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Welcome to Happiness Squad. This is the podcast dedicated to helping you unlock your full potential by mastering the art and science of happiness. We bring on the best leading experts on the topic of human flourishing to help you unlock your true potential and live with more joy, health, love, and meaning in your life. Your host is Ashish Kothari, the Founder and CEO of Happiness Squad, a company focused on helping individuals and organizations make flourishing their competitive edge and ope ...
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Welcome to Crashcasts, the podcast for tech enthusiasts! Whether you're a seasoned engineer or just starting out, this podcast will teach you about Kotlin Internals. Join hosts Sheila and Victor as they explore essential topics in technology. Each episode gradually increases in complexity, covering everything from basic concepts to advanced scenarios. This podcast offers valuable insights, tips, and common pitfalls to avoid. It's perfect for interview preparation or skill enhancement. With a ...
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Veckans Kött är en pod i vilken lyssnaren bjuds in att följa med på en fyndig resa kring historiska personer, händelser, funderingar och faktafel där Veckans Program och Veckans Kött som vanligt utgör den största behållningen. God lyssning! Har du frågor om hur man hittar mailadressen till Veckans Kött? Kontakta oss gärna på: veckanskott@gmail.com
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Kotecki On Tech

James Kotecki

Kotecki On Tech is an interview show about the future. Technology executives, visionaries, and policymakers join host James Kotecki to explore where we are today and where we're going tomorrow.
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বাংলাদেশের প্রথম গে/ ট্রান্স / ইন্টারসেক্স / এলজিবিটিকিউ + পডকাস্ট! বাংলাদেশী গে-কাপল তানভীর ও জুবাইর কথা বলছেন তাদের জীবন, সমকামীতা , ডাল-ভাত, লাল-সবুজ এবং সবকিছু নিয়ে। আপনার প্রতিক্রিয়া জানান kotipona@gmail.com First-ever queer/gay/trans/intersex/LGBTQ+ podcast in Bangladesh is finally here! Bangladeshi gay couple Tanveer & Zubair talk about being brown, gay, daal-bhaat, laal-shobuj and everything in between. Let us know your feedback at kotipona@gmail.com
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Magasinet KOTE er et uavhengig tidsskrift drevet av studenter og nyutdannede. KOTE er til for meningsytringer, fag, debatt, og formidling av kunnskap om våre fysiske omgivelser. Vi ønsker å belyse omgivelsene våre på en nyansert måte med bidragsytere fra ulike fagfelt, profesjoner og institusjoner. Her finner du oss i lydformat.
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The Chief Koti Show is a dedicated podcast focuses on exploring the diverse and vibrant world of tourism in Africa. Chief Koti, a seasoned broadcaster, communications, and branding specialist, brings his expertise to the forefront as he engages with prominent voices in the industry. Through insightful discussions and interviews, the podcast delves into fundamental operational issues within the African tourism sector. With Chief Koti's extensive experience and knowledge, listeners can expect ...
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Commodore on tunnetusti tasavallan tietokone, mutta miten muut tietokoneet näkyivät digitalisoituvassa maailmassa ja millaisia tarinoita nämä koneet pitävät taustallaan? Moni tietää Steve Jobsin ja Bill Gatesin, mutta keitä olivat Jack Tramiel, Sinclair Clive tai Jay Miner? Nämä laitteet ovat jo 40 vuotta vanhoja, mutta silti osaavat olla ajan patinasta huolimatta erittäin rakkaita uskollisille käyttäjilleen. Pelikonsolien kronikka tarkasteli suomalaista pelikulttuuria ikonisten pelikonsolie ...
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Mavericks. Independent thinkers and entrepreneurs who laugh in the face of peer pressure and are brave enough to get things done. Marty’s expertise covers topics including real estate development, concepts, street art, hospitality industry, UNC, politics, and Greensboro, NC. His Maverick guests sit down for a open and frank discussion about a wide range of topics including many controversial ones.
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Utforska den fascinerande och mångsidiga världen av kottar med Kottpodden! Följ med Talli Tallgren och Emma Skoglund på en spännande resa genom kottarnas historia, fakta och användbara användningar. Från deras uråldriga evolutionära historia till deras mångsidiga roll i dagens samhälle, denna podcast tar dig med på en djupdykning i allt som rör kottar. Upptäck deras betydelse i skogens ekosystem, deras användning i konst och hantverk, och till och med deras oväntade medicinska och praktiska ...
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Kot v filmu


Dogodivščine 11-letnega Gašperja razpetega med mamo, očimom in biološkim očetom, ki ga bo šele spoznal. Pa tudi med šolo, svetom svetovnega spleta, filmi in svojimi prijatelji. Zvočne zgodbe o hitenju v odraslost, ki jo je vsak od nas v sojem življenju vsaj enkrat doživel. Nadaljevanka v osmih delih je nastala po istoimenskem romanu, katerega avtor je Vinko Möderndorfer.
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show series
The relentless demands of modern life are drowning us in noise, leaving us anxious and burned out. The digital age has us constantly plugged in, leaving little room for the quiet we desperately need. How do we find peace and unlock our inner clarity? In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Justin Zorn, an Author at Harper…
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Csillag Péter a többször is díjazott Hátsó füves projekt keretei közt nagy feladatra vállalkozott: nemcsak életet lehet egy-egy napra a sportegyesületüket elvesztett falvak focijába, de közben igyekszik is dokumentálni és feldolgozni, mit jelentett a kistelepülések életében ez, rámutatva arra, mennyire fontos érték kezd eltűnni a magyar társadalomb…
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Our world revolves around constant hustle and achieving more, often at the expense of rest. But if we only knew how immeasurable the rewards of quality sleep are, we wouldn't take rest for granted. In this HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast episode, Ashish Kothari and Sleep Neuroscientist Dr. Els van der Helm discusses how better sleep management can boost ou…
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Dive deep into the inner workings of Kotlin and uncover the secrets behind its powerful features and growing popularity. In this episode, we explore: Kotlin's evolution and seamless Java interoperability Null safety and type system innovations that prevent common programming errors Coroutines for efficient asynchronous programming without the compl…
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Unhappiness habits are guests we'd all rather evict. They can creep into our lives subtly, often masked as normal daily routines. But these seemingly harmless habits can have a profound impact on our overall well-being. It's time to identify the patterns holding you back and replace them with healthier alternatives. In this second part of the HAPPI…
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A foci hivatalos eredményeinél is többet mond, hogy milyen tulajdonosok voltak a magyar első osztály klubjai mögött a rendszer kezdetekor, és milyenek lettek most. Megénekeltük Leisztinger Tamás visszatérését, szóba került minden idők talán legjobb önfeljelentése, és megpróbáltuk megfejteni, hogy lehet klubtulaj a Felcsút csapatorvosa. Disclaimer: …
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Егор Бугаенко известная личность в айти кругах и директор лаборатории в Huawei — одной из крупнейших айти-корпораций Китая, а еще успевает вести блог на YouTube и даже писать серию книг об объектно-ориентированном программировании. Порассуждали, возможно ли создать аналоги GitHub и Stackoverflow и для чего. А еще — где лучше IT, в Китае, России или…
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We've all got an inner critic, that pesky voice whispering doubts and insecurities. But for some, this critic morphs into a full-blown bully, undermining self-worth and happiness. Self-bullying is the silent enemy of potential, a hidden obstacle to overall well-being. In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Anna Marie Frank, Founder of Happ…
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A foci hivatalos eredményeinél is többet mond, milyen tulajdonosok voltak a magyar első osztály klubjai mögött a rendszer kezdetekor, és milyenek lettek most. Megénekeltük Leisztinger Tamás visszatérését, szóba került minden idők talán legjobb önfeljelentése, és megpróbáltuk megfejteni, hogy lehet klubtulaj a Felcsút csapatorvosa.Megjegyzés: Az adá…
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Despite advancements in efficiency, many are wrestling with being too busy. We've removed friction from tasks like travel, banking, and meetings, yet why are we busier than ever? How do we get out of it? In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Kate Sotsenko, Founder and Productivity & Leadership Coach at thegoodbusy.com, …
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📌Наш telegram с невероятными новостями и супер вакансиями https://t.me/+-0i3gVDHpwRmOWUy Обсудить проект https://t.me/kotelov_com Отправить CV hr@kotelov.com или https://kotelov.com/hr/ Озвучка заставки - диктор, питч-тренер Димитрий Чумак http://t.me/silarazgovora 📣 Запускаем серию подкастов с ProIT Fest 2024 Поговорим как получить максимальный пр…
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Mindenórás a sokadik tulajdonosváltás Kispesten, ezért szemezgettünk párat az elmúlt öt év legemlékezetesebb pillanataiból, miközben próbáljuk bemutatni a főszereplőket. Milyen az, amikor alsópolcos oligarchácskákat irányítanak egy NB I-es klubhoz, és egyáltalán ki lehetett a valódi tulajdonos a háttérből? Ha volt egyáltalán. Vendég: Balogh Ábel, g…
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Mindenórás a sokadik tulajdonosváltás Kispesten, ezért mepróbáltuk összeszedni az elmúlt öt év legemlékezetesebb pillanatait, miközben próbáljuk bemutatni a főszereplőket. Milyen az, amikor alsópolcos oligarchácskákat irányítanak egy NB I-es klubhoz, és egyáltalán ki lehetett a valódi tulajdonos a háttérből? Ha volt egyáltalán.Vendég: Balogh Ábel, …
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Let's face it, traditional top-down leadership styles just don't cut it anymore. Employees today are looking for something more than just a boss who dictates orders. They want a leader who understands them, values their contributions, and invests in their growth. Human-centric leadership offers a solution. In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Pod…
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Despite living in a time of incredible prosperity, record-breaking GDP, and life-saving advancements, many of us feel increasingly stressed, anxious, and dissatisfied. This paradox—abundance alongside unhappiness—is what we’ll tackle in this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast with Ashish Kothari, Founder of HAPPINESS SQUAD. In this episode, we’…
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Első rész // Bognár György és az xG. Látványosan előrelépett a magyar klubfutball az elmúlt évtizedben ráönött pénztől, vagy ugyanúgy egy helyben toporog? Második rész // Szergej Kuznyecov és a Diósgyőr furcsa ügye. A Fradi várható bajnoki címén túl melyik csapatok miatt lehet érdekes a következő szezon? A végén azért tippelünk másodikat, harmadika…
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The world of work is on fast-forward. New skills are constantly in demand, and keeping up can feel like playing catch-up in a high-speed chase. Without a mentor to provide guidance and support, these new challenges can be overwhelming. In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Lori Crever, Author and Founder of Protégé Powe…
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📌Подпишись на наш тг-канал https://go.kotelov.com/kotelov_love Обсудить проект https://t.me/kotelov_com Отправить CV hr@kotelov.com или https://kotelov.com/hr/ Йоу, у нас в гостях Олег Козырев — Go-разработчик, блогер и автор самых прикладынх курсов по Go. На подкасте он рассказал как сделал свой айтишный блог, как он раскрутил свои каналы на ютубе…
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We all hit a point where our current path just doesn’t match up with our deepest desires and goals any longer. That's when a "relaunch" starts to happen. It's that moment of transition in our lives that presents a powerful opportunity to redefine what success means to us and realign with our true selves. But how do we handle this big change smoothl…
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Till alla er som ivrigt väntat på den spännande uppföljningen till Grävskopor och Pulvermos; nu är den äntligen här! Hur går det egentligen för Lars-Inge och Hans Volvo? Det får ni naturligtvis reda på om ni lyssnar på veckans avsnitt. Dessutom bjuder vi på en hel del citronsubstitut nu i sommarvärmen. Trevlig lyssning! Ladda ner här…
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Első rész // Nagyot ment vagy leégett a magyar válogatott az Eb-n? Túlértékeljük a teljesítményét vagy a helyén kezeljük? És mit mondanak a kommentelők valamint a mindenféle véleményvezérek? Második rész // A Fradi hosszú idő után lecserélte a mezszállítóját, és rögtön egy erős kampánnyal indított: egy csomó ismert szurkolójának küldött egyet belől…
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Is happiness the hidden ingredient to extraordinary business success? We're so used to workplaces focused on getting things done fast and generating results. But what if fostering a happy work environment is the key to unparalleled productivity, innovation, and employee loyalty? In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Lar…
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In this episode of Talking Kotlin, Hadi Hariri and Sebastian Aigner chat with Raphael Michel, the founder of pretix, an open-source ticketing system. Raphael shares his fascinating journey, from building pretix to solve a conference ticketing problem to becoming a full-fledged company with a global reach.The conversation dives into the complexities…
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Szokásos kéthetente érkező egyórás okoskodás ezúttal a következő témák mentén: Három vébén és két Európa-bajnokságon megyünk végig, és arról beszélgetünk, hogy milyen hatásuk volt egy-egy ország, de főleg Magyarország, illetve a magyar társadalom mentális állapotára. 1953-ban 6:3-ra vertük az angolokat, majd a következő évben kikaptunk a németektől…
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Have you ever noticed how a delicious meal can instantly lift your spirits? Food goes beyond just fueling our bodies; it nourishes our souls and strengthens connections with the people around us. But how exactly does food create happiness and deeper connections? In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Paul Cure explore th…
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Relationships can be tricky because they mix together two people with different backgrounds and habits, and sometimes things get a bit tangled up. It’s like blending two different paint colors without making a mess! Every relationship hits rough patches, but we can turn those bumps in the road into springboards for growing closer. In this episode o…
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Join us for an in-depth conversation with Michael Rittmeister and Luca Kellermann, the brains behind Kord, a Kotlin library designed for interacting with the Discord API. In this episode, we dive into the complexities of the Discord API, the importance of WebSockets, and the challenges and strategies in building and maintaining a modularized librar…
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Йоу-йоу, начался сезон летних конф поэтому разбираем честно все об айти ивентах💵 Заколлабились с ULCAMP и решили разобраться в теме айти конф — кому это выгоднее компании или разрабу, как окупить билет на конфу и почему везде рассказывают одно и тоже. В гостях Женя Чернов — разраб и организатор айти-конференций аka цифровой решала. В айтишке он с н…
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We're investing big bucks in employee well-being programs without really addressing the real problems affecting employees' performance. In fact, shocking stats from the McKinsey Health Institute reveal that a mere 3% of burnout comes from individual factors, while a staggering 97% is due to organizational, team, and job-related issues. It looks lik…
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Ifall ni är sugna på radioteater så ska ni veta att ni inte är ensamma. Veckans Kött är alltid sugna och tar er därför med på nya äventyr denna vecka bland Grävskopor och Pulvermos, en studie i grillkioskmentalitet och bruksort när den är som allra bäst. Dessutom tar vi tempen på de senaste heta grilltipsen inför årets säsong. Smaklig! Ladda ner hä…
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📌Подпишись на наш тг-канал https://go.kotelov.com/kotelov_love Обсудить проект https://t.me/kotelov_com Отправить CV hr@kotelov.com или https://kotelov.com/hr/ 📌 Подписывайтесь на Женю: Tg-канал Тимлид Очевидность https://t.me/general_it_talks Подкаст "КОДА КОДА" https://podcast.ru/1551786898 Ссылочки на всё, где участвует Женя https://antonov-dev.…
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Do you know how stressed people are at work these days? Studies show a startling fact: nearly 40% of young workers feel they're on the edge because of job stress. It's clear we have a serious issue that's hurting both people's well-being and their job performance. Could our work environments be contributing to the problem? In this episode of the HA…
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In this Episode; Jon Howell, the dynamic Founder and CEO of AviaDev, harmonizing aviation route innovation with wildlife conservation. Chief Koti delves deep into AviaDev's pivotal industry connectivity role and vital post-pandemic recovery support strategies. Gain exclusive insights on the projected tourism's GDP revival, the impact of the Open Sk…
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A tartalomból: Röviden bemutatkozunk. Megpróbáljuk definiálni a NERfocit, és beszélünk arról, hogy miben más, mint mondjuk a Kádár-kor futballja. Egy rövid kronológia a NER térhódításáról a magyar fociban. Mi a NERfoci fő mozgatója? Egy ember személyes vágyai, vagy egy komplex társadalmi legitimációs kísérlet? Hogyan lehet elbukni a NERfociban? A H…
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Our world feels increasingly divided, largely because we tend to surround ourselves with people who think the same way we do. This creates a cycle where we constantly reinforce our own beliefs and opinions. Over time, this makes it challenging to see or appreciate different viewpoints, as we're not regularly exposed to them. In this episode of the …
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In the latest episode, Chief Koti, welcomes Sucex Bright, the visionary President of the Africa Focus Series, from Nigeria. Together, they embark on a transformative conversation dedicated to reshaping the global narrative of Africa. This episode coincides with the celebration of Africa Day and focuses on Africa's vibrant tapestry of trade, politic…
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V podcastu Zorni kot je sogovornica podpredsednica Slovenskega društva za celiakijo Nataša Forstner Holešek. Nedavno je bil mednarodni dan celiakije, društvo pa skozi ves maj ozavešča in izobražuje o tej doživljenjski, kronični avtoimuni bolezni,ki jo pri genetsko obremenjenih osebah sproži zaužitje glutena. Gostja podcasta je o tej bolezni spregov…
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Here's a thought: What if the real secret to making more money was to focus less on the money itself? True success in organizations isn't just about chasing profits, but about being driven by a genuine purpose. It’s about making a meaningful impact, serving a greater cause, and adding value to the world. In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podca…
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In this episode of The Chief Koti Show, Cuthbert Ncube, Chairman of the African Tourism Board, passionately discusses the need for unity and self-recognition in Africa's tourism sector. Ncube calls for a collaborative approach between public and private entities to rejuvenate Africa's global image, challenging outdated marketing strategies. He high…
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▶︎ Подписаться на невероятные новости, супервакансии и стажировки https://t.me/+NJxuVVcHeQswY2I6 Обсудить проект https://t.me/kotelov_com Отправить CV hr@kotelov.com или https://kotelov.com/hr/ Магазин мерча https://kotelov.com/merch/ ▶︎ HTML Academy https://htmlacademy.ru/ тг-канал ребят https://t.me/htmlacademy Александр Першин https://www.facebo…
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Umetna inteligenca je vse bolj med nami in olajša in pospeši vse več storitev – tudi na področju prava in pravniških storitev je temu tako. To omogoča program AI Krpan (izg. AI – druga črka je velik i – kot Artificial Intelligence). S pomočjo naprednih algoritmov ponuja odgovore na pravna vprašanja. Več o tem je povedal pravnik oziroma odvetnik iz …
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Do you ever feel like you're juggling work and your personal life at once, trying to keep them from crashing down? You're not alone. The traditional notion of work-life balance often paints an unrealistic picture of perfectly equal scales. But let's face it; the scales are rarely balanced. Stress builds as you struggle to keep up, leaving you exhau…
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Join us on a riveting journey into the heart of Lesotho's economic landscape on this week's episode of The Chief Koti Show. Our host, Chief Koti, sits down with the Honourable, Mampho Tjabane, Deputy Minister for Trade of Lesotho, to discuss the significant advances in the country's trade, tourism, and overall business sectors. In this episode, Hon…
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V tokratnem podcastu Zorni kot je naša sogovornica pisateljica in podjetnica Petra Škarja. Je avtorica več knjižnih uspešnic, med njimi je verjetno najbolj poznano delo Camino – Od suženjstva do svobode. Po tem, ko se je odpravila na najbolj znano romarsko pot na svetu, je dojela, da vsakdo bije svoje bitke. Piše pa med drugim knjige uspešnih slove…
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Ever feel like chasing personal achievements isn't really making you happy? You're not alone. It's a common trap that leaves many of us feeling empty. It's a frustrating realization that success and status often fail to fill the void we hope they would. It leaves us questioning, what does happiness truly mean? In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD…
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