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Jak zlepšit svůj život a s vtipem a důvtipem zvládnout nejrůznější obtíže. Inspirativní hovory světové duchovní superstar o laskavosti, spokojenosti, zvládání emocí, relaxaci a pozitivním pohledu na svět. (❁´◡`❁) Sdílejte s přáteli, přihlaste se k odběru.😊
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The Manhattan Meditation Center is an initiative of the Brahma Kumaris. The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization (BKWSO) teaches Raja Yoga Meditation as a way of experiencing peace of mind and a positive approach to life. The Organization provides opportunities for people from all religious and cultural backgrounds to explore their own spirituality and learn skills of reflection and meditation derived from Raja Yoga, which help develop inner calm, clear thinking, and personal well-bei ...
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ここをクリック || » ( ) リリース済み: Jul 30, 2020 ランタイム: 1:47:31 数分 ジャンル: アクション, スリラー 出演者:リリース済み: Feb 20, 2020 ランタイム: 86 数分 ジャンル: ホラー, 謎, スリラー 出演者: Katie Holmes, Christopher Convery, Owain Yeoman, Ralph Ineson
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"In the Audio book “Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Right Understanding”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan offers unique insight into the definition of celibacy and the benefits of brahmacharya. He clarifies common misunderstandings about celibacy, answering questions such as: “How do you define celibacy?”, “What are the spiritual reasons for abstinence from sex, and what are the benefits of abstinence?”, “Does spiritual power increase from brahmacharya, and how is celiba ...
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Four conversations about Brahms' Symphonies, with Pinchas Zukerman - Music Director of the NAC Orchestra - and CBC Radio 2 host Bill Richardson. Some musical illustrations will be played by violinist Pinchas Zukerman himself, and also by pianist Les Dala. Concert performances of the symphonies by Zukerman and NACO are also available for streaming at CBC Radio 2's Concerts on Demand.
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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 𝙹𝚎𝚝𝚣𝚝 𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚞𝚎𝚗 : 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚗 : ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
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show series
Ajahn Brahm talks about how amongst the most positive and impactful things we can do in the world is to develop compassion and stillness within the mind. Here’s how to do it. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 to save on file size (because internet connections were slow back then – remember dialup?) on 28th January 2…
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I když je venku vedro, uvnitř můžeme být cool. Ajahn to nazývá "buddhistická klimatizace". 😁 Setrváváme v přítomnosti, maximálně se uvolníme, a tím snížíme svůj metabolismus. Pak doslova cítíme, jak se tělo ochlazuje. Ajahn Brahmavamso ("Adžán"), autor knihy „Kráva, která plakala“, absolvent Univerzity v Cambridge, je buddhistický mnich a duchovní …
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Meditation is central to the Buddhist path. Yet people often take the achievement mindset that they use to succeed in worldly pursuits into meditation. This often leads to all kinds of obstacles arising as we try to “do the meditation”. Yet results in meditation arising when we stop doing and let go. Ajahn Brahm explains how to stop trying to medit…
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The image of the tightrope walker - it’s a powerful metaphor for the delicate balance we navigate in our lives. Each thought, each action, contributes to the fabric of our future. And just like the tightrope walker, we strive for inner alignment and peace. As we walk our own invisible tightrope, may we choose our steps with care, cultivating though…
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Ajahn Brahm tackles the issue of punishment - both cosmic punishments of a vast scale like tsunamis, and the micro-punishments we inflict upon ourselves. He thinks we really don’t need to be so focused on punishment and would be much better of focusing on freedom. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 to save on file si…
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Vnitřní klid je to, co tu s vámi bude po dlouhou dobu. Po smrti si s sebou nevezmete bohatství, majetky, ani slávu. Vezmete si ale svůj klid. Proto má cenu do vnitřního klidu investovat. 00:03 úvodní slovo 13:29 meditace 36:37 požehnání Ajahn Brahmavamso ("Adžán"), autor knihy „Kráva, která plakala“, absolvent Univerzity v Cambridge, je buddhistick…
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In the aftermath of the Boxing Day Tsunami that impacted much of the Indian Ocean coastline and the many questions that followed on from that, Ajahn Brahm talks about the nature of tragedies and how we can deal with them with compassion and wisdom. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 to save on file size on 31st Decem…
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Během tenisového turnaje ve Wimbledonu🎾chodí Novak Djokovič ráno meditovat do místního thajského chrámu. Má totiž před sebou neuvěřitelně stresující test – nastupuje proti těm nejlepším tenistům a uvědomuje si, že svou budoucnost tvoříme právě teď. Umíte-li odložit věci stranou a odpočinout si, dobře pak zvládnete vše, co vás čeká. Ajahn Brahm dává…
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Ajahn Brahm talks about how to deal with the metaphorical prisons that we often feel trapped in, as well as tips on how to get out. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 to save on file size (because internet connections were slow back then – remember dialup?) on 3rd December 2004. It has now been remastered and publish…
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VESAK - největší buddhistický svátek roku. Připomínka narození Buddhy, jeho osvícení a odchodu do parinibbány.☸️ Jak z něj můžeme čerpat? Ajahn Brahm se za pomoci příkladů a příběhů pokusí ukázat, jakou spoustu inspirace v něm můžeme nalézt. 6:04 mocná mysl v hlubokém klidu 16:00 jak dokonale ustálit mysl 21:40 meditace lepší než sex 29:54 co je to…
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Ajahn Brahm speaks about how Buddhism in and of itself is a form of psychology. So it’s to be expected that there will be some similarities between Buddhism and Western Psychology. However there are some significant differences also, which Ajahn Brahm explains in this talk. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 to save …
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We often worry and say, because we love or we care. But we all know that worrying doesn’t really bring the results that we like or prefer. It’s true that worry often consumes our energy and doesn’t necessarily lead to positive outcomes. Shifting from worry to trust and faith is powerful. Trusting in the inherent goodness of others and ourselves can…
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Ajahn Brahm gives guidance on how to see through mind states of hopelessness and how to end hopelessness using skilful means. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 to save on file size (because internet connections were slow back then – remember dialup?) on 5th November 2004. It has now been remastered and published by …
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V životě je spousta věcí, o které neustále usilujeme, po kterých toužíme, které nám mají přinést štěstí. Ale které to jsou? A funguje to doopravdy? Co vlastně považujeme v životě za doopravdy důležité? Ajahn Brahm hovoří o emoční inteligenci a o otázce skutečných lidských hodnot. Ajahn Brahmavamso ("Adžán"), autor knihy „Kráva, která plakala“, abso…
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Ajahn Brahm offers insight in how to understand the nature of happiness and thereby work out how to apply it in yourself. Key amongst those insight is that happiness is mental energy. So how can we develop mental energy? Listen to Ajahn Brahm’s talk to find out. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 to save on file size…
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Embracing our spiritual identity can profoundly alter our engagement with the world, distinguishing between what nourishes our deeper peace and what merely distracts. In a gentle exploration of our non-physical essence, the speaker guides listeners through the concept of the soul as the seat of our true existence, beyond the confines of our physica…
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Ajahn Brahm talks about the Buddhist attitude to helping children with their problems. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 to save on file size (because internet connections were slow back then – remember dialup?) on 28th April 2004. It has now been remastered and published by the Everyday Dhamma Network, and will be …
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Ajahn Brahm elaborates on a saying of the Buddha inscribed on a statue outside of the Dhammaloka Buddhist Centre: “To do that which is good, to refrain from that which is bad, and to develop the mind. That is the teaching of all the buddhas.” This seems simple and even obvious. But sometimes it can be challenging to do what is good. Ajahn Brahm giv…
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In this episode we will explore how the art of shifting one’s focus or attention from that which is external to that which is within, determines the quality of life experienced. A life lived from the inside out allows for the innate beauty of the eternal self, the soul, to flow naturally into every aspect of the drama of life.…
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Our ego manifests itself in some interesting ways. Ways like always looking for justification, always pointing fingers outward. It's always somebody else’s fault or to be blamed. And if I can't point finger to anyone, I'm looking for justification in myself. We have forgotten that the ego is not who we are. The ego is something that I have created …
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Have you ever noticed that people are always arguing about who has the right religion, politics, fashion, and basically everything? So how do we work out who is right and who is wrong? Ajahn Brahm doesn’t tell you who is right and who is wrong, but he does give wise guidance on how to work out who is right. — This dhamma talk was originally recorde…
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In this meditation we explore how to train the mind to let go of shallow, surface level “breathing” or thinking by contemplating thoughts about the eternal self, a being of peace. From this space of deep inner peace, the mind naturally creates thoughts that are few in number, deep, and restorative for the optimal health of the entire being.…
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Sometimes we have the right intention to do good things and make positive changes in our lives but we just can’t figure out how to actually do it! Ajahn Brahm explains that self-discipline isn’t about using willpower or force in order to effect positive change, but rather through using wise strategies that understand the nature of the mind and clev…
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'Life is like a game'- Many of us might be familiar with this phrase. In this episode, we will explore a different perspective. I am playing the game not in order to enjoy, but I am playing the game and I am enjoying the game. The act of playing is the act of joy and not necessarily in order to attain joy. This is the aspect that is worthwhile to r…
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Ajahn Brahm gives a talk on how to deal with physical pain. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 to save on file size (because internet connections were slow back then – remember dialup?) on 9th July 2004. It has now been remastered and published by the Everyday Dhamma Network, and will be of interest to his many fans.…
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Covid, války, tsunami... Je spousta věcí, na které se v životě nedá spoléhat. Ale jedné věci věřit můžete – a tou je nepředvídatelnost. Je to důležitá součást života a měli bychom ji umět ctít a respektovat. Problém je, že většinou ji uznat odmítáme. Máme totiž z nejistoty strach. Máme spousty plánů, celý život máme naplánován. Život pochopitelně n…
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From the very beginning Buddhism extended its moral ethics not only to humans, but also to animals (and all sentient beings). Ajahn Brahm explains how Buddhism thinks about ethics when it comes to how we treat animals. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 to save on file size (because internet connections were slow bac…
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„V posledních letech se hodně hovoří o programech MINDFULNESS. Můžete se zúčastnit nejrůznějších kurzů rozvoje všímavosti, které bývají často velmi drahé. Avšak u nás dostanete lepší kurz za méně peněz. Levněji než tady už to ani nejde. Vzpomínám si, jak jsem byl před pár lety v Kuala Lumpur a přišel za mnou velmi bohatý mladý muž, jehož otec vlast…
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In this meditation we explore how realigning one’s perspective to that of the Divine, to eternal truth, restores the original nature of the mind and the natural qualities of the soul. From this space, the soul can play the various roles of life infused with its innate qualities of goodness and experience the highest quality of life.…
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Ajahn Brahm got a request for talk but he couldn’t remember what it was, so he decided to talk about something that he wanted to talk about - dependent origination. Even though it’s a very deep and complicated topic, Ajahn Brahm makes this topic about the fundamental nature of reality easy to understand. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded u…
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When we think of life as a game, then we have to also consider the various players in the game, including ourselves. We could be the spectator sometimes, or we could be an active player in the game sometimes. Life offers us the opportunity to consider both. In this meditation, let us spend some time reflecting on some of the areas of our life where…
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Ajahn Brahm talks about reincarnation … again! And helps us all get a sense of perspective about the meaning of our lives. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 to save on file size (because internet connections were slow back then – remember dialup?) on 18th June 2004. It has now been remastered and published by the Ev…
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In Spirituality, there is a benefit of being clueless about the things that really aren't relevant and have nothing to do with my journey, but being very aware of secrets that will illuminate my path to my objective. It helps to support lesser but deeper thinking, which is very essential for moving towards my destination, whether it's self-respect …
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Responding to a request from the audience, Ajahn Brahm talks about free will. What is free will? What is freedom? What is the will? When one starts meditating and looking closely at the mind things are not quite as they seem. Ajahn Brahm offers a very different perspective on the topic of free will. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using …
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An online listener from the United States contacted Ajahn Brahm to ask about the many ways in which there are multiple ecological threats - like global warming, habitat and species loss - that could spell doom for humanity. What should we do about all these imminent threats to our existence? Ajahn Brahm points out that the belief that humanity is o…
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In physical fasting, we reduce or limit the food intake for a certain period of time to give the body enough space and time to recover or heal. Similarly, the practice of going into silence is a very fruitful and beneficial practice for the mind. The thoughts that emerge from that inner silence are then very empowering, uplifting and creative.…
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Ajahn Brahm responds to a query from the online audience about “how can we have our cake and eat it too?” — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 to save on file size (because internet connections were slow back then – remember dialup?) on 14th May 2004. It has now been remastered and published by the Everyday Dhamma Netw…
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Soucitný úmysl se někdy může obrátit v negativní motivaci, jako například: "Vládo, nejsi k ničemu! Vláda za nic nestojí! Pryč s vládou pro naše dobro! Pryč s buddhisty, navraťme se k Bohu!" Mnoho válek začíná tím, když se soucitný úmysl zvrhne. Lidé nabudou přesvědčení, že je třeba někoho odstranit z cesty. Že je třeba jej vyhubit, zbavit se ho. Má…
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Responding to an request from the audience, Ajahn Brahm talks about the origins of self-hate, its symptoms, and how to overcome self-hate. When we are free from self-hate we are able to overcome many of the obstacles we put in our own path and experience a greater sense of freedom. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 …
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Intellect is our discerning power, our analyzing power, our reasoning power and our wisdom. In Gymnastics, you use/exert your body and stretch it beyond certain limits or beyond certain comfort zone. Similarly, in Spiritual Gymnastics, you stretch your intellect to widen your horizon, broaden your perspective and to see the whole picture instead of…
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Ajahn Brahm talks about all the problems that can arise from making assumptions, how they can be wrong and why they are wrong. And of course, such a topic gives lots of opportunities for funny stories and jokes. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 to save on file size (because internet connections were slow back then …
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Co dělat, když se vše hroutí, když je život moc těžký, když je v něm jen bolest a zklamání a nedá se vůbec nic dělat? Ajahn Brahm nabízí několik účinných metod, jak se s těmito situacemi moudře a efektivně vyrovnat. A samozřejmě nechybí i pár vtipů…😃 2:03 Snižte svá očekávání 5:05 PPP - přiznat si, prominout, poučit se …
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True love for the self is to have the aim to live in alignment with one’s innate nature of love, peace and joy and to have compassion, understanding and forgiveness for any mistakes made on the journey. To draw power and courage to hold myself in love and truth, I invite the companionship of the source, the Ocean of love, the Divine.…
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