The newest sermons from Liberty Bible Church on SermonAudio.
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Liberty Bible Church exists to help the people of Northwest Indiana experience God's love and find authentic Christ-centered community. Welcome to our podcast home on iTunes! Here you can listen to our weekly messages. We also invite you to visit us in Chesterton or LaPorte for one of our Sunday services. Learn more at
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* We desire to be people in the yoke – students of Jesus – walking with Him as our teacher and one day to become like Him as His disciple. * To enter the yoke – we must become students of Jesus (build our lives around His teachings, His rhythms, His practices…) * To enter the yoke – we must have the goal in mind (in the end we will become like Him)…
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Proper self-examination must precede sharing the Lord's Supper. How we think of ourselves, of each other, and of Christ's sacrifice determines whether participation in this meal brings blessing or judgment.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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* We desire to be people in the yoke – students of Jesus – walking with Him as our teacher and one day to become like Him as His disciple. * To enter the yoke – we must become students of Jesus (build our lives around His teachings, His rhythms, His practices…) * To enter the yoke – we must have the goal in mind (in the end we will become like Him)…
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Our Lord Jesus gave new meaning to the Passover and inaugurated the new covenant through His death on behalf of His people. His sacrifice of Himself removes from us all reasons for selfishness and pride, knowing that He purchased salvation for sinners who could not save themselves.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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* We desire to be people in the yoke – students of Jesus – walking with Him as our teacher and one day to become like Him as His disciple. * To enter the yoke – we must become students of Jesus (build our lives around His teachings, His rhythms, His practices…) * To enter the yoke – we must have the goal in mind (in the end we will become like Him)…
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Using the background of Israel's Exodus from slavery in Egypt, our Lord presented Himself as the Redeemer who accomplished salvation for His people.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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God has revealed and recorded His word to us, and we have the responsibility to receive it, study it, and obey it.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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* We desire to be people in the yoke – students of Jesus – walking with Him as our teacher and one day to become like Him as His disciple. * To enter the yoke – we must become students of Jesus (build our lives around His teachings, His rhythms, His practices…) * To enter the yoke – we must have the goal in mind (in the end we will become like Him)…
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When the church gathers, all things must honor Christ and show love to one another. Selfishness and self-indulgence have no place in the assembly, rather reflecting the self-sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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As we approach the end of our 2 year Gather Initiative – What does God have for LBC as we move into the future? What does a people gathered to God look like? We believe LBC exists - that all people be fully alive in the Kingdom of God. We are not meant for distracted, dulled, or compromised living. We are meant to experience life – and life to the …
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Divisions and factions afflict all relationships, but our Lord has called us to selfless, humble, loving unity.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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Oleh Liberty Bible Church
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God's good design and order in creation demonstrates the beautiful differences between men and women. May we act with humility and godly purpose as we relate to one another in the family, church, and society.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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God desires the proper display of Christ's headship even in how we dress. He has inserted order and purpose in His creation, and we must reflect His glory in the ways He has directed.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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Oleh Liberty Bible Church
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God has definite design, structure, and order in His creation, especially as it pertains to men and women. Let us humbly receive His commandments and seek to honor Him in all things.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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Oleh Liberty Bible Church
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Oleh Liberty Bible Church
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We have many troubles in this life, but God provides refuge, help, and deliverance for those who trust in Him.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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Messiah the King was to be born in Bethlehem, the city of David, and would fulfill God's plan of judgment and blessing for His people.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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Oleh Liberty Bible Church
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Oleh Liberty Bible Church
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Love acts in the best interests of others. Christians love God by seeking to bring honor to Him and they love others by seeking to see them be saved through the gospel.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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Oleh Liberty Bible Church
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Our worship must be reserved for God alone. He is rightly jealous for His own glory to be displayed and adored in the hearts of His people. We must flee from anything that would usurp God's exclusive place in our lives.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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Oleh Liberty Bible Church
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Let us learn from the examples of others—both good and bad. We should not think that we are immune from sin, temptation, or sorrow, or that we have no choice but to sin. We must remember that God is faithful in all of our circumstances of life, and He helps us to endure the challenges of life in this fallen world.…
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Oleh Liberty Bible Church
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We can learn from the mistakes of others, particularly when it comes to what we desire. We should expect God's displeasure when we engage in things that displease Him.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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Oleh Liberty Bible Church
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God's people must avoid overconfidence in themselves and self-indulgence that leads away from the sufficiency and exclusivity of God. Seeking His good pleasure means trusting His and obeying His word.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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Oleh Liberty Bible Church
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We remember God's promises, confess our sins, plead for His mercy, and ask Him to take action for His own sake.Oleh Don Landis
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Oleh Liberty Bible Church
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Those who name Christ as Lord and Savior ought to demonstrate their new life in Christ consistently and fervently. Self-control lies at the heart of maturity in the Lord, as we discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness and pleasing the Lord who saved us.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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Oleh Liberty Bible Church
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With reference to human relationships, the overriding burden of our lives should be the advancement of the gospel through our words and actions so that more people would know the forgiveness of sins and freedom of life in Christ Jesus.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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Oleh Liberty Bible Church
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While preachers of the gospel should benefit materially from their work, the apostle Paul refused any material reward for his labor. He did this to fulfill his stewardship as mandated by the Lord Jesus.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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Oleh Liberty Bible Church
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Those who communicate the word of God should be materially provided for by those who benefit from the teaching.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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Common sense indicates that those who work should expect to receive a share of the proceeds of their work.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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Oleh Liberty Bible Church
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Paul could have claimed special privileges as an apostle, but he chose in love to surrender these privileges as the Lord Jesus Christ did, so the Corinthians also would serve one another in love.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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Oleh Liberty Bible Church
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We sin against others and ultimately against Christ when we encourage others to act contrary to conscience.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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Oleh Liberty Bible Church
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Sinners can be saved by the grace of God through our faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Neither legalism nor libertinism are sufficient grounds or paths in salvation, but a heart motivated to love God and to love others helps us grow in His grace.Oleh Scot Chadwick
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Oleh Liberty Bible Church
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Throughout the centuries, mankind has created gods of their own design to suit their needs and desires. But there is one true and living God who has made all things and before whom every person must stand in judgment. Thankfully, through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, we may be forgiven and reconciled to God.…
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