From weekly series examining unique angles on Jews’ place in the world, to inquiries into the details of Jewish text and tradition, Tablet Studios podcasts bring you insight and inspiration for the modern-day Jew. Our shows include How to Be a Jew, Unorthodox, Rootless, Re-Form, and more to come.
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Deutscher Podcast aus dem (Ruhr)Pott mit interessanten Themen und Gästen rund um das Thema TableTop, Brettspiele, Gesellschaftsspiele, Miniaturen, Geländebau, TableTop News. weitere Informationen auf
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The commuter-friendly version of tabletopnotch's Dungeons & Dragons livestream, which airs every Sunday, 7pm ET, at Enjoy our latest and greatest homebrew campaign, "Brunkhollow"! If you're in the mood for something short n' sweet, try "Those Old Yagolds." And if you need a serious binge, our debut, 4 year long campaign "A Peak Beneath the Veil"! Subscribe for exclusive bonus content!
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Der News-Podcast von Table Briefings geht tiefer als die Schlagzeilen des Tages. Helene Bubrowski und Michael Bröcker sprechen über die Themen, die heute wichtig sind und morgen wichtig werden. Bei den beiden Chefredakteuren von Table Briefings steht der Hintergrund im Vordergrund. Analytisch, differenziert, überraschend: Table Today macht transparent, wie politische Entscheidungen getroffen werden und wohin sie führen könnten. Unterstützt werden die beiden von rund 60 Kolleginnen und Kolleg ...
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Lara Prendergast and Olivia Potts interview notable guests about their life, through the food and drink that has come to define it. Lara Prendergast is the Food and Drink Editor of Spectator Life. Olivia Potts is Spectator Life's Vintage Chef.
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Join Andrew and Josh as they talk, share stories, and dive deeper into why we love tabletop games.
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Let's talk about Genesis!
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Welcome to Paranormal Round Table. Get to know your hosts Josh "Wolf" Turner and Tony "Mushu" Luong as they collect and discuss real accounts of encounters with the supernatural, cryptids, demonic, and everything in between.
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Five friends come together to play the greatest RPGs ever created -- delivering deep characters, nail-biting combats, and uproarious table talk. Our current campaign is The Roots of Ruin, a production of the Pathfinder 2e Adventure Path Abomination Vaults by Paizo Inc. Come for the game play, stay for the personal nuggets of gold that every episode delivers!
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Friends at the Table is an actual play podcast about critical worldbuilding, smart characterization, and fun interaction between good friends. Find us (and a listener guide) @Friends_Table on Twitter.
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The latest news from around Queensland
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It's Tabletop Time! Join us on our many adventures into endless worlds both known and unknown - fantasy, sci-fi, cyberpunk, apocalypse and more. Think of Tabletop Time as a group-made improvised audio drama - we make characters, role-play, and roll dice, working together to tell memorable stories both epic and hilarious!
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Long Lost Tabletop Presents: is an anthology podcast series of actual play tabletop roleplaying games.
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Welcome game masters! Each week Nick Perron dives deep into the art of running role-playing games with guests experts to get tips for everyone from first-time players to seasoned veterans. Join us to find out what makes a great story and an even greater campaign!
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The world’s biggest tabletop RPG weekly news show! News and chat about Dungeons & Dragons (and other tabletop roleplaying games) since June 2018! Now recording LIVE on YouTube every Friday at 2pm UK time (9am Eastern).
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Beggars Table Church and Art Gallery located in the Kansas City Crossroads District. Please see .
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This podcast is the audio version of Tabletop Games Blog's written articles. Every week there is a new review and a topic discussion piece about all things board, card, dexterity and other modern games. You can also find here the Let me illustrate podcast series where board game artists answer a catalogue of 17 questions about themselves.
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Did you grow up collecting and painting Citadel miniatures, and playing games like Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, HeroQuest, Battlemasters, and Space Hulk? Did you gradually grow out of the hobby only to find yourself plunging back in many years later, discovering great new games like Frostgrave, Rogue Planet, and Kings of War? The Bedroom Battlefields Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast brings you conversations about collecting, gaming, painting, terrain, and much more - often with a nostalgic twis ...
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Do you love tabletop gaming? This is your podcast. Who are the creatives behind your favorite games and content? How do they approach their work? I sit with designers, developers, artists, writers, and creators and learn how they approach their work. I try to understand their process, inspiration, and methods for crafting their creations. Craig digs deep into the work and uncovers the origins of your favorite tabletop games and the creative process that brought them to life.
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Motto Pana Tabletki brzmi: "Zróbmy wszystko żeby tabletki nie były potrzebne, a jeśli to niemożliwe to wybierzmy najlepsze i stosujmy je prawidłowo." Jeżeli chcesz lepiej dbać o zdrowie Twoje i Twoich bliskich - to ten podcast jest dla Ciebie. Serdeczności Pan Tabletka Marcin
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Love board games? Let's talk boardgames, lots of board gaming (and a few RPGs). Tabletop Bellhop, your cardboard concierge, is here to answer your gaming and game night questions, helping you make your game nights better with tabletop game reviews and advice.
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Official Podcast of Litchfield Christian School
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Dein Beipackzettel für die Ohren! Zwei Pharmazeutinnen, die sich Anfang des 7. Semesters auf das mündliche 2. Staatsexamen für Pharmazie vorbereiten wollten: Das war der Grundgedanke von Tablettentalk. Nun ist es viel mehr geworden als das! Und das 2. Examen bestanden. Wir erklären euch die medizinischen und pharmazeutischen Hintergründe zu den wichtigsten Volkskrankheiten und worauf man achten muss. Natürlich ersetzt das keine Beratung in der Apotheke, dem pfiffigen Pharmastudenten hilft es ...
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A well researched true crime podcast that features unique and shocking stories hosted by Sully, Jones and Johnson.
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Deutschsprachiger Podcast zu Tabletop & Wargaming, Bemalung, 3D Druck, und allem was dazu gehört.
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Tabletop Tommies is a podcast that focuses on Bolt Action, the popular World War II themed tabletop wargame. Hosted by Jonny and Phil, the podcast delves into the game’s intricacies, discussing everything from tournaments to rules, tactics and strategies. With a wealth of experience in the game, both Jonny and Phil bring their expertise and enthusiasm to the airwaves, making Tabletop Tommies a must-listen for anyone who loves this immersive and thrilling pastime. Whether you’re a seasoned pl ...
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Weekly messages from The Table MPLS
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Join the Rad Rolls Crew as we play Fallout 2d20 The Tabletop Roleplaying Game in a gruesome dark comedy world. The Stormlands hold a never ending deluge of troubles from pyromaniac teens to witch ghouls
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Recent Posts - Blip - Blip
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Welcome to Tablesetters, the podcast where Devin and Steve bring you everything you need to know about Major League Baseball (MLB) and then some! Join these two baseball enthusiasts as they break down the latest games, analyze player performances, and serve up spicy commentary on all the MLB drama. With their witty banter and deep dive into the sport, Devin and Steve are here to satisfy your baseball cravings, whether you’re a die-hard fan or just tuning in. So grab your peanuts and Cracker ...
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We are a website dedicated to gaming across all forums with a focus on tabletop.
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A real play Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition podcast that doesn't take itself so seriously. Jump on to Season 4 with Episode 145
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Welcome to Tiny Table, where no game is too small! From rules to rolling to review, we teach RPGs so you can play too!
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A book club (podcast) for TTRPG enthusiasts who can't seem to find time to actually play TTRPGs. Join Finch (they/yours), Barclay (he/it), and Bee (he/they) as they come together once a month to discuss tabletop game source books (and whatever else they end up rambling on about).
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Jessie Ware hosts a podcast about food, family and everything in between, direct from her very own dinner table. With a little bit of help from her chef extraordinaire mum Lennie, each week guests from the worlds of music, culture and politics drop by for a bite and a bit of a natter. Oversharing guaranteed. Produced by Alice Williams Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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A podcast about the fascinating true stories behind each element on the periodic table.
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Iain & Jamie from The Giant Brain, and Oliver from Tabletop Games Blog bring you a fortnightly show featuring the best in Tabletop Gaming News
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Pull up a chair with Zach, Mark, and Logan; your own personal gaming group. Every week we gather to talk about and experience all things tabletop. Between the three of us, we bring together a wide range of experiences and expertise that are guaranteed to cover your favorite hobbies in a fresh way; from role playing, to board games, and more. So grab your dice and headphones, and join us at the table!
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Tabled Talk is a Competitive minded weekly Warhammer 40K podcast. Join us every week as we dive into new rules, upcoming events and speak with some of the best players the game has to offer. The goal of Tabled Talk is to help the average player "level-up" and learn competitive 40K in a fun, easy to digest fashion! Support us on Patreon:
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Bella Table on podcast ruuasta ja syömisen ilosta. Kia ja Petra keskustelevat viikottain ruokatrendeistä, parhaista rafla-annoksista, herkistyvät ruokamuistojen äärellä ja paljastavat parhaat niksit, keittiöonnistumiset sekä -epäonnistumiset. Bella Table on podcastin lisäksi monikanavainen ruokayhteisö joka ei ole pelkästään foodieille vaan kaikille ruuasta kiinnostuneille.
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Looking for tabletop game to play with your spouse that’s both fun and won’t wind up with one of you sleeping on the couch? Join Michael and Suzy as they discover new games each week, while tasting a new wine, beer or spirit!
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The Splendid Table has always connected people through the common language of food and eating. Now with award-winning food journalist Francis Lam at the helm, we’re bringing forward even more fresh voices and surprising conversations at the intersection of food, people and culture – covering everything from the global appeal of sesame to the impact of Instagram on everyday eating. It’s a food show where everyone is welcome. Produced by American Public Media. Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network
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We post our actual plays for listeners as well as discuss folk, indie and old school tabletop roleplaying games.
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Actual play de JDR joués sur VTT et Discord.
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Three young adults set out on their Pokemon journey in Kanto to see what grand adventures await! This is set in a timeline 50 years after Ash Ketchum.
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The Table uploads a Podcast of their weekly services to make it available for their listeners. Enjoy!
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The Magical Land of Yeld Episode 3: Requiescat En Yeld
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:15:23Smallest Salutations! Our friends have become heroes as they gear up to save Frankie!! As our friends delve in the lair of the Dollyhook, what dangers await them? Will their new transformations be enough or will they end up as monster food? Only one way to find out in our finale of The Magical Land of Yeld! Genevieve embraces the shadows. Dolores s…
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Ash Sarkar is a journalist, academic and political activist known for her commentary on social justice and democratic socialism. She is a senior editor at Novara Media, and her work has been published extensively. Ash’s debut book, Minority Rule: Adventures in the Culture War, examines how ruling elites exploit cultural divisions to maintain power.…
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Ist die Politikwende auch grün, Frau Nallinger?
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
24:55„Deutschland, wir müssen machen!“ – Dieser Initiative der Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft haben sich 50 Unternehmen angeschlossen. Sie fordern, dass Deutschland den Weg zur Klimaneutralität konsequent weitergeht. Wir sprechen mit der Vorständin der Stiftung, Sabine Nallinger, über die Forderungen der Initiative und die vorläufigen Ergebnisse des Sondierun…
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Dolomiittejä, keväthimoja ja unelmaelämää mökillä. Uusimmassa podijaksossa kuullaan terveiset maalta ja maailmalta kun Petra jakaa reissukuulumiset perhelomalta Dolomiiteilta ja Kia mökkiviikonlopulta Loviisasta. Jutellaan confit-ankasta, ihanista aamupaloista ja eväsleivistä, reissuruokien parhaista, hermoston rauhoittamisesta ja siitä, miten ystä…
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Debbie kicks off our Sunday morning worship services by taking us back to the gospel of Mark chapter 11, which we'll be working through verse by verse all the way through Lent.Oleh Debbie Manning
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2000 Years Later - The End of Christendom
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Main Kemudian
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Ethan Plumer's Educational Journey: Kindergarten to College
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:32:52Welcome to The Roundtable, the official podcast of Litchfield Christian School. Today, Dr. Plumer speaks with his son, Ethan, about his educational path from kindergarten to college. Their conversation seeks to offer useful insights on ways to support students during their academic journey, the influence of culture, curriculum, and educational phil…
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822: The King Arthur Baking Company's Big Book of Bread with Jessica Battilana and Martin Philip
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
50:10This week, we dedicate the entire episode to answering your bread baking questions with two brilliant bakers and teachers, King Author’s very own Jessica Battilana, Staff Editor, and Martin Philip, King Arthur’s Head Bread Baker. While King Arthur has taught millions of people to bake through their school, website, and classic cookbooks. They only …
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Realis: Nextlander Preview
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
3:44:04Hey everyone! To make the wait for next week's premier of Perpetua just a little bit easier, we decided to share a recent session of Realis Austin ran with the Nextlander crew! Enjoy! Hosted by Austin Walker (@austinwalker on bluesky) Featuring Vinny Caravella, Brad Shoemaker, and Alex Navarro Music by Jack de Quidt (available on bandcamp) Cover Ar…
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Aria V2 - Épisode 2 - Constantin, qu'est ce que tu fous contre la cage ?
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
57:46Rejoignez nous sur Tweeter : Bluesky : : podcast : : Youtube :…
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Vampire Nephilim Tomb Found in Mexico? [EP301]
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:01:25Tonight's tale is an archeologist's account of excavating an ancient tomb in Mexico which held the mummified remains of several giant vampire-like humanoids, and the dark phenomena that occurred as a result!
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What We Actually Have In Common
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
32:29Hey folks – housekeeping first. As you may have noticed, we just had two alt.Sundays in a row, but with Kids Table for both. This Sunday, which would normally be an alt.Sunday, kinda isn’t. We’ll have Community Time, music, and a Talky Bit…but no Kids Table programming. Let’s not call it anything, and just get together and enjoy having good company…
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Element 94 causes a bit of a crisis for our collections.Oleh T. R. Appleton
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The Golden State Killer: How DNA Cracked the Case
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
39:29The Golden State Killer terrorized California for decades—until DNA finally revealed his identity. In this gripping episode of Kitchen Table Research, we break down how genetic genealogy helped law enforcement solve one of the most notorious cold cases in history. Learn how investigators used family tree databases, forensic science, and cutting-edg…
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