Tomball Bible Church Sermon and Message Audio Podcast
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Grace Church is a spirit-filled, spirit-led, multi-site community of believers. Our passion is people. Specifically, our passion is to connect people to the hope that is found in the life-changing power of Jesus Christ. Every week at grace, we focus on gathering, connecting, and serving. As a result, we see the hope of Christ flooding into people’s lives. Listen in as Campus Pastor Mike Acosta and other ministers deliver Biblical messages that apply to our everyday lives. For more informatio ...
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James 1:19-27 - Living Proof - Sunday, March 2, 2025Oleh Pastor James Clark
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Set Your Life on Christ Part I - What We Must Throw Off
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
40:56March 2, 2025 Colossians chapter 3 calls the church to set our lives on Christ. Verses 1-11 call us to throw off sinful practices and verses 12-17 instruct us to “put on” the new self in Christ. Both actions, putting away sin and putting on Christ, take personal responsibility, reliance on the Holy Spirit, and encouragement from one another. If we …
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Oleh Pastor Landon Galloway
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February 23, 2025 Christ has filled us with himself. His identity is now ours, we are kept in Christ, and are to mature more into the image of Christ. Yet so often in our world we face the pressure of “performance Christianity" and can get caught up in things that have no value in helping us to become more like Christ but rather place value in how …
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Oleh Pastor James Clark
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February 16, 2025 In Colossians 2:6-15, we have Paul's first two of 27 commands in this letter. We are called to walk in Christ and not succumb to empty philosophy and deceitful ideologies. This passage also contains one of the clearest teachings on what Jesus did to secure our salvation and fill us completely. In Him, we lack nothing! Colossians 2…
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Oleh Pastor James Clark
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Oleh Pastor Jesse Pulido
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February 9, 2025 The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most famous passages in the entire Bible. Sections of it are often quoted or used in motivational speeches or critiques from the world to Christians, yet so many people don’t actually know the one who delivered this sermon or why he gave it at all. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus ushers in a …
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Oleh Pastor James Clark
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Oleh Dr. Scott Jones
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February 2, 2025 A united church is a beautiful sight. Like a singular rose, a united church has beauty, value, and a sweet aroma. How much more so is the sight and fragrant smell when the Church walks in unity!? This is the vision cast by Paul for his readers which includes not only the Colossians but believers from the whole region! Come and hear…
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Oleh Pastor James Clark
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Oleh Pastor Jesse Pulido
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January 26, 2025 Jesus Christ has reconciled all who believe in Him with God the Father. We have peace through the gospel, the hope of glory, which is the message of reconciliation that Christ died, was buried and rose from the dead. Those who are reconciled are also ministers who proclaim this greatest of news to everyone. Our focus this week is o…
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Oleh Pastor James Clark
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Lord's SupperOleh Pastor James Clark
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Oleh Pastor Landon Galloway
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January 19, 2025 What's the most significant document you have? For many, it's their birth certificate, as it officially establishes their identity, parentage, and place in the world. This week, we'll explore a passage in the Book of Colossians that serves as a spiritual birth certificate of sorts. It is an incredible declaration that reveals the t…
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Oleh Pastor James Clark
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Oleh Pastor Jesse Pulido
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Paul's Prayer for the Colossians
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
44:53January 12, 2025 Having heard from Epaphras the legacy the Colossians had built by their faith in Jesus and love for others, Paul prayed earnestly for them that they would: be filled with knowledge of God's will, walk in a manner worthy of Jesus, bear fruit in good work, be strengthened in character, and give thanks to God. Colossians 1:9-14…
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Oleh Pastor James Clark
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Oleh Pastor James Clark
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Oleh Pastor Landon Galloway
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The Lasting Legacies of Gospel Hope
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
41:02January 5, 2025 We begin our study of the book of Colossians with Paul and Timothy’s thanksgiving prayer for the Colossian church. While imprisoned in Rome, Paul received a good report about how the Colossians were growing in faith and bearing fruit for the name of Christ. He highlights two enduring legacies of their hope, rooted in the gospel. The…
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Oleh Pastor James Clark
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Oleh Pastor Brett Jones
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December 29, 2024 Jesus, the Son of the Most High God—truly God and truly human—came to live a perfect life, die on the cross for our sins, and rise three days later, conquering sin and death. This is the gospel, the good news. But there’s more: after making purification for sin, Christ ascended to Heaven and now sits at the right hand of God the F…
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December 22, 2024 God sent His only Son to redeem anyone and everyone who believes that Jesus is the Son of God who died on the cross for our sins and rose from the grave. This claim takes faith to receive and believe. And to those who turn from their sin and trust in Jesus, God gives eternal life and the right to become a part of His kingdom, His …
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The Weary World Rejoices | Week 5
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
36:47Oleh Pastor Jesse Pulido
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Just in time for PeaceOleh Pastor James Clark
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December 15, 2024 Oftentimes when we think of the word joyful we think of someone who is happy, always smiling, and an “easy hang”. We don’t usually equate it to someone as being content or satisfied, particularly in Jesus and his grace. I think at Christmas we often don’t practice this kind of joy. We more often are running around going from spot …
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The Weary World Rejoices | Week 3
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
47:33Oleh Pastor Landon Galloway
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December 8, 2024 God had promised to send a King, a descendant of King David, to reign on the throne of David forever. Jesus, a descendant of David, fulfilled that promise by coming to earth in human form. Following his ascension, he now reigns as King at the right hand of God the Father; his ministry as King is now focused on salvation (filling th…
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Oleh Pastor James Clark
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Oleh Pastor James Clark
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December 1, 2024 Advent 2024 has arrived! As we journey toward Christmas and reflect on the first coming of our Lord and Savior, we will explore specific titles and roles that only Christ can fulfill. He is the Son of Abraham, the Son of David, the Son of Man, and the Son of God. We begin by examining what Scripture reveals about Him as the fulfill…
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The Weary World Rejoices | Week 1
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
37:41Oleh Pastor Landon Galloway
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November 24, 2024 disobedience, a few remained faithful and devoted to Him. Where such love and faith existed, God’s blessing followed. Amidst one of the darkest times in Israel’s history, God provided the story of a man whose loyal, sacrificial love to a widow set the stage for His promise to be fulfilled—establishing a royal lineage that would ev…
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Influential MemberOleh Pastor James Clark
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Oleh Pastor Jesse Pulido
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Oleh Pastor James Clark
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So Go the Leaders, So Go the People
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
39:08November 17, 2024 Judges 17-21 contains stories that show Israel’s absolute collapse and abandonment of God. Chapters 17-18 focus on their spiritual failures while chapters 19-21 show their complete moral collapse. Central to each of these stories is the failure of the spiritual leaders, the Levites. The very ones who were supposed to embody and up…
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Oleh Pastor Landon Galloway
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The Passionate Pursuit of Your Calling
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
45:36November 10, 2024 If there was ever a person who served as a reflection of his generation it was Samson. He was a man who was set apart from birth for God’s special purposes. Set apart for holiness. Set apart for faithfulness. Set apart to deliver his people from evil. Yet, he chose his lustful and vengeful passions over his godly calling. The peop…
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Appreciative Member | Philippians 1:3-11 | I am a Church MemberOleh Pastor James Clark
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Oleh Pastor Landon Galloway
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November 3, 2024 Virtually every religion on earth is a cause/effect situation. If I do “x”, my god will do “y”. In this kind of relationship, the condition-setter is in control. All false religions and forms of idolatry are an attempt by people to manipulate the terms of their spiritual life. The account of Jephthah in Judges 10:6-12:15 teaches us…
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