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🇫🇷 Bonjour ! Je m'appelle Marion, je suis française et j'habite à Paname. Paname, c'est un mot d'argot qui signifie...Paris, oui ! Apprends le français avec Madame à Paname ! Nouvel épisode tous les vendredis Rendez-vous sur pour devenir membre "Podcast PREMIUM" et avoir accès à : ⭐️ la transcription ⭐️ le quiz ⭐️ la fiche de vocabulaire expliqué ✨ et plein d'autres activités... Bonne écoute ! Marion, Madame à Paname YouTube : Ins ...
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Samo bez panike

Maja Marić, Margarita Tomić

Maja Marić i Margarita Tomić stvaraju "Samo bez panike", subjektivni podcast o svemu od trudnoće do menopauze, od zaljubljenosti do razvoda, od depresije do euforije. Jedna živi i radi u Hrvatskoj, druga u Njemačkoj. Obje imaju prosječan broj djece, neparan broj muževa i previše društvenih mreža. A vjerojatno su i egzibicionistice kad se bave svim ovim čime se bave.
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Throughout the 1980s, Satanic cults were widely believed to be preying on children — torturing and terrorizing them as part of dark rituals. Across North America, there were hundreds of false allegations, scores of unjust criminal trials and countless lives torn apart. But never any real proof. By the early 90s, the panic reached the tiny Prairie town of Martensville, Saskatchewan. And nearly 30 years later, the people touched by it all are still picking up the pieces. So what happened? And ...
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Pan Jezus, nasz najukochańszy Mistrz Boski, Sam raczył objawić nam nabożeństwo do Swego Najświętszego Oblicza — a przez nie jakoby otworzył nam nowe źródło Łask Bożych, obiecując, że ci, którzy czcić będą Jego Najświętsze Oblicze w duchu zadośćuczynienia, dopełnią tego, co uczyniła Święta Weronika. Więcej na
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Oscar Panizza Podcast

Oscar Panizza

Oscar Panizza driver en intervju-podcast där han möter gäster från många olika områden. Han tar upp ämnen som inte alltid kan förklaras vetenskapligt, såsom det ockulta, andlighet och medialitet. I sin podcast har Oscar även en del som han kallar Livsöden. Där träffar han människor som har gått igenom svåra prövningar i livet och belyser att det alltid finns en väg ut, även när allt känns som mörkast. Oscar åker dessutom runt i Sverige, bland annat till hemsökta hus, tillsammans med medium f ...
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Pani od zmiany

Małgorzata Machniewicz

Podcast "Pani od zmiany" - opowiada o tym jak wdrażać zmiany w swoim życiu w oparciu o filozofię - #rozwojbezspiny- czyli bez wyrzeczeń i wychodzenia ze strefy komfortu a przyjemnie i z poczuciem satysfakcji na co dzień. Masz gotowość do działania- zapraszam do dołączenia do grupy na FB Rozwój bez spiny
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Panikljus Podcast

Mia Makila & Anna Holgersson

En miniserie om psykisk hälsa och själslig balans i en tid präglad av stress, katastrofberedskap och lite allmän panik över världsläget. Panikljus Podcast är en lugn och kreativ monolog-podd om värdet av livsglöd och mental resiliens när både världen och vardagen känns mörk och hopplös. Podden är illustrerad med ljudeffekter, musik och drama vilket bidrar till en ljudupplevelse utöver det vanliga. Helt enkelt en samhällskritisk, konstnärlig och lätt filosofisk podd i en unik blandning av lju ...
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Angst Unplugged - dein Angst & Panik Podcast

Christina Hillesheim von Happy Dings®

Ich bin Christina, Diplom Soziologin und Bestseller Autorin und mir wurde 2016 eine generalisierte Angststörung und eine mittelschwere Depression diagnostiziert. Ich berichte hier über meinem Weg aus Burnout, Angst und Panikattacken zurück in ein glückliches Leben. Du bekommst hier hilfreiche Gedanken, umsetzbare Tipps und Übungen, inspirierende Geschichten anderer Betroffener sowie (Experten) Interviews. Deine Christina 👉🏼Instagram: @happydings 👉🏼meine Bücher:
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Beyond Entertainment is a new podcast from Panasonic Avionics Corporation that explores the future of in-flight entertainment and connectivity. We'll review industry and passenger trends, dive deep into research, explore future technologies, and more in this seasonal series. Host Andrew Masson is our VP of Product Management. He'll sit down at Panasonic Avionics Corporation Headquarters with airline executives, technology leaders, research partners, and the occasional Panasonic Avionics subj ...
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Důvěryhodný zdroj informací ze světa oděvů, doplňků a obuvi mužů. Náměty, tipy a návody, jak se lépe oblékat, využívat sílu doplňků a pečovat o oděvy. Seznámíte ses historií oděvů, vybranými výrobci a s příběhy, které se k pánským oděvům vážou. Poznáte muže, kteří mě inspirovali, mé zážitky z ikonických míst s vazbou na oděvy. Vyzkouším za vás produkty a řeknu vám o nich.
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Le Panier

Laurent Kretz | Orso Media

Le Panier, c’est le podcast qui part à la rencontre des entrepreneurs de l’e-commerce pour (re)cueillir bonnes pratiques et conseils concrets. Toutes les semaines, une conversation spontanée pour parler business, conversion, SEO, Amazon, logistique ou UX design. Incontournable pour quiconque veut se lancer dans la vente en ligne. Fièrement propulsé par CosaVostra.
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Struggling with panic attacks, agoraphobia, or other anxiety problems? The Anxious Truth will educate you, empower you, encourage you, and inspire you to get your life back! * Featured in the New York Times: "6 Podcasts to Soothe An Anxious Mind" (April 27, 2024) * Featured in Vogue Magazine: "The 15 Best Mental Health Podcasts Recommended by Therapists" (October 2023) Listen to the podcast, read the books, join the social media community, and get on the path to recovery.
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Don't Panic Geocast

John Leeman and Shannon Dulin

John Leeman and Shannon Dulin discuss geoscience and technology weekly for your enjoyment! Features include guests, fun paper Friday selections, product reviews, and banter about recent developments. Shannon is a field geologist who tolerates technology and John is a self-proclaimed nerd that tolerates geologists.
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The Panama Podcast

Melissa Darnay

Welcome to The Panama Podcast: From Dreaming to Doing! Imagine trading your “someday” for today—living the life you've always dreamed of in a tropical paradise. That’s exactly what your host, Melissa Darnay, has been doing since 2012. And now, she’s here to show you how you can do the same! Get ready for your weekly escape filled with sunny Panama inspiration, laugh-out-loud expat adventures, and insider secrets that’ll make your move to Panama smoother and more exciting. Melissa is not just ...
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certainly entertaining and hopefully helpful we strive to cover the topics at the heart of the Linux gamer. From Proton to Vulkan, from Linux native to voiding the warranty. We discuss news and updates from the Linux community, our gaming habits and wanderings along with reviewing a game each week.
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Pan Tabletka dla rodziców - podcast

Marcin Korczyk - Pan Tabletka

Motto Pana Tabletki brzmi: "Zróbmy wszystko żeby tabletki nie były potrzebne, a jeśli to niemożliwe to wybierzmy najlepsze i stosujmy je prawidłowo." Jeżeli chcesz lepiej dbać o zdrowie Twoje i Twoich bliskich - to ten podcast jest dla Ciebie. Serdeczności Pan Tabletka Marcin
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Pan Mosto y Aceite San Francisco

Pastor José Luis Molina

Dios te bendiga grandemente. Nos reunimos para exaltar Su nombre, recibir Su Palabra y fortalecer nuestra fe. Te invitamos a ser parte de cada transmisión y a compartir este mensaje de esperanza y vida. 📅 Horarios de nuestros servicios: 📖 Servicio Familiar – Jueves | 7:00 p.m. 🔥 Servicio General – Sábado | 7:00 p.m. 📍 Ubicación: 211 S Hill Dr Unit C, Brisbane, California ✨ Nuestro propósito es dar a conocer el Reino de Dios y a Jesús. 🔴 ¡Conéctate, participa y comparte! Dios tiene una palabr ...
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Move Us 2 Panama: Business Insights & Expat Essentials brings you into the world of Central American opportunities, untold insights, and real talk on expat life in Panama. Fortnightly, our hosts—a cool and savvy, AI-powered Panamanian team—deliver nuanced analysis of what’s happening in Panama, tailored for those who don’t speak Spanish but want to be in the know. They’re here to make complex reporting accessible and engaging, delivering context, not just facts, to help you make informed cho ...
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🌈Olá, eu sou a Margarida, e estou aqui para te contar todas as aventuras do Gnomo Pan. 🍄✨Este é o teu podcast, cheio de histórias, aventuras e amigos cheios de magia. Sou a autora dos livros As Aventuras do Gnomo Pan e podes encontrar-me no Facebook na Página das Aventuras do Gnomo Pan e claro na Amazon onde encontras os meus livros para te deliciares em casa com aquele cheirinho a livro real. Se gostas deste podcast, então pede aos teus pais para subscrever, por um gosto e partilha com os t ...
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Panic: Queer True Crime, a podcast, and youtube channel featuring stories about the life and death of queer folks. To watch any of the true-crime episodes join me at Panic on YouTube. A little bit about Panic. I created this true-crime channel to focus on the life and death of queer folk. I called the channel Panic because, for much more of the recorded history of LGBTQ+ people, there’s always been a panic. The primary focus of the cha ...
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PanamáGol es un espacio que te informa, que te cuenta sobre las noticias relevantes de: 👉LIGA PANAMEÑA DE FUTBOL (LPF) 👉FEDERACION PANAMEÑA DE FUTBOL (FEPAFUT) 👉LEGIONARIOS EN EL EXTRANJERO. Suscribete a nuestro canal y recibe todas las noticias.
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A podcast where a filthy casual Millennial duo looks back at the English dub of Pokémon the Series... and pick it apart relentlessly. We love Pokémon! We also love laughing and a beloved, long-running cash grab is a great place to get some laughs. Join us on our anime rewatch journey as we discuss the episodes, movies, various Pokémon media, and really just about anything.
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Welcome to "Relaxation for Stress & Panic Attacks," a calming podcast hosted by Jason Newland, designed to provide relief and support for those experiencing stress and panic attacks. Through the power of relaxation techniques and gentle hypnosis, Jason offers a safe haven for listeners to find peace and regain control over their minds and bodies. Each episode features soothing sessions that include deep breathing exercises, guided imagery, and calming affirmations, all aimed at reducing anxi ...
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show series
🌊 Las Aguas que Transforman | Pastor Luis Ponce Jr. | #PMASF En el marco de nuestro 9º Aniversario, el Pastor Luis Ponce Jr. nos compartió un mensaje poderoso sobre "Las Aguas que Transforman". 💧🔥 Dios nos llama a sumergirnos en Su presencia, permitiendo que Su río de vida nos purifique, renueve y transforme por completo. ¡No te pierdas esta palabr…
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Covering Pokémon Chronicles episode 5 - A Family that Battles Together, Stays Together & Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire episode 615 - There's No Place like Hoenn Join our Patreon at! Signing up can grant you access to behind-the-scenes materials, deleted scenes, exclusive bonus episodes, ways to influence what w…
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✨💫Neste terceiro episódio, junta-te à Margarida enquanto ela nos leva de volta até à floresta encantada do Rei Corso. 🏞️O inverno já se foi embora, mas o Sol não brilha e os passarinhos não cantam. 💔 Vem descobrir o que se está a passar na Aldeia da Terra. Viviane está muito preocupada com a falta de energia na Aldeia, será que ela vai descobrir o …
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Jak jsem se učil vyrábět rukavice? Kolik kroků a jak obtížných je třeba udělat, aby se ze smotku usně stal jeden z nejlepších doplňků pánské garderoby? A jakou jsem si vybral barvu? Seznámím vás s jednotlivými kroky výroby a zprostředkujivám mlhavou představu o tom, jak pečlivá a řemeslně náročná práce výroba rukavic je. Své vlastní rukavice si obj…
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It's our seventh anniversary, and Alex returns to join Tom for the noble quest of finishing the ARFENHOUSE saga. Sound, fury, visual noise, bizarre comments, secret history, and some really lovely emails. Thank you for supporting us through another year! Video links in the show notes. Support us on Patreon -…
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Cześć! Zebrałem garść pytań i odpowiedzi w temacie odporności, tranu i witaminy D :) Zapraszam. I jeśli masz więcej pytań to śmiało pisz w komentarzu. Serdeczności! Marcin Linki: 📌 📌 Wesprzyj projekt "Pan Tabletka" 🔰…
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Os convidados do programa Pânico dessa segunda-feira (10) são Caio Castro e Delegado Palumbo. Caio Castro Caio Castro é ator, empresário e piloto automobilístico. Sua carreira na televisão começou em 2007, quando venceu um concurso do programa Caldeirão do Huck. Ele já atuou em diversas novelas da Globo e filmes. Além da atuação, Caio é apaixonado …
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Folge 314: In der neuen Folge Angst Unplugged (ehemals Einmal Burnout und zurück) geht es um Amaxophobie: ja, richtig - die Angst vor dem Autofahren. Nicht nur bei der Fahrprüfung, sondern auch auf dem Weg zum Supermarkt stolpert dein Herz, die Knie zittern und die Gedanken rasen? Christina geht glasklar auf dieses Thema ein und setzt dich wieder a…
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This week we talk about snow forecasting as the winter season starts to wrap up and try to figure out if you're really happier in the morning or not! Fun Paper Friday Contact us: Show Support us on Patreon! @dontpanicgeo John Leeman www.johnrleeman…
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Os convidados do programa Pânico dessa sexta-feira (07) são Matheus Ceará e Delegada Liliane Doretto. Matheus Ceará Matheus Martone nasceu em Fortaleza, no Ceará e aos oito anos de idade, mudou-se para o interior de São Paulo, daí o famoso apelido “Matheus Ceará”. Já nessa época começou a fazer humor, imitando os amigos e professores da escola. Em …
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Ecoutez ou réécoutez cet épisode : les lois françaises les plus bizarres (c'est une rediffusion de la saison 4 épisode 21). Un nouvel épisode du podcast arrive vendredi prochain ! 🤩 Gagnez du temps et optimisez votre apprentissage, devenez membres PODCAST PREMIUM et obtenez : ⭐️ la transcription de chaque épisode ⭐️ la fiche de vocabulaire expliqué…
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Send us a text Thinking about moving to Panama? Whether you’re looking for beachfront luxury, vibrant city life, or a tranquil mountain escape, this episode breaks down the 5 best places to live or retire in Panama—so you can find the perfect spot to call home! 🌴✨ 📍 In This Episode, We Cover: ✔️ Costa del Este – Panama City’s most upscale, modern c…
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Cet épisode spécial du Panier a été enregistré en live à Bordeaux en partenariat avec Shopify. Pour l'occasion, Laurent Kretz a reçu Benoît Gibier, Chief Digital & E-Commerce Officer chez Millésima, et Marvin Cavaille, cofondateur de Tajinebanane. Deux stratégies, deux approches, un même objectif : accélérer la croissance grâce au digital. 📌 Les te…
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Os convidados do programa Pânico dessa quinta-feira (06) são Thiago Augusto e Luiz Augusto D’Urso. Thiago Augusto Thiago Augusto tem mais de 9 anos de experiência em Negócios Digitais e se especializou em tráfego orgânico. Criador de um método de crescimento na internet chamado “topo de funil”, Thiago tornou-se um dos maiores influenciadores do Bra…
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Our guest for this episode is Debra Santos, an aviation engineer turned marketeer, and the current President of the International Aviation Women's Association (IAWA). Founded in 1988, IAWA brings together women in the industry to promote their advancement worldwide. It does this through scholarships while also providing coaching, mentoring, educati…
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Jeste li već dobili letak o cijepljenju protiv HPV-a? Koliko znate o njemu? A koliko o samom HPV-u? I što sve možemo učiniti da se zaštitimo? Znamo da su curice na meti, ali je li ono potrebno i dečkima? Posjele smo pred mikrofon doktoricu Petru Kejlu, specijalisticu ginekologije i opstetricije, s poliklinike Sinteza. Imale smo cijeli niz pitanja z…
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Folge 313: Angst Unplugged – Ist deine Angst wirklich deine eigene? In der neuen Angst Unplugged-Folge stellt Christina dir eine entscheidende Frage: Ist deine Angst wirklich deine eigene? Vielleicht kennst du das Gefühl – die Angst zu versagen, krank zu werden oder dass am Ende alles schiefgeht. Doch was, wenn diese Ängste gar nicht deine eigenen …
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Panduan Rujukan Pantas

Podcast Teratas
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