Philosophical excursions into interesting, and often controversial, topics. Hosted by Spencer Case.
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Dans ce podcast, on aborde l’actualité tech avec humour et un ton léger. Anecdotes hilarantes, débats semi-sérieux et réflexions amusantes pour apprendre en s’amusant.
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A place for conversations about literature, music and life......and digressions!
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Sometimes we talk about serious things. Sometimes we don't.
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I digress on today’s topics and rant incoherently on occasion.
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A show where three friends chat about the pop culture that has distracted them over the last week.
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Welcome to Readers Digress, the podcast where we read nonfiction books so you don’t have to (unless you want to). Join us, hosts Mollie Fox and Kate Kiriakou, as we use a nonfiction book to talk about pop culture, politics, and everything in between. New episodes out every other Thursday.
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Come inherit the humanities with Digressio Podcast, of Roman Roads Press.
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Podcast by Grafitis Prod
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Shall We Digress...? is a podcast where friends get together to shoot the breeze about whatever comes to mind. Relax and enjoy some company for a while 🖖🎙
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Podcast by "I Digress..."
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Baltimore based comedian, Josh Kuderna (@JoshKuderna) is your host alongside his cohost Umar Khan, of The Digression Sessions. Listen as they chat with comedians, improvisers, musicians, creative people, and more from around our beautiful globe.
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Long format discussions that should not make sense.
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In which our intrepid heroes (Hub and Cory) endeavor to read and discuss the 1970's series The Champions, and indulge in many digressions along the way. Join us, won't you?
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The Fraudcast: But We Digress is a podcast about what you are talking about! Each week we take a deep dive into the subjects, topics, movies, shows, and pop culture moments you are talking about. If you’re not talking about it yet, you will be! From beginning on Instragram, @FraudedMedia started with 90 Day Fiance, and then expanded her trash reality TV universe coverage. Katrina has an unabashed love for all things reality TV, pop culture, true crime, and documentary.
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Andrew & Torin explore and review anime series one at a time. There will be laughs, there will be rants, and there will be plenty of digressions.
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Podcast by Ben Jaffe and Katie Malone
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Chris and Jody are Air Force vets who enjoy military history and folklore. This is their podcast. They tell stories. They digress. A lot.
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Hi, my name is Arjun Sahney and I am the director of But We Digress. Every few weeks, in this podcast, we will assess one philosophical concept and relate it to our daily life in an attempt to alleviate stress. Teens Exploring Philosophy - We explore philosophy to alleviate stress by giving perspective and meaning to our everyday. We do this by introducing the thought philosophy and offer suggestions on how to use it as a tool to alleviate stress. Also please visit us on our website at https ...
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"Food, But We Digress..." is a Podcast about Food and Cooking, hosted by two food geeks and cooking enthusiasts : Alex, the host of popular YouTube channel “Alex French Guy Cooking”, and Joshua, the food-obsessed video editor of Alex's videos... Ramen or Pho ? Coffee or Tea ? Neapolitan or NYC Pizza ? They don't always agree, which is good, but boy do they digress... React to it on Twitter using @FBWDpodcast
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Join us for an adventure into random reflections and musings from our lives through the not-so-subtle art of digression.
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Welcome! You’ve come across a passion project that took flight beyond my expectations. In 2017-2018, I set out to create a podcast unique from others, featuring the stories of people who get sh*t done, but I Digress evolved to have a biopic/documentary feel. The guests and their stories inspired me to a level of personal growth I could have never imagined. I hope you’ll take a listen, be entertained and inspired. Get Sh*t Done, Erol Senel *Please note* No new episodes are in production, but ...
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Avoir en public les conversations que nous avons en privé. Partager des expériences sur des sujets qui choquent, qui fâchent, qui heurtent, qu'il s'agisse d'argent, de santé mentale ou de socio-politique. Digressions est le podcast de C. Befoune qui y invite des gens avec qui elle parle très souvent, des gens avec qui elle partage tout bas ce qui ne peut être dit tout haut.
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Conversations with Fijian blogger Isabella Naiduki who is currently living in the UK with her husband and 3 children. In this podcast she shares their experience as a Fijian family living so far away from their idyllic island home.
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Cédric et Gaëtan, dans leur style décontracté et humoristique habituel, abordent l’actualité tech en enchaînant anecdotes et digressions. L’épisode commence par des plaisanteries sur la météo et l’énergie solaire avant d’attaquer les news high-tech. Ils reviennent sur un bug lié à Cloudflare qui a paralysé plusieurs sites français comme Vinted et L…
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Not-So-Great Arguments for the Existence of God
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:32:07Tell Spencer your thoughts about this episode! Matthew Adelstein, the prolific young writer who posts at "Bentham's Bulldog" on Substack, has recently attracted attention for a tier ranking of philosophical arguments for the existence of God. Matthew and Spencer discuss the arguments at the bottom of his list, ascending from arguments that get an "…
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BurgerTech, le podcast aussi savoureux qu’imprévisible ! 🍔💻🎤 Un soupçon de Muse, une pincée de high-tech et une louche de « what the fuck », bienvenue dans BurgerTech ! Entre bugs techniques et réflexions sur le Bitcoin, Cédrix et son complice Gay Tonks décryptent l’actu tech avec humour et spontanéité. De la consommation électrique en temps réel a…
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200ème épisode, c'est un festival
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:11:49Pour cet épisode la table à jingles de Cédric est HS et le traitement post-prod du son n’a pas fonctionné. Il s’agit de l’épisode le plus déconstruit de la série.On a quand même : Venez jouer à LEGOLAND® au Danemark avec Gaetan ! Voitures électriques, énergie solaire et propre IA, Cloud, Productivité, Informatique Consommation électrique, domotique…
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2025, l'année de la bienveillance
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:16:47Dans cet épisode animé et décalé, Cédric et Gaëtan reprennent leur micro pour une nouvelle année remplie de tech, d’humour et de what-the-fuck Actu tech légère : Gadget high-tech testé par Gaëtan : Un chargeur portable pour Apple Watch, avec une anecdote humoristique sur une panne due à un câble débranché. Panneaux solaires et météo déprimante : Un…
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Tell Spencer your thoughts about this episode! Sarah Malanowski and Nicholas Baima join Spencer Case to discuss their book Why it's Ok to be a Gamer. They cover common objections to gaming, such as the claim that gaming is addictive and violent games promote violence. They also consider ways that video games can promote friendships and cultivate vi…
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Bonne année 2025 ! Cet épisode peut contenir des propos pouvant choquer la sensibilité de certaines personnes. Quelques liens : Burger Tech Le Site Burger Tech Vidéo RSS Burger Tech Podcast RSS Réagissez avec votre compte Fedivers à l’épisode sur le site du “podcast Burger Tech” ou avec le compte @burgerTech@www.…
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Join us for the last (!!!) episode (!!!!!!!) of Readers Digress as we reflect on our favorite episodes, books, and moments of the podcast, plus (obviously) leave you with some lovely recommendations. Book recommendations: Yellowface by R.F. Kuang; Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World by Naomi Klein; Whoever You Are, Honey by Olivia Gatwood; A…
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Rant-a-thon 2024! (Part 2)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:31:06Tell Spencer your thoughts about this episode! Featuring rants by Matt Lutz (on a priori knowledge and the politicization of the university) Travis Timmerman (on the film "Megalopolis") Spencer Case (on the depraved adulation of Luigi Mangione) and Ben Burgis (on the hypocrisy of "heterodox" liberals on Palestine).…
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Rant-a-thon 2024! (Part 1)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:12:31Tell Spencer your thoughts about this episode! Featuring rants from Matthew Adelstein (on shrimp welfare), Mark Oppenheimer (on missing the golden age of universities), Craig White (on the folly and immorality of American involvement in Ukraine) David Baker (on the wrongness of peacetime conscription) and Jason Werbeloff (on common misconceptions a…
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Welcome back to another episode where we read a non-fiction book so that you don't have to (unless you want to!). This week, Mollie tells Kate about the book Do Nothing: How to Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing, and Underliving by Celeste Headlee. This book details Headlee's own struggle with our culture's overemphasis on productivity and busy…
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Episode 223: Sister Wives Episodes 11 and 12
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:11:03In this lively episode, Katrina, Lexi, and Becca dive into the latest drama of "Sister Wives," catching up on two weeks' worth of episodes. They share hilarious Thanksgiving mishaps, from toddler tantrums to snowy travel woes, and even a turkey named Clyde. And of course, they'll talk about the show's outrageous moments, like Christine's whirlwind …
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Progressive Myths about Sex and Gender
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:13:56Tell Spencer your thoughts about this episode! Michael Huemer returns to the podcast to discuss more of the issues in his self-published book, Progressive Myths (which you can buy on Amazon for a mere $12.50). Mike and Spencer discuss the gender pay gap, the claim that women don't lie about sexual assault, and the sex-gender distinction.…
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222: Sister Wives Catch Up and General Check In
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:28:17The Fraudcast crew is back after a long hiatus, and boy, do they have some stories to tell! From a dramatic car-side puking incident to Katrina's bed-hogging antics, these ladies have been living their best lives. But don't worry, they haven't forgotten about the real reason we're all here - the train wreck that is Sister Wives. Katrina, Becca, and…
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Ep 16 - How to Read an Epic Poem
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
58:45In episode 16 (episode 4 of Season 2), Joe Carlson and Daniel Foucachon read some epic poetry together, beginning with a BAD reading of epic poetry, followed by a tutorial covering four basic principles for reading epic poetry: First, allow the natural stresses of the words to dictate the flow of the sentence. Different words have different stress …
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Un mélange d’info tech et de “WTF sauce” dans ce nouvel épisode de Burger Tech. Cédric et Gaëtan, entre digressions et rires, parlent d’IA, Gemini de Google sur iPhone, crypto-monnaies en ébullition post-Trump, et des surprises comme le bouton caché du Mac Mini M4 ou des scalpers en panique. L’actu tech vue avec un regard décalé, c’est l’assurance …
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Absent depuis 3 mois, nous revenons avec plein de nouveautés. Cédrix et Ga3tan The G33k Cet épisode peut contenir des propos pouvant choquer la sensibilité de certaines personnes. Quelques liens : Burger Tech Le Site Burger Tech Vidéo RSS Burger Tech Podcast RSS Réagissez avec votre compte Fedivers à l’épisode sur le site du “podcast Burger Tech” h…
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Ep 15 - What To Do with an Epic Poem?
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
42:32This is the Digressio podcast, helping families inherit the humanities in their home. Welcome to Season 2, where we are, among some "Digressios," discussing Epic Poetry. I’m your host Daniel Foucachon, and I’m joined by our co-host Joe Carlson, translator of Dantes Divine comedy, and author of The Dante Curriculum. The topic today is “What to do wi…
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Episode 221: Sister Wives S19E5 The Year of the Release
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
34:15The Year of Release Meri asks the church for a release from her marriage to Kody. Gabe opens up to Janelle about his relationship with his father. Christine is excited for her second date with David. Mykelti reveals she ate her placenta. Robyn is left in tears on Christmas. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Tell Spencer your thoughts about this episode! Michael Huemer returns Micro-Digressions to discuss his new self-published book, Progressive Myths, which you can purchase here for a mere $12.50: Progressive Myths: Huemer, Michael: 9798332272073: Books Discussed here: Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and George Floyd cases, as …
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Episode 220: Sister Wives S19E4 How the Mighty Have Fallen
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:03:52Sister Wives Season 19 Episode 4 How the Mighty Have Fallen The Brown family spends Thanksgiving apart. Christine and Robyn put their differences aside to visit with Mykelti's newborns. Robyn pushes Kody to reconcile with his kids. Then, Christine reveals that she went on a promising first date. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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We investigate some funny business in this month's episode as Kate tells Mollie all about Comedy Book: How Comedy Conquered Culture—and the Magic that Makes it Work by Jesse David Fox. What makes comedy so alluring to all of us? What is the place of comedy in politics and culture? Tune in to find out! Pop Culture Pairings: Selective Outrage and Bri…
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Episode 218:Sister Wives S19E3 Am I My Brother's Keeper?
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:10:05The Browns go to Logan's wedding (yes first born Logan Brown) and can't act normal, Mykelti has the twins, and the ladies discuss (TRIGGER WARNING) Mykelti's birth plan, and the inherent judging and shaming of mother's giving birth. After reuniting at a wedding, Kody describes the family dynamic as a total civil war. Christine and Robyn reunite in …
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Episode 219: Secret Lives of Mormon Wives
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
2:21:28The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives (Hulu) follows a group of young TikTok moms, MomTok, who get caught in the midst of a swinging sex scandal that makes international headlines. There is even an arrest in the very first episode! But how does this group of young wives, many of whom no longer practice the faith, even GET here? We explore the base of th…
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Episode 217: Sister Wives S19E2 Let There Be Light
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:30:54Janelle considers leaving Flagstaff for good as she and Maddie look at land in Montana; Kody learns that Meri is asking their church for a release, their religion's word for a divorce; Christine and Aspyn throw Ysabel a welcome home party. Katrina, Lexi, and Becca delve into the divorcing wives' various stages of spirituality regarding their spirit…
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Tell Spencer your thoughts about this episode! Dave Baker returns to Micro-Digressions to finish the discussion of nuclear weapons. Topics this time include the development of the hydrogen bomb, the problems with developing missile defense systems, and nuclear proliferation.Oleh Spencer Case
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Season 9 216: Sister Wives S19E1 A House Divided Cannot Stand
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:35:07Katrina, Lexi, and Becca break down everything from the episode title (it comes from the bible! Dr. Becca schools us), to why Mykelti is actually now mad at Robyn and Kody (it has to do with Garrison's funeral and it kinda ick). There is so much to catch up on here as the ladies catch up on everything Sister Wives, Season 19! Learn more about your …
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In episode 14 (episode 2 of Season 2), Daniel Foucachon and Joe Carlson continue the discussion of epic poetry by defining an epic poem. They begin by discussing the four genres of literature based on Dr. Louise Cowan's genre theory (Epic, Tragedy, Comedy, and Lyric), and then the four elements that make up an Epic, which functions as Cosmopoesis t…
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Welcome back to the pod! This time we dive into a beautiful and poignant memoir about breaking away from Christian Patriarchy by Cait West. Rift: a Memoir of Breaking Away from Christian Patriarchy In this episode, we talk all about some of large themes found in the book like homeschooling, emotional abuse, and the relationships that change the cou…
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Ep 13 - The Need for Epic Poetry
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
41:42Welcome to Season 2 of The Digressio Podcast! In this season Daniel Foucachon and co-host Joe Carlson will discuss Epic Poetry, starting with the topic of this first episode: The Need for Epic Poetry.Oleh Daniel Foucachon and Joe Carlson
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212a: Seeking Sister Wife Season 5 Finale, with Mama Rita
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
2:01:23As Katrina, Becca, and Lexi wrap up the season finale of Seeking Sister Wife, they are joined by Katrina's Sicilian Mother in Law, Rita. Rita is a fan of the show, and considers herself a reality TV watcher. Please join us for this hilarious and education recap of the season as Becca connects more of Garrick's "theology." Download June's Journey! L…
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215a: Karen Read Mistrial Analysis
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
2:21:59Today, Katrina is joined by boots on the ground reporter Angela to discuss the Karen Read trial that just ended in mistrial. Angela is local to the Canton area and a long time insider. We break down the case, the trial, the witnesses, the attorneys, the verdict, and the aftermath. We analyze the evidence, the witnesses, the theories of the case on …
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