Sermons from Pastor Josh Tancordo at Redeeming Grace Church of Pittsburgh, PA.
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The Israelites seek God’s blessing in exactly the wrong way and end up experiencing disastrous consequences.
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Samuel was established as a prophet of the Lord.
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God will judge the negligence of Eli and the wickedness of Eli’s sons and raise up in their place a faithful leader.
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God uses our pain to accomplish His purposes
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Make Christ the point of your life by seeking and setting your mind on things above.
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It’s only by abiding in Christ that we can bear spiritual fruit.
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The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
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Jesus came to this world so that all who believe in him can be born into God’s family.
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From the beginning, the Word was with God and was God and now functions as the only source of life and light for all humanity.
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Genuine Christian faith leads people to boast only in the cross.
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Whatever one sows, that will he also reap.
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God expects Christians to bear one another’s burdens.
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Christians can overcome sinful desires by walking in the power of the Holy Spirit.
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Genuine Christians operate in a mindset of faith working through love.
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Christians are children of freedom rather than children of slavery.
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The greatest ambition we as a church could ever have is to bring glory to God.
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Paul carries within his heart tremendous pastoral concern for the spiritual welfare of the Galatian Christians.
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The wise person asks God for wisdom, in contrast to the worldly person who doubts God will provide.
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God gave the law to his people in order to prepare them for the gospel.
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God’s people must abound in love out of gratitude for God’s work in them and for the gospel partnership they share with one another.
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Only those who share Abraham’s faith are truly his children and heirs of his blessing.
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Christians have been crucified with Christ and therefore now live in an entirely new way in Christ.
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People are justified not by works of the law but through faith alone.
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Paul confronts Peter for demonstrating religious hypocrisy.
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Paul pursues unity yet rejects compromise.
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The gospel that Paul proclaims comes from God alone.
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There is no gospel apart from the gospel of grace.
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Christians should live in eager anticipation of the coming Day of the Lord.
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God will bring judgment upon this world in his perfect timing.
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False teachers are a continual threat to the welfare of God’s people.
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The Christian gospel is supported by eyewitness testimony and by the very Word of God.
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True greatness consists in serving other people.
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Our only hope of true and lasting contentment is Jesus Christ.
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Christians demonstrate the genuineness of their faith through their pursuit of virtuous character qualities.
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Knowing God is our first and highest calling.
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Remember the word of God and behold his sign of coming deliverance, so that your heart would be turned to God and one another, or be destroyed.
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Christians must stand firm in God’s grace.
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Christians can persevere through adversity by responding to it in the proper way.
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God uses trials to test the genuineness of our faith to grow us in godliness
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God has given elders the responsibility of shepherding his flock.
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Christians demonstrate the genuineness of their faith by persevering through persecution.
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Those who have been justified and reconciled by the death of Jesus will certainly also be saved by his life.
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The challenges of living in the midst of social hostility make it all the more important for Christians to love and serve one another.
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Christians can persevere through suffering by remembering the great reversal that God will one day bring about.
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Peter encourages his readers in the midst of their suffering by reminding them that Jesus is triumphant.
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God calls Christians living in the midst of a hostile culture to bless those who mistreat them and be prepared for gospel opportunities.
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God has a wonderful plan for the way husbands and wives should relate to each other.
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A day will come when the sun of righteousness, Jesus Christ, will rise to judge the wicked, and vindicate those who fear God.
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