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Kristin Cavallari is back behind the microphone and more f*cking honest than ever. Let's Be Honest sets the record straight on everything from dating and relationships, nutrition and wellness, to what’s really going on behind those headlines. In her new lifestyle podcast, Cavallari dives into what connects people (and breaks them up), what makes people feel physically and spiritually healthy, and how to love yourself along the way. New episodes drop every Tuesday!
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Cham'pain with Cavanagh encourages positive ways to overcome obstacles through unfiltered conversation. Hosted in a relaxed and relatable atmosphere with bubbles, cocktails and mocktails… tell me who wouldn’t want to open-up?
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Légendes cavalières, podcast produit par GRANDPRIX, vous replonge dans l’histoire des sports équestres. À travers un ou plusieurs événements, par le prisme d’un cheval ou d’un cavalier, revivez les plus beaux exploits accomplis en saut d’obstacles, concours complet et dressage. Légendes cavalières, c’est un récit, illustré de documents sonores d’époque, mais aussi un entretien avec un acteur ou un témoin de ces instants d’exception. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ...
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The 17th Century War of the Three Kingdoms was a momentous period in our history, and one which is very overshadowed. I've been fascinated with it since the age of 10. CavalierCast is dedicated to bringing you informative podcasts covering anything and everything civil war related!
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Dal lunedì' al venerdì, ogni mattina, la sveglia per il quotidiano La Notizia. E poi le letture. E tutto quello che ci viene in mente. Diventa un supporter di questo podcast:
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Äs Gläsli Cava

Avi, Meli & Simu

Ein bunt gemischtes Trio erwartet euch mit Aviva, erfahrenes Camgirl und Pornodarstellerin trifft auf Melanie, Tättowiererin und ihr eigener Boss - komplettiert werden die Hosts durch Simon, gestrauchelter Musiker bei Tag und kratzbürstiger Hobbyphilosoph bei Nacht. Hier treffen Emanzipation, weibliche Energie und Humor auf eine geballte Ladung zynischen Sarkasmus. Frech, chaotisch und definitiv nicht politisch korrekt. Nicht bei allen Themen werden wir uns einig sein - und das ist auch gut ...
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Neste podcast quinzenal conversamos com empreendedores, investidores e líderes na área do empreendedorismo. É a tua porta de entrada no mundo desafiante das start-ups. Se queres saber como criar o teu negócio, como escalar ou ouvir mentes inspiradoras da área do Empreendedorismo, este podcast é para ti. Eu sou a Mikaela Silva, founder e empreendedora.
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Harbor Repertory Theater

It's the art of audio variety; writing, music, and the spoken word from Plymouth, Minnesota–and all over the world: comedy, drama, suspense, stories, poetry, songs and sketches by Harbor Repertory Theater.
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Aquí voy a compartir información acerca del Alma y su Contacto con otras Realidades, la Vida más Allá de la Muerte, Guías Espirituales, Portales Dimensionales, Vidas Pasadas, Almas Gemelas Y Parejas Karmicas, Ciudades en otras Dimensiones, Viajes en el Tiempo, Trampas del Karma, Espíritus Elementales de la Naturaleza, La Vida en Cuarta Y Quinta Dimensión, Fenómenos Paranormales y muchos temas más. Web Oficial:
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En Cavale est un podcast d'enquêtes mystérieuses pour enfants espions. Au travers d'enquêtes audio, offrez à vos enfants un soupçon d'évasion doublé d'une étincelle de magie. Pour suivre l'enquête "Opération Neiges Éternelles", c'est ici ! Pour suivre l'enquête "Opération À Toute Vapeur", changez de chaîne. L'enquête"Opération Neiges Éternelles" se déroule sous forme d'un Calendrier de l'Avent audio, avec un épisode quotidien du 1er au 24 décembre. Pour participer et recevoir la boîte d'enqu ...
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Shelf Matters is a podcast by CAVAL featuring exciting conversations with professionals from the GLAMR (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums, Records) sector who know their stuff. In each episode, we will talk to them about the ideas and issues that matter - The Shelf Matters!
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Cavalier Distributing Podcast

Cavalier Distributing

This is the Official Podcast of Cavalier Distributing where we will share what's new in the Cavalier warehouse (and coming to you soon), news, and beer education, as well as interviews with business and alcohol industry leaders. The goal, as always, is to provide value to our customers and consumers.
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By now, you all must be familiar with former The Hills star, Kristin Cavallari. She has a very impressive resumé up to this point and is now launching her own jewelry and home goods headquarters, Uncommon James. Join us on the VERY CAVALLARI AFTER SHOW as we follow this star and all her exciting endeavors. Have any guests you’d like to see on the after show? Leave the suggestion in the comments and
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This is the brand new David Cavanagh Coaching Podcast, where amazing coaching and mentoring takes place with students and clients each and every day of the week. Started on the 12th of April 2018 for business owners and people who are stuck in overwhelm mode, and really want to take their businesses to the next level. Join me on this new podcast, where I share tips, hints and suggestions which could potentially change your life. It all starts with David Cavanagh and the Best Coaching Program ...
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Cavalier Coffee

Cavalier Coffee

Cavalier Coffee is a podcast hosted by TK Payton and Bernie Strausbaugh. We talk about upcoming events at Walsh University in North Canton, Ohio. We give shout outs to the people who are the "Cream in Our Coffee" and share words of advice in our "Fill Up Your Cup" segment. Basically, we cover all things student life at Walsh University!
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Podcast "Koń, jaki jest, każdy słyszy - Cavaliada 2024 w Polskim Radiu" ma na celu przybliżenie słuchaczom tematyki jeździectwa. Dziennikarze zapowiedzą każdą z czterech edycji tych międzynarodowych zawodów w skokach przez przeszkody pod względem sportowym, jak i organizacyjnym (harmonogram imprezy), podsumują także poszczególne konkursy. Poza tym otworzą przed słuchaczami drzwi do hippiki - opowiedzą o pięknie koni, o wyjątkowości sportu jeździeckiego, w którym zawodnikiem są nie tylko jeźd ...
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show series
Euer Lieblingstrio ist mit einer neuen Folge "Äs Gläsli Cava" wieder für euch da! Heute haben wir jeweils unser Nähkästchen mitgebracht, vom Staub befreit und einen flüchtigen Blick ins Innere gewagt. Ergebnis? Es ist tief... sehr tief... Frei von festgelegten Themen plaudert es sich eben besser... überzeugt euch selbst!😉…
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Equiparamos a capacidade de dedilhar (não, seus porcos) com a de gerir; o ritmo frenético da música com o ritmo mais calmo das salas de reuniões; a harmonia melódica de uma banda a riffar em conjunto com o som dissonante da equipa em campo. E agora imaginem-se perante uma situação em que temos três forças a lutar em conjunto (dentro, em cima e de f…
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Justin and Carter discuss the Cleveland Cavaliers win over the Milwaukee Bucks and take a dive into the contributions of the supporting cast. From how they impact the game and what it may mean for how they are used in the postseason. As well as how the Cavs would matchup against the Bucks in a series and more! See for privac…
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In honor of my new reality show, I'm recounting my 10 most memorable TV moments according to Google. It includes that infamous Cabo bar scene, how DUNZO came to be, why I was really popping off during the piranha scene, Heidi and Spencer's wedding, and The Hills ending that had everybody up in arms. A word from my sponsors: YNAB - Listeners of Let'…
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Il mondo sta tornando a ballare sull’orlo dell’abisso nucleare, e questa volta il pericolo non arriva da paesi canaglia o gruppi terroristici, ma dagli ex alleati degli Stati Uniti. Gideon Rose, analista del Council on Foreign Relations, avverte che la politica isolazionista dell’amministrazione Trump e la demolizione sistematica degli accordi inte…
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Members of the FFSN NBA podcast family join forces and share knowledge on the “Central Division Showdown”, where we talk about the home teams Cavs, Pistons, Bulls & Pacers. The new young guns in the division, franchise all-time greatest player, trading places, who’s the NBA COY favorite, JB Bickerstaff or Kenny Atkinson? Lastly, with about 20 games…
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C’era una volta il capitalismo degli industriali, quelli che producevano beni e vendevano merci. Ora c’è quello dei broligarchi, padroni della tecnologia e dell’informazione, che con un clic spostano capitali, modificano algoritmi e governano società intere. Non sono più alleati del potere politico: lo hanno inglobato. Trump è il loro parafulmine, …
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Il mondo non è democratico. Lo sapevamo, ma ora lo misuriamo: meno della metà della popolazione vive in un paese che possa definirsi tale, e solo un risicato 8,5% si trova in una democrazia completa. Il Democracy Index 2024, riportato da Lorenzo Ruffino, lo conferma: i paesi che garantiscono libertà civili, istituzioni indipendenti e reale pluralis…
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Welcome to the CavasShips Podcast with Christopher P. Cavas and Chris Servello…a weekly podcast looking at naval and maritime events and issues of the day – in the US, across the seas and around the world. On this special episode…Cavas and Servello hit the road to attend a supplier day hosted by BAE Systems Ship Repair, where they spoke to Matt Pax…
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Welcome to the very first episode of Cham’Pain with Cavanagh! In today’s episode, we’re honored to have the phenomenal Joe Cordina join us. A two-time super-featherweight world champion, Joe is not just a force in the boxing ring; he’s a testament to resilience and determination. Since his professional debut in 2017, Joe has amassed an impressive c…
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Justin and Carter react to the Cavs extending their winning streak and becoming the first team to clinch a spot in the 2025 playoffs. They discuss their thoughts from the wins over Chicago and Miami. As well as some of the things the team will need to clean up to keep the winning streak going. See for privacy information.…
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Alberto Trentini è ostaggio in Venezuela da oltre cento giorni. Chi ne parla? Qualche testata, qualche giornalista, una comunità che si è messa a digiunare per lui. Troppo poco. Trentini non è un avventuriero né un criminale. È un cooperante di Humanity & Inclusion, un’organizzazione umanitaria che assiste persone con disabilità. Il 15 novembre sco…
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La ex Presidenta Michelle Bachelet descartó postular a las elecciones de noviembre, aunque no entregó su respaldo explícito a la candidatura de la exministra del Interior, Carolina Tohá. Para abordar la carrera presidencial al interior del oficialismo, Paula Comandari y Ramón Ulloa conversaron con nuestro columnista Ascanio Cavallo en una nueva edi…
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'Fro, what a night! It's a resume game for the namesake of the pod! Jarrett Allen dominates the second half of the fourth, with his fingerprints all over every possession, and Cleveland holds off the lowly Bulls to win their 11th in a row. Bob Schmidt, of Fox Sports Radio recaps the win, the magnitude of Allen's performance, the Javonte Green fourt…
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Le industrie militari volano in Borsa. Leonardo ha registrato un incremento del 11,26%, Fincantieri del 7,14%, Iveco del 5,46%, Avio del 7,22%. Stesso trend nelle altre borse europee: Bae Systems +13,2%, Rheinmetall +11,35%, Thales +13,33%, Rolls Royce +5,65%, Airbus +2,72%, Safran +2,04%. A ogni tensione internazionale, i listini premiano chi prod…
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Se olharmos bem ao longe, o fim de semana não foi mau de todo. Conseguimos mais que um remate à baliza, o Marcano regressou em bom nível, o Namaso não marcou mas assistiu e a equipa saiu de Arouca com três pontinhos. Se olharmos mais perto, continuamos a construir a cinco, o Fábio não joga em Braga e falta cabecinha para não parecermos piores que o…
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I guess I just can't stay away from docuseries! I tell you all about this new show I'm doing, plus we're kicking off tour week. I will run you through the prep I did for the tour, including the beauty treatments and the detox I did. And we discuss how we almost lost our dog Teddy to something I had no idea was toxic to dogs. A word from my sponsors…
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Quando a inizio febbraio uno studio della fondazione Gimbe ha certificato che la percentuale del Pil destinata alla spesa sanitaria totale è in calo dello 0,6%, si è scatenato un putiferio. Alcuni leader di partito della maggioranza hanno innescato attacchi diretti al presidente di Gimbe, Nino Cartabellotta, e altri hanno contestato il metodo.Le pe…
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Völlig frei von festgelegten Themen lassen Avi, Meli & Simu ihrer Natur freien Lauf und quatschen heute einfach drauf los. So touchieren wir wieder mal die grossen und kleinen Dinge, vom Suchtverhalten, kleinen Kindern die an Klosteinen lecken, bis hin zur geschlechterspezifischen WC-Kultur ist alles dabei. Auch ein kleiner Schwenker zu diversen Ex…
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Justin and Carter recap a weekend of comeback wins for the Cleveland Cavaliers. Breaking down the win over the Portland Trailblazers, fueled by the former Virginia Cavaliers. Before diving into what we've learned and what we're yet to learn when it comes to the matchup against the Boston Celtics. See for privacy information.…
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Venticinque miliardi all’anno. Ogni anno. Per sempre. Per le armi. È il prezzo della promessa di Giorgia Meloni alla Nato: portare la spesa militare italiana al 2,5% del Pil. Un incremento che non è una tantum, ma una tassa occulta sulla collettività, pagata con il taglio al welfare, ai servizi, ai diritti. Venticinque miliardi equivalgono a una vo…
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The Cavs-Celtics season series is over, and the Cavaliers completed a huge comeback to even it at 2 games a piece. Evan and Mitchell took over in the fourth, as Kenny and the Cavs beat the Celtics at their own game. Bob Schmidt of Fox Sports Radio recaps the win and shares the joy with the audio mailbag!…
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Fear the 'Fro is back with perhaps the longest podcast ever recorded. Danny Marang of the Jacked Ramsays joins Bob Schmidt to talk about the Cavs, the Blazers, and SEVERAL other topics. PLUS, we have a new song, and the return of a cold-blooded killer named Mike in West Ohio.Oleh Bob Schmidt
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C’è un Paese che scivola sempre più giù, ma finge di non accorgersene. Un Paese dove il divario non è solo tra ricchi e poveri, ma tra nord e sud, tra chi può e chi resta indietro. Lorenzo Ruffino ha messo in fila i numeri e il risultato è impietoso: l’Italia non è solo divisa, è anche tra i Paesi più poveri d’Europa. A Bolzano il reddito primario …
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Game 4 of the battle for Eastern Conference supremacy between the Cavs & Celtics. The Celtics have a 2-1 series lead on the season, the last time these teams met and the Celtics picked on some of the Cavs defensive liabilities. That loss forced the Cavs to make a move at the trade deadline for DeAndre Hunter. We’ll be joined by “Quigs” from the Bos…
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Welcome to the CavasShips Podcast with Christopher P. Cavas and Chris Servello…a weekly podcast looking at naval and maritime events and issues of the day – in the US, across the seas and around the world. On this episode…can the Navy get it’s Mojo Back? That’s the title of a new work from retired three-star admiral Dave Lewis – an officer with lon…
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Justin and Carter go over the blowout win over the Orlando Magic and reflect on the improved depth and offense for the team this season. Before diving into a preview of Friday's showdown against the Boston Celtics and the things they are most interested in learning from that matchup. See for privacy information.…
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Ieri il presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump ha pubblicato sui suoi social un video. È Gaza, come la vorrebbe Trump. Ci sono donne affascinanti che ballano sulla spiaggia, ricchi che oziano sui lettini sotto il sole, uomini - ovviamente bianchi - che si dedicano agli aperitivi, hotel di lusso, attrezzature turistiche, soldi che piovono dal cie…
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Andrea Stroppa, l’uomo di Elon Musk in Italia, nei giorni scorsi ha lanciato dei sondaggi su X per bocciare, nemmeno troppo velatamente, l’operato del ministro dell’Interno Matteo Piantedosi. Le domande poste ai suoi follower - chiamarli sondaggi, peraltro privi di valenza statistica, appare effettivamente eccessivo - tendevano a screditare l’opera…
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Justin and Carter react to a weekend of statement wins from the Cavs. Taking care of both the New York Knicks and the Memphis Grizzlies. Diving into what Evan Mobley's dominance could mean for the playoffs, Donovan Mitchell's strong play and Ty Jerome continuing to step up when they need him. Plus much more! See for privacy …
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