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YOU on the Camino de Santiago

Nancy @ The Camino Experience

You want to walk the Camino de Santiago in Spain but where do you start? What is your first step in preparing and planning for such a big undertaking? Whether you have just now heard of the Camino, or if your flights are booked and you have a start date, this podcast will walk with you as you take your first steps of preparing, planning, and starting your Camino experience. Guide and long-time pilgrim Nancy Reynolds shares her nearly 20 years of experience walking the Camino and leading 15 s ...
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Why did the Camino de Santiago develop and what was it like as it became one of the top European pilgrimages in the Middle Ages, laying the foundation for thousands of pilgrims to still walk it today? Historian John Seasholtz will discuss people, places and power in communities along the medieval pilgrim roads to Santiago de Compostela. The podcast should be of interest to modern-day pilgrims or anyone with a curiosity to learn more about the history of pilgrimage, medieval Europe and Spain ...
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Jakobsweg - Dein Podcast für den Camino de Santiago

Peter Kirchmann -

In diesem Podcast geht es um den Jakobsweg und wie du dabei Schritt für Schritt mehr Gelassenheit finden kannst. Du bist hier richtig, wenn du den Jakobsweg laufen möchtest und noch nicht genau weißt wie und wo du anfangen sollst. Du bist hier weiterhin richtig, wenn du den Jakobsweg NICHT laufen kannst, aber trotzdem das Feeling mitbekommen möchtest. Und du bist hier richtig, wenn du offen und neugierig bist, wie der Jakobsweg dein Leben nachhaltig verändern kann. Mein Name ist Peter Kirchm ...
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Este podcast es el recorrido de mi camino Francés rumbo a Santiago de Compostela. Lo empecé de St. Jean Pied de Port desde el 24 de Septiembre 2018 y llegué el 26 de Octubre. Sali 🛫 de casa, en Austin, TX el 20 de Septiembre rumbo a New York 🛬, visite a mi hija Jennifer que estudia en La Universidad de New York 💜, comi con ella y conocí su dormitorio. Horas después 🛫 tome un vuelo de JFK rumbo a Barcelona en un vuelo de noche. Llegué con bien y temperano. Justo para tomar un tour de la Sagra ...
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show series
Warum Heilung nicht nur körperlich, sondern auch mental beginnt. Schmerz, Heilung und der Jakobsweg im KopfWie der Jakobsweg mir half, trotz Schmerzen wieder in Bewegung zu kommen. Nach einer längeren Podcast-Pause melde ich mich zurück – mit einer persönlichen Geschichte. Ein Bandscheibenvorfall hat mich wochenlang fast bewegungsunfähig gemacht. I…
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Pilgrims traveling on the Camino de Santiago today pass by reminders of medieval monasteries that once played an essential role in the pilgrimage. While some monastic communities operate on the lands of their medieval ancestors, others have been abandoned, and only ruins remain, shells of affluent institutions with little hint of the tremendous wea…
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TURNING DOWN THE NOISE OF EVERYDAY LIFE For many people, the story of a Camino dream is a series of false starts. You hear about the Camino and hear its call, but it’s not the right time to go. Then it is the right time, and you put some dates on the calendar, and something comes up – a significant family event, like a wedding, graduation or birth …
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BREATHE NEW LIFE INTO YOUR GOALS In this episode we pick up where we left off in episode 101 by taking my #1 strategy for goal success to an even deeper level. Then I am going to share with you five tactical steps and top ideas that will guarantee your success of reaching your Camino goals. DO YOU NEED THE HIGH-LEVEL PLAN FOR HOW TO MAKE YOUR CAMIN…
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SAVED BY WALKING! Pilgrim Adam walks the Camino Portuguese to process and heal from some devastating losses . . . and finds his way to peace and connection. Content warning: My guest in this episode mentions his personal experience with suicide ideation and suicide within his circle of friends. If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal th…
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GO FROM CAMINO DREAM TO CAMINO REALITY Have you ever wanted something, dreamed about something, maybe even longed for something, but the wanting and dreaming wasn’t making anything happen? What’s missing there? Well, what’s missing is a clear goal. In this episode I explore: Why we’re not reaching our goals How to craft a goal that hits the mark My…
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THE 100th EPISODE! Thank you for tuning in and for making this podcast one of the most sought after and reliable resources for first time pilgrims walking the Camino routes in Spain, France, and Portugal. With this episode, the podcast hits a milestone – the 100th episode! I love milestones. I love the feeling of hitting a mark, of reaching a big g…
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Fast 500.000 Pilger! Was uns die Zahlen über den Jakobsweg verraten 🎙️ Shownotes zur aktuellen Folge 🎙️ 2024 war ein Rekordjahr für den Jakobsweg! Fast 500.000 Pilger haben den Camino beschritten – ein Wachstum von 12,63 % im Vergleich zu 2023. Aber was bedeuten diese Zahlen eigentlich? Welche Trends zeichnen sich ab, und welche Routen werden immer…
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Santiago de Compostela, home to the shrine of St James, was razed to the ground by a Muslim army at the end of the 10th century. At that time, pilgrim traffic on the Camino de Santiago was starting to grow, and church leaders, monarchs, and locals no doubt wondered whether the community would ever recover. This episode describes key events and peop…
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DEAR YOU . . . Now we come to the final step of our year-end practice. The only thing we have left is my favorite New Year’s tradition. This is the one I have been doing since 1976, long before I started setting goals and intentions for the new year. Uh, long before I even knew what that meant, because in 1976 I was 11 years old. My best friend was…
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LET'S SET THE STAGE FOR YOUR BEST YEAR YET Forget asking Santa for what you want . . . go after it yourself! In this episode we walk through my annual goal setting process. We have already reviewed our accomplishments and successes (episode 18). We tallied up what didn't go as well as hoped and planned. And we mined both those lists for lessons and…
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NOW WE LOOK AT OUR NOT-SUCCESSES In last week's episode we spent time reviewing our wins and successes for the year. This week we are moving on to the second step of the year-end process by listing our regrets and disappointments. Wait! This is not about beating yourself up or dragging yourself through the mud, or finding fault with who you are as …
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"Die Beste Reisezeit, ist die Zeit, in der du bereit bist den Camino zu gehen" Die beste Reisezeit für die meisten Routen ist das Frühjahr. Der Frühling verwandelt die Landschaft in ein wunderbares grün. Die privaten Pilgerherbergen und die Cafés in den Kleinstädten öffnen wieder ihre Türen, die Fremdenverkehrsbüros sind wieder geöffnet und helfen …
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THANK YOU 2024, AND GOODBYE! (WELL, ALMOST) As this episode releases on Tuesday, December 10, we have four Tuesdays left in 2024 and four episodes left in this season of the podcast. That timing feels perfect for me to share with you something I do every December to wrap up the year. In this episode and the next three, I am going to share with you …
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Winterschlaf oder Winter-weg: Tipps für Pilgern auf dem Jakobsweg im Winter Winterpilgern ist eine einmalige und ganz besondere Gelegenheit, die dich in die raue Natur und auch abseits der Hektik des Sommers führt. Es gibt jedoch einige Vorkehrungen, die du treffen solltest, bevor du dich auf den Weg machst. Diese Folge behandelt die Grundlagen für…
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A "TRIP OF A LIFETIME" - FOR REAL! John covers all the bases as he shares his story of walking the Camino Francés in May and June 2024. Overnight in the Pyrenees? Check. Stay at a monastery? Check. Sing with the nuns? Check. Meet an undertaker who wants your business? Wait . . . check? Here are the places and helpful tools John referenced in this e…
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Der Eichenbaum und die Eintagsfliege In dieser Folge teile ich mit dir eine wunderschöne Geschichte von Hans Christian Andersen: Der Eichenbaum und die Eintagsfliege. Diese Erzählung lädt uns ein, über Zeit, Perspektiven und die wahre Bedeutung des Augenblicks nachzudenken. Während der Eichenbaum auf seine 300 Jahre zurückblickt, lebt die Eintagsfl…
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WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU? That is the question pilgrim Danielle had to ask herself over and over again as she walked the Camino Francés in April and May 2024. And as she answered that question, she gradually learned to trust herself and to know that she did, in fact, know what is most important and what is also best for her. Danielle had the h…
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begleiten und unvergesslich machen. Wir nehmen uns gemeinsam Zeit, dein Pilgerjahr 2025 zu planen. Ob du bereits Erfahrung auf dem Camino hast oder dich erst an den Gedanken herantastest: Diese Episode gibt dir jede Menge Inspiration und praktische Impulse, um deinen Weg zu finden – im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. nützliche Links: Hier kannst du den …
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WHAT HAPPENS IF . . . ? That seems to be the theme of Roger's pilgrimage on the Camino Francés! What happens if . . . . . . you become injured? . . . you need a dentist at 6:30 am on a Saturday in a small village in northern Spain? . . . you don't want to book accommodations in advance in July? Find out in this episode. And Roger has some well-earn…
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Ein Pilgerweg durch die Zeit – Wie der Jakobsweg Geschichte, Kunst und tiefe Einsichten vereint In dieser Folge spreche ich mit Michael Vogler – Autor, Pilger und Experte für Organisationskultur – über seine tiefgehenden Erfahrungen auf dem Jakobsweg und die Lektionen, die er daraus für das Leben und den Beruf gezogen hat. Michael teilt seine Erken…
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SHIFTS HAPPEN ON THE CAMINO FRANCÉS Back today with a story of peace from one of the pilgrims who you met in season four (episode six) – Joshua from Corpus Christi, Texas. It is also a story of plot twists and disappointments. But in true Camino fashion, the trail brought it all full circle, and Josh found out what blessings really feel like. Like …
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Ein Pilgerweg durch die Zeit – Wie der Jakobsweg Geschichte, Kunst und tiefe Einsichten vereint In dieser Folge haben wir einen ganz besonderen Gast: Michael Vogler – Historiker, Philosoph, Künstler und leidenschaftlicher Pilger. Michael ist den Jakobsweg seit den 80er Jahren immer wieder gegangen und teilt mit uns seine reichen Erfahrungen und tie…
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WHEN THE WORLD IS CRAZY AND LIFE IS UNCERTAIN Our topic today is dealing with uncertainty, and I have been thinking about this a lot lately. About two weeks ago I noticed that I was feeling really anxious, super worried, and nervous about the outcome of the upcoming election. But I won’t be talking about politics because that’s not what we are here…
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alles über den besonderen Feiertag Allerheiligen 2024: Lass dich inspirieren, wie du dieses Jahr alte Traditionen mit neuen Ideen verbinden kannst. zum Blogbeitrag über Allerheiligen Direkt zur Jakobsweg-Premium-Community Keine Lust auf Umwege? Tritt direkt unserer Premium-Community bei, mit exklusiven Inhalten und persönlicher Begleitung. Jetzt lo…
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CAN YOU FIND VEGAN FOOD IN SPAIN? My guest today, Kurt, from Palm Springs, California, follows a vegan diet, which is sometimes difficult to do in Spain. But it doesn’t have to define your pilgrimage. He has some great tips for finding vegan and vegetarian food amidst the landscape of pork-based meal options. Kurt is a fairly speedy walker, and his…
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IT'S NOT ABOUT THE WEATHER! Coming to you today with another healthy dose of reality on the Camino Francés. This week you will hear from Melissa, who you met in season 4, episode 10. Melissa had a plan to walk the Camino as a way to reclaim what she remembered as her "bad-ass self from her 20s". Who wouldn’t want that, right? Melissa had a few surp…
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In dieser Folge des Jakobsweg-Podcasts haben wir einen besonderen Gast: Tom Kirchner. Er erzählt von seiner Pilgerreise auf dem Camino Inglés und seinem Weg bis nach Finisterre, dem sogenannten "Ende der Welt". Gemeinsam sprechen wir über seine Vorbereitung, die Herausforderungen und die magischen Momente, die ihn auf dem Weg begleitet haben. Tom b…
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PLOT TWISTS AND DEEP CONNECTIONS Day two: plot twist. And that's the day that set the tone for the entire pilgrimage for John and his son. In this episode, you will hear how John describes the impact of that day as well as lyrics from his Lizard Song, how their rain gear worked out, and what's next for this now-Camino family. FREE MINI-WEBINAR: THU…
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woran ich immer denken werde Abonnieren und Teilen: denke daran, unseren Podcast zu abonnieren, um keine zukünftigen Episoden zu verpassen. Teile ihn auch gerne mit deinen Freunden und deiner Familie, die am Camino oder an inspirierenden Reisegeschichten interessiert sind. Wenn auch du mehr über den Jakobsweg erfahren möchtest um dich vorzubereiten…
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PILGRIMAGE BECOMES A WAY OF LIFE Fiona walked the Camino Frances in 2023 and now she is hooked on walking pilgrimages! This year she took on two new routes, and she has a third one - not a Camino - planned for later this year. And then next year she plans to become a "dual pilgrim" by walking the Kumano Kodo in Japan. Here are the resources we talk…
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LIVING THE MESSAGE OF THE GOSPEL ON THE CAMINO Pastor Rich takes his faith out for a long walk as a way to get to know God and his daughter-in-law better. Along the Way he finds a deeper sense of compassion and an understanding of what it means to walk through pain. I met Rich through my email list, and I am so glad I did! He brings his kind, gentl…
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Erfahre, bis zu welchem Alter du den Jakobsweg gehen kannst und was ältere Pilger beachten sollten. In dieser Folge geht es um eine häufige Frage: Bis zu welchem Alter kann man den Jakobsweg gehen? Wir teilen Begegnungen von Pilgern, die den Camino auch im hohen Alter – oft weit über 80 oder 90 – gemeistert haben. Abonnieren und Teilen: denke daran…
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A DEEPER CONNECTION TO NATURE BRINGS A DEEPER CONNECTION TO SELF Kate was pretty clear on why she was walking the Camino. As a nurse, she was feeling beyond burned out after the intensity of pandemic and the huge impact it had on people serving in her profession. She wanted to focus on well-being, and actually discover a deeper meaning of what thos…
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Von den Ausreden, Absagen und Ausflüchte. Ja, warum nutzen wir eigentlich Ausreden? Hallo und noch einmal herzlich willkommen! Ja, du kennst sie ganz gut. Ich selbst kenne sie auch und wir alle haben sie schon genutzt und damit versucht, uns mit ihrer Hilfe aus einer misslichen Situation zu stehlen. Ja, wovon sprechen wir heute? Von den Ausreden, A…
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This episode explores some of the perils faced by medieval pilgrims, including those related to the natural environment and infectious diseases, as well as encounters with thieves, aggressive toll collectors, and unscrupulous innkeepers. It also describes some of the efforts of monarchs and Church leaders to protect pilgrims on the Camino.…
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WALKING AS A SPIRITUAL PRACTICE Chad has now walked the Francés and Primitivo routes, plus the Camino Portuguese from both Lisbon and Porto. But it's not about how many routes or how many times he has walked. He's not keeping score. What matters most about pilgrimage? Chad explores this question as well as the role of his shadow on and off the trai…
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