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show episodes
Because we know you want to take your time to study God’s word deeper, we share our weekly sermons in the form of podcasts! You may listen to them individually or share it with your family or friends to grasp what the Holy Spirit is intending to teach you through His word. We pray this will bless your life and help you grow closer to Him!
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En Guatemala se respira fútbol en azul y blanco. Nuestro país sufre, sonríe y llora con nuestra selección sin importar la competición o categoría que juegue. No te pierdas cada semana con Erick Acevedo y Fabrizio Guzmán el caminar del Equipo de Todos en un podcast 100% chapín. "futvox Guatemala", exclusivo de futvox. Hablamos fútbol. ¡Síguenos en redes sociales! 👇 Twitter: @nacionfutvoxca Instagram: @nacionfutvoxca TikTok: @nacionfutvoxca Facebook: @nacionfutvoxca
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Enjoy my podcast on the decades of injustice and inhumanity in Guatemala. I give a brief summary of the history in Guatemala, and later dive into 2 incredible movies that demonstrate exactly what occurred during the Guatemalan Civil War. Thank you for listening!
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Podcast Mas Fútbol Guatemala / Fútbol De Primera

Mas Fútbol Guatemala / Fútbol

Podcast Mas Futbol Guatemala, con tres emisiones semanales Lunes, Miercoles y Viernes, con información mas relevante de las Ligas de Ascenso, Primera DIvisión, Segunda DIvisión, Tercera División, Futsal Mayor, Ascenso y Femenino, Selección De Futbol Mayor, Lucha Libre, Deportes Federados y Escolar.
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Audio libro de la exitosa obra del Dr. Carlos Sabino, GUATEMALA, LA HISTORIA SILENCIADA, fundamental para comprender y pensar la historia de Guatemala de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. La obra, cuya versión podcast está cerca de las 140.000 descargas, presenta y analiza los hechos a partir de evidencias comprobables y desde los diversos puntos de vista que estuvieron en juego, de manera que se logre el mayor equilibrio y objetividad. Un libro obligado para pensar y entender la historia recie ...
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Somos una iglesia que busca transformar generaciones a través de un mensaje tan claro y práctico que las personas son transformadas por el poder de la Palabra, descubriendo su propósito y alcanzando su máximo potencial. Si quieres conocernos más síguenos en o ingresa a nuestra página
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show series
🌍✨ A Call to Move Forward in Faith! ✨🌍 Join this inspiring message as David Fresch from MICN speaks to Union Church of Guatemala, an international church congregation, highlighting the beauty of global ministry and the support available for leaders in diverse contexts. Drawing from biblical wisdom, David challenges us to leave the past behind, step…
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Let this message to the church of Laodicea stir our hearts to reflect on the state of our faith. Complacency hinders spiritual growth, but through repentance and a surrendered heart, we can reignite our passion for God. Jesus is knocking—will you open the door and allow Him to transform you daily? #UCG #SevenLettersofRevelation #SundaySermon #UCGFa…
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In the letter to the church of Philadelphia, God promises an open door that no one can shut: faithfulness leads to reward! But what happens when we choose compromise over conviction? Balaam’s story in Numbers warns us of the cost of divided loyalty. Are we standing firm like Philadelphia or wavering like Balaam? Watch this week’s sermon and take a …
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In this week's sermon, we were reminded of the church in Sardis, which had a reputation of being spiritually alive but was far from it. This message challenges us to reflect: Are we truly living in intimacy with God, or are we just going through the motions? Let’s not just carry a reputation—let’s live a real, vibrant relationship with Him! #UCG #S…
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The words we speak are a mirror of our character. Negative speech—whether it’s lying, gossiping, or empty flattery—can cause harm to the speaker, the listener, and even those we talk about. On the other hand, encouraging words have the power to uplift and breathe life into others. What kind of impact do you want your words to have? Watch this week’…
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In his letter to the church of Thyatira, Jesus warns us about the dangers of falling for the temptations of this world. But the good news? Jesus has already overcome it, and in Him, we find the strength to stand firm and remain faithful. Don’t miss this powerful message—share it with others so they can be encouraged and blessed too! #UCG #SevenLett…
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In the middle of oppression from the city around them, the church of Pergamum had remained faithful. However, they compromised by tolerating false teachings and sin among them, especially idolatry. In today’s world, we too are called to repent from raising idols in our hearts and to seek God’s face so we can stand our ground and stay true to Him. #…
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Los Leones son líderes y salen de la zona roja. Guasta preocupa, Antigua es una montaña rusa y Municipal saca un punto de la casa del campeón Xelajú. No te lo pierdas en "futvox Guatemala", con Álvaro Ortiz y Fabrizio Guzmán. Un podcast exclusivo futvox. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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The Bible speaks extensively about suffering, but more importantly, it shows us how God can use suffering for His glory.This week, we dive into the message to the church of Smyrna, a community enduring poverty and slander. Despite their hardships, they remained faithful—and we can draw great encouragement from their example.Tune in to this upliftin…
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Además del arranque de nuestra Liga Nacional y la derrota de Xelajú frente Achuapa.Queremos destacar las buenas noticias de nuestras jugadoras femeninas. Aisha Solórzano ficha por el Utah Royals y Andrea la "Joya" Álvarez convierte frente al Real Madrid Femenino con el Eibar. No te lo pierdas en "futvox Guatemala", con Álvaro Ortiz y Fabrizio Guzmá…
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In our new series on the seven letters of Revelation, we're uncovering timeless messages of praise, rebuke, and promise for the church today. This week, we reflect on the letter to the church in Ephesus—a church known for its hard work and commitment to the truth, yet one that had lost its first love.Tune in to this week’s message for a personal ch…
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The story of the Magi reminds us how His presence transforms us. After encountering Jesus, the Magi were never the same. Their journey took a new direction—just as ours does when we truly meet Him. Don’t miss the sermon recap! Watch now to find out how an encounter with Jesus leads to a transformed life. #UCG #UCGFamily #SoliDeoGloria #SundaySermon…
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En este Día de Reyes y primer día del año repasamos un poco lo que nos dejó el 2024. También analizamos el calendario 2025 para el fútbol guatemalteco y el sueño de 2026. No te lo pierdas en "futvox Guatemala", con Álvaro Ortiz y Fabrizio Guzmán. Un podcast exclusivo futvox. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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A small spark can ignite a roaring fire, just as a simple prayer can strengthen your faith. Join us for the final sermon of the year by Rev. William Wendler and be inspired to nurture your faith and keep the spark alive. #UCG #UCGFamily #SoliDeoGloria #SundaySermon #InternationalChurch #Guatemala🇬🇹
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Life's storms can leave our hearts trembling like trees in the wind. In Isaiah 7:10-14, Ahaz faced a crisis, and centuries later, Joseph found himself in one too. Yet, in the midst of their storms, God gave them—and us—a promise: Immanuel. This powerful name reminds us that we are never alone. Jesus, God with us, is our constant companion and sourc…
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In the midst of our celebrations, we remember the profound truth that advent is the church’s unrelenting resolve to stare at the heart of darkness and dare to believe in the hope we have in God to overcome it. Advent invites us to confront ourselves and challenges us to humbly prepare our hearts for the coming of King Jesus, past, present and futur…
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The people of Israel faced countless struggles because of their failure to remain faithful to God. As a result, they endured years of hardship and suffering. Yet, even in their darkest moments, God sent a message of hope through the prophet Isaiah—reminding them that He had not abandoned them. Despite their struggles, God is always ready to comfort…
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"Chivos y cobaneros eliminan a Xinabajul y Antigua respectivamente y jugarán la Gran Final de la Liga Nacional de Guatemala. También platicamos un poco sobre la Medalla de Oro de Guatemala en los Juegos Bolivarianos de Ayacucho de Futsal. No te pierdas este ""Archivo Chapín"", junto a Álvaro Ortiz, exclusivo de futvox." No te lo pierdas en "futvox …
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This week, we kicked off our new Advent series, Return of the King: Awaiting Jesus as Told by the Prophets. During this season, we’re invited to hold two realities in tension: the bright hope of Christmas and the quiet anticipation of Advent. In this message, we explore how neglecting the true meaning of Advent can cause us to miss the profound dep…
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Los dos equipos grandes del fútbol guatemalteco se despiden del Apertura 2024 tras caer derrotados en penales. Esta semana analizamos a los 4 departamentales que sueñan con ser campeones y a quienes vemos como favoritos. No te lo pierdas en "futvox Guatemala", con Álvaro Ortiz y Fabrizio Guzmán. Un podcast exclusivo futvox. Learn more about your ad…
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In Psalm 100, we're invited to worship God — and this invitation is for all the earth! 🌍 This powerful Psalm guides us through seven key acts of worship: 1. Sing joyfully to Him 🎶 2. Serve Him with gladness 🙌 3. Come into His presence with singing 🎤 4. Acknowledge His goodness ✨ 5. Come before Him with thanks and praise 🙏 6. Give thanks to Him 💖 7.…
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Los Chivos ganan la Fase de Clasificación y Municipal será Segundo. Los Cremas ganan en Huegue y se meten al baile. /Repasamos también actualidad de selección y posible incorporación de Damián Rivera. No te lo pierdas en "futvox Guatemala", con Álvaro Ortiz y Fabrizio Guzmán. Un podcast exclusivo futvox. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podc…
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El último lugar para entrar a la Fiesta Grande y el liderato se juegan esta semana. Los Cremas contra la pared y Municipal sin opción a relajarse. También analizamos a la Sub 17 y cómo está la Nations League. No te lo pierdas en "futvox Guatemala", con Álvaro Ortiz y Fabrizio Guzmán. Un podcast exclusivo futvox. Learn more about your ad choices. Vi…
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Anger is a powerful emotion—it’s not just explosive outbursts like a road rage but it can also show up as a quiet, lingering bitterness. The book of James reminds us that human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires. This week’s message dives into James 1:18-21, where we’re called to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to beco…
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The final episode covers how presidents after Ike engaged with Guatemala. Superficially idealist, practically brutal and like so many other countries in Latin America, things get exponentially worse when Reagan shows up.The civil war escalates as right wing paramilitaries roam the countryside, murdering and kidnapping supposed insurgents with impun…
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Arbenz is exiled as Guatemala backslides into facsism with the State Departments approval. But the new military government presses too far, igniting a civil war that would tear the country apart for decades to come. United Fruit faces its own obstacles as the 20th century progresses, finding itself subsumed by the twisted economic logic that reward…
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Remembering the sacrifices of those who came before us is not just honoring the past—it's a call to work for a better future. In this week's powerful message in ocassion of Remembrance and Reconciliation Day, we are encouraged to guard against repeating past mistakes and forgetting God's faithfulness. #UCG #UCGFamily #SoliDeoGloria #SundaySermon #I…
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Where the League of Nations failed, the UN will succeed, right? Will international diplomacy and cooperation act as a bulwark for Guatemala's defense? How will the CIA organized invasion succeed with scant fighting forces and very little popular support? What fate will meet Jacobo Arbenz? Will these rhetorical questions compel you to tune into this…
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The counterfeit liberation force finds it's frontman as the CIA plots behind the scenes to put their pawns in place while diplomatic attempts to resolve the situation stall. An analysis of the efficacy of Arbenz's reform and the ideological composition of his government is included within to answer the question; was his regime REALLY a "communist b…
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En el episodio de esta semana repasamos la jornada nacional con el empate de Municipal y Xelajú. La victoria de los Cremas. El juegazo de Antigua frente a la X y cómo le fue a nuestros legionarios. No te lo pierdas en "futvox Guatemala", con Álvaro Ortiz y Fabrizio Guzmán. Un podcast exclusivo futvox. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcast…
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This week we discover how small worries, and big ones, can quickly take over our thoughts and fill us with fear.But remember, even in the midst of our storms, Jesus calms the winds and reminds us that faith isn’t just a path to peace—it is peace itself.Don’t miss this message and be sure to share it with others so they can find encouragement too!#U…
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Los Rojos luego de la vergüenza en Malacatán se vengan con Marquense con un Flaco Martínez inspirado y es más líder que nunca. Los Cremas y Antigua luego de las derrotas en Cooa CA entre semana no pudieron ganar y Mat Evans con ficha en la MLS. No te lo pierdas en "futvox Guatemala", con Álvaro Ortiz y Fabrizio Guzmán. Un podcast exclusivo futvox. …
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What happens when United Fruit's stockholders are elected to the Senate? What happens when the legal counsel of United Fruit rises to the highest office in the State Department? What happens when the head of the CIA is personal friends with the owners of the New York Times, Time and Life Magazine?Revolutionary Guatemala gets off to a rough start.…
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We are first introduced to the iconic yellow fruit that changed the fates of an entire region and the fortunes of a few men, including a forgotten American titan of agriculture and industry, and a sinister monopoly known colloquially as "The Octopus"We will also briefly cover the socio-economic context that made Guatemala ripe for both bananas and …
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In this week´s sermon, we explore the Feast of Tabernacles and its powerful reminder of God’s promise of redemption. From Genesis 1 and 2, we see His creation was good, but even when things went wrong, God had a plan. Jesus was His Plan A for bringing restoration and making all things new. Let this truth fill your heart with hope—the best is yet to…
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Malacateco le tiene tomada la medida a Municipal en la frontera y lo vuelve a vencer. También hablamos de Liga CA y la gran chance de la Sub 17 para ir a su primera Copa del Mundo. No te lo pierdas en "futvox Guatemala", con Álvaro Ortiz y Fabrizio Guzmán. Un podcast exclusivo futvox. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Esta semana analizamos la pesadilla de San José que sufrió Guatemala. También los prelims de Marzo, la continuidad del Flaco Tena y la ilusión de la Copa CA para Antigua. No te lo pierdas en "futvox Guatemala", con Álvaro Ortiz y Fabrizio Guzmán. Un podcast exclusivo futvox. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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From the cross, Jesus declared, "It is finished." As our great High Priest, He offered Himself as the ultimate sacrifice, ending all sacrifices. The work is complete. In light of this, do we still need to justify ourselves, our lives, or our actions before our Holy God? When we stand before Jesus and the Book of Life is opened, our only defense wil…
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The Feast of Trumpets serves as a joyous reminder for God’s people, celebrating both our current blessings and the anticipation of Christ's second coming. This event calls us to rejoice in the hope and joy that awaits us. Be sure to watch this week’s sermon, based on Leviticus 23:23-25 to deepen your understanding of God’s promise regarding His Par…
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Guatemala con un punto clasifica en Costa Rica a siguiente ronda. La selección luego del trabajado triunfo con Guyana depende de sí misma y esta semana lo analizamos con mucho positivismo. No te lo pierdas en "futvox Guatemala", con Álvaro Ortiz y Fabrizio Guzmán. Un podcast exclusivo futvox. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.c…
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