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show episodes
The Baylor College of Medicine Resonance Podcast is a student-run podcast aimed at showcasing the science at Baylor through the eyes of young professionals. Each episode is written and recorded by students who have a passion for research and the medical community. Guests on the show include both clinical and basic science research faculty who are experts in their fields. We hope that whoever listens in gains new insight into the exciting world of biomedical research.
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Resonance esta enfocado en compartir diferentes Sets Podcast en alta calidad presentado por Juan Pablo Moran, con el objetivo de llegar a un público mayoritario a nivel mundial enfocados al House y al Techno.
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To mark Resonance's 20th anniversary, Daniel Brewer, our CEO, is having a series of conversations with 12 key individuals who have been influential in Resonance's first twenty years. They reflect back on the journey and imagine what might be ahead of us over the next twenty years.
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Weekly VIDEO sermons from Lead Pastor, Aron Kirk, at Resonance Church in Mt. Orab, OH whose vision is to help other EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE Jesus makes and MAKE A DIFFERENCE in His name. Visit for more information.
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Resonance FM

Resonance FM

Resonance104.4fm is London's art radio station. A platform for sound and radio art, experimental art practice, specialist musics, free speech and deep thought, we broadcast original content from musicians, artists, scientists, instigators, critics and thinkers from London's kaleidoscopic communities. Resonance FM is a challenging model of community media hailed as "the best radio station in the world".
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Brought to you from Trauma Informed Consultancy Services and hosted by Dr Lisa Cherry, this podcast is a multi-agency, inter disciplinary resource for those who work in education, social care, criminal justice or health and to listen to conversations that make a difference. Utilising the wisdom of lived experience, academic research and practice knowledge, we will support you in your work of developing trauma informed, relationally focused practice developing safe, supportive and healing env ...
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Resonance Podcasts

Alfa Energy Group (an Edison Energy company)

Resonance is an Alfa Energy Group (an Edison Energy company) podcast series where we explore some of the latest insights from the energy and sustainability sector as it goes through a significant transformation. Fuelled by new challenges, new ideas and new technologies, we discuss what it means for businesses to realise their energy and sustainability ambitions.
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Baffling, erudite, funny, vertiginously bizarre, digressive, obsessive, eccentric and poignant. Hooting Yard the home of legendary pamphleteer Dobson, Blodgett Marigold Chew, home of the picnic for detectives and location of the palace of Hoon.A splendid place, much cake is eaten there.Written and presented by Frank Key.
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We are recording anarchist and related texts and distributing them in audio forms. In this way we hope to make anarchist ideas more accessible and anarchist practice more informed. We may not agree with every word of every text we record but hope that the distribution of these texts in audio form continues lively anarchist discussions and ultimately we hope that those discussions lead us into the streets.
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Narrative Resonance

The Subtle Doctor & Shadon

We take narrative as the foundational element in games, and this core principle frames our discussion. Not only do we dissect the stories themselves and the literary elements therein, we also evaluate gameplay mechanics and design decisions that effect game stories. Our idea of stories is inclusive: we are interested primarily in stories internal to the games themselves but also in player stories, experiences created by but external to the text of the game.
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Welcome to Resonance Rising, where you’ll learn from leading scientists, doctors, and experts on cutting-edge ways to heal chronic disease and biohack for longevity using sound, light, energy, and alternative medicine. Most of us go around thinking that our world is physical. But quantum physics tells us that it’s actually all energy that just appears to us as physical. Through this podcast, you’ll learn how these fundamental principles can be harnessed to help you recover from chronic pain, ...
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The perfect complement to a double espresso and a bacon sandwich, The deXter Bentley Hello GoodBye Show has been reviving hung over listeners in London and beyond every Saturday lunchtime between noon and 1.30pm, ever since Resonance 104.4 FM first hit the airwaves back in the Spring of 2002. Occasional excursions into poetry, drama and sound art aside, the show revolves around the one thing that excites us the most… MUSIC! Whether your thing is electro-punk, avant-pop or good old free-folk ...
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The Cyber Chutney Arse Duck Show: these shows where made for our own amusement ,hopfully someone else will enjoy them as well. We have a very slapdash aproch to making music and we hope it makes you laugh. You can also hear music by coley portions on this show .my cohort is BIN JUICE.Some people say we shouldn?t laugh at our own jokes.I say if you find it funny laugh. We tried to get a fealing of cacking about in our bedroom and bathroom down on the radio. I think we dud it.
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Resonance Sessions

Resonance Sessions

The Resonance Sessions Podcast is designed to bring you the freshest and highest quality tracks from all genres of electronic dance music - edited and mixed for your listening pleasure by Resonance Sessions DJ's Sax & Anomaly. Over the past half decade, Sax & Anomaly have shared the decks at numerous clubs, festivals and venues across the USA. They both share a similar taste in music and equally respect the technical aspect of DJing and performing in front of a live audience. Sax // Televisi ...
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Hogfish Resonance is a seasonal podcast that explores what it means to create, participate, and reap the benefits of regenerative arts. Whether that be answering questions like: - What is regenerative arts and how do we make it/them? - How can the arts help return individuals, our communities and our planet back to a better, healthier balance? - How can we use the arts to ensure a healthy future for generations to come? Join host and cultural anthropologist, Hillary Webb, as she interviews a ...
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"All the latest celebrity gossip, hot fashion tips and 101 ways to spice up your love life." A few months ago, I found a cache of tapes in a gents lavotory, wrapped in what appeared to be a suicide note. While many of the tapes had degrated due to exposure to the harsh toilet environment, much of their content was still playable. I became obsessed with cataloguing the dreary, meloncholic sounds contained therein. I have encoded and placed here all that I was able to salvage, and as I am slow ...
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The interference between two wavelengths in the same frequency at certain times can generate a sonic disturbance known as an antinode. This effect causes the maximum amplitude of two wavelengths whose resonance generates the same fundamental frequency. Antinode represents the perfect combination of contrast and symmetry in the electronic music world: the youth of Joel Sama and the experience of Alan Lockwood and their solid ride as DJs. The story begins on a Friday night in Barcelona. They b ...
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show series
Gianmarco Calderara: Hello, and thanks for listening to Resonance podcast, a podcast run by medical and graduate students at Baylor College of Medicine, where we interview clinicians, faculty, and researchers about their work in an effort to promote health, education, and ingenuity. My name is Gianni Calderara. I am a fourth-year medical student at…
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3 rencontres avec 3 jeunes d'aujourd'hui : Jeanne et Camille sont lycéennes, Niels est écolier.Quelles sont les femmes de ta famille ou de ton entourage qui t'ont transmis quelque chose d'important ? À ton tour, toi aussi, qu'est-ce que tu aimes transmettre ?-Enregistrement et montage (août-septembre 2023) : A.G.…
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3 rencontres avec 3 jeunes d'aujourd'hui : Jeanne et Camille sont lycéennes, Niels est écolier.Quelles sont les femmes de ta famille ou de ton entourage qui t'ont transmis quelque chose d'important ? À ton tour, toi aussi, qu'est-ce que tu aimes transmettre ?-Enregistrement et montage (août-septembre 2023) : A.G.…
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3 rencontres avec 3 jeunes d'aujourd'hui : Jeanne et Camille sont lycéennes, Niels est écolier.Quelles sont les femmes de ta famille ou de ton entourage qui t'ont transmis quelque chose d'important ? À ton tour, toi aussi, qu'est-ce que tu aimes transmettre ?-Enregistrement et montage (août-septembre 2023) : A.G.…
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Lors de notre enquête sur le matrimoine, nous sommes allées interroger Anne, membresse de l'atelier féministe conflentois Le Rendez-vous des Mauviettes. Anne est une militante de toujours, que ce soit à la Ligue des Droits de l'Homme ou encore au sein de luttes locales comme celles pour la sauvegarde des terres agricoles.Issue de la "génération 68"…
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Lors de notre enquête sur le matrimoine, nous sommes allées interroger Caroline. Issue d’une famille d’artistes-femmes, elle est elle-même plasticienne, réalisatrice de films et aujourd’hui historienne des paysannes du Conflent. Après avoir grandi au sein de ce qu’elle appelle un « matriarcat », il lui a fallu faire le tri dans cette relation fusio…
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Même quand on arrive à se procurer de bons aliments, on ne sait pas toujours comment les cuisiner facilement !C'est pourquoi Anabelle, salariée de la Fondation du Prieuré de Marcevol, nous présente plusieurs initiatives qui visent à la transmission d'une cuisine du quotidien qui soit accessible, nourrissante et écologique.De Marcevol à Prades, on r…
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Aimé Mérignac es va passar la vida pescant, tant a l'estany com al mar. Va viure la transformació de la seua professió i el canvi de l'estany... Entrem al seu casot a la vora de l'estany de Codalera al Barcarès i escoltem l'Aimé.Aimé Mérignac a passé sa vie à pêcher, tant sur l'étang que sur la mer. Il a vécu la transformation de son métier et le c…
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Sur les hauteurs de Canaveilles, la nature sauvage a encore sa place. On y rencontre Caroline, artiste plasticienne et cueilleuse de plantes comestibles. À travers une balade botanique, elle nous décrit l’usage de plusieurs espèces : sedum, trèfle, pissenlit, consoude... Elle nous partage aussi son regard différent, l’ "attention au monde" que lui …
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A talk programme dedicated to films and television shows, presented by Marcus Ako, Laura Sampson and David Campbell, on Resonance 104.4FM at 7pm (UK) on Fridays and repeats Tuesday 4pm. Podcast episodes available from Monday afternoon around 12:30pm (UK) #ItsAllAboutThe3Way #ShootTheBreezeShow #TheIdiotOnTheComedyCircuit Reach us on Twitter, on Fac…
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A talk programme dedicated to films and television shows, presented by Marcus Ako, Laura Sampson and David Campbell, on Resonance 104.4FM at 7pm (UK) on Fridays and repeats Tuesday 4pm. Podcast episodes available from Monday afternoon around 12:30pm (UK) #ItsAllAboutThe3Way #ShootTheBreezeShow #TheIdiotOnTheComedyCircuit Reach us on Twitter, on Fac…
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A talk programme dedicated to films and television shows, presented by Marcus Ako, Laura Sampson and David Campbell, on Resonance 104.4FM at 7pm (UK) on Fridays and repeats Tuesday 4pm. Podcast episodes available from Monday afternoon around 12:30pm (UK) #ItsAllAboutThe3Way #ShootTheBreezeShow #TheIdiotOnTheComedyCircuit Reach us on Twitter, on Fac…
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Dans leur camion, Valérie et Yvon livrent en Cerdagne les paniers de légumes cultivés par leur chanter d'insertion, Les Jardins de l'Amitié, à Prades. D'un côté, ils apportent toute l'année des légumes bio en circuit court à cette zone montagneuse qui en manque ; de l'autre, les habitant·es ·es des hauts-cantons soutiennent une démarche d'insertion…
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Send us a Text Message. Find out from Jessica Parker how you can unlock the full potential of your school community by joining TICS DfE quality-assured Practising as a Trauma Informed Mental Health Lead (SMHL150) which allows you to become a certified lead. The best bit? It is fully funded for schools in England. “Creating schools, services & syste…
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Send us a Text Message. Emma Easton is the Education Manager of Spartans Community Education which provides youthwork led, trauma informed alternative education for primary and secondary children and young people, when mainstream is asking for more than they have to give. She works within these nurturing settings and leads a committed team of youth…
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Send us a Text Message. In this three part, one off series, Dr Lisa Cherry is in conversation with Nikki Leader, close friend, energy healer and Sound Therapist, as they navigate cancer together. Join them as they explore the trauma of diagnosis, inner strength and allowing the beauty from within to shine! This episode has a sharp focus on endings …
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In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Mollie Gordon, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Baylor College of Medicine and founder of the nation's first psychiatry fellowship dedicated to treating human trafficking survivors. Dr. Gordon shares insight from her research and advocacy efforts aimed at combating human trafficking, both …
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Send us a Text Message. In this three part, one off series, Dr Lisa Cherry is in conversation with Nikki Leader, close friend, energy healer and Sound Therapist, as they navigate cancer together. Join them as they explore the trauma of diagnosis, inner strength and allowing the beauty from within to shine! This episode has a sharp focus on self car…
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Manger est un besoin primaire, certes ! Mais selon comment on se nourrit, et avec qui on mange, on crée aussi des relations avec notre environnement et avec notre entourage. Matthew Hilton nous propose donc une réflexion autour de l'acte de manger. De l'évocation d'une modernité aliénante (dont la fameuse "intelligence artificielle") à l'importance…
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Send us a Text Message. In this three part, one off series, Dr Lisa Cherry is in conversation with Nikki Leader, close friend, energy healer and Sound Therapist, as they navigate cancer together. Join them as they explore the trauma of diagnosis, inner strength and allowing the beauty from within to shine! Episode Two is here and Episode Three can …
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Dr. Charu Agrawal is an assistant professor in the Hematology Oncology Department at the Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. In this episode, she shares her experience working as a palliative care physician and her journey through medicine. She discusses the challenges and rewards of palliative medicine while highlighting th…
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Mi-janvier 2024, les mobilisations agricoles nationales et européennes ont une résonance singulière au niveau local. Dans le Conflent, un mouvement spontané se forme, réunissant plus de 200 agriculteur·ices : ils-elles demandent aux autorités de faire du Conflent un "territoire pilote" face aux défis du changement climatique et notamment face au dé…
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This is a bittersweet episode and one that I have procrastinated on for over a month because a month ago I decided that I was going to end the Resonance Rising podcast. And this was a decision that didn't come lightheartedly. I spent a lot of time deliberating this because over the last year that I've been doing this podcast, which has been an incr…
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In this episode, we talk to Dr. Nathan Lindquist, assistant professor in the Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, about cochlear implants and his perspective on advancing the field of caring for patients with hearing loss. We discuss his journey to otolaryngology and neurotology, learn about cochlear implants, and look forward to t…
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Une après-midi au festival Bouts de chemins organisé par le collectif La Clé les 1er et 2 juin 2024 au Prieuré de Marcevol. Qu'on vienne d'ici ou d'ailleurs, qu'on soit venu au bout d'un long chemin ou en voisin, on a pu faire ensemble un bout de chemin, un pas de danse, un peu de cuisine, de dessin, de son !Bouts de chemins, c'était deux jours d'e…
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L’association Beau bruit et son média participatif Résonances ont invité la journaliste d’investigation Inès Léraud le 14 mai 2024 à Prades.Après des études de cinéma, Inès Léraud a commencé sa carrière par un documentaire radiophonique, Les Mercuriens (émission Sur les Docks, France Culture en 2008). Elle a ensuite été reporter pour l’émission Là-…
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L’association Beau bruit et son média participatif Résonances ont invité la journaliste d’investigation Inès Léraud le 14 mai 2024 à Prades.Après des études de cinéma, Inès Léraud a commencé sa carrière par un documentaire radiophonique, Les Mercuriens (émission Sur les Docks, France Culture en 2008). Elle a ensuite été reporter pour l’émission Là-…
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L’association Beau bruit et son média participatif Résonances ont invité la journaliste d’investigation Inès Léraud le 14 mai 2024 à Prades.Après des études de cinéma, Inès Léraud a commencé sa carrière par un documentaire radiophonique, Les Mercuriens (émission Sur les Docks, France Culture en 2008). Elle a ensuite été reporter pour l’émission Là-…
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L’association Beau bruit et son média participatif Résonances ont invité la journaliste d’investigation Inès Léraud le 14 mai 2024 à Prades.Après des études de cinéma, Inès Léraud a commencé sa carrière par un documentaire radiophonique, Les Mercuriens (émission Sur les Docks, France Culture en 2008). Elle a ensuite été reporter pour l’émission Là-…
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L’association Beau bruit et son média participatif Résonances ont invité la journaliste d’investigation Inès Léraud le 14 mai 2024 à Prades.Après des études de cinéma, Inès Léraud a commencé sa carrière par un documentaire radiophonique, Les Mercuriens (émission Sur les Docks, France Culture en 2008). Elle a ensuite été reporter pour l’émission Là-…
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La vie met sur notre chemin des personnes que l'on croit avoir déjà connues. Mais où et quand ? On se reconnaît sans forcément mettre des mots dessus. Juste une résonance complice. Elles sont toujours présentes au bon moment, et leur absence n'en fane pas l'amitié. Écoutons À l'infini les chemins se croisent, le cinquième numéro de la série Les Rêv…
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La ville de Perpignan possède désormais un lieu gastronomique et atypique. Le MIAM collectif est une cantine pas comme les autres, portée par un collectif d'habitant·es partageant l'envie d'être ensemble. Le MIAM est un restaurant solidaire ouvert depuis janvier 2020 à Perpignan, qui s'est installé en septembre 2023 dans un nouveau lieu Rue Petite …
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