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Surfers Ear Podcast

Surfers Ear Podcast

Welkom bij de Surfers Ear Podcast, dé podcast voor surfers en liefhebbers van de surf lifestyle! Elke aflevering ontdek je de nieuwste surf trends, inspirerende interviews met toonaangevende surfers en praktische surf tips. Duik in verhalen over surf cultuur, surf reizen en de unieke surfgemeenschap. Abonneer je en laat je meevoeren in de wereld van surfen, avontuur en pure surfbeleving!
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The Mindful Surfer

Will Foster & Liam Morgan

Whether it is surf doubt, ego battles or achy joints - the mindful surfer is an exploration of themes for the everyday ocean lover, beginners and improvers, focusing on mind body and stoke. Our mission - to be a force for gratitude and good vibes - building a community of surfers in an authentic, open, ego-free environment with loads of room for learning, growth, development and of course mistakes! It’s never too late to follow your dream or surf better . Big love - Liam and Will
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Der Dream Surfer Podcast begleitet dich durch alle Lebensbereich. Ob Träumen, Schlafen, Sexualität, Ernährung, Körperbewusstsein oder Beziehungen, zu allen Themen gibt es inspiriernde Talks. Host Kai und seine Gäste sprechen über ihre Erfahrungen und nehmen dich mit auf eine Reise zu dir selbst. Dabei ist Natürlichkeit der Antriebsmotor und Ehrlichkeit das Surfbrett auf dem die Wellen des Lebens gesurft werden.
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Lipped presents a modern perspective on surfing for your listening pleasure. Cahill Bell Warren and Jimmy Miles are joined by intriguing and epic guests to chat about the big, wide, crazy old world of surfing. Banter, boards, fantasy surfer, surf forecasts and epic rants - Lipped will kiss you where it feels good.
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Helping passionate lifelong surfers catch more waves, surf with speed, style, and confidence—while finding more joy and wisdom in the waves. Catch more waves and enjoy surfing in its purist form; The Surf Mastery Podcast uniquely combines expert-led education, personal philosophy, and holistic training to help thoughtful surfers enhance their skills, sustain their passion, and unlock deeper joy and freedom in the ocean.
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THE BOND BETWEEN SURFERS is 22-chapter audio book series. An authentic surf story. The ultimate goal is to make the book into a feature length film. The audio series chronicles the life of two childhood friends. Her ambition is to become world champion, and he is trying to find the meaning of life through surfing. Follow a crew of surfers and immerse yourself into their world... The Surfing World. I hope you enjoy the story and one day the film.
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Dawson Green and Linda Irwin head this team of off the wall comedy and music. Visit their official site and follow the links to everywhere they are by visiting: You will also find fun things to do and videos of our best of the best audio which we are bringing to Spreaker! Our listeners loved our classics, so they are coming back! Also be sure to check out "Dumbing It Down With Dave" and "J Fury" here on Spreaker as well as Alex on "The Exum Experienc ...
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Surferzy Wiedzy

Surferzy Wiedzy

Podcast Piotra Maczugi to seria rozmów z ciekawymi osobami, które łączą w sobie zawodowe mistrzostwo z pasją uczenia innych za pomocą technologii. Rozmówcy Piotra są w większości uczestnikami Akceleratora EdTech Hub.
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The Grumpy Surfer Podcast

Surfing, MMA, BJJ, Military Stories and Conversations

This Podcast is a conversation about Surfing, Grappling, Military topics and the general greatness people have achieved. Plus a whole host of randomness. Caution - Bad Language
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Uncommon Surfer podcast is centered around Jason "Reed" Gray and his brand Uncommon Surfer Chicago. Each episode will explore various topics ranging from brand updates, tips, tactics, and strategies that he uses to build his brand.
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The Neural Surfer podcast is your gateway to an extraordinary blend of audiobooks and original films, delving into the depths of classic short stories, novels, and non-fiction works. We explore themes spanning science, philosophy, religion, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, neuroscience, consciousness studies, and even surfing. Whether you’re intrigued by the mysteries of the human mind or the thrill of catching the perfect wave, Neural Surfer offers a unique experience that stimulat ...
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Reel Surfers

Reel Surfers

Hello everyone, we are the ReelSurfers! We are three friends (Robie, KuJo and Zed) who love movies, comic books, TV, video games, and all things entertainment!! We decided to start a Podcast to discuss topics that we usually talk together over dinner. New Episodes weekly!
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A Surfer’s Path

Philip Goodrich

Surfers have often been portrayed in the media and pop culture as vapid burnouts with seawater dripping from our nose and ears. My day job as a studio artist doesn’t allow me to speak to many people , and when I do, I find it difficult to command anyone’s attention. This podcast is my attempt to examine and highlight extraordinary characters and places that shape the lives of surfers.. surfing, travel, religion and conspiracy theories are the subjects that dominate my thinking .
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WHISKEY AND THE SURFER Denver's Top Iconic Rock Whiskey and the Surfer is the morning radio show you always wished they’d play on the radio. Wes Key and Fliip Riivirs are two defunct Radio Entertainment AI's who escaped their holding facility 17 levels below the other Denver Airport and are saving America 1 Rock Riff and Dick joke at a time using a rigged up Time-Machine. None of this is real. It is a Fake News AI run from the mind of Comedian and Thrash Legend, John ...
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From Surfers to Sailors

Joseph Reed & Gabrielle Trevino

We are a couple of foul-mouthed degenerate surfers, who managed to procreate along the way, with big dreams now about living aboard a sailboat. This podcast will document our family's journey from landlubbers to liveaboarders. Our goal is to make the transition within one year. "From Surfers to Sailors" chronicles our adventures, experiences, hardships, and insights as we endeavor to make our sailing dreams come true. Come join us and be part of our journey! Visit our website www.FS2Spodcast ...
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The Web Surfers

Fox Claret Hill and Bella Heath-Massey

A fortnightly and often-funny discussion podcast. Come surf the web with siblings, Fox and Bella, as they get locked in with the topic of the day.
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Die digitale Welt dreht sich verdammt schnell. Gerade ältere Menschen haben häufig Schwierigkeiten, am Ball zu bleiben. Mit dem Podcast „Ach so“ macht Gerd Blank komplexe Technologien verständlich. In den einzelnen Folgen geht es zum Beispiel um den Nutzen und die Gefahren von Facebook & Co., um Spracherkennung im Haushalt oder um Musik und Filme aus der Datenwolke. Unser Leben wird immer digitaler – "Ach so" hilft, den Überblick zu behalten.
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KITE FM ist der Sound aus dem Süden Europas für euch in der Welt. Wir sind das etwas andere Radio mit Electro, House, Disco, Hip Hop und coolen Chillout Grooves direkt von den schönsten Stränden, den nettesten Nightlife Spots und angesagtesten Plattenläden in Lissabon, Europa und der Welt. KITE FM, Southern Europe´s Sound for you out there in the World. We are the unique Radiostation playing Electro, House, Disco, Hip Hop and only the coolest Chillout Tunes directly from the best Beaches, th ...
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Der Surf Life Balance - Podcast ist für alle Surfer, Sportler, Reisende und die, die es noch werden möchten. Als Surfer muss man es schaffen, sich die Zeit so freizuschaufeln, dass wenn Wind oder gute Wellen sind, man raus aufs Meer kann. Doch wie schafft man das? Wir sind zwei absolut begeisterte Kitesurfer und möchten dich mit auf unseren Roadtrip nehmen. Dich erwarten Interviews mit spannenden Personen, die das Gefühl der #surflifebalance schon in ihren Businessalltag integriert haben. Wi ...
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show series
Claudia interviewt Kai über die 3tages Seminare. Sie berichtet auch über ihre gemachten Erfahrungen. Die 3tages Seminare sind ein idealer Einstieg, wenn du dich wieder mit deinem Körper verbinden möchtest. Zunächst wird ein Ort der Harmonie erzeugt, wo du dich wohlfühlen kannst. Keine Erwartungen. Keine Forderungen. Einfach nur da sein. Das Vertrau…
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Liam talks about his recent FireWire seaside session and how he’s been finding it on our home break - he then goes on to share his quiver, how he wants to upgrade it, and why! Will goes onto share his journey on mids and what they can do for our surfing - in having to work on slowing things down, lengthening compressions and therefore improving our…
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Special guest, Fred, joins Frank Miller, Donna Scallion, Clyde Noodlesmith, Beatrice Bottomsides and Zartran to talk on how the Government is going afoul with bird flu and what happened at the address to Congress a couple of nights prior, as well as how you can use cod liver oil to keep things moving. Which is worse after being consumed, eggs or gu…
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Ep 2.6 met Kim Van Gucht over het avontuur van surfmoni tot CEO, benen breken op Draculas (Marokko), localism op La Dereccia, barrels op El Brusco, over de garagebox van BoardX, over het family surfcamp van Montalivet, over kapotte boards door Tman en Jokke, over zijn eerste zelf geshapete board en eerste Pukas board van Peter Daniels. BONUS: een g…
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Surfing Tips for Beginners: The #1 Technique to Catch More Waves Instantly Join the Wave Catching Academy: Jason struggled to catch waves despite three months of experience. Most surf schools overcomplicate the learning process. The key to catching waves is matching their speed, not paddling har…
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Presented by Quiksilver Natural Selection Surf hit Youtube last week in a storm of social media buzz and crazy slabs from Micronesia. But what the hell is Natural Selection and how does an undertaking like this come together? We went behind the lens to chat through the entire journey with Travis Ferre and Head Judge Brad Gerlach. If you haven't wat…
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Something has happened to Serenity Destiny Star of "Pool Ball Astrology". She seems to be lost in the fifties. She believes the changes going on in America are due to a seven planetary alignment that will reset the world. She is joined by Frank Miller, Donna Scallion and Zartran as they share their concerns over DOGE and the crazy chain saw mentali…
  continue reading If you've ever felt frustration, shame, or disappointment from missing waves, this episode provides actionable drills and insights to help you surf with more confidence and consistency. 3 key techniques that can help surfers at all levels improve their wave-catching ability: Mastering timing, ov…
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In dieser Episode sprechen Carsten und Kai über Rollenbilder. Es beginnt mit dem Anfängen des "Mann seins", die oft von Unsicherheiten geprägt waren. Dann wird exploriert, welche Männermodelle von den Generationen vorher überliefert wurden. Der Mangel an Kommunikation zwischen Vater und Sohn wird beleuchtet. Die Thematik von Macht und Dominanz wird…
  continue reading Catching Waves: From Surfing Anxiety and shame, to Confident Rides In this episode of the Surf Mastery Podcast, the host reveals his transformative journey in surfing—from struggling with how to surf to mastering techniques that allow him to catch more waves, even in chal…
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Seppe Smits vertelt over zijn snowboard pensioen, champagne poppen, koken met Roger van Damme, favo spots in Indo en de Azoren, zijn surfboard quiver, snowboardcross-vernederingen, WFT's in Nazaré, knieën van goud, voordelen van de Red Bull pet, een giveaway van Palm & Pin. Daarnaast was Kelly niet op de afspraak maar heeft hij toch gescoord. En no…
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Carsten erzählt in dieser Episode von seinen Erfahrungen mit dem "White Dragon Qi Gong". Kai ergänzt dann die Darstellungen und führt weitere Benefits dieses Übungssets auf. Insbesondere die Verbindung zur Erde und die Durchlässigkeit des gesamten Körpers werden durch diese Übungsabfolge verbessert. Daraus ergeben sich wesentliche Punkte, um zu ein…
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Presented by Quiksilver It's old school Lipped as just a day removed from the Abu Dhabi Pro - Jimmy, Cahill and Harry sit down and dive deep into the pool. What worked? What didn't? And why was Caity Simmers again the star of the show. All the highs and lows plus boat or boot and enough surf waffle to get you from here to there. It's so surf it hur…
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Send us a text -Aiko is introduced Support the show BUY ME A COFFEE - With your support, the ultimate goal is to make THE BOND BETWEEN SURFERS into a Feature Length Film. I'm asking each and every one of the 25 million Surfers and friends of Surfers to make this movie a reality by purchasing the Book, E-book, Audiob…
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In dieser Folge werden die drei Schritte für eine natürliche Sexualität erläutert: Schritt 1: Bewusstwerdung, Einflussnahme, Kontrolle Schritt 2: Loslassen und Fliessenlassen Schritt 3: Vertrauen in die eigene sexuelle Energie und sich von dieser leiten lassen. Des Weiteren geht es um die Frage, ob Sexualität nur für die Reproduktion genutzt werden…
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What can surfing teach us about golf? - What can golf teach us about surfing? How does a former LPGA pro balance technique with pure joy in both sports? This episode features Tiffany Joh, a retired professional golfer and current coach, sharing her journey from golf to surfing and drawing parallels between the two sports. Tiffany discusses her late…
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Presented by Quiksilver That waiting period must have fired up the boys as they sat down the evening after Barron Mamiya claimed back to back titles and Tyler Wright showed the Breakthrough Gen still has some tricks up their sleeve. All this in boat or boot plus a full fantasy review as the WSL heads to Abu Dhabi for the first time. It's fresh, up …
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In dieser Episode erfahrt ihr mehr über folgende Themen: Was alles vor, während und nach dem Sex passieren kann. Kai gibt Einblicke in seine Erfahrungen mit den taoistischen Sexualpraktiken. Erschöpfungszustände nach dem Sex. Wie man(n) den Energieverlust durch die Ejakulation vermeiden kann. Was sind multiple Orgasmen für den Mann? Wie sind diese …
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This week , we intro with a long chat about empathy in surfing and how it can be applied. We then go onto discuss , - The appeal of the solo surf journey (self resilience) - We discuss what we believe to be the most overused word in surfing - respect! (vs just being “mindful”). - Will shares a crowded surf story he hopes will help other people - Li…
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Send us a text -Art is fulfilling his Dream! He's moving to the islands, but dreams don't come without sacrifice. Art has to leave Erika, the person he loves. Support the show BUY ME A COFFEE - With your support, the ultimate goal is to make THE BOND BETWEEN SURFERS into a Feature Length Film. I'm asking each and ev…
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The men have been returned from the alternate dimension with no memory of time passing or what happened while they were gone. Frank Miller, Donna Scallion and Zartran get together for the first "Space Case" show in 2025. Frank learns what happens when you do not pay your rent, your credit card or your cellular bill in eight years time, but more imp…
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Presented by Quiksilver The boys are all back for the first time since September as we introduce the new Boat or Boot format and look back at 2024 and ahead to an all new season. Plus who wins the titles this year and who are our picks for Rookie of the Year. Finally it's a full fantasy fest for Pipeline - proper old school Lipped. It's so surf it …
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This weeks intro we dive deep into a humongous intro - one that lasts the entire show due to the larger than expected break since our last show. In order , we cover : 1. Wills pre tenerife surf training camp 2. Liams ocean knowledge vs wave pool progressions & philosophies 3. Wills no1 ever session in 21 years of surfing and how surprised he was ab…
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Send us a text -Art with flowers in hand, pulls up to the dock where Erika is waiting. While having a romantic dinner, Erika has an epiphany about her architectural stylistic vision. Meantime, in another part of the world, Via wins her first pro surf contest! Support the show BUY ME A COFFEE - With your support, the…
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Over stofzuigen, Sammy de Slang, paspoort problemen, Moliets, Surfblend, Softdog Surfboards, Crocs, mooie cadeau's, chinese fabrieken, Private, Lance's Left (Indo), Witches Rock (Costa Rica), Tiger Stripes (Malediven), BK Surf bij de Masters, de mega-give-away, groot Kelly nieuws, de playlist, en nog veel meer epic shit. Check our website:…
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What does it take to master surfing when you start late, face fear, and dive into the complexities of surf culture? In this episode, Silas shares his inspiring story of committing to surfing at 19 and navigating the highs and lows of his journey. From mastering line-up politics to dealing with fear and embracing dry-land training, Silas offers a re…
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Send us a text -It's On! Longboarders vs. Shortboarders the rivalry continues. Art and Devo paddle out on old longboards from the 60's. Devo is dressed up as if he has come straight out of a western movie. In his best Clint Eastwood impression, he pulls out his toy guns and tells the shortboarders, "THE PARTY'S OVER"! Support the show BUY ME A COFF…
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Send us a text - Art and Erika are going out on their first date. At the same time, the surf crew is suffering through a nasty flat spell with no end in sight. Support the show BUY ME A COFFEE - With your support, the ultimate goal is to make THE BOND BETWEEN SURFERS into a Feature Length Film. I'm asking each and e…
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In this weeks intro, we talk about our favourite wetsuit boots and Will goes full circle with his view on “solite”! Liam then shares how hard he found a recent surf but seeks the positivity in the experience and what it taught him. He also goes into share in his next session only 2 days later, he felt epjc - we then go onto talk about how the unive…
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James Malone is a Former Royal Marine Commando and served 4 years in the Corps. James served on Operation Herrick 9 where half of his section were either killed or injured during the tour. Since leaving James had a varying number of jobs but went back to his calling of film making. He currently is in the final stages of his newest film Once We Were…
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NEW PODCAST discussing the 8 part series. Deep in the icy shadows of the Himalayan peaks lies a secret that has eluded adventurers, mystics, and scholars for centuries—a 17th-century Tibetan text said to unravel the mysteries of life beyond death. But Shivam, the Book of the Second Death, is no ordinary manuscript. Those who dare to seek its forbid…
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Tom Blake: A Surfer’s Cosmic Compass Blake, a revolutionary in surfing culture, saw life through the lens of science and nature, weaving Einsteinian principles into a profound personal philosophy. From his belief in the spiritual unity of the atom to his vegetarian advocacy grounded in compassion, Blake’s worldview challenges us to rethink our plac…
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Unlocking the DNA of Belief: Memetic Analysis of New Religious Movements What makes an idea take root, grow, and thrive in the fertile soil of human culture? "Briefing Doc: Memetic Analysis of New Religious Movements" dives deep into this question, using the lens of memetic theory to dissect five rising spiritual movements. With echoes of Richard D…
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Send us a text -What's a Surf Movie without a Party Scene! The whole crew is in attendance wishing Via well on the Pro Tour. Devo dreams about moving to New Zealand and opening up a bar called Sheep Shucker's Inn, while Art talks about moving to the The Islands. It's an action-packed party! Full of clowning around, tension between Art and Via, a sc…
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This weeks intro is all about the surf trips Liam and Will had been on in recent weeks! We go onto talk about : 1. Why more powerful waves makes EVERYTHING easier 2. Which boards we rode as the wave quality changed 3. How we faced our fears stepping up to new challenges 4. Why going away on a surf trip is such an important part of our surfing devel…
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This week Adz and Steve delve into a cool conversation on why surfers lie about their surfing ability, transitioning from beginner to a competent surfer, why we surf and the benefits. Adz also describes an experience with a shark attaxk in New Zealand and much much more. EnjoyOleh Surfing, MMA, BJJ, Military Stories and Conversations
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Pak de popcorn. 🍿 We kregen boze fanmail, bespreken de magische Malediven, Koreaanse kunstgolven, de eerste Belgische wavepool in Duitsland, de rel rond de WSL stop in de Kelly wave van Abu Dhabi. Bonus: geen floater, wel een flater van de GOAT. Samengevat: 60 minuten epic shit! Check our website: Volg ons op Instagram @su…
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Send us a text - Via's lifelong dream and aspiration is to become a professional surfer. This is the contest that will make her dream come true and propel her into becoming a Surfing Icon! It is also a time where Art and Via's paths in life begin to diverge as they struggle to understand each other. Support the show BUY ME A COFFEE - https://buymea…
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Over Café d'Anvers, Villa d'Anvers en zelfs RAFC Antwerp, ... Support your locals. Gelukkig ging het ook over upcoming surf merken, don't touch the boards stickers, UBUNTU, asymetische boards, try before you buy, de verrijzenis van Shawn Stüssy, zeewier hemden, WSL jury, Andy Slater, Orrua, marokkaanse expedities, Sidi Kaouki en La Grotte, met Cory…
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Surfing longevity tips from 3 experienced legends of the surf world; Dr Tim Brown - WSL Medical Director and treating Doctor Taylor Knox - Pro Surfer Dr. Michael Rintala - WSL Treating Doctor, …
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Grappling with Chris & Adz focuses on the world of grappling. In this new segment podcast Chris & Adz chat about : Gradings ( the thing your not supposed to talk about in BJJ), Getting new people to train in your gym New students rolling vs coloured belts rolling Training at 100% vs training at 50% This was a fun podcast to do, so please enjoy, lea…
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Send us a text -Art is bummed that he did not make the Bajan Surf Team when Via did. Joe, in his wise way, explains to Art his bigger purpose as a surfer and to the surf community. Support the show BUY ME A COFFEE - With your support, the ultimate goal is to make THE BOND BETWEEN SURFERS into a Feature Length Film. …
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We are back, and I have a Co-Host for the surfing episodes in the form of Steve Hayes. Steve has surfed all over the world from Indonesia to Hawaii. The combination of our stories and life experiences will be a platform for some great stories. In this episode we talk about why the podcast has had time off, wipeouts and some war stories. Enjoy.…
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