginnings to becoming a passionate advocate for analytical chemis…
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“The reason I started asking this question is because I realized that my relationship with my father sucked, and I had to f****** go, ‘No, dad, I f****** love you. You’re gonna hug me, you piece of s***. We’re doing this.’” Let’s face it: the relationship with your father can be a bit of a rollercoaster—one that occasionally derails. This episode t…
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Dave brings us a clear and lucid roadmap to working through the mind and body in zazen, from distracted self to senseless samadhi through a recently unearthed recording of a foundational practice discussion with his old teacher, Michael Elliston. How can consciousness let go of its own consciousness? Is breath practice mortally dangerous actually? …
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Norman gives the thirteenth talk to the Dharma Seminar on Dogen’s Continuous Practice from Kaz Tanahashi”s translation of the Shobogenzo Fasciles 31a and 31b. In this talk Norman speaks on Bodhidharma. .Suggested donation: $7 https://bit.ly/donate-edz-online-teachings We cannot continue offering teachings online without it. Thank you! https://s3.us…
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Myoshin Kate McCandless offers insight into how, even with all the challenges the holiday season might bring, we can experience joy as one of the noble abodes. _____________________________________________________________ These talks are made possible thanks to donations from our worldwide community. If you find value in these teachings, please con…
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This episode is the second half of the seventh chapter of my book-in-progress, The Ten Fields of Zen: A Primer for Practitioners. Listen to/read the previous episode (288) first, where I talk about the importance of Opening Your Heart and how that effort is viewed in the Buddhist tradition. In that episode I also discussed the four Brahmaviharas – …
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Zen Dog Training Episode 36: The Spirit Of Zen Dog Training Jason Connell and Gordon Fontaine discuss the very essence and spirit of Zen Dog Training. Recorded: 12-12-24 Studio: Just Curious Media Partner: Zen Dog Training Hosts: Jason Connell Gordon Fontaine #justcuriousmedia #zendogtraining #mrjasonconnell #gordonfontaine #pets #puppies #dogofthe…
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In the last segment of UnMind, we looked at the implications of Master Dogen's expression, "the most important thing in Buddhism," from Fukanzazengi, the set of instructions for zazen he composed after returning from China. We speculated on what he could possibly have meant, by singling out one of the many points he made in the text. I suggested th…
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For some people, a new year is approaching. That may mean that they are looking to start a meditation practice. Well, before you start, it may be a good idea to understand what meditation is a little better. Actually, it may be more beneficial to talk about what it isn’t, or what it can’t do. With this talked about, you won’t have unrealistic expec…
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Parenting often feels like a whirlwind of challenges, leaving us searching for quick fixes and one-size-fits-all solutions. But the truth is, focusing solely on our children’s behavior can leave us disconnected from the deeper work required for real transformation. This week, I’m excited to welcome Eran Katz, a clinical psychologist, father, and cr…
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»Ein Tag ohne Arbeit - ein Tag ohne Essen«, lautet Hyakujō Ekais berühmter Ausspruch in Koan 125 des Kattōshū. Hyakujō lebte von 720 bis 814 und führte entgegen der damaligen Tradition die Selbstversorgung der Mönche ein. Praktiziert wurde eine naturnahe Lebensweise, die sorgfältig umgeht mit dem, was Mutter Erde bietet. Darüber hinaus hat er die e…
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In deze aflevering gaat Janneke in gesprek met Miente Meijer, een inspirerende oud-marinier die zenmeditatie combineert met zijn passie voor zee zwemmen, haken en natuur. Miente deelt hoe hij via discipline en meditatie rust vindt in zijn dagelijks leven. Hij vertelt over zijn reis naar Japan met Zen.nl, zijn ervaringen met groepsdynamiek en het sp…
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Mijn gast vandaag is zenleraar Helma Jifu Vulink. Zij is sinds februari 2020 spiritueel leider van Kanzeon Zen Centrum Rotterdam en is verbonden aan de Zenboot in Groningen. Ze woonde en werkte lange tijd in het zenklooster Zen river bij haar leraar Tenkei Coppens. Voor haar zenstudie werkte ze als theatermaker en trainingsacteur. Veel dank aan Men…
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Panduan Rujukan Pantas

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