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George Dfouni

George Dfouni

George Dfouni is a hotelier, artist, author, director, and asset manager. The businessman George Dfouni has experience in a variety of industries. He is an extremely kind & motivated person. George is a Chief Operating Officer at Independent Hospitality. As Chief Operating Officer, George Dfouni oversaw all aspects of Amsterdam Hospitality Group which consisted of eleven existing boutique hotels, two residential properties in New York City, one residential property in Miami, and one commerci ...
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Berbagi bersama pengalaman hidup sehari-hari. Pembahasan yang gak berat lebih cenderung ke kehidupan sehari-hari Podcast dilakukan di 2 negara yang berbeda sejauh 2375 miles @christianevander di Jakarta dan @dmardeline di Taipei. We love to hear a feedback from you Email us at [email protected]
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show series
George Dfouni’s insights serve as a guide for industry professionals looking to elevate their establishments and create extraordinary guest experiences. By focusing on these key elements, hospitality leaders can ensure long-term success and maintain a competitive edge in a constantly evolving industry.…
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Hospitality management is a dynamic and multifaceted industry that requires a combination of leadership, customer focus, operational efficiency, and adaptability. George Dfouni Hotelier’s insights highlight the importance of delivering exceptional guest experiences while maintaining strong business fundamentals.…
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George Dfouni’s expert insights into hospitality management provide a roadmap for businesses looking to elevate their standards. From strong leadership and guest-centric service to operational efficiency, innovation, and a thriving company culture, his approach ensures sustainable success in an ever-competitive industry.…
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George Dfouni, a prominent figure in hospitality, unravels the transformative impacts of global events on travel. From shifting destination preferences and evolving traveler behavior to the rise of sustainable tourism, George Dfouni explores the intricate interplay of factors. George Dfouni acknowledges the acceleration of technological trends and …
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George Dfouni anticipates a dynamic future for Hospitality, pinpointing four pivotal trends. Sustainability takes center stage, with eco-friendly practices leading the charge. Technology integration, from contactless services to AI-driven personalization, reshapes guest experiences. Personalization emerges as a key focus, tailoring services to indi…
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George Dfouni, an influential voice in the hospitality industry, highlights five pivotal trends reshaping the industry's future. Emphasizing technology's role in guest experiences, George Dfouni advocates for sustainable practices, personalized services, and adapting to changing traveler expectations.…
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i just met someone in 2019 who really are understand me, she’s the one reach my hand when I feel so down. long short story, i have feelin' i feel loved by her, and i start fallin' in love with her . but, when we discuss about love, future, and past. i feeling so insecure. i am not worth it to be she’s partner. so, thanks to u, i learn to letting go…
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It can be easy to doubt yourself as an entrepreneur, particularly if you’re new to the business world. In order to make the best decisions possible, it’s important to know exactly what your strengths and weaknesses are as well as any additional help you might need in order to succeed. George Dfouni shares some of his top tips on how to stay motivat…
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i dedicate my self to create this voice memo, before "eighteen" and send appreciation kepada makna dan proses. karena sampai tanggal 18 detik ini, dengan segala latar belakang buruk maupun baik, kita masih bisa bertahan, its hard, really hard ada logika dan pikiran yang harus tetap satu. i think this is the part of the relation, this consequence fo…
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Track podcast favorit sejauh ini :) Berbicara secara spontan dan jujur apa adanya, tanpa naskah, di record tengah malam di hari ke 4 bulan april. Yang aku beri judul " kenapa harus april ? " sepertinya akan banyak kejutan di bulan april, semoga hal-hal baik selalu bersama mu. Terimakasih ucapannya, too cute to save it <3 semangat! lv y…
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ENDING " terimakasih 2020, kita cerita yuk tentang tahun ini :) " Hallo ga terasa ya udah masuk di ending, dan podcast terakhir di 2020. episode ter enjoy yang pernah aku buat :) semoga hubungan sederhana kita ini masuk dalam list di tahun 2021 mu ya, aamiin. ceritain yuk apa saja yang terjadi di tahun ini, mau lewat chat atau telfon ? dua-duanya b…
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VERSE " She's the One, but.. " Berbicara tentang harapan tinggi? Aku adalah pemilik harap paling tinggi :) mengagumi seseorang yang hebat tanpa berkaca aku ini siapa? Aku belajar dari kamu untuk menghargain proses aku rasa semuanya tidak perlu buru-buru, semuanya tidak perlu secepat kilat, ngeluh boleh , ngerasa capek boleh , tapi harus bangkit dan…
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OUTRO "sejenak kita membicarakan tentang perpisahan" Di outro ini cuman sedikit yang ingin aku sampaikan yaitu “ sejanak kita membicarakan tentang perpisahan. Maaf harus nyinggung ini tapi Jikalau suatu saat nanti kita benar-benar dipisahkan, apapun alasanya, engga ada yang perlu di prepare, gada yang perlu dipersiapkan. Cepet bangkit dan cepet rek…
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Intro 1 "its 3am and i still miss you" Sebenernya kalo dipikirin lagi waktu itu, betapa percaya dirinya aku dapetin kamu, Karena visinya terlalu maju, tidak di imbangi oleh bahwa kalau mau menuju ke visi itu ada step-stepnya, aku ingin ketika sadar akan hal itu aku jadi kaya “ oh oke berarti harus pelan-pelan ya prosesnya, gagal dulu coba lagi “ ke…
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ISI " ? " Hallo ini Viki. Podcast ini tercipta khusus buat kamu, dan aku ingin mengucapkan selamat! , kita sudah berada sampai di fase yang lebih siap dari sebelumnya, Semenjak kita dekat kembali, banyak hal yang berubah salah satunya kewajiban dalam rutinitas keseharian, yang tadinya cuman mandi, makan, nugas, tidur sekarang ketambahan dua ngabari…
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Do you want to know how can you find inner strength in your life? Do you have any idea where you’d look for it? Dalam episode ini kita akan sharing 5 pertanyaan yang bisa bantu kalian untuk find your 'strengths' dalam diri kalian. Kalau kalian ngerasa podcast ini bermanfaat jangan lupa share di instastory kalian dan tag @christianevander dan @dmard…
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Emotional control salah satu hal penting dalam kehidupan kita baik untuk sosialisasi ataupun profesional. Hal yang keluar saat kita emosi bisa menentukan gimana kedepannya kita akan berjalan, di episode ini kita mau sharing gimana caranya supaya bisa lebih control emosi saat kita lagi mau marah. Happy listening. Kalau kalian ada input atau topic ya…
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Setiap perjalanan hidup kita pastinya akan membawa kita ke satu titik tertentu dimana perjalanan tersebut akan memberikan nilai pada kehidupan kita. Setiap orang harus sadar dan tahu bahwa perjalanan hidupnya itu berharga. Tapi sering kali kita merasa, nothing special. Di episode kali ini akan membahas gimana caranya kita bs untuk more value oursel…
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