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show episodes
Learn Finnish with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!
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Finnish with Eemeli podcast on suunnattu keskitason ja edistyneemmän tason suomen kielen opiskelijoille. The Finnish with Eemeli podcast is aimed at intermediate and advanced level Finnish students. SUPPORT THE PODCAST: - SUPPORT - PATREON
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The Finnish Football Show


The original English-language podcast about Finnish football. Presented by Mark W, Mark H, Rich, Keke & Ally, five Brits with Finnish wives and shared passion for the beautiful game. @explorefinland @fcsuomi @escapetosuomi @kekemyllari & @mano99 bring you a variety of show formats; the original Finnish Football Show discussion show, interviews with key people in Finnish football, and Match Reports of key Finnish national team games. FFS – supporting football in Finland since 2015.
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What‘s so weird and wonderful about Finland? British writer and Helsinki resident Joel Willans, the creator of Very Finnish Problems, and best-selling author of 101 Very Finnish Problems: The Foreigner’s Guide to Surviving in Finland and More Very Finnish Problems: The even more essential guide, discusses, with a variety of fascinating guests, life in his much-loved, adopted country. Contact: Produced by Thomas Nybergh / Ink Tank Media
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Can I Finnish?

Travis Glossop

This podcast is a cultural exchange between a Brit, Travis and a Finn, Inka. Each episode they delve into a different topic, they investigate, celebrate and sometimes berate the place each other grew up. You may come for Travis & Inka's anecdotes but you will probably stay for the star of the show, 9 year old Robyn who is the wisest and most diva-like of the team. Ummm, can I Finnish??
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This podcast is for everyone but especially for those who are intermediate Finnish learners and want to advance even further :D. The idea for this podcast type came from discussing with one of my dear friend because there are lots of material for beginners but after that Finnish study materials get scarce. Thus, please enjoy and start to listen. Any comments or wishes for the next episodes please send them to :D Tämä podcast on omistettu kaikille niille, jotka ovat ...
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The Finnish Institute in London

The Finnish Institute in London

The Finnish Institute in London is an expert on Finnish culture and society, working in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. We identify signals of change in the fields of art, culture and society and support new perspectives to contemporary issues.
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show series
In another collaboration with the “Seinäjoki Football Supporters Podcast”, Mark & Jules speak with Ash Civil, Academy Head Coach at SJK Seinäjoki. Ash tells them about his journey from the UK to Finland via USA and Iceland, explains his love of player development, how the pathway from Kuortane Sports High School (Kuortaneen lukio ja urheilulukio or…
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Blog: show notes and links IN THIS EPISODE... Mark W, Keke and Rasmus return from the winter hibernation with a round-up of recent events in the world of Finnish football. They start by sharing what they know about new Hu…
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Miksi jotkut ovat onnellisempia kuin toiset? Miksi hetkestä nauttiminen on niin vaikeaa? Why are some people happier than others? Why is it so difficult to enjoy the moment? SUPPORT THE PODCAST: - SUPPORT - PATREON…
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Suomessa on 4 vuodenaikaa mutta miten ne erotellaan virallisesti? Mikä on tyypillistä eri vuodenajoille? There are 4 seasons in Finland, but how are they officially distinguished? What is typical for the different seasons? SUPPORT THE PODCAST: - SUPPORT - PATREON…
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In Conversation with Former SJK Head of Recruitment, Paul Riley Producer Mark & friend-of-the-show Jules also publish an SJK fans pod. This has returned for a 2025 ‘pre-season practice pod’ and an long-planned interview with Paul Riley. He explains how he became SJK Head of Recruitment, how his role (working remotely) works and how he identifies th…
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Salmiakki on suosittua erityisesti Pohjoismaissa, mutta mistä salmiakki oikein tulee? Tässä jaksossa tutustutaan tähän mielipiteitä jakavaan makuun. Salmiakki is popular especially in the Nordic countries, but where does salmiakki actually come from? In this episode, we'll explore this controversial flavor. SUPPORT THE PODCAST: https://donate.strip…
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Paastoaminen on ollut ihmisten käytössä jo tuhansia vuosia. Tutustutaan tunnetuimpiin tapoihin paastota. Fasting has been practiced by humans for thousands of years. Let's take a look at the most well-known ways to fast. SUPPORT THE PODCAST: - SUPPORT - PATREON…
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Keskittyminen on monelle vaikeaa ja sosiaalinen media totuttaa aivot nopeasti vaihtuvaan sisältöön. Mitä tapoja meillä on parantaa keskittymistä? Focusing is difficult for many people and social media accustoms the brain to rapidly changing content. What are some ways we can improve our concentration? SUPPORT THE PODCAST:…
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Kumpi joulukuusi on parempi, muovinen vai aito luonnonkuusi? Vai onko sillä edes väliä? Which Christmas tree is better, a plastic one or a real one? Or does it even matter? SUPPORT THE PODCAST: - SUPPORT - PATREONOleh Eemeli
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Blog: show notes and links IN THIS EPISODE... Mark W and Keke get together to look back at two more defeats and relegation to Nations League C for Finland. This run of 6 defeats was also the final action in M…
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Saimaanorppa on suomen luonnonsuojelun symboli. Laji oli sukupuuton partaalla mutta nyt tilanne on parempi. Mitkä kaikki tekijät vaikuttivat tilanteeseen? The Saimaa ringed seal is a symbol of Finnish nature conservation. The species was on the verge of extinction but now the situation is better. What all factors contributed to the situation? SUPPO…
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Talviuintia harrastaa jopa 700 tuhatta suomalaista. Mitä kaikkia terveyshyötyjä sillä on ja miksi se on niin suosittua? Winter swimming is practiced by up to 700 thousand Finns. What are the health benefits of it and why is it so popular? SUPPORT THE PODCAST: - SUPPORT…
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Revontulien syntymisestä on monia uskomuksia riippuen siitä keneltä asiasta kysyy. Tutkitaan erilaisia tarinoita Suomesta ja muualta maailmasta. There are many beliefs about the birth of the northern lights, depending on who you ask. We will explore different stories from Finland and other parts of the world. SUPPORT THE PODCAST: https://donate.str…
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Ihmisen elimistössä vaikuttaa joka hetki useita mielihyvähormoneita. Käydään läpi niiden toimintaa ja sitä miten elimistön saa tuottamaan niitä. Several pleasure hormones are acting in the human body every moment. Let's go through their function and how to get the body to produce them. SUPPORT THE PODCAST:…
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Blog: show notes and links IN THIS EPISODE... Mark W and Keke make up a threadbare looking FFS team for this epsidoe, too review the recent, back-to-back wins for the women's national team. The Helmarit beat Montenegro to go throug…
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Auringonvalon heijastaminen avaruudesta maapallolle satelliitin avulla kuulostaa scifi-elokuvalta. Tällainen projekti on kuitenkin tehty, tutustutaan siihen. Projecting sunlight from space to Earth using a satellite sounds like a sci-fi movie. However, such a project has been done, let's get to know it. SUPPORT THE PODCAST:…
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Suomi on luonnonkatastrofien osalta hyvin turvallinen maa. Käydään jaksossa läpi erilaisia säähän liittyviä ilmiöitä joita Suomessa tapahtuu vuoden aikana. Finland is a very safe country in terms of natural disasters. In this episode, we go through various weather-related phenomena that occur in Finland during the year. SUPPORT THE PODCAST: https:/…
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Uudet laihdutuslääkkeet ovat olleet valtava menestys. Mistä niiden suuri suosio oikein johtuu? New weight loss drugs have been a huge success. What is the reason for their great popularity? SUPPORT THE PODCAST: - SUPPORT - PATREON…
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Kaikki tietävät joulupukin mutta mistä joulupukki oikein on kotoisin? Tässä jaksossa tutkitaan joulupukin tarinaa. Everyone knows Santa Claus, but where does Santa Claus actually come from? This episode explores the story of Santa Claus. SUPPORT THE PODCAST: - SUPPORT…
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Blog: show notes and links IN THIS EPISODE... Mark W, Ally and Keke get together to look back at two more defetats for Finland, as the Huuhkajat went down to a late winner against Ireland, and were generally outcalssed by Eng…
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Ahvenanmaa on monille tuttu Ruotsiin menevien lauttojen pysähdyspaikkana, joten tutustutaan tässä jaksossa tarkemmin sen historiaan ja nykypäivän tilanteeseen. Åland is familiar to many as a stopover for ferries going to Sweden, so in this episode we will get to know its history and current situation in more detail. SUPPORT THE PODCAST: https://don…
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BLOG: SHOW NOTES & LINK IN THIS EPISODE... Mark W, Rasmus and Mark H take centre stage to focus on the domestic game. They discuss the recent Suomen Cup final won by KuPS Kuopio (again) and then turn their attention to the closing stages of the Veikkausliiga se…
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Blog: show notes and links IN THIS EPISODE... Olympia Stadion, Helsinki, Thu 10th Sept. and Sun 13the Sept. It's a home double for the Huuhkajat as both Ireland and England visit Stadi! Mark W, Ally, Keke, Rasmus and Mark H look forward to Finland's upcoming fixtures, as they look to secure their first points in this Nations League competiton. They…
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Toisessa maailmansodassa Suomi päätti kieltää tanssimisen. Monet olivat asiasta kuitenkin eri mieltä ja lopputuloksena oli tuhansia sakkoja ja muuta ikävää. Tutustutaan aiheeseen. During World War II, Finland decided to ban dancing. However, many disagreed and the end result was thousands of fines and other unpleasant things. Let's get to know the …
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Mitä on epäonnistuminen? Onko sellaista edes olemassa? Miten siihen pitäisi suhtautua? Paljon kysymyksiä ja vähän oikeita vastauksia. What is failure? Does such a thing even exist? How should it be dealt with? Lots of questions and few correct answers. Check out my Patreon, there you have access to all episodes with Finnish and English subtitles an…
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Blog: show notes and links IN THIS EPISODE... Producer Mark makes his first away trip supporting Finland and ends up back in his hometown on London. In this episode, you’ll hear Mark, Satu and Keke preview the game, long-time listener Kevin on why he is a ‘friend of the sho…
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