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Orkenspalter TV labert

Orkenspalter TV - Nico Mendrek, Mháire Stritter & Freunde

Orkenspalter TV ist eigentlich ein YouTube/Twitch-Kanal mit dem Schwerpunkt Pen and Paper-Rollenspiel, LARP, Comics und Popkultur. Aber hier gibts unsere am besten für dieses Format geeigneten Actual Play-Sessions auch als Podcast. Außerdem reden wir hier in exklusiven Audioformaten übers Rollenspiel, Star Wars und ...Kram. Mehr hier:
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’Laberinto de papel’ es un podcast de Xataka sobre literatura fantástica y de ciencia ficción. En cada episodio haremos un repaso por los autores o los subgéneros más importantes de la sci-fi. Nos acompañarán expertos del sector: escritores, directores, periodistas. Además, está conducido por el equipo de entretenimiento y cultura de Xataka, que en cada capítulo nos traerán curiosidades sobre el tema. Realizado gracias a la colaboración de la editorial Minotauro.
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Argentina es uno de los países con mayor desarrollo en biotecnología del mundo. Hay científicos, investigadoras, emprendedores, buscando soluciones creativas a problemas sociales y ambientales que hoy nos afectan. En este ciclo de entrevistas, vas a conocer qué piensan, cuál es la historia de esas personas que trabajan en los desarrollos más innovadores de Latinoamérica.
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Dieser Podcast hat kein Konzept, kein Thema und auch sonst keine sinnlosen Grenzen, denn hier wird gelabert wie mir der Schnabel gewachsen ist! An jedem ersten Sonntag im Monat um 17:00 Uhr erscheint eine neue Folge.
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Gilles Reuter und Johannes Ludley

Laberkoller ist Schwachsinn auf höchstem Niveau. Zwei Freunde mit überschaubaren Talenten verlegen ihre sonst promillehaltigen Talks zu zeitgenössischen Problemen in euer Ohr. Bullshit Business as usual, anregende Dialoge ohne ernsthaften Fokus gespickt mit unglaublich viel Erotik. Der Sexpodcast für alle, die nicht horny sind. Enjoy the show. Grazie Mille
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Persönliche Gedanken und Gespräche über die Liebe, das Leben und die dazugehörenden Herausforderungen. Ich bin eine polyamore, panromantische, demisexuelle Lebens- und Beziehungsberaterin und habe erst kürzlich rausgefunden, dass ich nicht nur autistisch bin, sondern auch ADHS habe. Und da bin ich nun. Ich labere auf Schweizerdeutsch, du hörst vielleicht zu.
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Leichtigkeit und Lebenslust wiedererlangen und behalten? Ich, Miriam, versuche es mit Humor & Fantasie anzugehen. In kurzen & knackigen Episoden berichte ich von meinen Versuchen, teile Tipps oder philosophiere einfach fröhlich vor mich hin. "Laber-Rhabarbern" erscheint wöchentlich in kurzen, circa 15-minütigen Folgen. Kommt mit mir in den Austausch: Über Instagram @laber_rhabarbern_podcast oder per Mail Ich freue mich über euer Feedback!
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Laberletik - Ein buntes Potpourri aus aktuellen Themen in der Leichtathletik. Die Deutsche Meisterin 2017 über 400m Hürden Djamila Böhm und ihr Trainer Sven Timmermann sprechen als Insider über und aus der Szene. Anregungen, Kommentare und Fragen am liebsten über Instagram: @Djamilawhoelse oder Facebook: Djamila Böhm
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El laberinto del primigenio es un podcast que trata sobre cosas frikis tales como los juegos de rol más antiguos, juegos de mesa americanos (esos de muchas figuras de plastiquete) y películas de género fantástico y ciencia ficción
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Cine, cómics, series, videojuegos... ¡Somos el video club de la esquina de tu barrio! Laberinto Videoclub es un emprendimiento audio-visual creado hace 6 años por Péndo del Espacio, Seb Ramírez y Mariano Carrizo. Actualmente es conducido por los susodichos Péndo y Seb, a los que se han sumado los inefables Federico Garzon Noguera, Leo Rubio y Martín H. En nuestro podcast podrás escuchar reseñas, informes, recomendaciones, discusiones, humor, gustos/disgustos y delirios varios en torno al cin ...
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Esta semana profundizamos en un estilo que nos apasiona: el dub, al que podemos considerar un subgénero o rama del reggae. En este set escuchamos algunos clásicos y también temas en los que el dub se fusiona con otros estilos. Os invitamos a disfrutar de atmósferas psicodélicas y profundas en esta sesión de música ininterrumpida. Escuchar audio…
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Plugged In's Adam Holz talks about the latest Pixar movie "Inside Out 2" that opens a lot of doors in talking mental health with teens, as well as apps being developed for those struggling with mental health issues. Peter Ostapko of Kinsmen talks about the "Kinsmen Journal," as well as helping foster communities for men who are seeking to center th…
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While we often can recite famous jingles, how are we at reciting The Ten Commandments? Carmen talks about that in light of the state of Louisiana mandating them be hung in classrooms. Apologist Daniel DeWitt talks about astrophysicist Sarah Silviander, who came to faith in Jesus because of the evidence of God's design. Faith Radio podcasts are made…
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Miles Smith, author of "Religion and Republic," looks at how Christianity influenced our nation's first 100 years due to the underlying beliefs and practices of the people. Steve Cuss, author of "The Expectant Gap," looks at the gap between what we say we believe about God and what we actually live out. He talks about ways to bring your life more i…
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Pastor Alfonso Espinosa, author of "Faith that Sees Through the Culture," talks about Biblical lenses that helps us to rightly understand the world around us so we can engage those around us better. Carmen LaBerge talks about being in a time of waiting and expectancy with a coming grandchild, and looks through Ps. 40 how we should have an expectanc…
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Bible and Business' Bill English helps us apply Ephesian 4:1-6 to our workplace and how gentleness, patience, bearing others faults and striving to maintain unity is important in your work relations. Documentary filmmaker James Tusty, producer of "She Rises Up," talks about how by helping women thrive economically in a society, you also help the co…
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Everyone's Wilson's Daryl Crouch looks at Proverbs 18:21 to help us understand the power of what we say to build people up or destroy. He also talks about the need of pastors to have pastors. Mark Turman of the Denison Forum addresses recent news around a couple of high-profile pastors and understanding the impact our sin can have on others. Faith …
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Carmen LaBerge asks, "how do you respond when you hear someone say something that seems crazy? For that matter, how do you respond when you read some of the seemingly crazy stuff Jesus said?" American Bible Society's John Plake talks about how people view AI when it comes to engaging the Bible and spirituality. Faith Radio podcasts are made possibl…
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Nick Pitts of the Institute for Global Engagement talks about the recent statement adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention concerning invitro fertilization, as well as the Surgeon General's call for a mental health warning label on social media. Philos Project's Luke Moon provides an update on the situation in the Holy Land to help us know how t…
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Psychogist Linda Mintle seeks to answer the questions "are some mental health issues contagious?" as well as helps us find ways of coping with those who are mentally unstable. Police Sgt. Mark Tappen, author of "A Dog Named Mattis," shares about his life as K9 officer handler to Mattis, and about some of the spiritual truths Mattis illustrated. Fai…
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Carmen LaBerge, who is in Indiana for a funeral, thinks about what is home for us. Daniel Bennett, author of "Uneasy Citizenship," talks about in time where this is much culture fighting that building and supporting decidedly Christian institutions like Christian colleges helps to build for the future. Faith Radio podcasts are made possible by your…
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En el episodio de esta semana ofrecemos la continuación de la sesión que presentamos anteriormente en la que nos acompañaba el Dj y productor Imalgi. Seguimos disfrutando en este set de una selección exquisita del mejor deep house, progressive, techno, disco y de otros estilos de música de club. Escuchar audio…
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Life Church Pastor Bobby Gruenewald, the innovator behind YouVersion, talks about its development and how it has helped many bring the Bible to when people are. Documentary film maker Jennifer Lahl from the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network, author of "The Detransition Diaries," shares stories of youth who at one time believed their were tra…
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The Equipped Newsletter's Thann Bennett challenges us to not over-complicate our walk with and witness of Jesus, but to enjoy the simplicity of faith in him. Social media expert Chris Martin talks about how our online use, and overuse, affects and forms our faith, often in negative ways if we're not careful. Faith Radio podcasts are made possible b…
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YoungLife's Kimberly Nollan shares insights from their RELATEProject research on teens and young adults and their desire for authentic relationships with older people. Alan Fadling, author of "A Non-Anxious Life," offers hope for finding God's peace even when life seems overwhelming. Faith Radio podcasts are made possible by your support. Give now:…
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Political scientist Mark Caleb Smith helps us look at how major party platforms are formed, what they tell us about a party's direction and how can best look at them from a Biblical viewpoint. Help4Families' Denise Schick, author of "Moving Forward in Community," offers ideas for how we can support families dealing with gender identity issues with …
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Esteban Corley es científico, licenciado en Ciencias Biológicas y fundador de Mabxience, una empresa biotecnológica que fabrica biosimilares en Argentina y España. Entre otras cosas, fueron los encargados de fabricar la vacuna AstraZeneca contra el COVID en Argentina. Cómo fue emprender, la relación público privado, el futuro de su empresa y mucho …
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Carmen talks about our need for belonging, as well as things to remember about our Heavenly Father as we get ready to celebrate Father's Day. Counselor Debra Fileta address the areas of hurt around our fathers and how we can forgive their shortcomings. Faith Radio podcasts are made possible by your support. Give now: Click here…
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Front Porch Republic's Jeff Bilbro talks about a book that chronicles a Polish child's life in World War II, and how it clashes with what we think childhood should be. Ruth Kramer from Mission Network News reflects on what happened to the once thriving Christian community in Mosul, Iraq which had to flee ISIS, as well as the potential impact on Ind…
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Eine Star Wars Liebeserklärung mit Mháire Stritter und Nico Mendrek In "The Good Batch" wollen wir über alles reden, was uns an Star Wars gefällt und wir arbeiten uns chronologisch durch alle Serien und Filme des Kanons. Heute geht es um 4Folgen aus The Clone Wars, Staffel 4. Ursprünglich lief das auf Podc…
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Rebecca McLaughlin, author of "Does the Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships?" addresses God's meaning and design for marriage, and how same-sex marriage falls short. James Whitford of True Charity talks about how many of the ways charity is put forward leads to dependency, and how when charity is properly served, it empowers people to be flourish. …
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Inspired by the New York Times' 5-Day Friendship Challenge, Carmen talks about the meaning of friendship, especially as a Christ-follower. Brian and Tricia Borg share the story of their son Michael, who in spite of his many medical trials has surprised his doctors and bears testimony to a family living by faith. Faith Radio podcasts are made possib…
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Security expert Elizabeth Neumann, author of "Kingdom of Rage," addresses how patriotism, Christian nationalism, and even extremism can get conflated; and how graciously relating with those we disagree with can help diffuse potential violence. Carmen offers five steps to changing our culture with compassion. Faith Radio podcasts are made possible b…
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Lionshare's Dave Buehring talks about the unique challenges of those in entertainment and media in growing to be like Jesus, and how we can lovingly support them. Political scientist Adam Carrington of the Ashbrook Center explains that while there's a lot we can learn through the likes of Aristotle in relating to others, we need the grace of Jesus …
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Esta semana nos alejamos de la pista de baile para disfrutar de sonidos más sosegados. Celebramos la cercanía del verano con una selección del mejor ambient, chill out, balearic… y toda esa infinidad de subgéneros y etiquetas que hacen referencia a aquella música que nos invita a cerrar los ojos y desconectar. Escuchar audio…
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Plugged In's Adam Holz unpacks the decision X has made to allow explicit content and the further concerns young people are having when it comes to their privacy on social media. Canavox's April Readlinger shares how marriage makes men better fathers and how the decline of happiness is happening simultaneously with the eroding of the family in Ameri…
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Peter Lynas, the UK Director for Evangelical Alliance, talks about how Christians are called to communicate with those who are caught up in the culture war and speaking Truth, while always showing grace. Apologist Daniel DeWitt shares how every person longs to worship something and the danger of romanticizing the reality around us. Faith Radio podc…
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Der 30. Januar 1933: Von Konservativen belabert kürt der vergreiste Antidemokrat Paul von Hindenburg Adolf Hitler zum Reichskanzler – und stößt damit, wie unzählige Zeitgenoss:innen seit Monaten warnten, das Tor zur Hölle auf. Es folgt der größte Braindrain der deutschen Geschichte: Dutzende Autor:innen, Künstler:innen, Wissenschaftler:innen, Philo…
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Encourager Vaneetha Risner talks about how Jesus meets us in our desperation and how forgiveness has set her free more than anything in her life. Brant Hansen, author of "The (Young) Men We Need" and "The Men We Need," shares about the confusion surrounding masculinity for Christians and what it means for a man, at any age, to protect his family. F…
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Paul Perrault, guest hosting for Carmen, shares about the day full of watching, waiting, and praying, and how Jesus fought for us by paying the ultimate sacrifice, winning the war for us. Kathy Branzell, from the National Day of Prayer taskforce, talks about the Biblical attributes to share with children and gives encouragement for fathers to be th…
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Karen Swallow Prior talks about the difference between enjoyment and enrichment when it comes to engaging ourselves in reading. Prison Fellowship President and CEO Heather Rice-Minus shares about the opportunity in front of Christians to love on kids in their community, how to open the door to a ministry of presence and start relational ministry. F…
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Daryl Crouch of Everyone's Wilson shares about the danger of having a scarcity mentality within the local church and Paul's example in the Bible of what it means to be truly content. Denison Forum's Mark Turman talks about humbling ourselves before God and others, so we can make Kingdom impact and what God does when things seem hopeless. Faith Radi…
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Christian Medical and Dental Association's Dr. Tiffany Schatz talks about exploring the real need behind taking supplements and the misconceptions about marijuana many have. Jerrad Lopes, author of "My Daddy's Hero: A Story About Jesus, The Ultimate Hero" and founder of Dad Tired, shares about the amazing things that happen when a man humbles himse…
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Nick Pitts of the Institute for Global Engagement talks about resisting the urge to give into the crowd by neglecting the Truth and the danger of succeeding in things in life that don't really matter. The Philos Project's Luke Moon shares an update on America's position with the Israel-Hamas war and the significance of the upcoming elections in Ira…
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Psychologist Linda Mintle talks about the benefits behind naming our emotions and surrounding ourselves with people that will point us in the right direction in the midst of our trials. Robby Angle, President of True Face, shares why all people are in relational ministry- no matter your age, your stage, current title, or current role in your life. …
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Joel Carini of The Natural Theologian talks about the distinct difference between sin versus misery, looking back to the fall and why our intentions set us apart, when it comes to how we respond to temptations. Political scientist Daniel Bennett shares why Christians can be comfortably uncomfortable - living in the already but not yet, in the world…
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Esta semana te invitamos a una sesión back to back en la que nos acompaña el talentoso Dj y productor Imalgi, que ya colaboró con nosotros en anteriores episodios de El Laberinto. En la primera parte de este set podrás disfrutar de una selección que incluye deep house, progressive, techno, disco y otros estilos de música de club. Escuchar audio…
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Plugged In's Adam Holz talks about research around how youth often have a double life online, as well as the good and bad of dream-scrolling. Pastor Bryan Chapell, author of "Are We Living in the Last Days?" talks about the multiple views around end times, and that while we have disagreements to the details, we share the hope of Jesus' return. Fait…
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Along with looking at recent news headlines, The Equipped Newsletter's Thann Bennett celebrates his family's recent adoption of 9-year old Parker and how they reaffirms him now as fully and completely a Bennett, and that he is fully and completely God's. Faith Radio podcasts are made possible by your support. Give now: Click here…
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Eine Star Wars Liebeserklärung mit Mháire Stritter und Nico Mendrek In "The Good Batch" wollen wir über alles reden, was uns an Star Wars gefällt und wir arbeiten uns chronologisch durch alle Serien und Filme des Kanons. Heute geht es um 3Folgen aus The Clone Wars, Staffel 4. Ursprünglich lief das auf Podc…
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First, in response to a New York Time article on loneliness and mental health and then by sharing the story of a dog named D.O.G., Carmen talks about finding a right identity of ourselves, our need of others, and our need for purpose; and how it comes from God. Faith Radio podcasts are made possible by your support. Give now: Click here…
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Political scientist Mark Caleb Smith looks at a recent Pew Research poll saying religion is losing influence in public life. However, since we are religious by nature, even an atheist brings that faith to their public life. The Gospel Coalition's Megan Hill, author of "Sighing on Sunday," talks about how to heal from times when you suffer church hu…
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Hoy hablamos con Carlos Crocco, Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas y cofundador de BEAM CropTech, una empresa que utiliza métodos de edición genética para optimizar el rendimiento de los cultivos en Argentina. Agricultura, ciencia y el impacto que podría tener su descubrimiento en el mundo.Oleh FAP
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Pastor Mark Sergeyev, youth pastor of Melitopol Christian Church talks about how Russia took over his city and church, and his escape from that territory. Psychologist Debra Fileta, host of the "Talk to Me" podcast, talks about her recent conversations with her husband and about how having a good marriage takes time and intentionality. Faith Radio …
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Front Porch Republic's Jeff Bilbro talks about why we should not just seek power or positions, but flourishing and beauty as the end result when we engage politically. Ruth Kramer of Mission Network News reports about the recent death of a US missionary couple in Haiti and how ministries are seeking to continue to offer hope to the troubled island …
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Iran Alive's Dr. Hormoz Shariat talks about the recent death of Iran's president, the power struggle in that country and how many people are leaving Islam, many to follow Jesus. Jason Romano of Sports Spectrum talks about some Christian players and coaches in the NBA championships and how they keep strong amid the stress of the game. Faith Radio po…
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