Welcome to Traveller Audio, the audio-guides that highlight the most important landmarks of touristic cities. Let us join you through your adventures!
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Laissez vous surprendre par quelques unes des étapes qui vous permettront de découvrir le monde...
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The RESPECT FOR ALL AudioGuide will help you learn all about the ground-breaking new movie, RESPECT FOR ALL: How to Care for Each Other and Our Earth. Award-winning director, John Pritchard, has uploaded audio clips and text from the RESPECT FOR ALL VideoGuide. You can access the VideoGuide at http://respectallguide.com
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Voila un echantillon d'un iAudioguide de Barcelone. Sur notre site web www.iAudioguide.com vous pouvez telecharger le reste de l'audioguide gratuitement ainsi qu'un plan de ville a utiliser avec votre iPod. Vous y trouvez egalement des liens vers une dizaine d'autre audio guides gratuits, entre autre pour Londres, Paris, Rome.
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Voila un echantillon d'un iAudioguide de Bruxelles. Sur notre site web www.iAudioguide.com vous pouvez telecharger le reste de l'audioguide gratuitement ainsi qu'un plan de ville a utiliser avec votre iPod. Vous y trouvez egalement des liens vers une dizaine d'autre audio guides gratuits, entre autre pour Londres, Paris, Rome.
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Learn all about the movie at our VideoGuide website: RespectAllGuide.com Visit RespectAllMovie.com to watch the entire movie. Click Here to download the Guidebook on Apple Books. Click Here to download the Guidebook (PDF). Click Here to download the Press Kit (PDF). Click Here to download the Official Poster (PDF). Visit OneHeartMovies.org to learn…
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One Heart Movies, with award-winning director John Pritchard, presents a ground-breaking film that celebrates respect for all of humanity and the natural world: RESPECT FOR ALL - How to Care for Each Other and Our Earth. The film features Community Builder/Drum Circle Facilitator, Otha Day; High School Junior, Charlotte Sanford; Cofounder of Regene…
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“White racism not only exploits humans but also the earth itself.” —Prof. James H. Cone PEOPLE HATE WHAT THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND Heinous crimes have been committed against people of color in our country: slavery, lynchings, police brutality and the excessive incarceration of young black and brown men. These atrocities are born of a hate-filled racism…
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People become more respectful when they can see: “What happens to you, happens to me, and what happens to me, happens to you. We have to embrace each other and embrace the wonderful things about who we are, as well as the problematic aspects of who we are. It is a give and take, a back and flow, and feeling respect means finding a way to connect to…
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“It’s no longer a black and white issue. You’ve got Hispanic folks... you’ve got Asian folks. This is not just the same old battles. We’ve got this stew that keeps bubbling up with people from everywhere. And we’re going to have to make sure that in our own lives, our families, and our workplaces that we do a better job of treating everybody with b…
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The Two Wolves story comes from the 2017 award-winning film, ONE HEART-ONE SPIRIT, filmed at the three day Aboriginal Garma Festival in the northern territory of Australia. It introduces us to Native American Mi'kmaq/Mohawk performing artist Kenneth Little Hawk who travels half-way around the world to Australia where he meets legendary movie star, …
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“Americans have become less and less knowledgable about where their food comes from and how it’s grown. So, if people wanted to respect this earth, they should be purchasing food that has been grown with respect to the earth.” —Ed Stockman, Cofounder of Regeneration MA who has been an organic farmer for 47 years. AGRICULTURE IS CAPTURED BY GREED Ri…
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“All life is dependent on all life. There is no separation. Everything lives for everything else. There is no separation. My Grandmother and Grandfather said that the animal, the vegetable, the mineral, the human, are all one. There is no separation.” —Kenneth Little Hawk, Mi’kmaq, Mohawk NATURE HELPS US UNDERSTAND OURSELVES “When you’re connected …
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“All life is dependent on all life. There is no separation. Everything lives for everything else. There is no separation. My Grandmother and Grandfather said that the animal, the vegetable, the mineral, the human, are all one. There is no separation.” —Kenneth Little Hawk, Mi’kmaq, Mohawk NATURE HELPS US UNDERSTAND OURSELVES “When you’re connected …
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HOW WOULD IT BE? “How would it be if you looked at me as brother? How would it be if she looked at her as sister? Elders as grandmother and grandfather? And all of the children as our own? How would it be if we looked at the Earth as Mother? How would it be if we looked at Sky as Father? How would it be if we really cared for each other?” —Kenneth …
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“People think that if we don’t talk about racism, than we are no longer racist. The problem is when we don’t talk about racism, that’s what’s disrespectful. That’s saying that my opinion, my position, my experience, doesn’t matter. If you respect me, you ask me what I think and then we can have an engagement about it.” —Otha Day WE NEED TO TALK ABO…
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“My advice to all of us here is to sit in silence and listen. Sit for moments and breathe deeply... relax your shoulders and just listen. When you’re in conflict with someone else, don’t jump right in, just listen. Listen to the pain of their experience. Listen to the joy of their experience. We don’t always have to share our pain, our joy, but I t…
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“I hope that there will be a world where my future family members will have a place where they can live happily without fear of persecution, whether that be for their race, gender, or whatever that may be. And looking closely on the next few years, I hope that with the people that govern my life, and even amongst the world, that more love and respe…
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“Kateri Tekakwitha {Mohawk), was made a saint by the Catholic Church because she turned no one away and treated everyone as if they were someone special. Everyone is special because what comes out of us can be that which came out of Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, and Chief Joseph. They were all human beings and had the same thing inside of them…
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In issues of race, we should educate everyone about compassion, just like we teach students how to read. And a big part of teaching compassion is encouraging people to take action. It is not enough to simply feel empathy towards another person by putting yourself in their shoes. Compassion requires action and you must do whatever you can such as pr…
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Traveller audio presents Mendoza and its touristic attractions
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"Der Bau der Dreieinigkeitskirche in der Altstadt von Regensburg wurde 1627 mitten während des Drei�?igjährigen Krieges als einer der ersten evangelisch-lutherischen Kirchenneubauten in Bayern begonnen. Unter dem damaligen Namen Kirche zur Heiligen Dreifaltigkeit konnte sie bereits 1631 kurz vor der Einnahme Regensburgs durch die Schweden abgeschlo…
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(Les Riceys) Route du Champagne autour de Bar-sur-Seine (Les Riceys)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
2:56Les Riceys sont les seuls à détenir sur leur territoire les 3 AOC champenoises !Oleh Zevisit
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Il était une fois dans un magnifique château...Oleh Zevisit
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Avec ses trois lacs, le Parc Naturel Régional est d'une extrême richesse ornithologique.Oleh Zevisit
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(Saintes) Musée archéologique et Arc de Triomphe Germanicus
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3:14C'était l'aboutissement de la grande voie romaine Lyon-Saintes.Oleh Zevisit
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(Monthermé) Vallée de la Meuse (Monthermé)
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2:23Dans cette vallée, légendes et panoramas ne font qu'un.Oleh Zevisit
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Cet enclos paroissial est le plus important de Bretagne.Oleh Zevisit
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(Strasbourg) Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme
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3:48Ce bâtiment a été conçu par l'architecte Richard Rogers, lauréat du Prix Pristker en 2007, qui a aussi conçu le Centre Georges Pompidou avec l'Italien Renzo Piano.Oleh Zevisit
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Capitale navale, mariage de la ville et de la mer...Oleh Zevisit
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C'est vrai qu'ici, la fabrication des armes, on connaît.Oleh Zevisit
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(Fontainebleau) Forêt des 3 pignons
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Main Kemudian
1:47Le point de vue de la Queue de VacheOleh Zevisit
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Cet endroit est le haut lieu du christianisme à Rouen depuis le 3e siècle après Jésus-Christ, lorsque la ville s'appelait encore Rotomagus.Oleh Zevisit
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le poumon vert de la ville et son arboretumOleh Zevisit
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C'est le point culminant de la Flandre.Oleh Zevisit
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(Saint-Denis) Basilique Saint-Denis
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Main Kemudian
7:27Vous en aviez souvent entendu parler. Eh bien la voici, la célèbre basilique-cathédrale, emblème de toute une ville.Oleh Zevisit
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Le professeur Tournesol a disparu. La police vient de retrouver la trace du savant qui a été enlevé en Amérique du Sud !Oleh Zevisit
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Le plus grand estuaire d'Europe !Oleh Zevisit
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(Illiers-Combray) Château de Villebon
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Main Kemudian
3:45Cette forteresse du 14ème siècle est le château de Guermantes dans l'oeuvre de Proust.Oleh Zevisit
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En face de nous, la pointe de la Baumette. C'est une presqu'île chère à l'écrivain Saint-Exupéry, puisqu'il s'y marie...Oleh Zevisit
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C'est ici que le plus célèbre des pharaons, Ramses II, ordonne l'édification d'un temple à sa gloire...Oleh Zevisit
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Pendant des décennies, l'église a accueilli l'un des plus grands pardons de Bretagne sud.Oleh Zevisit
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(Saint-Gilles les Bains) Saint-Gilles-les-Bains
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Main Kemudian
2:40A Saint-Gilles-les-Bains, dans la douceur du soir, les noctambules se retrouvent pour danser les pieds dans l'eau.Oleh Zevisit
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Regardez, dans les angles, juste avant la première série de gargouilles...Oleh Zevisit
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La Vieille Ville de Jerusalem se divise en 4 parties. Le quartier musulman, chrétien, arménien et juif. C'est dans ce dernier que nous vous emmenonsOleh Zevisit
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Nous voici sur l'artère la plus monumentale de Marseille.Oleh Zevisit
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Le pont Charles, sur la Vltava, relie depuis le XIV siècle la Vieille ville de Prague et le quartier de Malá Strana.Oleh Zevisit
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A Montmartre, Marcel Aymé et le beau Jean Marais ne passaient pas innaperçus...Oleh Zevisit
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(Quimper) Esplanade François Mitterrand
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Main Kemudian
3:07Cette vaste place de Quimper a su transcender le patrimoine ancien en un haut lieu de culture.Oleh Zevisit
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Le pont Saint Bénezet, vrai nom du Pont d'Avignon, date de la fin du 12ème siècle.Oleh Zevisit
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(Barbizon) Musée Départemental de l'Ecole de Barbizon, Auberge Ganne
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Main Kemudian
2:53Lors de la restauration de l'auberge en musée, on a retrouvé, sous les papiers peints, les traces d'études peintes par ceux que les Barbizonnais appelaient alors les peint'à Ganne.Oleh Zevisit
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(Carcassonne) Carcassonne médiéval
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Main Kemudian
2:19La cité située sur la colline...Oleh Zevisit
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(Montbéliard) Histoire du Pays de Montbéliard
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Main Kemudian
1:20Histoire du Pays de MontbéliardOleh Zevisit
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(Bruxelles) Les Galeries Saint-Hubert
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2:25Edifiées selon des règles d'urbanisme particulièrement originales et innovantes.Oleh Zevisit
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Ce panorama est un avant-goût de la route des coquillages.Sur notre gauche...La dune de Pen-Bron.Oleh Zevisit
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