Sermons by Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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Christ, the Source of Our Salvation
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
42:17The purpose of this passage is to help us connect the work of Jesus on the cross to the way God has appointed him to serve as our great high priest, which we looked at last week. This is what the Father called Jesus to do, and because Jesus accomplished that work, God has made him the source of eternal salvation for sinners like you and me.…
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Authority matters. It legitimizes the use of power. In this passage we take a close look at the authority that Jesus has to serve as our great high priest, and we see why that matters for us.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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Jesus is superior, not only in the word he speaks but in the way he functions as our great high priest. In this sermon, we consider three important truths for what Jesus' priesthood means for us.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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The Word of God is living and active. Though it does not change, it is never stale or irrelevant. It is the standard of God's judgment, and it brings us face to face with the excellence of who God is.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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Rest is one of the big themes that shows up in the Bible. Rest has to do with that relationship we are meant to have with God. In this sermon, we look at what this rest looks like, why our sin keeps us from that rest, and we see how God has provided for us to have that rest in Christ.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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Avoiding the Trap of an Unbelieving Heart
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
44:36Falling into the trap of a hard, unbelieving heart is a real threat that even the strongest, most mature believers must stay constantly vigilant against. Hebrews 3:7-14 calls our attention to the danger of this trap, and it arms us so that we can recognize it and avoid it.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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Where do you look for courage? When it comes to finding confidence and hope in the midst of pressure situations, the Bible calls us to look to Christ. In Hebrews 3:1-6, the author calls us to consider three things about Jesus, which bring us confidence and hope to press on in our upward calling.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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The Book of Hebrews is all about seeing the supremacy of Jesus Christ, so that we will come and satisfy ourselves in him. No one else measures up to him. No one else is able to accomplish what he did, when he went to the cross. No one else is able to bear that burden and deliver us from the punishment our sin deserves. No one else is able to perfec…
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We are not what we were made to be, and neither is the world around us. For all the beauty and the glory of the created world, there is still disorder, suffering, evil, and darkness. The world longs to be set free and restored, and so do we. This is what Jesus came to do. In this passage, the author of Hebrews teaches us how Christ came to make us …
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Danger isn't always visible. In Hebrews 2:1-4, our author warns us against the danger of drifting from the hope we have in Christ. This is a call to vigilance and faith.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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The glory of Jesus is unrivaled. Even the heavenly glory of the angels and heavenly beings bows to him. In this passage, the author of Hebrews highlights the glory of Jesus by comparing him to the angels, showing that he is greater than they are.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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Jesus Christ is superior in every way, because He is the Son of God. In this inaugural sermon on the book of Hebrews, we unpack three key ideas surrounding the superiority of Jesus, namely that He is the Creator Son, the Radiant Son, and the Savior Son.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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Unchanging God in Changing Times
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
50:57Major changes are on the horizon for Israel in Deuteronomy 31. Moses, their leader is about to die. The nation itself is about to cross over into the Promised Land. In preparation for this, Moses charges God's people to entrust themselves to the Lord, who does not change.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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It's important to know where you stand. In Deuteronomy 29-30, Moses leads Israel to commit itself to the Lord in a covenant that said they would keep His commands. Moses calls to us as he called to the people then, to choose life by listening to the Lord and trusting Him.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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Curse Breaker, Blessing Bringer
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
43:30The Law promised blessings and curses. The blessings were for Israel, if they obeyed. The curse were for Israel, if they broke faith with God and went their own way. In this sermon, we take a deep dive into both the blessings of the law and the curses, and we look forward to the New Testament, to see how Christ came to break the curse and to bring …
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In this passage, we are urged to come and offer a sacrifice of thanks to God. First, Moses establishes why we ought to bring God thanks. Then he helps us to consider two important points that affect a thankful heart.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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When it comes to virtue, we really must pay attention not only to what we we ought to do but to why we ought to do it. Virtue for virtue's sake is a fruitless endeavor. To really see why virtuous living is right, we need to start with its source. In this passage, Moses gives us a list of rights and wrongs. They all have to do with reflecting the he…
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The focus of this passage is fellowship with a holy God. To have that, we must be pure. Purity is not something that we can obtain on our own, nor is it natural to us since the Fall. God, in his great grace, has paid the price of our admission, by sending his Son, Jesus, to make us pure.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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God's Solution to Your Sin's Shame
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
50:03God cares about His creatures, and He cares about what we do. As judge of all the earth, God will hold us accountable for what we do. The primary purpose of the law, besides showing us right from wrong, is to show us that we are all guilty. In this passage, God addresses the issue of sexual immorality, showing us how serious it is and calling our a…
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As our Creator, God is Lord of our ways. In this passage, God gave specific commands to Israel about how they were to love their neighbor and care for their wellbeing. Taking each of these commands into account, we see that God calls his people to love their neighbor by regarding their life and wellbeing, by embracing God given distinction and defi…
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Created, Corrupted, Redeemed, Restored
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
42:06The Bible is grounded in reality. It recognizes that the world is not what it should be, and it helps us to understand why that is. The Bible also tells us about God's plan to redeem and restore creation through the saving work of Christ. Deuteronomy 21 is a chapter aimed at teaching Israel how to handle certain situations where the corruption of s…
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God made life, and He loves His creation. In this passage we see how God gave certain commands to protect life in Israel. We also consider how we are meant to adopt this same culture of life in loving and caring for our neighbors.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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God calls His people to come and worship Him. The commands He gives concerning worship provide structure for right worship, even as the fellowship He designs for worship produces praise from the hearts of His people that is pleasing to Him. In this passage, we take a detailed look at the 'why' of worship.…
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God’s commands in Deuteronomy 15 are driven towards a similar goal. As Israel’s King, God shows regard for the poor and the vulnerable among his people, passing laws to protect the poor. These commands teach us to put others over our personal gain.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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God calls his people to give with glad and generous hearts. He does this for many reasons, four of which we consider in Deuteronomy 14.A) We Give Because We Have Glad Fellowship with GodB) We Give Because Giving is an Exercise of Faith to Trust in God to ProvideC) We Give in Gratitude to Support God’s Kingdom WorkD) We Give Because God Means For Us…
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Cloven hooves? Chewing the cud? Owls and vultures? No pork? What are all these food laws, and why do they matter? In this sermon, we explore the details and the purpose of clean and unclean foods in the Law of Moses. We explore God's plan to set His people apart from the nations, and we look at how Christ has made the unclean, clean through his wor…
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Life is about priorities. What we love affects what we do. Deuteronomy 13 challenges us to take a close look at the priorities of our heart by causing us to see the supremacy of the name of God.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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Rules are important. Good rules don't limit our joy, they maximize it. In Deuteronomy 12, God gives rules for worship. These include breaking with sin, coming to him in the way he calls us, and coming in true joy.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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God's work of redemption happens according to his plan of redemption. In the book of Ruth, we can see how God worked to redeem the house of Elimelech and to bring about a new chapter in the story of salvation. In this conclusion to Ruth, we see the costliness of redemption and the effect of redemption.…
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Rest is a big theme across the Biblical storyline, and it's especially important in Ruth 3. Here we see Naomi work to secure rest for Ruth in the house of Boaz. It's a beautiful, somewhat awkward story of two lovers that points us forward to the greater rest that God has for his people in Christ.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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The Lord is a God who protects those who put their hope in him. He is a refuge to us in every time of need. God's protection and kindness is seen in three ways here in Ruth 2. His kindness and faithfulness to those who hide themselves in him is seen in Ruth's humble faith. His generous heart is mirrored in Boaz. His steadfast love is remembered as …
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Empty Bellies in the House of Bread
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
54:05The Lord is kind. He does not forget, but redeems what has been lost. In this opener to the book of Ruth, we witness God working in spite of the bad decisions of men and the rebellion of his people to accomplish the impossible.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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Peace and Purim- Remembering God’s Salvation in Christ Our King
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
46:48It's important for God's people to remember and to rejoice. In this conclusion to Esther, we learn about how the feast of Purim became established. As Mordecai and Esther use their authority to establish the memory of God's salvation in the mind of every Jew, we look forward to Jesus, who is our better king and our great Savior.…
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In this passage we see the day finally arrive, as God saves his people and repays their enemies by destroying them. From this passage we learn three main lessons: that God is the great reverser, that a hard heart is a truly dangerous thing, and that God has secured everlasting joy and relief for his people.…
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With Haman overthrown, God's people were still in danger. In Esther 8, we see how she worked to complete the salvation of her people by interceding for them before the king. Esther's example points us to the greater work of Jesus, who intercedes for us.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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Judgement Day: Rescue and Justice
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
46:32Jealousy--is it a good thing or a bad thing? It really depends. When jealousy is motivated by self-seeking desire, fear, and anxiety, then it is a wicked and terribly destructive thing. But when jealousy is motivated for holiness, it is right. In this passage we see a right sort of jealousy that leads to the salvation of Esther and the destruction …
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We trust God to provide for us, but do we realize that the heart of God delights to give us the good gifts he has prepared for us? Seeing the pleasure of God in caring for the needs of his people, delivering them, and enforcing perfect justice is key to loving the Lord with all our heart.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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The tide starts to turn for Esther and the Jews in Persia. God gives her favor in the sight of the king and the favor that Haman has enjoyed starts to work against him. In this sermon, we see that our only hope for salvation is in the merciful heart of God and the favor of our King.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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God's providence frees us from fear of death. It frees us to take right risk. It gives us significance for living. In this sermon we look at the heart of the book of Esther and what it means to live by faith in a God who provides.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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When it comes to problems, we all want solutions. In our rush to 'fix' what's going on, we often forget the important step of lament. In this sermon we look at three lamentable things that happened in the darkest days of the book of Esther. We also consider the place of lament in our own lives.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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Mordecai's place at the king's gate put him in the right place and the right time to save the king's life, but it also put him in the wrong place at the wrong time to put his own life in danger. In this sermon we consider the providence of God and how He works in all situations for the good of his people.…
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God opposes the proud, but He gives grace to the humble. In this passage we meet Esther and watch as God brings her into the kingdom of Persia as Queen.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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Fallen Queen in a Fallen Kingdom
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
45:57The Book of Esther is one of the most unique books in the Bible. It has many lessons to teach us about God, his sovereignty, his power, and his faithfulness. In this intro to the book of Esther, we see the fallen kingdom of man compared to the eternal kingdom of God.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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When Paul went to Jerusalem, knowing that he would surely suffer there, he went, constrained by the Spirit and of love. In this sermon we consider the events of Paul's arrest, but more specifically, we learn what it looks like to walk in wisdom and in love, as Christ teaches his disciples to do.Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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Knowing God's will for our lives is important for believers, because we want to live in a way that's pleasing to him. But how do we know God's will for us? How do we entrust ourselves to him? How do we entrust our loved ones to him as well? These are important questions, which Acts 21:1-14 carefully answers for us.…
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Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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Oleh Grace Baptist Church – Sheboygan
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