The Pokemon Anime Podcast
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Эмэгтэйчүүдийн амьдралд тохиолддог түмэн зүйлийн талаарх сонирхолтой яриа
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Podcast o sztuce kochania, czyli seksie, miłości, komunikacji, relacjach, akceptacji własnej seksualności i seksualności partnera. A także odkrywaniu swoich potrzeb i rozumieniu ich, bez wstydu i strachu.
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The pikaboo podcast is for anyone who wants to take a piece of knowledge, practical advice, strategies that you can apply in all aspects of life, like health, wealth, love & happiness, and attain maximum growth.
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A film podcast about one film: Detective Pikachu.
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Pokémon Detective Pikachu Pelicula completa online
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A podcast channel that will keep you company. Hope you enjoy my channel!
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El podcast que te dará de qué hablar. Vamos a platicar entre amigos y contar todas esas historias que tal vez no deberíamos decir en Internet... 🌶
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Hablamos de la película Detective Pikachu y como Pokémon va tomando control del mundo poco a poco.
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Welkom bij Pikazon - een online e-commerce winkel in Nederland die gespecialiseerd is in alle soorten Pokemon-kaarten. Als je naar komt, kun je eenvoudig en nauwkeurig de waarde van Pokemon-kaarten zoeken en controleren. Voor degenen die van Pokemon kaarten waarde houden, is een prestigieuze bestemming om zeldzame Pokemon-kaarten te verzamelen.
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Entrez dans les coulisses d’une maison d’édition manga avec le Pika Podcast ! À travers différents portraits, nous levons le voile sur le chemin qui conduit un manga japonais jusqu’aux tables des librairies françaises. À chaque épisode nous découvrirons une nouvelle spécialité des métiers du manga avec son lot d’anecdotes - et de recommandations manga, évidemment ! En savoir + sur Pika Édition : Le Pika Podcast est une production d’Amandine Coyard et David Rampillon (htt ...
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I don't do this very often, but its a repeat episode. Since I've finally gotten Movie 2 re-recorded, let's celebrate by actually listening to it! The "restore the feed" project is finally happening, and episodes 1-100 are now available on the site! But mostly, let's sit back and remember what a strikingly beautiful movie this is... Click here!…
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Pop idol Azumarill has a concert to give, and Corphish has bananas to sell. It's a summer festival, so time to party! Unless you didn't fly a domestic flight in Japan, then maybe you didn't get to party... Haha, tune in for this fun Pikachu short and all the shenanigans!Oleh Pikapi Podcast
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A fluffy episode to chase away some of the blues, whether it be just winter griping or something more serious. Take care of each other and stay safe, everyone! Tune in to hear Ash reconnect with his Snorlax over another Snorlax, some great wordplay and not so gret wordplay, and a tale of people and pokemon working together!…
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We got aliens, and we got the wingnuts who chase them! Put on your tin foil hats and let Ken and Mary guide us through an adventure that's out of this world! Yeah, it's nothing compared to Deoxys taking over a city, but an adventure nonetheless. Tune in to listen to weird science and mystery teams!Oleh Pikapi Podcast
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We just had a big movie episode, so lets spend some time reflecting on our favorite movies. A ploy to get little children into the theater for M07? You decide. But Ash desperately needs a filler episode, he's had a rough weekend. What is Ash Ketchum's favorite movie? (And definitely not Gary's?) Tune in to find out!…
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Aliens have arrived in Larousse City, and Commander Jenny is prepared! She has a defence system that rival's Altomare, it can even keep out Raqyaza! It's a movie episode, people! Get ready for all sorts of tangents, bombshells about basic Pokemon technology, discussions on how Pokemon Speech works, and Ash getting to play with other little boys (an…
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The sky is an entity capable of loving you back, Winona suffers little in the way of property damage, no one notices Team Rocket, Pikachu did not come in clutch for the team, Pelipper breaks some already tenuous science and I managed to worm in Professor Kukui. It's a gym battle, it's going all over the place! Click here to hear how Ash did versus …
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What are the political powers of the Pokemon world? Is Cameron Palace the San Marino of Kanto? What about Team Rocket Mechs, I have a wild theory about those. Meanwhile, the rundown on Ash's chances against gym leader Winonna! (Pikachu, you're in clutch). All that and the Magikarp Salesman, here on Pikapi Podcast! Tune in to listen!…
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This is not an episode to be skipped. Sure, it's poorly blocked in some areas, the thread of logic is a bit frayed, by my oh my is it hilarious! I laughed and laughed and laughed some more. Is PP a factor in the anime? Is Brock's "love radar" a thing? Does Team Rocket have competition for epic Cosplay? Tune in to find out!…
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It's a hungry episode this time! That's not only because it deals with food, it also features a pokemon that looks like a dressed turkey, and I've recorded this episode four times now so I need a snack! An episode that is hopefully funny after the fourth time around, that has many comedic moments and lots of questionable decisions and one evolution…
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How many mansions are actually in the world? That's the question I'm asking today, while Ash and his friends go full break and enter on a nearby mansion. It's haunted, of course, and none of them have final girl energy. In the middle of this, sibling rivalry! Tune in to hear Torchic get the short end of the stick by clicking this link!…
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Have you ever heard of PokeRinging? It's a new sport we're going to learn about, though I hate that name. James, turns out, is a bit proficient in this area... Tune in to hear James be competent, using May's given name and recreating my childhood Judo tournament! Click here to listen!Oleh Pikapi Podcast
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Two reccuring characters appear! A pokemon that delights me just saying it's name, and everyone's favorite Magikarp Salesman! I love that guy, so tune in to hear his latest scam!Oleh Pikapi Podcast
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I'm mad at this episode, I feel persoanlly attacked. To be fair, it was likely unintentional on the writer's part and I will get over it but some things are infuriating and I am allowed to be upset. So on that note... tune in to watch May navigate her mistakes and the patriarchy, and hear how I might rewrite the episode to make it just a little les…
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This episode is not gonna win awards for it's amazing craftsmanship, but it wins all the awards in my heart. Sometimes a piece of art just hits you a way at a time, and this was that episode for me. A bunch of grown women team up and are excellent, and a show that is typically driven by a male perspective let that happen. Its also legitimately funn…
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Ash plays bystander to someone else's origin story, and maybe does some of the stuff I give Pikachu grief over. Perhaps I'll revise my opinions, perhaps I won't, perhaps there's an Anne from the future who's going to arrive and give me more time to work on my podcasts? A lot of questions, so click here for time-travel shenanigans!…
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Can you pronounce Whiscash? I sure can't. This pokemon is a pain in the butt, from its tongue twister name to its sassy attitude, but I still love this episode. The animation team brought their A game to work this day and the storyboard team... brought something to work, I don't know what happened here. Tune in to meet a fishing legend! (That's not…
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May's Bulbasaur gets to see the world! Honestly the world's not worth all the hype, but it's new and exciting to Bulbasaur, so who am I to rain on it's parade? Ash's Bulbasaur also joins the party, and unfortunately picks up right where it left off. James is in charge of the Team Rocket plan today, and you can guss for yourselves how that goes. And…
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It's the second (or third?) time we've visited a secret community of grass pokemon presided over by a member of the Bulbasaur evolution line. Is leadership one of their special abilities? Anyway, May meets a new team member, Ash is the hero of all you shoujo anime dreams, and Teams Aqua and Magma got a secret third sibling. Click here to listen!…
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The boy is back! What is more ridiculous than Pokemon Fossil Science? Adolecence, career changes and internships! And poor Gary Oak is dealing with all of it, he's a college student in a new job in the body of a preteen and I can't imagine any existence more confusing than that. Except maybe Dracovish. As always, Gary brings a lot to talk about, so…
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Pika Podcast - Épisode 11 : Traductrice
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
41:35Demandé par les auditeurs et les auditrices, l'épisode du jour se penche sur la cruciale question de la traduction ! Bienvenue dans le Pika Podcast, le podcast de la maison d’édition spécialisée en manga Pika Édition, qui va vous faire découvrir les mangas sous un nouveau jour. Suivez-nous tout au long de cette saison pour découvrir le long voyage …
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Pika Podcast - Épisode 10 : Mangakas français
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
42:05Pika Édition, ce sont des mangas traduits, mais pas que. Aujourd'hui, nous mettons en lumière la création française chez Pika Édition ! Bienvenue dans le Pika Podcast, le podcast de la maison d’édition spécialisée en manga Pika Édition, qui va vous faire découvrir les mangas sous un nouveau jour. Suivez-nous tout au long de cette saison pour découv…
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It's an episode all about love! Except, it's kind of not about love at all... For that reason, Anne doesn't quite like it, but they do like lots of moments and all the potential, so... Mostly it's just a bunch of mixed emotions, which is perhaps the most love-like sentiment of all! Tune in for yet another Rose of Versailles reference, courtesy of t…
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Pika Podcast - Épisode 9 : nobi nobi !
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
43:18Depuis plus de 10 ans, nobi nobi ! partage ses bonnes ondes dans le milieu du manga et c'est notre sujet du jour ! On discute avec un de ses fondateurs pour une rétrospective sur 10 ans de nobi nobi ! et bien sûr, sur le quotidien de directeur éditorial dans cette maison d'édition. Bienvenue dans le Pika Podcast, le podcast de la maison d’édition s…
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An episode with Professor Oak, with Ash barely getting a chance to see him. Team Rocket getting it together only to lose it. Max getting to command Pokemon and train at the feet of the master, while May gets to meet a Pokemon she'll own one day in the future! Its Sassy Sam Oak time! And what about my new franchise idea, "Fast Balls and Furious"? Tu…
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Leren over Waarde van je Jungle set Pokemon kaarten
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
0:40Verken de wildernis van de Pokémon Trading Card Game met de tweede grote uitbreiding "Jungle"! Deze ingrijpende toevoeging aan Generation I brengt allerlei nieuwe wilde dieren in het spel - van katten en honden die klaar zijn voor de strijd tot een hectare lange catalogus met een overzicht van elke kaart in deze set op - https://pikazon.…
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Leren over Waarde van je Fossil set Pokemon kaarten
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
0:49Met de Pokemon Fossil Set heb je een zeldzame collectie kaarten in je bezit die samen duizenden waard kunnen zijn. - is er om je te helpen met alle informatie die nodig is om deze waardevolle bezittingen te beschermen en te maximaliseren; van het leren hoeveel elke kaart waard is tot…
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Leren over Waarde van je Base Set 2 Pokemon kaarten
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
0:39Ontdek de verborgen juwelen die zich in je verzameling originele Red en Blue spelcassettes uit 2000 bevinden! Met onze uitgebreide lijst van waarden van Base Set 2 kaarten kun je uitvinden hoeveel die kaarten waard kunnen zijn - zodat ze een kans krijgen om te schitteren in al hun nostalgische goedheid. Of je nu een ervaren verzamelaar bent of net …
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Leren over Waarde van je Base set Pokemon kaarten
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
0:28Fans van de geliefde Pokemon franchise hebben nu een bondgenoot in hun zoektocht naar de marktwaarde van kaarten - Value of Base Set Pokemon Cards. Deze betrouwbare bron geeft een overzicht van elke kaart uit de basisset en houdt de fluctuaties op bij -, zodat hobbyisten, investeerders…
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Pokemon kaarten waarde bekijk en koop ze nu op
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
0:22Welkom bij Pikazon - een online e-commerce winkel in Nederland die gespecialiseerd is in alle soorten Pokemon-kaarten. Als je naar komt, kun je eenvoudig en nauwkeurig de waarde van Pokemon-kaarten zoeken en controleren. Voor degenen die van Pokemon kaarten waarde houden, is een prestigieuze bestemming om zeldzame Pok…
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Pika Podcast - Épisode 8 : Communicante
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
38:15Ça y est, nos mangas sont en librairies ! Et maintenant, pour que nos volumes trouvent leur public, il va falloir en parler et c'est le rôle du département communication que nous recevons aujourd'hui. Bienvenue dans le Pika Podcast, le podcast de la maison d’édition spécialisée en manga Pika Édition, qui va vous faire découvrir les mangas sous un n…
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Pika Podcast - Épisode 7 : Diffuseur
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
31:44Avant la mise en rayon, il faut que les librairies choisissent les mangas qu’ils vont vous proposer pour que vous puissiez enfin les trouver en rayons ! C'est le travail des Diffuseurs et de leurs différents métiers que nous recevons aujourd'hui. Bienvenue dans le Pika Podcast, le podcast de la maison d’édition spécialisée en manga Pika Édition, qu…
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We've been building up to it for awhile, but it's time for the conclusion of Max's battle with reality. Norman's about to be knocked off his pedestal for five seconds and it's gonna hurt. Also, Ash has a gym battle in there. Team Rocket plays very little part in this episode, hmmm... It's an episode of feelings, writers maybe being subtle and Ash's…
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Pika Podcast - Épisode 6 : Relations Libraires et Diffuseurs
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
31:36Nos mangas sont presque arrivés en librairie, presque ! Avant de pouvoir les prendre en main, il va falloir les défendre auprès des libraires pour s'assurer que vous puissiez trouver votre prochain coup de cœur dans vos rayons préférés... Place à la chargée des Relations Libraires et Diffuseurs. Bienvenue dans le Pika Podcast, le podcast de la mais…
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How did Norman propose to Caroline all those years ago? What pokemon played a significant role in their relationship? Well, on today's show, Ash has to delay his gym battle for the sake of romantic intrigue! (I know, his favorite thing...) It's a plot played for laughs which nonetheless has Veronica Taylor going hard on her acting and Brock focusin…
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Pika Podcast - Épisode 5 : Marketing
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
46:25Pour que votre futur manga préféré se fasse remarquer parmi les nombreuses sorties, il faut savoir le mettre en valeur et en vanter les mérites... C'est le travail de la section Marketing ! Bienvenue dans le Pika Podcast, le podcast de la maison d’édition spécialisée en manga Pika Édition, qui va vous faire découvrir les mangas sous un nouveau jour…
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Oh gosh the gym battle is so close I can taste it! But the citizens of North Petalburg have opinions about Ash challenging Norman... I also recommend old j-dramas, whine about Ash's possible future as not the main character and giggle at dumb comedy tropes. Team Rocket outdid themselves this time! Click here to listen!…
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The kids meet a pair of traveling buskers, discover Lombre's future evolution and Ash has to manage everybody's emotions. It's a look at what it really takes to be a pokemon master, along with Corphish antics and a Ludicolo that is much chiller than the one we'll see in the future. Is Ash ready to take on Norman's gym? Click here to listen!…
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Pika Podcast - Épisode 4 : Fabrication
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
44:53Avant de pouvoir lire nos mangas, il va nous falloir les imprimer, mais pas que ! Aujourd'hui, nous découvrons le métier de la fabrication, sans qui nos chères séries et éditions collectors n'arriveraient pas entre nos mains. Bienvenue dans le Pika Podcast, le podcast de la maison d’édition spécialisée en manga Pika Édition, qui va vous faire décou…
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It's not deja-vu, but this episode should feel a little familiar. We've got a Loudred (but not THE Loudred), Ash trying to relate to Treeko and another trainer going through one of Ash's old plots. Add in a double evolution and this episode has a lot going for it! Click here to listen, and see if Ash has learned anything from the past! (Links fixed…
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Pika Podcast - Épisode 3 : Éditrice
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
33:55Notre manga est prêt à débarquer en France ! Enfin, pas tout à fait... Les éditeurs et éditrices entrent en jeu pour orchestrer tous les talents qui vont se succéder avant l'arrivée en librairie. Bienvenue dans le Pika Podcast, le podcast de la maison d’édition spécialisée en manga Pika Édition, qui va vous faire découvrir les mangas sous un nouvea…
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Pika Podcast - Épisode 2 : Directeur artistique
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
48:44Nous avons choisi un manga ! La prochaine étape, lui tailler une image sur mesure pour son futur public français... Bienvenue dans le Pika Podcast, le podcast de la maison d’édition spécialisée en manga Pika Édition, qui va vous faire découvrir les mangas sous un nouveau jour. Suivez-nous tout au long de cette saison pour découvrir le long voyage q…
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Team Rocket will eat anything, Pokeball technology gets used in some interesting ways and we almost killed Treeko. It's a filler episode but that doesn't make it any less wild. Also featuring the delightful jiggly Gulpin, a pokemon I never knew I loved. (As long as it stays away from my snacks) Click here to listen to the episode!…
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Pika Podcast - Épisode 1 : Directeur éditorial
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
54:38Avant toute chose, il faut choisir les titres qui seront publiés en France… Bienvenue dans le Pika Podcast, le podcast de la maison d’édition spécialisée en manga Pika Édition, qui va vous faire découvrir les mangas sous un nouveau jour. Suivez-nous tout au long de cette saison pour découvrir le long voyage que parcourent tous vos titres préférés a…
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May almost gets a new team member and demonstrates an instinct for caregiving, Brock serves as adult supervision for May, Max learns not to makes schemes past midnight and Ash becomes a mental health advocate. Its a wild time for a filler episode! Click here to listen!Oleh Pikapi Podcast
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An evolution happens for Brock's team, and someone is hailed as the Great Village Protector! It's not Ash for once, but don't worry, he's got plenty of work to do defending pokemon, calming village riots and sleuthing out a mystery. Click here to hear what happens!Oleh Pikapi Podcast
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When we last met, a young boy named Timmy was having some serious communication issues with his mom... also there was cosplay, more cosplay, schemes and Drew being almost nice for two seconds, and Ash being uncharacteristically aggro. Expect all of that to be true, plus on steroids >_< It's a fun episode, at a time when the world is not especially …
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Dusclops of the Opera crashes this episode to bring us a mystery, family drama and Drew being a half-way decent person (maybe?). It's a nice opportunity to rev up to May's next contest battle, complete with substitute rival, since, as mentioned above, Drew's a bit preoccupied. Tune in to listen!Oleh Pikapi Podcast
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May meets someone who achieved a dream like hers... and then went on to have an even more rich life! What can May learn from the great contest Coordinators of the past? And can Skitty learn any new attacks? You'll have to tune in and find out!Oleh Pikapi Podcast
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It's an episode with an Evolution, but not one from the main cast. Team Rocket is seen with a robot Raikou, but it's not one of theirs. It's an episode that goes a few different places with a few interesting details that aren't expected, and while it's filler in the end, it's still entertaining. Torkal had fun, anyway.…
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