A Dawson's Creek podcast where Traci Lee and first-time viewer Charles Lam take deep dives into the classic teen soap. Imagine we're just chatting in the cafeteria the next morning after the episode aired. We'll even share our snacks.
Sit back, grab a drink, and join us as we wish a happy 23rd birthday to "Dawson's Creek" with another #DawsonsCreekTaughtMe collaboration episode! Our friends at Dawson's Creeps, Dawson Black, and Creek of the Week share their #DawsonsCreekTaughtMe lessons, and then we chatted with Julia and Erin of Dawson's Critique about their new book, "I Rememb…
So you want to watch "Dawson's Creek" for the first time but hate spoilers? After 3 years of doing just that, Charles has some advice for you! (The spoiler-filled part of this podcast begins at 17:06, so stop listening there!) We're excited to re-introduce ourselves, as well as to share some updates about what we've been up to. Plus, more on #Dawso…
You know how after everyone graduates and everyone's back home for the holidays and you meet up at an Applebee's? That's what this episode is, except it's four months later and we're still in the midst of a global pandemic – so why not dust off the old mics and get to chatting? We answer new "Dawson's Creek" questions, complain about "Iron Man 3," …
Three years later ... and our journey has come to an end. We recap "Dawson's Creek," talk about some of our favorite moments and episodes, and go through some of your emails, voicemails, and questions. We love you and thank you for being part of Dawson's Speak. "We'll see you soon, child."
Surprise! We know we said you'd hear from us in 2 weeks for our "graduation" episode, and that's still coming next week... But right now, we wanted to take a few minutes (OK, more like 40 minutes) to talk about ways we're passing the time right now. Our world is in a scary place right now and it's uncharted territory for most of us. Be safe, wash y…
We made it to the series finale! And nothing in it was spoiled for Charles!! FIRST: This is not our LAST episode! SECOND: We are so, so, so grateful to everyone who's come on this journey with us as we finally get to jump 5 years ahead and see what our favorite verbose teens-turned-young adults are up to. We know that the world feels a little bleak…
Time for a house party! Drunk Joey makes everyone play Spin the Bottle, Pacey and Jack worship a new TV, and we say goodbye to Emma (much to Charles' disbelief). Dawson and Audrey also go through some good healing at rehab as they stalk Toni Stark (not to be confused with Tony Stark).
Road triiiiip! Featuring...Seth Rogen? Season 6 continues its weird and winding journey as Joey, Eddie and Audrey head west; Dawson struggles with exerting authority on set; and Jen tries to find love for Grams. And honestly? We're not into any of it.
Does this episode have all the right moves? There's no Dawson, and barely any Jack or Jen, so we're not too sure... but we do find out a little bit about what happened to Eddie, we see Pacey continue to soar at his seemingly shady job, and Audrey continues to spiral.
The structure of this episode was weird, and we feel like there should've been an episode between this one and the last ... but nevertheless, we had fun talking about the movie business and aquariums! Also, Charles makes predictions about Pacey's goatee.
We're taking a mid-season break to get to know each other "on pod." Does Charles *actually* like "Dawson's Creek"? What surprised Traci the most about doing the podcast? Will we talk at all when this series is over??
We recorded this not-so-merry episode way too late at night, so excuse our rambling as the group heads back to Capeside for an ill-fated dinner at the Leery household. And it ends with a hole in the side of Gail's house! Oof.
The Jeddie sets sail (and then hits some rough waters), Dawson tries not to get jealous of Tag from "Friends," and Emma gets an up-close look at Pacey's misogynistic work environment. Also, Jack appears for 7 seconds!
Last week, Charles predicted that nothing good ever happens at concerts on "Dawson's Creek"...and he wasn't wrong. From verbal (and physical!) fights to getting arrested, this No Doubt concert was certainly quite dramatic for our gang...
Contrary to what the promo wants you to believe, this whole episode does not take place in New Orleans! Joey and Eddie get closer (after first getting farther apart), Jen learns more about CJ, Jack says goodbye to Professor Freeman, and Audrey's breakdown continues.
SURPRISE! Guess who got their data recovered? Sorry this is coming out a few days late, but you'll hear the disclaimer at the top that some of our chatter may be a bit "out of date"... nonetheless, here we are with a spooky, scary Halloween episode! There's a bonkers prank, an intense party, and a sad breakup – what more could we want out of a Hall…
It's giveaway time!! Details in the abbreviated intro of this episode! We're surprised the ratings online for this episode aren't higher because we actually quite enjoyed seeing more of Dawson's movie set drama and also seeing more depth to Jack's storyline too. We don't love that the Paudrey is continuing to struggle, but I guess that's what a soa…
Dawson and Joey find themselves in a love rhombus, the Paudrey is in trouble, and Jack and his professor might be getting a little too close. Overall, this episode just made us sad, but we still found time to talk about ghosts and time travel.
Joey sends her personal email to Dawson to the entire Worthington campus on accident, Pacey starts stock broker-ing, and "Studious Jack" makes an appearance as he becomes clearly infatuated with Prof. Freeman's class. Come for the "Dawson's Creek" ramblings, stay for the poor Shakespeare reference that closes out the show!…
SORRY for the rushed nature of this week's episode! We had technical difficulties and a scheduling conflict :( But perhaps it's fitting given how the writers just rushed through the Joey/Dawson stuff? They sleep together, they effectively break up, and then a lot of other stuff happens in the background with the rest of the gang. Season 6 is off to…
WELCOME TO SEASON 6! The gang starts sophomore year of college, except for Dawson who's been working in Hollywood and doesn't even show up in the episode until half an hour in. Also, Jack Osbourne makes a cameo, which was very confusing to Charles.
We're saying goodbye to season 5 officially, and we couldn't be more happy to see it go. But there were some good moments, and we want to acknowledge those too! From top 5 moments to favorite new characters, we run through the best of what felt like a very long 23 episodes. Also, Charles talks about ghosts again.…
We've made it to the season finale! Joey and Pacey are working at the yacht club while everyone else is at the airport: Dawson and Audrey are headed to LA, Jack and Jen are headed to Costa Rica, and Grams is randomly there with Mr. Smalls too. Of course, not all trips are going to go as planned...
We're back! The school year has ended and Dawson and Joey are back in Capeside, Pacey leads a staff walkout at Civilization, and Jack and Jen plan an epic summer vacation – or at least they try to. We also have some life updates to chat about, including the fact that Charles finally watched "Legally Blonde"!…
Come for the "Dawson's Creek" talk, stay for the ghost theories. The Paudrey is heading toward rough(er) waters, Dawson finds himself in a film student's fantasy, and Jack struggles to study for his finals. Also, Joey spends the whole episode in the library trying not to kill her annoying friends.
GOODBYE, CHARLIE TODD. And yet...we're not happy with how he went out? Hmm... Joey says goodbye to this whirlwind romance, Dawson and Oliver go to New York and have a bonkers meeting with an agent, and Civilization gets new management (which spells trouble for the Paudrey). Where's Jack and Jen? :(
Happy 100th episode, Dawson's Creek! This episode is...fine. Dawson is back to being in love with Joey. Pacey and Audrey are dealing with defining their relationship again. Joey and Jen get into a confrontation about Charlie. Meanwhile, it's Jack who's really suffering and why is no one paying attention??? Also, Traci and Charles talk (too much) ab…
Dawson is frustrated over the rough cut of his film, Joey flirts with Charlie, and Pacey and Audrey battle their insecurities. Plus, Grams has a new boyfriend! She's such #goals! Oh, and on this episode, Traci and Charles talk a lot about ghosts. Well, it's mainly Charles.
The Joey Show continues as she fronts Charlie's band again during a gig at a "distant biker bar club" and charms the crowd after a rocky start. Oh yeah, and then there's this whole story in Capeside with Lily's first birthday and Gail's growth and Dawson and Jen breaking up...
Traci and Charles talk a lot about what's in their head canons as Joey officially ends things with Professor Wilder, Dawson and Jen encounter some potentially bumpy waters ahead, and Pacey and Jack go out.
Joey gets mugged. Joey sings with her mugger. The mugger dies. We don't know what else to say (even though we talked for more than an hour about this!)...
In this part 1 of 2 episodes, apparently (yep, that means "Downtown Crossing" is coming up): Dawson directs Oliver's movie (that we still don't entirely understand), Joey gets closer to Professor Wilder, and Jack leaves the frat house...
Traci and Charles finally take your "fan-submitted, anonymously-written" questions – from Hogwarts house sortings to Charles' series finale predictions to Disney recommendations. There's also an advice section! Sorry in advance!
Charles' nightmare comes to life as Joey and Professor Wilder get a liiiiiittle too close for comfort. Also, Dawson starts college (again), Jen loses her edge, and Jack is on academic probation. Who knew it'd be up to Pacey to be the adult in the room?
Dawson moves into Grams' house, Jack moves into the fraternity house, and Pacey has to move off of the boat. So much moving! Also, Traci and Charles talk about Hogwarts houses for a little bit too long. (Sorry.)
Joey sings, Pacey and Audrey get new(ish) jobs, and trouble is brewing in Capeside as Dawson and Jen get into their first fight but then resolve things pretty quickly. Mainly, Charles is relieved that this isn't an episode about Joey and Professor Wilder, but is a Joey/Charlie pairing really any better?…
Come for the drama, stay for Traci and Charles having emotional realizations about their lives and past relationships. Dawson and Jen get caught making out in the foyer! Joey spends the whole episode convincing people she's fine! Audrey throws food on herself! Jack and Jen have a heart-to-heart! And Pacey just tries to cook everyone dinner while th…
As the title tells us, there are four scary stories presented. But as the title won't tell you, they're not...really...that...good? That's a bold claim. Maybe they are great and we're dumb. That could be it. Joey beats up a predator, Jack meets a ghost, Pacey and Karen get chased by a ghost car, and Jen...well, we're not really sure what happened t…
Dawson finds peace at a film festival (and, as the fan submitted, anonymously written IMDb summary doesn't tell us, loses his virginity), Jack's bro-y behavior irks Joey and Audrey, and Pacey dates Karen, sleeps with Karen, then says goodbye to Karen. Traci and Charles also apologize for their mouths moving faster than their brains.…
Dawson goes to therapy, Joey shines in her research group, and Pacey plays the moral compass. Meanwhile, Traci and Charles talk about the law (but we're not a legal podcast) as Charles rants about his dislike for Chef Danny and Professor Wilder.