A freeform podcast where anything goes. The format is there is no format. Playing it safe only gets you so far.
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I'm writing this as I crouch in the stairwell of a shitty hotel. The internet is so bad in my room that I had to walk down to the end of the hall where it's amazingly fast. I might just get a sleeping bag and stream a movie out here, like camping! We could light a nice fire and sing songs. Man...I'd love to light this hotel on fire and sing songs. …
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One thing you don't want when you're staying in a hotel for long long periods of time is inconsistent breakfasts. And bad! I mean...it's clear the eggs from this morning were the same ones from yesterday. I don't know...maybe retiring from the Navy was a big mistake. Listen to this episode and hear all about it!!! Support the show…
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On this episode I pretend that I'm hosting a podcast that's really interesting and not weird. Support the showOleh Shotgun Mike Hostettler
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Mike Paine: The Man Behind The Voice
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
46:44On the episode we talk to Mike Paine but more importantly we listen to Mike Paine, because when you have a prominent voice actor on you don't want to miss your opportunity to learn. And not only is he a voice actor extraordinaire but he has decades of experience appearing on radio, books on tape, teaching and all sorts of other stuff. Not only that…
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On this episode I deliver one of my most heartfelt monologues. I didn't want to talk about it a whole bunch in this episode description because I thought it would cheapen it. Then after thinking about it for a few minutes, I decided that I wanted to cheapen it so I wrote up all these pages of gibberish. So much so that the people at the [podcast di…
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It's the beginning of our 18th season!!! Can you believe it? Wow. Who would've thought. I know I wouldn't have. I didn't even want to! They forced me to think about it and that's what I did lo these many months. Like a ship lost at sea as she smashes on the rocks of destiny, herein lies another episode of the podcast the world needs now more than e…
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This episode is all to promote my upcoming appearance on "The Great Big Intergalactic" which is a podcast starring none other than my good friend Caesar. I should say, this episode was all about promoting my upcoming appearance on "The Great Big Intergalactic" which is a podcast starring none other than my good friend Caesar. Now it is an episode a…
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This episode was going to be a big premiere, a sort of "re-birth". My plan was to be very energetic and act like I'd never done a podcast ever before in my life. I was going to have fake technical difficulties and interview somebody about plants. I had it all set but you know what happened? The time came to start doing my whole routine and I though…
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Oh my this is a podcast to be reckoned with and the days of reckoning have arrived. It sure surprised me!! Did it surprise you? Like and leave a comment if it surprised you. Support the showOleh Shotgun Mike Hostettler
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This episode is dedicated to my girlfriend because she said she likes the episodes where I ramble on endlessly about nothing and so that's what I tried to do. Now that I think about it, maybe she said that because she thinks it's really annoying and if I ramble on and on endlessly, eventually I will end up alienating my audience. Without my audienc…
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An Interesting Turn of The Screw
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
34:00A lot of people think that the film "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" is the very first movie with all post production, including color grading, done digitally. But due to the release date being pushed back repeatedly, Jason X (aka Jason in Space) is actually the first film to be completely color graded digitally along with all the other post production…
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On this episode, we talk to Greg Judd from The IDK's. A lot of you are probably thinking "he already said that in the Episode Title" and that is true, but I wanted to make sure that was clear. I mean, it might not mean a lot to you, but it means a lot to me!! Not only do we talk to Greg Judd from the IDKs but we also debut three songs. That means I…
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A Quickly Slapped Together News Show About Things That Happened and an Old Draft Board Cartoon
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
36:02This is an episode where I never once talk about the Friday the 13th holiday that happens every few months. Could you call that a holiday? What is Friday the 13th classified as? I guess it's not a holiday. It's just a day. Apparently years that begin on Thursday have three Friday the 13ths. One in February, one in March, and one in November, such a…
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Our Televised Hard Cock Rock Special
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
30:20This episode is an homage to Over the Edge on KTLA. I was listening to it the other day, or a recording of it I should say, and it reminded me of how inspirational that stuff was for me. Still is!! But that's neither here nor there. What's important is that we got this episode done. We're all really excited about that. Support the show…
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Talking With Duane Scott Cerny
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:03:56On this episode, I talk to Duane Scott Cerny. He is a true renaissance man! He is the bestselling author of "Vintage Confidential" and "Selling Dead People's Things" and Co-Owner of the Broadway Antique Market in Chicago as well as a columnist, poet and all sorts of other stuff!! Listen to us talk about things, the value of said things and the role…
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How To Be On The Shotgun Mike Hostettler Show
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
33:50On this episode, I provide a template for the type of show a guest might be able to expect while walking them through the entire process. Seems strange right? Well...it's a strange world we live in. Maybe you're a potential guest that wants to come on and talk about this? Well listen to this episode, take notes and book your appearance!!! For those…
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The 2024 Christmas Spectacular!!
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
32:46This, of course, is the 2024 Christmas episode. Originally, I was calling it the 2024 X-mas episode but I noticed people don't do that anymore. They don't do a lot of stuff anymore. Like caring about each other. That's something we don't do anymore. You know what makes people care about each other? Listening to the Shotgun Mike Hostettler Show! Sup…
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Gaz Reynolds' Fourth Guest Appearance!!!!
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:28:24On this episode, we talk to Gaz Reynolds. He's been on a million times!! It's just us getting weird and talking about life in the world. We feature his tracks Bitches (Boomer Dance Mix), I Don't Care and Electric Kama Sutra (My Wife Looks Like Bella Poarch Mix). All this and more can be further investigated at one of these links that are right here…
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Drinking Champagne Out of My Blank
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
27:24This episode is made for people who have just gone and received major surgery. If you listen to it right after your major surgery, you'll heal just fine. Support the showOleh Shotgun Mike Hostettler
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I was feeling down. Down and out. Out of time and out of inspiration. Where could I turn? What was it that was causing all this mayhem? What was the answer?!? Covid. The Coronavirus!! Remember when people were all freaked out about it? Well I got it yesterday and nobody gives a shit, so who says the world isn't changing? But I talk about it a littl…
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Linkin Park Singer’s Secret Life
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
30:40On this episode, I get psychedelic in the hotel room I'm currently holding up in. I've boarded up the windows and taken out the trash. Sit back and relax. This episode will do the work for you. Support the showOleh Shotgun Mike Hostettler
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Quantum Computing Applications in Competitive StarCraft
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
26:09On this episode, I appear on another guys podcast. I don't tell him I do a podcast or that I'm using the audio of our conversation in this episode. A lot of people are going to say "that's deceptive!" or "that's stealing!" and to those people I say go fuck yourselves. This is my podcast and I'll do what I want!! And not only do I do this, but the m…
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On this episode I talk about how even though I'm not a fan of Donald Trump, I knew he was going to win. I would visit my sister and she'd get so angry that I said he was going to win. I never said I liked him, I just said he was going to win. She got so angry and started screaming at me but hey...it's over. You know who never screamed at me? Donald…
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Nothing Else Has Any Consequence
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
31:10This episode is about popular characters from popular old intellectual property pulp magazines also known as comic books. The word "comic" originates from the Greek word "komikos," which relates to comedy. This Greek term itself comes from "komos," meaning a revel or a festivity. The word evolved through Latin as "comicus" before entering Middle En…
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Caesar from The Great Big Intergalactic!!! (Part 3)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
36:04Here we are again on this, the final episode of our three part series involving none other than Caesar from The Great Big Intergalactic Podcast. We talked for such a long time that I only felt I could do it justice by stretching it out into three episodes, but you know...it's so much more than that. So much more. Why don't you listen and find out e…
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Caesar from The Great Big Intergalactic!!! (Part 2)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
35:54On this episode we continue our discussion with Caesar from the Great Big Intergalactic podcast. This episode is part two of our discussion where we share our perspectives on the world and how we are experiencing it. I was going to go into a detailed description of what we do next, but you'll have to listen to PART TWO of my exciting discussion wit…
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Caesar from The Great Big Intergalactic!!! (Part 1)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
49:52On this episode I talk to Caesar from the podcast the Great Big Intergalactic show!! We talk about everything from Mormons, to not having guests on your podcast, to not having Mormon guests on your podcast and oh so much more!! We dig deep to find the answers and share them with you. It's all so much fun you're not going to be able to control yours…
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I made one promise last episode. But it was a big one. It was that I would have a guest on to talk about something. It's this new idea I've been kicking around. Figured I'd try it out on this episode and if it works out, well...who knows where we can take it? But this new idea was to talk to someone in a very "spur of the moment' type of way. Now t…
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Here it is!! The last episode of the Gaz Reynolds trilogy. I'd spend all day talking about it but why don't you just listen to it? Why do I have to do all the work?? Why can't you do anything for yourself EVER?!?!?!?! Check out his links: https://www.tiktok.com/@gazreynolds https://open.spotify.com/artist/3u3Ti4wpLfI4BbjhoCeJPV https://www.youtube.…
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As with most great trilogies, the second episode is the one that really ties everything together and this episode does nothing to dispel that myth. We're back with our good friend Gaz Reynolds and we're talking about even more stuff!! We get pretty heavy on this one. Some of the weaker-willed listeners may need your therapy animal close by while li…
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We're back after so much time off on vacation and we're back with a super special episode. Why so super special? Well it's because we have one of our returning guests, none other than Gaz Reynolds!! And we talk about the world and how crazy it is. You're probably saying "I had no idea it was so crazy. I thought everything was fine." Well it's not!!…
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This episode delves into the modern world of organization and the impact it's having on industry. You have to listen closely but it's there. Support the showOleh Shotgun Mike Hostettler
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The Post Revival Version Two: Shimmering Waves of Grain
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
30:56Does anyone know of the band "Head of Femur"? I don't know if they were ever considered "really" popular. I had this one record of theirs...it was really good! It had that song "Eight Steps to Jonas"? I don't know. I could probably just log-in to my preferred streaming service and do a search for them, but I gotta write the goddamn description for …
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The Proof That I'm Not Dead Episode
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
16:32On this episode I'm just talking and making this movie that I call a Podcast, but this one is short. There's no mention of pancakes or anything and I play some weird tunes. Enjoy everybody!! Support the showOleh Shotgun Mike Hostettler
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Get The Ring Back and Prosecute The Scoundrel
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
27:56Dreams. Basic dreams. Basic puffy clouds in dreams and that's what you have here. Here it is. Never before and then again but here it is and that's the rest of the long story. On this episode, we escape and explore. Support the showOleh Shotgun Mike Hostettler
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On this episode, I take off my glasses and wander around the room with my arms outstretched in front of me. Just listen and see if I'm telling the truth!!! Support the showOleh Shotgun Mike Hostettler
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The Tale of An American Leftist in Mexico
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
48:14On this episode I talk to an American leftist who's living in Mexico. We talk all about the state of the world, the economic and political climate of present day Mexico and why the United States sucks and commie socialism is the ONLY answer!! That's right! I tried to get a Mexican right-winger who's living in the United States to provide a counter …
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Working for the Man Sucks - Part 4 with Josh From 'Pursuit of Infinity' Which is a Podcast. Not a Band
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
35:18On this episode we talk about how working for the man is all that matters and there's nothing else. There's no fun or enjoyment anymore. Some of you are arguing with me in your head thinking "there's tons of fun and enjoyment in the world. I just enjoyed something fun two days ago." Well to that I would say you need to go and check yourself into th…
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Why Working For The Man Sucks - Part 3 with Felicity Azura
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
37:10On this episode, I talk to Felicity Azura about why working for the man sucks. It's a seemingly endless series of nightmare scenarios, con jobs and hustles and for what?! Just to get by?! That hardly seems fair!! Listen now to her story and hear how the life of a stripper in Guam isn't as trouble-free as one would expect. Felicity Azura can be foun…
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We All Came To The Sudden Realization That We Were Probably Never Going To Go Bowling in Cleveland Again
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
42:57Are you ready? Are you ready for this? Are you sitting on the edge of your seat? Well sit back!! You're going to fall off your seat if you sit that close! NEVER sit on the edge of your seat. Ever. Support the showOleh Shotgun Mike Hostettler
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Hair Care Tips For The Modern Woman on the Go
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
5:29On this episode we discuss hairstyles that women like to get. It's very informative! Did you know a "permanent" wasn't permanent at all!! You can cut the fucking thing right off!!! Support the showOleh Shotgun Mike Hostettler
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Dracula Was The Original Batman
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
30:55Well I'm back to making trippy episodes for people to take drugs to. I'll sprinkle those in between all the guest episodes. I figure we'll do this until one format clearly wins out over the other or until the world ends. Whichever comes first. Support the showOleh Shotgun Mike Hostettler
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Why Working for the Man Sucks - Part 2 with Justin
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
48:41On this episode I talk to Justin about why working for the man sucks. He agrees! It does suck, so there you go - it’s not just me. But what’s more, he’s taken his lumps and come out on top, relatively speaking, which is not what I was expecting. I was thinking it was going to be a sad dismal story that was going to turn listeners away but no! It wa…
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Why Working for the Man Sucks - Part 1 with Kevin
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
27:55Life can get pretty tough out there and you sometimes need something to pull you through. On this episode, our good friend Kevin is that something and he shows us that life isn't about being some phony stuck up asshole, it's about being a fun loving taking life as it comes asshole. What's important is that you remain true to yourself. I think there…
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Ricky was a young boy. He had a heart of stone. He lived nine to five and he worked his fingers to the bone. He was just barely out of school and what's worse is he came from the edge of town. He fought like a switchblade so no one could take him down. He had no money. He had no good at home. He walked the streets a soldier and he fought the world …
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This episode is my homage to the late great Miles Davis. Most people will never know how much I love Miles Davis, even his Tutu era stuff that everyone hates! And that's what this episode is about. Not in so much as we discuss the legendary jazz trumpeter but in that I made it all up as I went along and I don't really give a shit if anybody even li…
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On this one I return from the long vacation I took to some tropical island. As I write this, I realize that is exactly what I should have done. It's been almost two weeks since the last episode, I couldn't get a guest, but had I made this a whole "I'm in the Bahamas podcasting live" thing, it would've given me volumes of material. I could have talk…
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Nobody’s saying I can’t just whip out the podcasts here and there, and why shouldn’t they? They’re always saying this or that and all times day or night. “Stay out of my business!” I would yell to them as they pass me by. Passing me buy on that corporate ladder to the stars. And they’re going to get there. They’re going to get there if I have to dr…
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On this episode we talk about none other than Otto Fredrik Gideon Sundbäck, the inventor of the modern day zipper. He doesn’t even have a “zip” sound in his name which I found REALLY disappointing. I didn’t bring it up in the episode because it’s not professional. You don’t want to find fault with things when you’re hosting a podcast. You just want…
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Double Trouble: Gaz Reynolds and Shotgun Mike Hostettler Back Again!!!
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
57:55Gaz is back and we're tearing things up! We talk about his new tracks, the productions, the music business and just life in general. Plus we get to listen two of his new tracks. The episode title says it all!! We're here and the trouble has doubled. Listen now!!! Here is where you can get even more Gaz Reynolds: Spotify Apple Music Amazon TikTok Su…
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