James Lileks is back at his accustomed place on one of the chrome stools in front of the boomerang pattern Formica counter in the diner on Old Highway 23, about thirteen and a half minutes from wherever you happen to be at the moment. Listen to The Diner with James Lileks, along with more than 40 other original podcasts, at Ricochet.com. No paid subscription required.
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It's that time of year again. Yep, time to delve into the troubles of your favorite cereal mascots. They have no insurance? It's okay... we have trading stamps!Oleh Ricochet
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Al Jolson and other horrors are playing at the local movie palace. Wanna go?Oleh Ricochet
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It's not just the room on the road, it's the amenities.Oleh Ricochet
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From the glaze and the sprinkles to the last crumb on a subatomic level, behold the American donut.Oleh Ricochet
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Some space to work and a good view. What more could one ask for?Oleh Ricochet
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Have you seen the price of eggs? It's a crime I say, a crime. A real mystery...Oleh Ricochet
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Forget your lame Pong, man. We've got a pocketful of quarters and we're heading to the Arcade at the mall!Oleh Ricochet
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Every generation finds its own groove... and learns to appreciate the grooves of others.Oleh Ricochet
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New cars and old trains and infinite waitresses all the way down... say, did you just hear that?Oleh Ricochet
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Like a Whale in a Vat of Vaseline
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
30:19Your car can be sporty, it can be practical, it can be new or used, but whatever it is - if you're driving it to The Diner - it has to have style.Oleh Ricochet
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Christmas traditions come and go just like the people in your life. But they don't really go, do they?Oleh Ricochet
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The Mercury plunges and we wrap our hands around a hot bowl of soup and contemplate what lies beyond our chicken and stars...Oleh Ricochet
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It's a trip to a romantic, exotic locale... you know, the Diner. Have a seat and a cup of Joe, por favor.Oleh Ricochet
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Holiday thoughts from a celeried employee on a cold morning in November.Oleh Ricochet
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Comrade! Sit down and join us! Crack open a bottle of Jubal!Oleh Ricochet
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A reduced fat podcast. Best if used by November 2028.* *Refrigerate after opening.Oleh Ricochet
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Fresh. Frozen. Local. National. New York. Chicago. Fargo. Mmmmmmm. Pizza!Oleh Ricochet
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Electronics? Check. Inflatable pillow? Check. Peanuts. Check. Headphones. Check. Welcome to Lileks Air Flight 39 to Heathrow...Oleh Ricochet
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Contemplating Rome and finding the bunny at the bottom of the bowl. Um-m. All Gone!Oleh Ricochet
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Memories flood the brain like the mighty Sheyenne River pouring over its banks. Grab your shovel, son, there's work to be done.Oleh Ricochet
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Life is a highway. A double-yellow lined, curving, narrow highway of mechanized death. But on the bright side, that's where you'll find the Diner.Oleh Ricochet
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The summer wanes and we're out of our gourds.Oleh Ricochet
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A podcast of infinite choice and possibilities... given enough time.Oleh Ricochet
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Hold this episode up to your face. Now point at it and smile. You, too, can be a pitchman.Oleh Ricochet
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I think that I shall never see a podcast lovely as a tree... uh, oh.Oleh Ricochet
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Roaming the Land with Credentials
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
31:13A stiff drink, a hot band and a lanyard around your neck. It doesn't get any better than that. Or does it?Oleh Ricochet
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A Holsum Edition with Extra Honey
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
33:19White Bread, Peanut Butter, Honey and T-Rex.Oleh Ricochet
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Contemplating the marvels and the possible malevolence of the modern age while consuming a slightly warmed-over "Weird Burger."Oleh Ricochet
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Old dogs, renamed streets... and what the heck is a quoit?!?Oleh Ricochet
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Playlists, algorithms, musical tastes and you never know who's listening... On the juke box: End of Every Song by Buck Dharma (Triceratops Music - ASCAP) Used by permission. endofeverysong.comOleh Ricochet
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Events of the day leads to thoughts of events of the past - with a little Lidocaine thrown in for good measure.Oleh Ricochet
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James is back from the British Isles and has had a little bit of it shipped home directly to The Diner.Oleh Ricochet
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James is heading off on his annual sojourn but takes emough time to stop in and sit at his familar place at the long, boomarang-patterned Formica counter and talk a little Fourth of July and things that go BOOOOM in the night.Oleh Ricochet
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Getting lubricated while going off menu. It's as much fun as it sounds.Oleh Ricochet
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Refrigerator's acting up. Will take my regional soda with ice. Hold the metal shavings.Oleh Ricochet
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Brown sugar. Butter. Maybe some cream. Perhaps a dash of vanilla and a pinch of salt. That's the recipe for Butterscotch. Or you just follow the directions on that 10-lb bag of powder over there.Oleh Ricochet
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You write and you write and you write some more. And you keep writing until you're done.Oleh Ricochet
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An episode that asks the eternal questions: Is this good? Better? Worse? Better here? Or better here? What's the lowest line you can read?Oleh Ricochet
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Something that you can only get at The Diner: A trip to the future on a trip to the past. By your command...Oleh Ricochet
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An order of eggs, forget the bacon and bring us a side order of aesthetically pleasing buildings.Oleh Ricochet
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We know this podcast is met with great anticipation and we want to assure you that while the packaging may change from week to week, it comes to you with the same great taste! Fancy that.Oleh Ricochet
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The Diner is open. Went all the way to Mexico last week just to watch a man die.Oleh Ricochet
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You Are Now Free to Move About the Diner
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
34:32We're getting ready for a road trip and you know it's not best to travel on an empty stomach. So sidle to the long counter and get something in you before we take off. James will return in two weeks. See you then.Oleh Ricochet
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In which the SS Tighty Whitey becomes a wreck and strands Gilligan and company on an island with a lot of vines and bamboo. Meanwhile in the news.... one of these days, Alice... to the moon! (Or at least to The Diner.)Oleh Ricochet
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Singing roosters... musical pigs... and a trail of references. Don't believe me? Vas you dare, Sharlie?!? Eggs-actley!Oleh Ricochet
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It's time for your weekly dose of delicious content, a tasty treat for your ears, packed with wholesomeness! Indulge in a hearty serving of Lileks! Pour yourself a serving of "The Diner" – it's the most satisfying way to kickstart your day!Oleh Ricochet
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The Enchanted Chernobyl Diner Experience
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
44:13The Diner: Where A.I. meets three little words scribbled on a note pad. It's the stuff that dreams are made of. And people say we're monkeying around.Oleh Ricochet
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Anybody got any bars? Anyone?Oleh Ricochet
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Snow in Minnesota is legendary. More legendary than you could possibly know...Oleh Ricochet
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Does anybody mind if I slip two bits into the jukebox? Man... that sounds... so familiar.Oleh Ricochet
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