O’Shea Jackson Jr., known for his starring roles in Straight Outta Compton, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Den of Thieves, and Cocaine Bear, teams up with TJ Jefferson, on-camera producer of and on-air talent for 3-Time Sports Emmy nominated The Rich Eisen Show, to host “No-Contest Wrestling.” Lifelong, passionate wrestling fans, O’Shea and TJ bring their unique take on sports entertainment by interviewing the biggest stars and taking you behind the scenes with untold stories from the wor ...
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It's the Official Eurovision Song Contest podcast. Presenter and music journalist Steve Holden will be chatting to star guests, as well as the singers and artists who'll be competing in Basel, Switzerland in 2025.
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Ewan Spence and the ESC Insight team keep you up to date with the Eurovision Song Contest.
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From Challengers Comics + Conversation in Chicago, this is CONTEST OF CHALLENGERS, a comics industry business podcast about the business of running a comic book store. Hosted by Patrick Brower and W. Dal Bush. Challengers • 1845 N Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60647 • 773.278.0155 • ChallengersComics.com
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Members of the world's first Professional Game Show Team discuss strategy, etiquette and how to be the best at every game show imaginable by any means necessary.
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A podcast discussing all things pertaining to Sorcery: Contested Realm the Trading Card Game. From upcoming news, events, and speculations, to current developments, deck brews, card coverage, and community happenings. Your #1 source for all things Sorcery!
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In depth discussion of the weekly New Yorker Caption Contest as well as interviews with Cartoonists and former Contest winners. Email: CartoonCaptionContestPodcast@gmail.com Credits: Intro/Outro music created and performed by Chris Nesja. Podcast logo designed by Dan Nesja with artwork by Shannon Wheeler.
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The Insaiyan Podcast - der etwas andere Podcast. Marco Pino, ambitionierter Bodybuilding-Wettkampf-Athlet und Coach philosophiert über die Schattenseiten einer Wettkampfvorbereitung. Der ständige Harndrang, Schlafmangel oder vergessenes Besteck für unterwegs sind nur Teile dessen, was einen in einer Vorbereitung erwarten kann. In diesem Podcast wird kein Blatt vor den Mund genommen und die knüppelharte Wahrheit erzählt.
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To podcast przygotowany przez Agnieszkę "Fuli" Fułek i Karinę "Kari" Kącką. Poruszamy tematy o tańcu, rozwoju, emocjach i pieniądzach. Celem podcastu jest zebranie naszej dotychczasowej wiedzy i doświadczeń w jednym miejscu, rozwój sceny tanecznej, a także nasz własny. Wspólny podcast nagrywamy po raz pierwszy i dużo się przy tym uczymy. Będzie merytorycznie, ale też na luzie. Miłego słuchania!
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Funny and Fat comedians, Mike Celona & Adriane Hamilton discuss food, fitness, body image and chat with guests about topics that will get your heart pumping!
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This podcast was created as an entry to Hubhopper's online competition. Hope you like it!
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Every week the Contested Layups crew gather to update you on the latest news regarding the NBA and basketball as a whole, all with a bit of humor along the way.
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Websites are dead. Websites are obsolete and for most business are as effective as a Yellow Pages ad - they don't generate leads or customers. Working with trial attorneys I build business expanding internet funnels that get real results. Don't know what an internet funnel is? Then you need to listen. Cover art photo provided by Fabio Ballasina on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@fabiolog
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Podcast by Slam Funk Contest
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Un programa conducido por Paloma Elgueta, quien en cada capitulo nos trae a un acompañante distinto para responder preguntas de nuestros auditores. Un lugar con poca información…pero con google a disposición! Emprendedores, buscadores de pega, poetas, recitadores, todos tendrán su espacio para poder mostrar, pedir o buscar lo que necesiten.
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Il Contesto nasce dal re-branding ufficiale di TGP Podcast, un podcast di calcio che affronta i temi più interessanti del momento con un format unico, abbinando qualità e leggerezza, tra approfondimenti tattici e ranking all-time
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Hosts Shelby and Nick each choose a movie or TV show based on inane criteria, like “spiciness” or “grandpa vibes,” then have their champions square off under the watchful eye of a special guest judge. It’s a battle to the death! But, like, a really nice one.
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Kissing Contest is a Brooklyn based comedy podcast about movies and television hosted by Mike, Doan, Sawyer, Mark and whoever else decides to show up. We have won all 17 of the podcast awards that you can possibly win and we've recently incorporated snack reviews into our routine. You are literally an idiot if you don't listen to Kissing Contest.
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De vez en cuando Hernán Casciari llama desde donde esté y nos deja un texto en nuestra casilla de mensajes. Hoy es de vez en cuando. Mensajes de voz - Hernán Casciari.
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This is the podcast for the GameFAQs Contests, the internet's #1 gaming-related popularity contests.
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Designed by kids, made by adults and full of daily kid friendly one-liner dad jokes. Did you know laughter not only boosts mental engagement but also enhances a child's cognitive abilities? Yay for dad jokes! Signup to our newsletter for awesome daily coloring pages too! https://theticklepickle.com
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In sechs Episoden trifft Mr. Song Contest Andi Knoll die Eurovision-Podcaster von "Merci, Chérie", Alkis Vlassakakis und Marco Schreuder. In jeder Episode besprechen die drei Insights, Analysen, Geschichten und Gerüchte rund um den Eurovision Song Contest. Ob Politik, Fans, Musik oder ABBA, jede Ecke der größten Musikshow der Welt wird ausgeleuchtet. Mit Glitzer, Spaß und viel Musik. Die drei werden auch ihre Tipps abgeben: Wer gewinnt den Song Contest. 2024? Abgeschlossen wird mit einem Faz ...
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The Get to the Contest Small Business Podcast is a program aimed at motivated small business owners and entrepreneurs looking to improve their business. With Warwick Jackson, Chartered Accountant as host and various industry specialists as guests, the show provides answers to the common questions entrepreneurs face when looking to grow, sustain and market their business. Warwick draws on his background in both business & Elite Sport to help business owners to drill down & focus on the the cr ...
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Sweeping Up Sweepstakes Podcast: How To Win Sweepstakes, How To Win Contests & How To Win Giveaways!
Sweeping Up Sweepstakes Podcast & YouTube Channel
Welcome to Sweeping Up Sweepstakes! A podcast and YouTube channel all about sweepstakes, contests, and giveaways. Learn how to enter sweepstakes, how to enter contests, how to enter giveaways, learn tips and tricks to increase your chances of winning sweepstakes, winning contests, winning giveaways, and hear about prizes that I've won as well as by other listeners. #Winning Learn more about popular giveaways from HGTV, PCH, and etc. Learn how to win prizes, win a Grand Prize, win a car, win ...
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1:12:14THE BULLSEYE OF BULLSEYES •Godzilla vs Chicago, one week later. •New Dark Horse graphic novels immediately unavailable. •Andrea Bell signing recap! •”Reducing complexity.” •Diamond bankruptcy notices. •DTC podcast invite. •Comic talked about in this episode: ABSOLUTE GREEN LANTERN #1 ABSOLUTE MARTIAN MANHUNTER #1 FREE PLANET #1 ASSORTEED CRISIS EVE…
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Eurovision Insight News Podcast: Losing The Televote
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26:12With one weekend of National Finals to go, the Eurovision playlist for Basel 2025 is almost full of the songs of every nation. Yet the global nature of the Song Contest has been brought into sharp focus with international songwriters contributing throughout the shows and cultural norms being challenged across borders. Eurovision Insight News Podcas…
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Norway’s Kyle Alessandro has been a Eurovision Song Contest fan since he sang Dami Im, Barei and Jamala in a karaoke bar at the age of 10! He chats to Steve about the meaning of his entry Lighter, his Spanish and Norwegian influences, his friendship with Queen of Kings Alessandra, and how he’s the Norwegian Will Ferrell. The Official Eurovision Son…
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John Cena's Heel Turn Was Shocking
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1:26:29O’Shea and TJ discuss the shocking events from Toronto at WWE elimination chamber. What prompted John Cena to finally turn Heel and sell his soul to the Final Boss, and what now for Cody Rhodes? Also, Jade Cargill’s surprise return to the ring and her vicious attack on Naomi. What, if any, was Bianca Belair’s involvement in this whole matter? Also,…
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Episode 193 - Michael Maslin New Yorker 100th Anniversary
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2:06:40On part 2 of this week's episode, Michael Maslin joins us to talk about the New Yorker 100th Anniversary and his recent book that he collaborated on with photographer, Alen MacWeeney, titled "At Wit's End: Cartoonists of The New Yorker". Michael also maintains a database of the New Yorker cartoonists on his website, "The Ink Spill" and posts a dail…
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Diese Episode behandelt die Auswirkungen von Bodybuilding auf mein Privatleben sowie die Motivation, Sport zu betreiben, auch ohne Wettkämpfe. Ich teile meine Ansichten über negative Kommentare und wie ich damit umgehe. - Einfluss des Sports auf das Privatleben und die Familie - Motivation für das Training ohne Wettkämpfe - Umgang mit Kritik und ne…
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ESC Insight Presents…..Eurovision Wars: One Last Thing…
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45:06Welcome To Eurovision Wars Eurovision Wars is a series of podcasts exploring geopolitical themes as they emerged on the Eurovision Song Contest stage. You can listen to Seasons 1 and 2 in full on Spotify, covering such topics as the Russia-Ukraine War, and the long-running dispute between Azerbaijan and Armenia. For Season 3, the podcast moves to i…
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VALIDABLE •ComicsPRO Annual Meeting part 2! •Batman H2SH. Pronounced “huh-toosh” •Back to ComicsPRO news! •GODZILLA! •Dal vs the MCU. •Comic talked about in this episode: BATMAN #157 This episode is dedicated to Michelle Trachtenburg.---------- This episode was edited and transcribed by Cleanvoice. How’d it sound? Contest of Challengers #726 Theme:…
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Eurovision Insight News Podcast: Introverted Glam Rock
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30:11A single National Final last week, a slice of Icelandic vibes between two Super Saturdays. Of course, there was the small matter of Måns Zelmerlow in his Melodifestivalen heat to set tongues wagging in the community. Michelle Kittens (That Eurovision Site) joins us on the News Pod this week to discuss a roller-coaster week that moves through the Se…
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Red Sebastian is living his childhood dream by representing Belgium at the Eurovision Song Contest. He’s singing Strobe Lights and speaks to Steve about making the club banger he is taking to Basel. He also talks about how the Little Mermaid shaped his life, his love of Whitney, Christina and Gaga, and how Belgium’s 2023 entry Gustaph taught him to…
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X-Pac: Triple H And Shawn Michaels Are The Best To Have In WWE Creative Right Now
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1:28:132-Time WWE Hall of Famer X-Pac joins the show to discuss how wrestling took a kid named Sean Waltman from St. Petersburg, FL to training in Minnesota becoming the Kid, evolving to the 1-2-3 Kid, and becoming the legendary X-Pac. He talks about the marquee matches of his career, what it meant to him to beat Razor Ramon, his WWE Championship against …
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Episode 192 - Kathy Wrobel
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1:24:48Joining us on the podcast this week is Kathy Wrobel. Kathy is a two time finalist of the New Yorker contest and a very frequent finalist of the CartoonStock contest (going all the way back to contest #14!) Kathy talks with us about her background and her process of coming up with winning (funny and clever!) captions. She also joins us in the contes…
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ALL BUSINESS •This IS a business podcast, after all. •It’s Tax Time (never to be confused with “Toni Time”)! •Paying vendors. •ComicsPRO news (of which there is little when we recorded). •Comic talked about in this episode: ABSOLUTE FLASH #1 This episode is dedicated to all the hard workers of the ComicsPRO Annual Conference. ---------- This episod…
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Episode 27- Full Arthurian Legends Set Review Part 2 of 2 (Elites and Uniques) with Ochoa
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3:06:40Greetings fellow witches, wizards, warlocks, and everything in between! We are back again with my good buddy Ochoa to finish up the second half of the full Arthurian Legends set review. This time we are covering the Elite and Unique cards within the set. We are quite excited for this one, as these are some of the most powerful cards in the game! Jo…
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Folge #10 - Die Fitnesswelt im Zwiespalt: Debatte um Ernährungstrends
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18:46Der Podcast beleuchtet die Kontroversen und Absurditäten der Rohkostbewegung und hinterfragt die Gesundheit dieser Ernährungsweise. Die Diskussion ist geprägt von einem kritischen Blick auf die Risiken roher Lebensmittel und die Herausforderungen der modernen Wegwerfgesellschaft. • Die Probleme der Rohkostbewegung und ihre kritische Betrachtung • E…
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Eurovision Insight News Podcast: Fake Tans And Commercial Breaks
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31:26The latest Super Saturday is over, and there are lots of discussion points to choose from in this week’s Insight News podcast. This week, we’re joined by Phoneix ESC’s MJ to talk about the differences between watching the show and being in the audience, deciding to go for a National Final or an Internal Selection, and what moment earns our weekly n…
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EMMY is going to represent Ireland at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest with her song Laika Party. It’s a tribute to Laika the dog, who was one of the first animals to go into space. Steve caught up the Norwegian singer to hear how she’s feeling about singing for Ireland,, learning Irish traditions and find out whether Jedward or Subwoolfer might…
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Liv Morgan: The Elimination Chamber Is A Chaotic Match
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51:34WWE Superstar Liv Morgan joins the show to discuss how her dreams of becoming World Championship took her from backyard wrestling growing up in New Jersey with her older brothers to becoming a 2-Time WWE World Champion. Liv also talks about what it felt like to win Money in the Bank ladder match and defeating Ronda Rousey for her first title in her…
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ProCo 270: The Accumulated Sins of Joey Tribbiani - Fast Friends
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1:00:45Hello dear listeners! We're back after a longer than usual holiday hiatus, and this episode you're in for a real treat. Oh, no it isn't a good game show. Statistically those don't actually exist. No, this episode we are going to rage out on the set of beloved sitcom Friends and break everything in Monica's apartment. Isn't that just such a better i…
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SALE APPARENT •Distribution shipping schedules. •How did the 2025 “I Love You But I’ve Chosen Comics” sale do for us? •Shopify user permissions. •BONUS: Dal’s favorite local chicken take-out restaurants. This episode is dedicated to chicken, in all its delicious, edible forms. ---------- This episode was NOT edited and transcribed by Cleanvoice. Ho…
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Folge #9 - Unpopuläre Wahrheiten
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23:12In dieser Episode stellen wir die gängigsten Mythen in der Fitness- und Ernährungswelt in Frage und decken unpopuläre Wahrheiten auf. Wir diskutieren die Auswirkungen von Zucker, die Rolle von Süßstoffen, die Wahrheiten über Cardio und Fettverlust sowie den Mythos, dass Muskelkater gleichbedeutend mit Muskelaufbau ist. • Unpopuläre Wahrheiten über …
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Eurovision Insight News Podcast: Serving Camp
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25:51A packed weekend of Song Contest selections saw some spectacular shows, as well as controversy around lyrics, feedback, and running length. Gina Jones joins Ewan Spence to continue the discussions. Our nominations for the Iceberg start and end (on time) in Italy. Then we move to Finland and the increasingly spectacular UMK shows. Malta gets in on t…
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Erika Vikman will represent Finland at the Eurovision Song Contest with her song Ich Komme, and becomes the first act of 2025 to appear on our official podcast! Steve caught up with her the morning after winning the Finnish national final UMK (Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu) in her home city of Tampere. She talks about her amazing stage performance, her f…
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Episode 191 - Lawrence Wood
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1:00:31Larry Wood, the all time New Yorker cartoon caption contest winner, author and CartoonStock caption contest judge, joins us once again to talk about the current New Yorker contests, our favorite cartoons from this week’s issue of the New Yorker and the latest CartoonStock contest. Vin is challenged to come up with the top 25 captions for the next C…
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Roxanne Perez: Going To Become A 3-Time NXT Women's Champion At Vengeance Day
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1:07:24The guys discuss the unfounded criticism of Jey Uso winning the Royal Rumble, the return of Charlotte Flair and her victory, plus who will Charlotte pick to fight at Wrestlemania? Then, 2-Time WWE NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez joins the show to discuss how her wrestling career started at age 13, her time at Ring of Honor, how influential Booke…
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Main Kemudian
1:03:38INTRODUCING UNCERTANTY TO THE PROCESS •Sacrificers #13 shortage and what Lunar did about it. •Upcoming bookmark! •More publishers abandoning Diamond. •DSTLRY’s digital collectibles. •A new/current Shopify headache. •Comics talked about in this episode: I WAS A FASHION SCHOOL SERIAL KILLER #1 LOST FANTASY #1, #2, #3 WE’RE TAKING EVERYONE DOWN WITH U…
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Folge #8 - Verdauungs-Mythen, Bodybuilding-Ernährung und Lebensmittelunverträglichkeiten - Erkenntnisse für eine bessere Gesundheit
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18:45Die Episode behandelt die vielfältigen Aspekte der Verdauung und deren Bedeutung für das körperliche Wohlbefinden und die Fitness. Wir diskutieren die Auswirkungen von Fruchtzucker, Süßstoffen und großen Portionen sowie die Rolle von Unverträglichkeiten und fettreichen Nahrungsmitteln auf die Verdauung. • Bedeutung der Verdauung in der Ernährung un…
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Eurovision Insight News Podcast: Where Internal Selections Roam Free
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31:31It’s been a packed week in the world of the Song Contest, with lots of discussion points and debates to be had. Ewan Spence and Tom Hendryck pick out some of them to talk about in the latest Insight News podcast. As well as our weekly nomination for the Iceberg, they talk about the various ways of announcing an Internal selection, who best to do it…
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The legendary Tia Kofi is the first guest on a brand new season of the Official Eurovision Song Contest! Tia is a drag icon, singer, podcaster and a WINNER of RuPaul’s Drag Race vs The World. As we get ready for this year’s competition in Basel, Tia joins Steve for a chat about her love of the contest, her ambition to sing at the event, her love of…
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ESC Insight Presents…..Eurovision Wars: Grand Final Pressure
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Main Kemudian
43:41Welcome To Eurovision Wars Eurovision Wars is a series of podcasts exploring geopolitical themes as they emerged on the Eurovision Song Contest stage. You can listen to Seasons 1 and 2 in full on Spotify, covering such topics as the Russia-Ukraine War, and the long-running dispute between Azerbaijan and Armenia. For Season 3, the podcast moves to i…
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Episode 190 - A Quick and Dirty Thirty
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28:17A short podcast this week with just the hosts talking about the contests and their favorite cartoons from the current week's issue of the New Yorker. There is a question that was left unanswered about why zebras have stripes. We did a quick google search and found, "While scientists still debate the exact origins and functions of zebra stripes, the…
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Roman Reigns: Had To Make A Choice Of Being A Superstar Or One Of The Boys
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1:42:02O’Shea and TJ record the show from the Royal Rumble as part of a WWE 2K25 premiere event. The guys interview some of the biggest stars of the WWE including The Tribal Chief Roman Reigns, The Wise Man Paul Heyman, Bayley, LA Knight, Carlito, and The New Day, Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods. The guys also discuss the results of an epic Royal Rumble, w…
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Folge #7: Alles Hat Seinen Preis und was wäre die EINE Sache die du ändern würdest?
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32:06Stell dir vor, du könntest in die Vergangenheit reisen und eine Sache in deinem Leben ändern. Welche Entscheidung würde das sein, und welchen Preis bist du bereit, für große Ziele zu zahlen? In unserer neuesten Podcast-Folge greifen wir diese tiefgründigen Fragen auf und lassen uns von den philosophischen Gedanken des Stoizismus inspirieren. Ich ne…
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Eurovision Insight News Podcast: The Work That Becomes A New Genre Is Eurovision
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25:52This week on the Insight News podcast, Ewan Spence is joined by AJ Clay (Keep Watching podcast) to discuss seven days in the world of the Eurovision Song Contest. They discuss the impact of the Semi Final Draw, who’s singing when, and wonder what happened to the Keys to the Host Cities; the impact of storytelling at the Luxembourg National Final, a…
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Nia Jax: There's Nothing To Prepare You For A Royal Rumble
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1:05:512-Time WWE Women’s Champion Nia Jax joins the show to discuss her personal journey from Sydney, Australia, to Hawaii, to San Diego, and into WWE Superstardom. Nia talks about what it meant to her to win her first belt in front of her family, how time away from the sport helped her rediscover herself and how it was crucial to the person she is today…
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Episode 189 - Stephen Nadler And The New Yorker Cartoon Exhibition
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1:37:58Joining us on the podcast this week is New Yorker cartoon enthusiast, Stephen Nadler. Stephen talks about his love of all things New Yorker and the New Yorker cartoon and cover art exhibition, hosted by the Society of Illustrators, "Drawn From The New Yorker: A Centennial Celebration". You can find more information about the exhibition here: https:…
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Main Kemudian
1:39:14THE KYLE-VERSE with KYLE HIGGINS •It’s an extra-special, extra-long episode featuring KYLE HIGGINS (and Andrew Challenger)!! •Image’s MASSIVE-VERSE is a universe within itself featuring Radiant Black, Rogue Sun, Super-Massive, Inferno Girl Red, No/One, and more, and Kyle tells us ALL about it! •RADIANT BLACK #31 is the prefect jumping on point and …
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