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Social Marketing Nerds – Facebook Ads und Social Advertising Podcast

Alexander Boecker, Ben Küstner & Jan Stranghöner | Berater für Facebook Ads, Social Advertising, Performance Marketing & Facebook Anzeigen & Ads, Instagram Ads, Messenger Marketing & Co.

Die Show von Social Marketing Nerds für Nerds innerhalb der Termfrequenz Familie. Ben Küstner und Jan Stranghöner sind Veranstalter des Facebook Ads Camp und Berater für Facebook Marketing. Mit wechselnden Gästen diskutieren Sie alles rund um Social Media Marketing. Euch erwarten praktische Tipps zu Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Facebook Werbung, Facebook Anzeigen, Snapchat Marketing & viralem Growth Hacking mit spannenden Interviewpartnern wie Thomas Hutter, Felix Beilharz, Florian Litterst, ...
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The go-to podcast for Christian coaches and course creators who want to create Facebook groups that make them money! -- Top 2.5% podcast -- Are you ready to create a Facebook group people love to be part of? Do you want to know how to sell confidently so you can sign new clients every single month? Are you searching for a strategy to get new members into your group without spending hours a day networking? There’s a way to simplify how you run your Facebook group so you can create transformat ...
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THESAINISGR brings you "The Saini Sgr Show". Each and Every episode is designed to bring some values in your life. It's FREE to learn here! It's not a rocket science that you need to do digital marketing it's very very very simple and practitioner. Every single successful marketer out there has a daily practice or the other motivational routine. LEARN-APPLY-SHARE! every single day :) Follow me on Instagram- https://instagram.com/thesainisgr Keep Smiling 😊🙏
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Social Media Marketing Podcast in dem sich alles um die sozialen Medien, Online Marketing, Community Management, Web, Google, Apple, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook etc. dreht. In kurzen Interviews stellen wir (Christoph & Mike) euch wichtige Themen und Personen aus der Social Media Welt vor. Am Ende gibt’s wie immer die 11 Geheimtipps: Wie wird man zum socialgenius. Egal ob ihr interessierte Einsteiger, Marketing Veteranen oder Geschäftsführer seid, da ist für jeden ein bisschen Hirnfutt ...
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In this episode, I'm excited to share insights from a recent Facebook live session where I tackled the common questions about nurturing versus selling to your Facebook group members. Many people worry about being too salesy or pushy, and I'm here to address those concerns by explaining why it's vital to incorporate selling into your regular content…
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Social Media Management sollte längst kein Nebenjob mehr, der ausschließlich das Posten von Inhalten umfasst. Die Rolle hat sich dramatisch entwickelt und mit ihr die Anforderungen und Erwartungen an diejenigen, die diese Positionen besetzen. Jan und Peter sprechen in der heutigen Nerds Podcastfolge über den schwierigen Job des Social Media Manager…
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In this episode, I share insights on the growing trend of moving online communities off Facebook to platforms like Mighty Networks, Skool, and more. I discuss the allure of these platforms, such as their unique features and the potential for a more intimate, distraction-free setting, but also highlight the significant drawbacks, including marketing…
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In this episode, we delve into the exciting topic of how to generate your first or next $500 from your Facebook group. This session is perfect for those who have either never made money from their group or those who have experienced inconsistent income. We cover eight key strategies—from understanding your audience to creating and pricing a compell…
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Paid Social im Premium-Segment ist anders. Hier spielt der Preis oft eine geringere Rolle. Wichtig ist, die Menschen von deinem Produkt zu überzeugen. Du musst wissen, wie du den wahren Wert deiner Produkte kommunizieren kannst und wie du eine emotionale Bindung zu deiner Zielgruppe aufbauen kannst. Wie also deine Strategie aussehen muss, damit du …
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Engagement has become the most important factor in whether our content is performing well. But it's not the only thing to consider when it comes to knowing whether your facebook group content is working. In this episode, I'm chatting about why you shouldn't only be focused on engagement when it comes to writing the content for your Facebook group. …
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Niemand mag es, Werbung bewusst anzusehen – doch sie hat ihre Wirkung. Warum ist das so? Der Schlüssel liegt in der richtigen Frequenz und der Auswahl effektiver Creatives. In der heutigen Episode des Nerds Podcasts gehen wir genau diesen Fragen auf den Grund. Zu Gast hat Alexander heute Dan. Also, schalte ein und lass dich inspirieren, wie du die …
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As Christian coaches, we worry about giving too much value away in our free content that nobody will want to come and work with us. I want to reframe your mind on this topic today. In this episode, I'm sharing why you need to rethink what "value" means and why sharing the right kind of value with your audience means you're never worried about givin…
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Wenn du denkst, dass die bewährten LinkedIn Strategien auch im Jahr 2025 noch genau so funktionieren, ist es dringend Zeit, umzudenken! Im neuesten Nerds Podcast decken Britta und Alexander auf, welche Anpassungen du an deiner LinkedIn-Strategie vornehmen musst, um auch weiterhin erfolgreich die Plattform als Marketingkanal einsetzen zu können. Wen…
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God has BIG things planned for 2025! Are you ready to step into your harvest season? Join me in this episode where I chat through the vision God has given me for this podcast and how I'll be serving you in this coming year. (HINT: It's going to involve supporting you to create massive impact and income with your Facebook group!) Happy listening! Sa…
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Warum noch auf Intuition setzen, wenn Daten die Antworten liefern können?Mit präzisen Daten kannst du für dein Marketing fundierte und nachvollziehbare Entscheidungen treffen. In der heutigen Podcastfolge hat Jan den Datenbaron Philipp Freytag von Loringhoven zu Gast. Höre rein und erfahre wie du ab heute aus Daten erfolg machen kannst. Wenn Du übe…
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It's officially 2025, which means it's time to sit down and plan your Facebook group for the year! We always want to take some time to reflect on the year before and establish our goals for the year ahead. This is also an important time to check in with your Facebook group and make sure everything is up to date and still reflects your current busin…
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Warum geben wir uns noch mit Bauchgefühl und Annahmen zufrieden? Wenn du glaubst, deine Zielgruppe zu kennen, aber nur mit vagen Vermutungen arbeitest, dann ist es Zeit, deine Marketingstrategie zu hinterfragen. Jan hat heute Jana und Sina von Advidera zu Gast. Sie zeigen, wie du Zielgruppenbefragungen direkt über Social Ads umsetzt. Hör rein und l…
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There's been a feeling in the second half of 2024 that social media marketing has become harder. Our content isn't getting the same engagement as it was before, people's priorities have shifted, and it seems like people are taking longer to buy things than in the earlier days of running online businesses. But are these things we feel really the rea…
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Is starting your Facebook group on your to-do list in the new year? Ready to finally grow your community and start connecting with your ideal clients so you can make more money? Then let's get your Facebook group started! In today's episode, I'm sharing the 6 steps you need to create your Facebook group, optimize it, and get it ready for connecting…
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Media Buyer müssen sich zu echten Marketingspezialisten entwickeln, die Strategie, Kreativität und Effizienz meisterhaft vereinen. Der Black Friday mag vorbei sein und die Umsätze beeindruckend hoch, doch entscheidend bleibt, was letztlich in der Kasse bleibt. Viele E-Commerce-Unternehmen jubeln über Umsatzrekorde, übersehen dabei aber oft die Prof…
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If your content is ONLY focused on being short, punchy, and engaging, you might be missing the mark when it comes to creating content that converts. Let's talk about why short social media posts don't always work and what to try instead. In this episode, I'm breaking down what kind of content is going to be the most effective on social media so you…
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Du hast ein saisonales Business? Dann kennst du das: Die Umsätze schwanken zwischen Hoch- und Nebensaison. Aber mit der richtigen Social Ads Strategie kannst du in der Nebensaison intelligent neue Ansätze austesten, mit denen du dein Unternehmen in der Hauptsaison auf ein neues Level hebst. Alexander hat heute Ann-Cathrin Edelhoff zu Gast. Zusammen…
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I have had so many conversations with women over the past several months that have all touched on something similar. We've all felt like it's harder for people to see our content. Lots of business owners have noticed a drop in engagement, fewer people seeing posts, and a struggle to gain traction using the methods that have been successful over the…
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LinkedIn Unternehmensseiten – klingt im ersten Moment vielleicht nach „nice to have“. Aber wer ernsthaft im B2B-Marketing mitspielen will, sollte die Company Page als echten Gamechanger sehen. Besonders für Unternehmen, die in Paid Social und Performance-Kampagnen investieren, ist sie ein oft unterschätzter, aber unverzichtbarer Bestandteil. In der…
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Want to know the kind of results you could experience when you join the Profitable Facebook Group Program? I sat down with my student Alaine to chat about her experience working with me over the past 6 months. She talked about why it was so important for her to focus on creating an amazing community for her audience, some of her favorite parts of t…
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Für viele klingt E-Mail-Marketing wie ein Relikt vergangener Zeiten. Aber gerade für Unternehmen, die auf Paid Social und Performance-Marketing setzen, kann E-Mail-Marketing zu einem echten Erfolgshebel werden. In der heutigen Nerds Podcast-Folge ist Thomas Grabner von Melody zu Gast, der bereits auf dem Ads Camp 2024 das Publikum mit seiner Sichtw…
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Sometimes the biggest thing holding us back from making money in our business is that we don't have a clear picture of who our ideal client is. If we can't specifically define our ideal client, we're going to have a hard time creating marketing materials and content that deeply connect with them. The same is true for your Facebook group. If you can…
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Warum gehen so viele B2B-Kampagnen in der Masse unter? Entdecke, welche kreativen Ansätze dein Marketing endlich sichtbar machen, warum Emotionen auch im B2B ein Gamechanger sind und wie du mit smarter Strategie deine Ressourcen maximal nutzt. In dieser Folge verrät Alexander gemeinsam mit Hendrik Unger von Morefire, was es braucht, um aus langweil…
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It is absolutely essential that you work on growing your email list as an online business owner. But I know that for many people, it's a challenge to gather those leads and get people interested in signing up. But it can be much simpler than you think! I grow my email list every single month by using a few very simple strategies, and they all come …
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Von der Couch zum Video-Profi? Heute spricht Jan mit Michael Schirnhofer – dem „Mobile Wizard“, der zeigt, wie Marketeers mit Tools wie CapCut hochkarätige Video-Creatives erstellen können. Das Beste? Teures Equipment und komplexe Software sind überflüssig! 🎬 Aber es geht um mehr als Technik. Wie kann ich die ständig steigenden Ansprüche an Video-C…
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Facebook groups allow you to choose membership questions that you can require people answer before they join your group. But are you using those questions in a way that supports your business? In today's episode, I'm sharing a coaching call I had with Kelsey where we talked about how to optimize your membership questions. These tips will help make …
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In Zeiten einer schwächelnder Wirtschaft wird eines im Marketing unverzichtbar: Effizienz. Budgets stehen auf dem Prüfstand, und Entscheider brauchen Reportings, die klare Insights liefern und echte Wirkung belegen. Doch oft enden Reports als „Zahlenfriedhof“ – ohne strategischen Mehrwert. Welche Fehler solltest du und dein Team vermeiden, und wie …
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It's holiday season, and for many of us, that means wanting to wind down and take time away from business. But there are so many ways you can still make an impact with your group before the year ends without it taking up a ton of time. In today's episode, I'm sharing 4 ways you can use the rest of the year to boost your Facebook group. Whether your…
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In der heutigen, stark umkämpften Marktlandschaft ist ein Faktor entscheidend für den langfristigen Erfolg: Vertrauen. Es spielt eine zentrale Rolle bei der Kaufentscheidung und beeinflusst maßgeblich, ob Ihre Zielgruppe sich für Ihre Marke entscheidet oder zur Konkurrenz abwandert. Doch warum ist Vertrauen so wichtig – und wie können Sie es geziel…
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When you're focusing on a less visual platform like Facebook, does graphic design still matter? What type of designs are most important to focus on as a business owner on Facebook? And how do I know what my branding should even be? We answer all these questions and more in today's guest episode with graphic designer Jacqui Naunton. Jacqui is a desi…
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We can have the best strategy in the world for engaging and growing our Facebook group, but if our vision isn't clear, it's all for nothing. Not being clear on the direction we are trying to go leaves us spinning in circles and putting a ton of effort into something that isn't taking us anywhere. Getting clear on the vision for your Facebook group …
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Stell dir vor, deine PR ist wie ein Social Media Ad-Set. Wenn du deine Zielgruppe nicht kennst und die Botschaft nicht punktgenau auf sie zuschneidest, was passiert? Genau – niemand klickt. Genauso verhält es sich mit PR. Zu Gast ist in der heutigen Folge Julian, PR-Berater und Gründer von Blinq, einem Software-Tool für maßgeschneiderte PR-Arbeit. …
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Getting engagement feels harder than ever before in Facebook groups. The algorithms are shifting, seasons are changing, and so many people are experiencing far less engagement than before. It can be frustrating and seem like there is no solution or end in sight. But friends, that's not true. It's possible to fix your engagement! It just takes a few…
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Du denkst, in Zeiten von YouTube und ChatGPT hätten Konferenzen ausgedient? Das Ads Camp 2024 hat gezeigt, dass Konferenzen eine ganz eigene Wertigkeit haben und dein Wissen in kürzester Zeit auf ein neues Level heben können. In der heutigen Folge geben dir Jan und Alexander alle Insights zum Ads Camp 2024 – von den heißesten Trends bis hin zu den …
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Growing a Facebook group to 2,000 members is not always easy. There can be a lot of ups and downs to reach that goal. In today's episode, I'm sharing 3 things it took me to get 2,000 members in my community. Use these things to motivate and inspire you to keep persevering, and to reassure you that the journey towards your goals is not always straig…
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When running an online business, it's so easy to get swept up in all of the distractions and shiny objects. We are surrounded by hustle culture and we can get caught up in the businesses and constantly feeling like we're "not working hard enough." It's in these seasons that we can unintentionally push God aside because we feel like our quiet time "…
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I've been getting a lot of questions over the last few months about whether it's better to create a Facebook group or use a Facebook business page to grow your online business. While business pages used to be great, a lot has changed over the years on Facebook and they may not be as helpful now as they used to be. So in today's episode, I'm talking…
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Low engagement is always a common concern when you're running your own Facebook group. You want people to be answering your questions and interacting with you, but what are you supposed to do when they just don't do that? In today's coaching episode, I sat down with Danielle to chat about how to get better engagement in her educational Facebook gro…
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Are you struggling to get noticed in other people’s Facebook groups? 🤔 You might be making some common mistakes that are holding you back from seeing the most success in your Facebook group strategy. In this week’s podcast episode, I’m diving into the 5 biggest mistakes you’re making in someone else’s Facebook group—and how to turn things around. W…
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Are you frustrated that your audience isn’t buying what you’re offering? 😓 Wondering if starting a Facebook group could be the answer? In today's podcast episode, I sit down with Denise for a live coaching session to tackle this exact question. We dive deep into the potential of Facebook groups, exploring whether they can truly boost your sales and…
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Warum hast du noch kein Ticket für das Ads Camp? Das Ads Camp ist die Performance Marketing Konferenz die du als Paid Social Profi nicht verpassen darfst.Es ist das Mekka für alle ist, die ihre Social Media Kampagnen auf das nächste Level bringen wollen. Durch praxisnahe Hands-on-Sessions, exklusive Insights und Networking mit den Besten der Branch…
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We like to ask a LOT of questions inside our free Facebook group, Facebook Group Strategy for Christian Entrepreneurs. It's one of my personal favourite types of content. And there's a very good reason for this. Questions are a strategic part of our content creation because they are so good at connecting with your audience. If you're still not conv…
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Du denkst, Handzettel haben wegen Social Media keine Relevanz mehr? Dann hast du vielleicht noch nicht daran gedacht, sie für Social Media anzupassen. Handzettel bieten nach wie vor Vorteile. Warum also nicht das Beste aus beiden Welten vereinen: die Wirksamkeit von Handzetteln mit der Messbarkeit von Social Media? Höre dir jetzt die neue Podcast-F…
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Have you been experiencing a season where your Facebook group feels quieter than normal? Noticed your engagement is lower and you're not sure what went wrong? I have good news friend, it might not be your fault at all! It's very natural to experience seasons of slow or stagnation, and there's no need to panic just yet! On today's episode, I've got …
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Life Science-Profis sind keine gewöhnlichen Zielgruppen. Sie sind leidenschaftliche Nerds, die sich auch in ihrer Freizeit mit ihrem Fachgebiet beschäftigen. Sie saugen Wissen auf wie Schwämme und sind immer auf der Suche nach dem nächsten großen Ding. Diese Zielgruppe will Webinare, White Papers, Live-Demos und sogar Wissenschafts-Memes. Ja, du ha…
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Have you ever had a post get declined from a Facebook group? It's not a fun experience. You're just trying to serve that group well, but the admin decided what you wanted to share was against the rules. We've all been there. It can be hard to figure out what content to post in someone else's Facebook group when everyone has different rules about wh…
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Facebook content is so much better when you are intentional about what you post. Your sales will be more effective, you'll get better engagement, and you'll have an easier time creating content because you can sit down ahead of time and pour value into what you post rather than throwing something together. So in today's episode, I'm sharing with yo…
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Facebook recently updated its spam policy and it's a lot stricter than ever before. While it's great that they're trying to crack down on the genuine spam on the platform, the unfortunate side effect is that many activities that we do as online business owners can sometimes look similar to the spam activities Facebook is trying to squash. So in tod…
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Have you ever found yourself thinking: "I find it so hard to stay consistent in my business! I do something for a few weeks and then something happens and it stops." "It's so hard to sit down and work because there's so much mess and chaos around me, so I just end up cleaning instead of working!" "I can never remember all of the tasks I need to do …
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