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Vágatlan Verzió

Vágatlan Verzió, Első Pesti Egyetemi Rádió

Három hetente jelentkező film elemző podcast. Inkább elmerülés, mint felszín kapargatás, inkább tartalom, mint bulvár, inkább saját pontozás, mint IMDB, inkább több teória, mint egy értelmezés, inkább hosszan, mint röviden, inkább korrekt, mint politikai. A műsor az Első Pesti Egyetemi Rádióval (eper.elte.hu) együttműködésben készül.
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Il podcast di Life in Travel con Storie Di Bici e Dintorni Cicloturismo, bikepacking, viaggi in bicicletta! Il primo podcast dedicato a tutti i cicloviaggiatori, esperti e neofiti. Consigli, racconti, itinerari e percorsi per sognare la prossima avventura!
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Experience the sights and sounds of different countries and cultures in a serial travel podcast each week from the comfort of your own home. Get inspired to give back and raise awareness of various social issues around the world while being entertained.
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Partiu Morar Fora - Vagas pelo Mundo

Partiu Morar Fora - um podcast com a marca do Vagas pelo Mundo

Um Podcast para quem pretende morar fora ou já vive no exterior. Troca de experiências, boas risadas e conversas longas. Apresentado por Amanda Corrêa e Cláudio Abdo que vivem na Europa desde 2014. E aí, partiu morar fora?!
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Aesthetic Arrest is our weekly dip into the Epicurean pleasures we’ve been enjoying lately. Each episode we'll be discussing what we're reading, listening to, looking at, viewing and tasting. For links, playlists, previews and photos of everything thing we talk about, visit our substack page, The Epicurean Vagabonds (https://epicureanvagabonds.substack.com)
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Vagão 42

Vagão 42

Um podcast sobre qualquer coisa, feito por quem não faz ideia do que está falando. Ambientado no Metrô de São Paulo, onde quatro amigos se encontravam diariamente, com o intuito de levar um pouco de descontração às pessoas que assim como eles, também passam por este aperto (literalmente). Assine nosso feed e acesse nosso site para ter acesso à todo conteúdo de nossa rede: www.vagao42.com.br
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Barman das Horas Vagas

F.Romano, G.Zaparoli & A.Stagetti

Está no ar o podcast BARMAN DAS HORAS VAGAS – cultura alcoólica para amadores. Nossos programas são preparados especialmente para o público não profissional e tem como objetivo principal a difusão da coquetelaria e de cultura de forma geral, para contribuir na formação de um novo público, até então, distante do universo dos coquetéis. A cada episódio, Gustavo Zaparolli e Felipe Romano e Aleandro Stagetti apresentam um pouco do universo cultural que circunda o coquetel da vez. Sinta-se em cas ...
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Motorcycle Vagabond Show

Motorcycle Vagabond Show

A show focused on quality content (with mediocre sound quality and no editing) about motorcycles, camping, hammocks, Bunk-a-Biker, and the vagabond lifestyle by Zee Traveler, who's been living on her bike for 6 years. https://www.zeetraveler.com/mvs.html
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Vagabond Val

Valerie Nelson

See into my world of travel and adventure and let me help you with tips and tricks about traveling on the cheap, places to visit, things to eat, difficulties along the way and exploring different modes of travel.
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Vagabond Health Club is a collective of cool humans where we share and discuss info that helps you navigate this awesome life we’re living. We’re talking to rad people about cool things involving health, wellness, lifestyle, business, diet hacks, cat facts and all the in-betweens.
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Vagão das Ruaz

Vagão das Ruaz

Atenção passageiras e passageiros, sejam bem-vindxs ao Vagão das Ruaz, uma viagem sonora pelos trilhos do interior. Este podcast foi construído de forma coletiva e é resultado da parceria entre o Ruaz - coletivo de jornalismo independente, o Som Na Linha, projeto que busca valorizar a cena da música autoral em Presidente Prudente, e o Estúdio Nômade. A cada edição, receberemos bandas da cidade e região, músicos e musicistas, pessoas que tiveram um sonho em comum: construir o maior festival i ...
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Väga tõsine podcast. Meelelahutus. Kes ei 'followi' on jobu. Kontakt: dima.kapakohilast@gmail.com Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt6UyoeRXu-0wUjNTQ2C13A Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4XqWdJUZcZSoQiHk05DV2H Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Väga-Tõsine-Podcast-329905071270610
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Friskt Vågat

Johanna Frisk

I ”Friskt Vågat” inspirerar jag, Johanna Frisk, dig till att utveckla ditt ledarskap genom att under fem avsnitt dela med mig av mina viktigaste ledarskapsinsikter och -erfarenheter från tio år som professionell fotbollsspelare. Häng med och lyssna på hur stor inverkan ledarskapet haft när min karriär gått från toppen, ner till botten och upp igen!
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I´m a naive, almost broke 19-year old lesbian wanting to travel the world by myself. I am inspired by all the world-travelers i have already met. But i am also a little afraid that i won´t be able to pull it off myself. Here i share every thought i have, before and during my big European tour i´m planning on in January.
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Apresentado por Lenny Leone, o programa Aqui Tem Vaga tem como proposta discutir as mudanças no mercado de trabalho e o desenvolvimento das empresas e seus funcionários. Vai ao ar todo sábado a partir das 10h.
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Four unlikely heroes take it upon themselves to save the world of Aria after their peaceful existence is turned upside down. A Dungeons and Dragons actual play podcast in the fantastical world of Aria. DM Alex Wright who is joined by Amy Garrod, David Hughes, Craig Millward, and Alex Farr.
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Celles d’hommes et de femmes qui ont une heure pour nous raconter leurs histoires, leurs parcours, leurs rêves et leurs folies. Tous avec ce quelque chose qui fait leur originalité Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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4tracce.fm by GOODmood

Claudio aveva tutto, un buon lavoro, una casa e una fidanzata. All’età di 27 anni sente però che la vita che stava vivendo non è più giusta per lui, che gli sta stretta. Così decide di seguire il suo sogno più grande: viaggiare all’avventura, con lo zaino in spalla. La serie intera è disponibile sulle piattaforme di distribuzione Audiobook come audible.it, storytel.it, google play libri, kobo e sul sito Goodmood.it
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Embark on a journey with me as your wanderlust-fueled storyteller, weaving through the enchanting landscapes of Europe and beyond. Whether you're a seasoned traveler planning your next adventure or someone content with armchair exploration, this is your ticket to a rollicking good time! Picture this: vibrant tales that transcend borders, capturing the essence of each destination with an extra dose of cool. Join me on an odyssey where every story is more than just a tale—it's a vibrant, capti ...
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La Griotte Vagabonde

Isis Labeau-Caberia

Le podcast qui vous fait vagabonder dans l’histoire de l’Afrique et ses diasporas. Entre archives, scènes immersives, musique et poésie, laissez-vous conter la riche et longue histoire commune qui lie l’Afrique aux sociétés afrodescendantes des Amériques et de la Caraïbe. En fin d’émission, embarquez pour un vagabondage poétique : une incursion dans le monde sensible d’un.e artiste qui explore dans ses créations les questions d’identité, de féminité, de spiritualité, de transmission et de mé ...
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Micael & Benjamin

Våga Mera Podden Sveriges största podd om mod och att våga mera. Vi ställer oss frågan, hur skulle livet se ut om vi var helt fria från tvivel och rädsla. Om vi inte höll oss själva tillbaka. Här utforskas erfarenheter, teorier, tekniker och inspirerande människor i hela spektrat inklusive gråzonen. Vi är övertygande om att Sverige blir bättre om vi kliver ur jante och vågar vara oss själva fullt ut! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Bakom varje cancersjuk står någon som måste vara stark! #vågaprata är en podcast-serie som innehåller tio intervjuer av Cancerkompisar i olika anhörig-situationer, där de berättar sin resa och hur det var för just dem som anhörig. Cancerkompisar.se ger STÖD, TRÖST och HOPP för anhöriga till cancerdrabbade och driver matchnings-tjänst som är gratis och öppen för anhöriga från 13 år och uppåt. Som anhörig går man bredvid och mår dåligt i det tysta, inne på Cancerkompisar erbjuds det en frizon ...
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Ven a saciar tu sed de conocimiento y entretenimiento. Tenemos ciencia, cultura, humor y retranca manchega. Somos dos cabezas que piensan en todo menos en lo que deben. Síguenos y no te defraudaremos. Humor, subcultura, ciencia, tecno, retro, historia, lenguas, juegos, tele, música... ¿qué más quieres? Una Vaga Idea. El podcast de las mentes inquietas, ¡artista! Solemos escuchar a Los Danko, Gravina82, RandomTopic, Necesito Un Arma, Vuelo 180, Amañece Que No Es Poco y demás mierdas. Síguenos ...
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Join me, Allan Hill (the Nostalgic Vagabond) for weekly one-hour~ish talks with unique and interesting travellers / adventurers who Zoom-in from all around the world. In conversation, we share compelling personal stories of trial, triumph and sometimes tribulation from journeys, exploring this world and its cultures, languages and landscapes. None of us claim to be experts, we aren't pros necessarily, we are regular people just like you. We decided to say, “YES!” Decided to step outside our ...
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Fail Våga Repeat

Idéutveckling och innoation

Idéutveckling och innovation Idéutveckling och innovation är en del av Helsingborgs stad. Vi arbetar med Idéslussen, Visionsfonden, Hbg Mashup, Årets nytänk och tjänstedesign. Läs mer; bit.do/ideutveckling
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Det här är en podcast producerad av Fountain House Stockholm. Vi håller till på Götgatan 38 i Stockholm och är en arbetsrehabilitering för människor med psykisk ohälsa. Vi har funnits på samma adress sedan 1980. Huset drivs av medlemmar som kommer hit varje dag och vi alla sitter på unika historier och erfarenheter. I podden samlar vi ihop dessa historier och erfarenheter. Detta gör vi med förhoppningen att få er andra att känna er mindre ensamma och kanske även våga prata om er egen psykisk ...
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show series
Plus Cunk on Life, the art of Titus Kaphar, wisdom from Rita Dove & Our 25th Anniversary Celebration! Wildstar’s Wednesday Libation: Nurellari Winery Pulsi Beratit, Pulëz Varietal (Berat, Albania) Reading: Karla's Choice by Nick Harkaway Listening: This Land by Lara Downes Looking: The Art of Titus Kaphar Viewing #1: Exhibiting Forgiveness — direct…
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Você acredita na sorte e no destino? Hoje falamos da construção da sorte e de como se dedicar pode mudar o nosso destino. Além disso, trouxemos reflexões sobre o começo de ano e de como o entorno importa e influencia nossas escolhas. Esperamos que você goste! Apresentação: Cláudio Abdo e Amanda Corrêa — Aproveite para nos seguir em nossas redes soc…
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Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/2/25).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, …
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Boldog újévet kíván a Vágatlan Verzió csapata! A táblázat a pontjainkról: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w7UWKa_MPLOq7zE4BeCKzupNYXj2uBJ9/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102570573829606892675&rtpof=true&sd=true Sziasztok, Ez itt a Vágatlan Verzió, három hetente jelentkező filmes podcast hatodik rendhagyó, kötetlen, évadzáró különkiadása. Szeretnénk …
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Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/28/24).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer…
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Joining me today once again is Denis Rancourt PhD, here to discuss his newest study breaking down the illusion that is COVID-19. We review his previous work on the topic highlighting how it is a clear mathematical possibility for a government to use preexisting illness numbers and conflate them with a current focus, combining that with false positi…
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Plus Percival Everett's award-winning novel, music from Michael Kiwanuka & Peter Garrett, Inuit art in Montreal, and Crossing - an extraordinary drama set in Istanbul! Wildstar’s Wednesday Libation: Domaine Filliatreau Samur-Champigny (Loire, France) Reading: James by Percival Everett Listening #1: The True North by Peter Garrett Listening #2: Smal…
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Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/24/24).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer…
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Chicca e Paolo hanno sono viaggiatori ormai navigati e in questo loro ritorno alla bici muscolare ci conducono attraverso un percorso "senza meta" tra Italia, Austria e Slovenia, su ciclovie e tracciati improvvisati ------------Abbonati alla LiT Family ► ⁠https://www.lifeintravel.it/abbonati⁠per ricevere i Life in Travel Diaries a casa tua! Nel vol…
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Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/21/24).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer…
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Joining me today is James Corbett, here to discuss the recent regime change in Syria and the many moving parts of this developing story. We discuss the history of the Syria war and the many players involved, including the West's creation and development of the terrorist groups that currently control the destabilized nation. We also discuss the ongo…
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Plus recipes from Nigel Slater, art from Arild Rosenkrantz & Prince Toffa, wisdom from Ben Okri, & Mati Diop's powerful new film - Dahomey! Wildstar’s Wednesday Libation: Bodegas Pinord Dibón Brut Reserva, Marrugat - D.O. Cava (Penedès, Catalonia, Spain) Reading: A Thousand Feasts: Small Moments of Joy ... a Memoir of Sorts by Nigel Slater Listenin…
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Sziasztok, Ez itt a Vágatlan Verzió, három hetente jelentkező filmes podcast 87. epizódja. Jártunk már Roxfortban, jártunk már Középföldén, egyetlen kortárs legendárium maradt, amit még nem fedeztünk fel… egy messzi-messzi galaxist, réges-régről. A Star Wars eredeti trilógiáján keresztül beszélgetünk Lucasról, az Erőről, a Jedikről, a Sithekről, a …
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Passar o Natal longe do nosso país e da nossa família não é tarefa simples, porém é possível. Hoje falamos deste assunto que é considerado delicado, mas trouxemos dicas, informações relevantes e sugestões para tornar a noite de celebração do nascimento do Senhor Jesus Cristo mais tranquila e menos triste. Esperamos que goste, um Feliz Natal para vo…
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Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/15/24).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer…
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Joining me today is independent investigative journalist, Vanessa Beeley, here to follow up on our recent interview regarding Syria and the western-backed regime change that took place. We discuss the potential hypothetical deals that could have been made prior to the shift in power, as well as the possibility that there was a resignation speech th…
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Que o mundo não é cor de rosa, muita gente já percebeu. Porém, hoje a gente falou sobre a importância das dificuldades da nossa vida para que possamos ir adiante. O impulso nasce justamente das complicações que encontramos pelo caminho e que, de um jeito ou de outro, servem de guia quando decidimos morar no exterior. Esperamos que você goste! Apres…
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Plus Amythyst Kiah's Still + Bright, the lush dreamscapes of María Berrío, Martha Stewart's epic 100th cookbook & wisdom from McCoy Tyner! Wildstar’s Wednesday Libation: 2019 Frano Miloš Plavac Mali (Pelješac Peninsula, Dalmatia, Croatia) Reading: Orbital by Samantha Harvey Listening #1: Diving Deep Live by Tori Amos Listening #2: Still+Bright by A…
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Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/10/24).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer…
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Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/8/24).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer,…
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Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/6/24).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer,…
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Welcome to the second half of my drive in Texas with my old buddy, Paul Weyland. We’re in the hill country north of Austin, and Paul will tell me a lot of interesting stories about this area, Austin, and Texas in general. See pictures and read blog post here: www.theradiovagabond.com/199-drummer-storyteller-and-texan-paul-weyland/…
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Stefania e Paolo hanno attraversato l'Alto Atlante in bicicletta e sono rimasti stregati dai paesaggi e dalle genti del Marocco. In questa chiacchierata ci raccontano la loro esperienza e le loro emozioni ------------Abbonati alla LiT Family ► ⁠https://www.lifeintravel.it/abbonati⁠per ricevere i Life in Travel Diaries a casa tua! Nel volume 2 trove…
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Existe uma expressão em inglês que diz "burn your bridges" e hoje nós falamos disso no contexto morar fora. Queime suas pontes para conseguir ir adiante, progredir na vida e, por não ter para onde voltar, conseguir ter força para vencer. Apresentação: Cláudio Abdo e Amanda Corrêa — Aproveite para nos seguir em nossas redes sociais: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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Plus Yo-Yo Ma & Kathryn Stott's newest collaboration, the dazzling art of Lou Benesch & Anne Samat, wisdom from Rainer Maria Rilke & Year of Wonder: Classical Music to Enjoy Day by Day! Wildstar’s Wednesday Libation: Roc D’Anglade Rouge (Vin de Pays du Gard, Languedoc-Roussillon, France) Reading: Year of Wonder: Classical Music to Enjoy Day by Day …
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Today the Independent Media Alliance brings you a panel focusing on the incoming Trump administration, its cabinet picks thus far, and the policy positions they are proposing, as well as those officially put forward by Trump's administration itself. We discuss the possibility of the senate not confirming Trump's original picks and what the implicat…
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Recebemos em nosso podcast "Partiu Morar Fora" o único sobrevivente do desastre aéreo do voo 820 da Varig, RICARDO TRAJANO que é engenheiro e palestrante (⁠Instagram @ricardochusttrajano⁠).Em julho de 1973, aos 21 anos de idade, ele embarcou em um avião no Aeroporto Internacional do Galeão, no Rio de janeiro, com destino à Londres, mas com escala e…
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Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/30/24).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer…
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Today the Independent Media Alliance brings you a panel focusing on the overlap of three main topics; the incoming Trump administration, Bitcoin as a potential strategic reserve, and artificial intelligence. Catherine Austin Fitts, Jason Bermas, Steve Poikonen and Ryan Cristián discuss the intersection of these three topics and what they mean for t…
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Hoje recebemos a Vanessa Olivi (Instagram: @morandonagringa_ | YouTube: @MorandonaGringa | Email: contato@morandonagringa.com), uma consultora credenciada, que nos contou qual o caminho para a obtenção de um visto para morar, estudar ou trabalhar na Suíça. Falamos disso e muito mais! Apresentação: Cláudio Abdo e Amanda Corrêa — Aproveite para nos s…
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Plus wisdom from William S. Burroughs, poetry from Judy Grahn, a tribute to dancer Eileen Kramer & Cherokee cuisine from Chef Nico Albert Williams! Wildstar’s Wednesday Libation: Domaine Vernay, Les Chaillées de l’Enfer, Condrieu AOC (Rhône, France) Reading: An Elder Poet & Activist Whose Voice We Need Right Now — Love Belongs to Those Who Do the F…
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Spoiler skip: 1:55:44 3:38:15 Sziasztok, Ez itt a Vágatlan Verzió, három hetente jelentkező filmes podcast 86. epizódja. Harmadjára foglalkozunk westernekkel a podcastben, és ezúttal a legnagyobb mester, Sergio Leone munkásságát járjuk körbe. A Dollár-trilógiával indulunk, és a Volt egyszer egy Vadnyugat magasztos ópuszába érkezünk meg. Eközben bes…
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Fazer a travessia exige força, resiliência e coragem. Porém, quando vamos morar fora, temos a oportunidade de iniciar um novo ciclo de vida, de sentir emoções que nunca foram vividas, de passarmos a agradecer a cada começo de dia. Se você está se preparando para viver no exterior, tenha fé e coragem. Para você que já "se jogou", aproveite cada minu…
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Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/25/24).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer…
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Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/23/24).As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer…
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Panduan Rujukan Pantas

Podcast Teratas
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