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La Strada verso il Draft è il podcast di Huddle Magazine che vi accompagnerà verso il Draft 2023 che si terrà dal 27 al 30 aprile a Kansas City. E dal giorno dopo analizzerà tutte le scelte squadra per squadra.
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Feeling Versonic is an Indie Hub featuring news, views and interviews with notable creatives on entrepreneurial lifestyle, health (very much including mental health) and original independent music.
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ريكتو فارسو" بودكاست أسبوعي يهتم بمواضيع متنوعة .. في الثقافة والمجتمع والفكر، ويسعى إلى فهمها وتبسيطها بطريقة دقيقة وموضوعية. يبث البرنامج كل يوم ثلاثاء من الساعة 18:00 إلى الساعة 19:30 على إذاعة جو راديو، ويقدمه هواري حمزة.
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José Luis Larco Delgado

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Versos na Palavra é um Podcast de Teopoética. É uma tentativa importante de articulação entre Teologia e Literatura. Queremos levar a Palavra de Deus por meios de recursos literários diversos. Eu sou o padre Samuel Garcia e vou te acompanhar nesta proposta.
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¡Hola! Bienvenid@ a mi podcast, donde estaré recitando poesía, tanto original como de algunos de mis poetas favoritos. ¡Espero que lo disfrutes!🖤 Hi! Welcome to my podcast! Here you'll be able to find my original poems, and also some recitations of my favorite authors, I hope you enjoy it! 🖤
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Versos Del Alma

Juan David Villamizar Rojas

Un espacio donde aprenderemos, opinaremos y debatiremos frente a incógnitas que nacen en la lectura bíblica, y no creer que la Biblia no es accesible para adquirir este conocimiento. Vendrá sorpresas para los más grandes y los más chicos.
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Bienvenidos. Urbanitas entre versos nace como una herramienta de difusión de poesía y micro-relatos sin ánimo de lucro ni publicidad, utilizando la emisión de programas podcast editados y con formato HQ, con una estructura inexistente actualmente en internet, dando cobijo a varias secciones, teniendo como principal a un escritor/”poeta urbano” diferente en cada capítulo, que recite varios de sus poemas o micro-relatos. Esta plataforma servirá para que autores se den a conocer y oyentes descu ...
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Todos en V.aV.cJ somos siervos de Dios con un compromiso ante el Padre y Jesucristo y por supuesto ante todos los que nos escuchan, de enseñar la Biblia, la Palabra de Dios no adulterada(1 Pedro 2:2), sin agregar, ni diluir su contenido, (Deuteronomio 4:2) ni cambiar la interpretación (que la Biblia se interpreta así misma) para sacar provecho de ella y de los que buscan a Jesucristo de todo corazón (Filipenses 3:19).
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Simina & Claudiu

Un podcast cu cititori binedispuși, despre cărți de ficțiune. ● Gazdele podcastului Față/Verso: ● Simina Popa, traducătoare și organizatoare de proiecte culturale. Limba portugheză este un partener stabil în viața ei profesională. Traduce autori de limbă portugheză din 2007, încercând să continue la același standard munca generațiilor anterioare de traducători. Este membră a ARTLIT – Asociația Română a Traducătorilor Literari, unde organizează discuții publice între traducători. În proiectel ...
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A menudo, en el Instituto Bíblico Semilla de Mostaza (IBSM) recibimos preguntas sobre pasajes de la Biblia, doctrina o sobre la técnica de estudio de la Biblia. Por mucho tiempo intentamos contestar una por una, pero inevitablemente se nos iban acumulando, porque si bien algunas preguntas eran fáciles de responder, otras requerirían mucho espacio y mucho esfuerzo para poder contestar por escrito (además, era una ardua tarea para una sola persona). Por otro lado, algunas veces, distintas pers ...
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show series
This week on The Verso Podcast we’ll be taking a close look at the political economy of climate breakdown. Along with our host, Eleanor Penny, Ann Pettifor and Hamza Hamouchene discuss climate justice, private equity, degrowth, and the false promise of techno-fixes.Grab Ann's Verso releases here: up to the Verso Book Club t…
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Wendy explores how we become more intimately at one with Jesus who is our Hope. As we yield totally to the indwelling and infilling of Holy Spirit in every aspect of our lives, we miraculously become transformed into the likeness of Jesus. The examples of Moses, David, and the beloved disciple John - as well as former slave-trader John Newton -demo…
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This week’s episode of The Verso Podcast centres on the gruelling work of making change happen in an often pitiless world - and the mental toll this can take on people. Along with our host, Eleanor Penny, Hannah Proctor and Ajay Singh Chaudhary discuss how revolutionary movements have balanced the grief of political defeat and lost hope, with the i…
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What does the resurrection of Jesus mean to you? As we end our Hope Series, Mark looks at the Hope that comes from the empty tomb an the truth that Jesus lives today, bringing hope to the world. What does Resurrection Sunday mean to you? Mark looked at 3 hopes of the resurrection of Jesus, 1. Our sins are washed away 2. Death is not the end 3. Jesu…
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In our modern world, we have tried our best to eradicate the need to wait. Whether through the advent of credit or through the innovation of instant communication and information, waiting has become something which our parents had to endure. But what does the Bible say about waiting? As we continue in our Hope series, Mark looks at why God often re…
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This week on The Verso Podcast we’re putting landlordism under the microscope - how it turns peoples’ homes into poker chips, and the housing market into a casino. Nick Bano and Beth Stratford join our host, Eleanor Penny to discuss the depth and breadth of the housing crisis.Grab a copy of Nick's new book "Against Landlords: How to Solve the Housi…
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Did you know that God takes pleasure in certain things? As we continue in our Hope series, Mark looks at Psalm 147 and the truth that God takes pleasure in us putting our Hope in ‘His steadfast love’. Unpacking the Psalm together we look at why we can put our hope in His love and what our response to His love should be as believers in Christ.…
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On this episode of The Verso Podcast we’re going on a deep dive into the work of the psychiatrist, political theorist, and philosopher Frantz Fanon. Our wonderful host, Eleanor Penny, sat down with Matthew Beaumont and Annie Olaloku-Teriba to discuss Fanon’s expansive legacy - touching on everything from night walkers and revolutionaries, to radica…
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Buonasera, che tempi turbolenti, tempi interessanti videoludicamente parlando stiamo vivendo, chiacchierata serale sullo stato del mondo videoludico, il futuro delle nostre librerie videoludiche e come viviamo l'informazione sul videogiuco; il retrogaiming sta diventando "maturo"? Ed infine VR croce e delizia del possibile futuro d'intrattenimento.…
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What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Mercy’? Maybe visions of wrestlers in the ring crying out for mercy as their opponent has them locked in a hold which they know they can’t get out of. Or maybe it’s closer to home – maybe in your own life you carry shame and guilt for something you’ve done, and you know you need the Mercy of God. Looking…
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Welcome back to the third season of The Verso Podcast! To kick off this run of shiny new episodes we’re taking a bit of a detour into the past, to have a closer look at the protestant reformation. This was a turbulent time in history - of tyrants, merchants, popes, peasants and roving priests - when early capitalist forms of power were just beginni…
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I will make the Valley of Achor a Doorway of Hope. Achor means trouble which speaks of our sin nature. God is shaking the earth to shake us out of trouble and into destiny. We enter in through the doorway of Hope which is Jesus!There are keys that open up the doorway of Hope:Repentance / Humility / Agreement / Courage / Rejoicing •• Bible reference…
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At church today we embark on a journey to uncover the rich, multifaceted nature of peace as presented in the Scriptures, and we’re going to do that by:* examining its various manifestations in the Old and New Testament* exploring three of its dimensions, namely relational, societal and personal* and confronting the challenge of a lived experiential…
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In a world of increasing danger, we have a number of things we look to protect us, whether a seatbelt in the car or a burglar alarm in our house, we all desire to be safe. But did you know that God himself promises to be your protection in all things? As we look at Psalm 91, Mark asks the question, how do we walk in the Hope of His protection in ou…
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God gives us incredible promises of provision in the bible. We also live our lives here on earth and sometimes it's hard to understand how what we read and know about God's provision makes sense for the reality we have to walk out. How do we as followers of Jesus walk in confident expectation of God’s provision? As we explore what God’s provision i…
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سنة 2024 بدات بدخول قانون المقاول الذاتي حيز التنفيذ ، وهو إطار يدعم سوق المقاولاتية والشغل في الجزائر، في هذا العدد مع السيد نور الدين واضح سنتعرف على أهم الامتيازات التي يقدمها " المقاول الذاتي " خاصة الجبائية منها ، وكيفية الاستفادة من هذه الصفة كما سيجيب ويشرح الكثير من الأسئلة الأكثر تداولا حول هذا الموضوع .…
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Are you looking for a change in your life? Fed up with the same battles and the feeling of hopelessness? Whilst Jesus doesn’t promise us a life without trials, He does promise us a kind of hope that is sure and certain and will literally change everything! bible references:📖 - Habakkuk. 3: 17📖 - Proverbs 10:28📖 - John 14:27📖 - 2 Corinthians 3:12••…
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In this bonus episode of the Verso Podcast, authors Anton Jäger and Vincent Bevins reflect on the previous decade, the mass political movements that took place, and the ultimate failure of these movements to produce meaningful political change. They consider the lessons that can be taken from the 2010s and discuss what will be required of current a…
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في هذا العدد نناقش موضوع تربية الأطفال .. ما هي الأخطاء الشائعة التي يقوم بها الوالدين في تربية الأبناء .؟ وهل نربي الولد مثل البنت ؟ وكيف نعاقب أولادنا في حالة ما إذا ارتبكوا أخطاء جسام ؟ وكيف نبني شخصيتهم ونقويها ؟ هذه أبرز الأسئلة التي ناقشناها مع الأستاذ في علم النفس التربوي عبد القادر حيادحين قي ثاني عدد من ريكتو فارسو.…
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Are you feeling full of hope or feeling hopeless as we start 2024? As we start a new year, Mark kicks off a new Talk Series entitled HOPE. Looking at God’s Word, we see the Why and the What of Hope and how it can change the very course of our references:📖 - Romans 12:12📖 - Proverbs 13:12📖 - Romans 8:24 -25••#vineyardchurch #versostalban…
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في أول عدد من Recto verso ، نثير موضوع الشركات الناشئة في الجزائر، غموض المفهوم وفرص النجاح والفشل ، في الجزء الأول من البودكاست يجكي كريم بروري وهو خبير في تطوير بيئة الأعمال والمقاولاتية مساره الدراسي ، حيث درس في الجزائر ثم انتقل إلى فرنسا ليعود بعدها لوطنه موظفا في شركة خاصة ويصبح بعدها وهو في سن 29 أحد الشركاء فيها، ثم ينسحب من الشركة ويعود لن…
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Buonasera, ospiti di eccezione per questa puntata di Connessi al Joypad: con Raffaele Cinquegrana e Danilo "Dan Hero" Dellafrana, abbiamo fatto una bella chiacchierata su come è stato divulgato, su come si divulga oggi il videogioco e su come forse si potrà divulgare ulteriormente, andando a toccare alcuni aspetti di questo enorme argomento; senza …
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On the last episode The Verso Podcast before the new year, Eleanor Penny is joined by Lynne Segal and Loree Erickson to discuss the myth of total independence, disability as a social construct, and the politics of care. In a conversation that ranges from the gendering, racialisation, and devaluation of caring labour, to abolitionism and disability …
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This week on The Verso Podcast Eleanor Penny is joined by McKenzie Wark and Toshio Meronek to talk trans narratives, the politics of desire, and queer family. Together they take a critical look at the medical model of transition, its relationship to transmisogyny, and tactics of resistance.You can find McKenzie's book, "Love and Money, Sex and Deat…
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As individuals and the body of Christ, we are called and commissioned - called to relationship with Jesus and invited to partner in His work on the earth. But how do we walk this out well, ensuring that we keep God as our first love, while giving our yes in faith and obedience to everything He commissions us to do on the earth? As we dig into a sto…
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In the movie ‘About a Boy’ Hugh Grant’s character Will proudly proclaims ‘I’m an Island, I’m Ibiza’ when discussing his relationships. And for many of us, we feel that way. That we’re better off going alone. But is this what God has intended for us? As we continue our Talk Series ‘The Call’ we look at Hallmark number 6 of the call, and God’s design…
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