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On Voices of IFES, we go straight to the source to hear about ministry projects, ideas, and perspectives. It features interviews with students and leaders from around the IFES fellowship. Among other things, you’ll hear about pioneering new campuses, using computer coding to spread the gospel, and keeping integrity in a highly secular context. You’ll learn from people from every corner of the world and discover the amazing ways our Fellowship is reaching students. Voices of IFES is produced ...
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Prayerline delivers a weekly story coming straight from the grassroots of one of our 163 IFES movements. You may hear stories of the bravery of students facing persecution, innovative approaches to evangelism, or the impact of a small dormitory Bible study. At the end we will give you a few ways to pray for the students you met in the story. It is a great way to stay up to date on how you can pray for movements around the world. Prayerline is written by Bryn Rickards, read by Tom Field, and ...
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show series
High hopes for the European Student Festival, with Christian Pichler and Ulvis Kravalis It will bring hundreds of students together from over 40 movements across Europe. It will offer deep fellowship, new friendships, and plenty of fun. It will help them consider what God’s “Kingdom Come” can look like in their contexts. The European Student Festiv…
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Professor Ross McKenzie reflects on the context of the university today, exploring how a biblical worldview equips the student with a better vision and purpose for academic study. How does that vision play out for Christian students and graduates today? What does it look like to engage the university for Christ? Two from Nigeria and Niger also shar…
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Les disciples avaient besoin de courage et d’assurance face à la persécution, et Dieu les a puissamment visités alors qu’ils priaient ensemble. Dans le monde de l’IFES aujourd’hui, nous aussi avons besoin de courage et d’assurance dans nos différents contextes, afin de pouvoir continuer à porter un message d’espérance. En nous unissant dans la priè…
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We join Peter and John as they encounter a broken man and bring a message of hope to a broken people. What about us today? We consider our calling as Spirit-empowered people, to courageously proclaim the message of hope, in word and deed, to our broken world. Find out more about IFES here!Oleh IFES
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Was je erbij? Op 15 november 2024 vierden we met elkaar 65 jaar IFES Nederland. Tijdens deze viering stonden we stil bij het werk dat God doet en deed, dachten we met ds. Johan Visser na over het thema 'Slim zijn ze, wie maakt ze wijs?' en loofden we God onder leiding van de IFES Band. Of je er nu bij was en het nog een keer wilt horen, of dat je h…
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What happened next for the disciples? What happens next for us? The story continues as Jesus’ Spirit-empowered disciples are sent out as witnesses to the ends of the earth. What does the story look like around the world? What does it look like in Indonesia? What will it look like for you? Find out more about IFES here!…
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The Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of surprises. The disciples had great expectations of what it meant to follow Jesus. But Jesus, who became a child and an outcast, showed a different way. He calls us today to follow Him, proclaiming His Kingdom of surprises. Find out more about IFES here!Oleh IFES
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En medio de las dudas y el desánimo, los discípulos se encontraron con Jesús. A medida que caminaron, conversaron y partieron el pan con él, su perspectiva sobre la realidad se transformó de cabo a rabo: fueron reorientados y recibieron un nuevo enfoque y dirección. Recorre el camino de Emaús con nosotros y los discípulos para que las palabras de J…
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He’s served with IFES for almost 30 years – first in the Caucasus and latterly in Central Asia. With colourful stories, Werner describes how God called him from Germany to Georgia in the 1990s – and how God faithfully birthed a student movement amidst dangers and challenges. He shares how he moved on to spearhead new ministry in Central Asia, where…
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Listen in as we explore the grand narrative of the Bible: a story; a true story; God’s story – and our story. The place where these questions are answered. The place where we can meet God Himself. Dr Chris Wright. Find out more about IFES World Assembly at: Find out more about IFES here!Oleh IFES
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Tijdens het Laatste Avondmaal wist Jezus wat er binnenkort met Hem zou gebeuren en hoe Zijn leerlingen Hem stuk voor stuk zouden verlaten. En toch heeft Hij hen liefgehad tot het einde toe. Op die toegewijde manier houdt Hij ook van ons. Voor ons heeft Hij de dood overwonnen. Bas van Dieren vertelt in deze dienst wat het belang is van avondmaal in …
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De vrienden van Daniël worden in het vuur gegooid omdat ze toegewijd zijn en blijven aan hun enige God. Toch overleven de vrienden het en slaan ze niet op de vlucht als ze voor een keuze staan die de dood betekent. Waar vlucht jij heen als je voor een uitdaging staat? Lukt het jou om in het heetst van het vuur toegewijd te blijven aan God? Arjen ro…
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Dienen en verwachten in een wereld vol dreiging. Daniël legt de droom van Nebukadnezar uit terwijl hij weet hoe gevaarlijk het is. Daniël ziet dat alle koninkrijken ten einde zullen komen. Maar er zal één Koninkrijk zijn zonder einde; Gods Koninkrijk. Nynke vertelt ons wat onze roeping is, hoe we moeten dienen en verwachten en dat er een toekomst v…
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God is als eerste aan ons toegewijd. En Hij was toegewijd toen Hij de aarde maakte. Hoe toegewijd zijn wij aan ons geloof en met wie praten we erover? Nynke introduceert het Bijbelboek Daniël. Ook neemt ze ons mee in welke geloofsdimensies er zijn en het belang van andere christenen om ons heen.Oleh IFES Nederland
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😥 ¿Cómo mantenemos vivo nuestro ministerio? 📺 Ziel Machado, Presidente Honorario de IFES, nos anima a ser resilientes, permaneciendo en Jesús y recibiendo vida y fortaleza de parte de él: “Rechazamos las propuestas de este mundo de este mundo para fundamentar nuestra misión con base en aquello que el mundo define como poder, relevancia y reconocimi…
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🎂70 and still going strong, but they need your prayers 🙏 In this week’s Prayerline, we investigate the context behind two World Student Day Prayer Cards from India. Learn how UESI Union of Evangelical Students of India started 70 years ago, hear about today’s situation, and pray for those continuing the UESI mission today. As we prepare for World S…
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From a student in a GBU France small group to GBU regional coordinator in north-east France. From representative in the IFES World Assembly 2011 planning team to participant in the IFES Global Leadership Initiative (GLI). In this Voices of IFES interview, learn about Isabelle’s journey from local to global. She shares about her experience of grassr…
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Il y a une histoire qui dit ceci : Deux anges ont été envoyés sur terre avec des paniers. 🧺🧺 Un ange devait recueillir les demandes et les supplications - toutes les choses que les humains demandent à Dieu. 🙏 L'autre ange devait recueillir toutes les prières de louange et d'action de grâce. 🙌 À ton avis, lequel des deux est revenu le premier ? Ecou…
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😶 ¡El lenguaje puede tener más limitantes! En la Asamblea Mundial 2023, Isabela Pineda (CECE Ecuador) y Marcio Lima (obrero de ABUB Brasil) nos enseñaron cómo podemos responder de forma creativa en nuestros campus. Con unas preguntas para reflexionar sobre el Salmo 139, nos presentan: 🎨 Unas obras de arte de los estudiantes de ABU Puerto Rico. 🖼 Un…
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“For the people living here, it was amazing – they’d never seen such care for their community. The willingness of the students really surprised them.” Who were these people and why did no-one care for their community? And what did the students do? Find out in the latest Prayerline. Discover how students in EvaSUE Ethopia have been putting their lov…
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💖 ¿Te has sentido alguna vez profundamente conmovido por la música, la pintura, la poesía o la arquitectura? En esta breve charla durante la Asamblea Mundial 2023, Marcio Lima, profesor de Arquitectura y Urbanismo en la Universidad de São Paulo, Brasil, nos ayuda a entender el por qué: 🎁 “Creemos que las artes son un don dado por Dios” 💞 “Las artes…
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It’s one movement on one island, but it serves two countries with very different contexts – a religious culture with large Christian Unions in Northern Ireland and a more secular culture with smaller groups in the Republic of Ireland. Chris McBurney introduces us to the emergence of a united student ministry on the island and shares his passion for…
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📖😕 Algunas palabras de la Biblia pueden resultar inquietantes... Josué Olmedo, co-director de la Iniciativa Logos y Cosmos de IFES en América Latina, repasó de forma honesta los salmos 105 y 106 en su charla de la Asamblea General de 2023. Josué reconoce que contienen versículos que nos pueden resultar “incómodos y polémicos” y pregunta: “¿A qué no…
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“In that moment, I realised that the only source of what is good, what is new and true, is Christ.” Find out what happened to Karine “in that moment” in the latest Prayerline. Read about her experience at an InterVarsity USA camp – how one line of Scripture moved her from spiritual exhaustion to spiritual renewal – in just 30 seconds! 😩📖🤩 Be encour…
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♿ “We are the change agents to improve everything to make it disability-friendly” 🦾 Spend five minutes well today⌚...Hear the passion and plea of Lakina Milanzi, an optometry student from MalawiConsider her call to be agents of change, leaving no-one behind in our outreach Another gem from World Assembly2023!…
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Have you heard Vinoth Ramachandra’s thought-provoking talk about justice at World Assembly 2023? 💥 “Early Christian theologians, the Church Fathers, challenged the absolutist understandings of wealth and property that undergirded Roman law. They taught that if I have food in my house that I don't need for my survival, but my next-door neighbour is …
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In the latest Prayerline, find out how the courageous yet gentle invitation of one student in MUEVE Venezuela changed the whole course of a classmate’s life. Read this touching story of God’s grace working through faithful witness – a student who “didn’t know what love was” discovering God as the source of “inexhaustible love”. 🙏 Pray for this move…
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⏱ Life is short! Life on campus is even shorter! How should we view our time? In this Bible exposition, Kuzipa Nalwamba (a Program Director at the World Council of Churches and former ZAFES Zambia staff), invites us to take heart in the BIG-PICTURE offered in Psalm 90. 💎 “When we understand life as a gift, the brevity of human life ceases to be a p…
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Tim Adams, IFES General Secretary, talks about the “dual reality” of IFES – a strong global fellowship that is often very vulnerable at the local level. How can we serve with hope, joy, and confidence when we feel weak and powerless? Tim offers encouragement by reminding us of verses in Scripture, sharing about his visits to national movements, and…
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1️⃣... 2️⃣... 3️⃣... What three things sum up IFES for you? In this 75th Anniversary Address at World Assembly 2023 in Jakarta, IFES General Secretary Tim Adams reflects on the history of our unique movement – and highlights three distinctives that are still vital today.Oleh IFES
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Four countries: culturally connected yet geographically separated. Four IFES movements: facing many challenges yet serving with joy. Gisela Muñoz gives insights into student ministry in Cuba, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. On this Voices of IFES, learn about the distinctive context, find out why Gisela was drawn into student mi…
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