Weekly sermons and bible studies from Christ Church Fox Chapel in Pittsburgh, PA.
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We are inundated with contradictory information and advice, but the gospel offers consistent grace. Readings from this service: 1 Timothy 1: 12-20 Psalm 107: 4-9 Luke 19: 1-10 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth
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As Ben returns from exile in the bathroom, he and Alex are much more focused on the text of 1 Timothy 1. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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Rev. Ben opens our new series "1st Timothy: Constancy Amid the Chaos." Paul charges Timothy to combat bad doctrine in the Ephesian church. Even when chaos seems to reign, the simple power of the gospel remains constant. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!…
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Ben joins Alex from a remote location to open our new series on 1st Timothy. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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Sept. 1: On Earth As It Is In Heaven
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
We like to say “your will be done” but do we really mean it? Readings from this service: Romans 8: 18-27 Matthew 2: 19–3:2 Psalm 145: 10-13 Matthew 6: 10 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth
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Alex and Ben talk about just one line in the Lord’s prayer, but not quite as succinctly as Jesus did. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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Despite its familiarity, the Lord’s Prayer offers a revolutionary vision of life that is foreign to most modern people. Jesus invites us to pray in a way that recenters our lives and reignites our trust. Readings from this service: 1 Chronicles 29: 10-19 Psalm 23: 1-6 Matthew 6: 9-13 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Vis…
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Alex and Ben discuss the Lord’s prayer and how it fits in with the rest of the Sermon on the Mount. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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August 18: The Pointlessness of Pompous Prayer, Pt. 2
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
Instead of pointless pompous prayer, God desires relationship over technique. Readings from this service: 1 Kings 18: 17-40 Psalm 34: 17-18, 22 Matthew 6: 7-8 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth
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Alex and Ben reunite to distract themselves from the topic of pagan prayer. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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August 11: The Pointlessness of Pompous Prayer, Pt. 1
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
Jesus shows us that real Christian prayer is not a method or discipline but a hidden relationship with a loving Heavenly Father. Readings from this service: Romans 8: 12-30 Psalm 91: 14-16 Matthew 6: 5-6 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!…
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Ben & special guest Mike Starz butcher the podcast intro and say a few things about prayer. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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Jesus exposes showy religiosity in order to replace self-righteousness with a greater reward. Readings from this service: Acts 4: 32–5:11 Psalm 37: 21-24 Matthew 6: 1-4 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh The Rev. Ben Hugjhes
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Ben and special guest Rev. Erik Germesin discuss true piety, Scrooge McDuck, and the podcast’s growing popularity among Russian bots. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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Christians are called to love like God does and Jesus shows us how He can help us to do it. Readings from this service: Romans 12: 9-21 Psalm 145: 8-9 Matthew 5: 43-48 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth
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Alex and Tami discuss the call to love our enemies and just how difficult this can be sometimes. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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July 21: Helping Those Who Help Themselves (to your stuff)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
Believers spend a lot of time on the meaning of the letter of the law, but Jesus Himself shows us just how radical the spirit really is. Readings from this service: Isaiah 50: 6-7 Psalm 112 Matthew 5: 38-42 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!…
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Alex and Tami talk about Clint Eastwood, Batman, Winston Churchill and Matthew chapter 5. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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From Matthew 5, Alex looks at why we lie, and how to become believable. Readings from this service: Leviticus 19: 12 James 5: 12 Psalm 76: 11-12 Matthew 5: 33-37 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth
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Alex and Ben try to figure out if they are pharisees, as they discuss oaths and Matthew 5. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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Jesus teaches on sensitive topics like adultery and divorce because he aims to heal the deepest wounds of the human heart. He calls us to faithfulness and draws us into mercy. Readings from this service: Colossians 3: 1-5 Psalm 51: 10-12 Matthew 5: 27-32 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our ap…
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From Matthew 5:27, Ben and Alex discuss the call to sexual purity and the grace of God when we fail. Tune in to Bonus Episode #27 to dig deeper in to the subjects of divorce & remarriage. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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In this special extended episode Ben and Alex discuss the basics of sound biblical interpretation and then examine the differing mainstream views on divorce and remarriage. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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June 30: Nudged Into Making Peace
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
Ben asks what anger reveals about the contents of our hearts, and what to do when we feel afraid, insecure, or out of control. Readings from this service: Proverbs 25: 7b-10 Deuteronomy 5: 17 Psalm 37: 7-11 Matthew 5: 21-26 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!…
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Alex and Ben discuss anger and what to do when we feel ashamed about it. Don't miss our Bonus Episode with Rev. Ben Wulpi, our guest preacher this Sunday! Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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BONUS EPISODE June 28: Catching Up with Rev. Ben Wulpi
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
One of our former pastors, The Rev. Ben Wulpi, is preaching this weekend and dropped into the studio to let us know how he’s doing. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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Christ came not to lower the standard of God’s righteousness, but to complete it for us. Only when we face up to the full gravity of the Law can we understand the magnitude of the Gospel. Readings from this service: Galatians 4: 4-7 Psalm 40: 6-8 Matthew 5: 17-20 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Downlo…
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Alex and Ben discuss Hitlers views on the 10 commandments. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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In Matthew 5, Jesus pays his followers the greatest compliment, and then says something even greater. But "so what"? Readings from this service: Proverbs 4: 10-19 Psalm 112: 1-4 Matthew 5: 13-16 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth
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Ben and Alex look at the calling to be salt and light to the community around us. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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June 9: Growing In the Likeness of Christ
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
Alex begins our news series on the Sermon on the Mount by exhaling how the first 12 verses of Matthew 5 are the key to understanding the whole thing. Readings from this service: Isaiah 61: 1-3, 8-9 Psalm 34: 15-19 Matthew 5: 1-12 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!…
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Ben and Alex open up our new series by discussing the beatitudes and recycling all their old jokes. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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The final chapter of Hebrews reminds us that how we live and what we believe matter, but Who we trust matters even more. Readings from this service: Hebrews 13: 1-25 Psalm 118: 6-9 John 10: 14-18 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh The Rev. Ben Hughes
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In the final podcast episode for our Who Is Jesus? series, Alex and Ben finish Hebrews 13 where a seemingly disparate list of commands is, in fact, all tied together by love of Christ. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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As the world and all of its promises come to naught, Alex looks at the eternal hope we find in Jesus. Readings from this service: Hebrews 12: 18-29 Psalm 50: 1-6 Matthew 23: 29-36 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth
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From Hebrews 12, Alex and Ben discuss the extraordinary idea that somehow (and in some way), we might be in heaven already. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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In this special episode for Pentecost, Alex and Ben talk about some exciting trends in worship and the implications for our future. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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May 12: Christ as Son, Christians as Sons
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
Through the Gospel even the most the difficult trials are filled with meaning and hope. Christians can endure the struggles of life by looking to Jesus for correction, comfort, and power. Readings from this service: Hebrews 12: 1-17 Psalm 94: 12-15 Luke 22: 39-46 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Downlo…
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Alex and Ben are joined by special guest Debbie to discuss Hebrews chapter 12. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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Our faithful forebears took great risks, and suffered horribly for their faith. But they also failed, often badly. So what is it that really unites them and sets them apart as worthy models of faith for us to copy? Readings from this service: Hebrews 11: 23-39 Psalm 144: 10-15 Luke 10: 22-24 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Face…
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Alex and Ben cover many subjects, and even, sometimes, Hebrews chapter 11. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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April 28: Christ: The Hero, Pt. 1
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
Guest preacher Jenna Hughes shows that Hebrews 11 is less about our faithful character and more about the God in whom we put our faith. Readings from this service: Hebrews 11: 1-22 Psalm 42: 7-11 John 15: 1-5 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!…
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Ben and Alex talk about our place in the long story of the faithful people of God. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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April 21: Christ: The Assurance
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
Alex looks at the confident assurance of hope we get through the living blood of Jesus. Readings from this service: Hebrews 10: 19-39 Psalm 143: 10-11 John 14: 6 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh The Rev. Alex Shuttlworth
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Alex and Ben dig into some of the more difficult parts of chapter 10 and manage to avoid any reference to bacon. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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April 14: Christ: The Sanctifier & Perfector
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
Hebrews 10 shows that our deep need for moral cleansing is fully and finally met through Jesus’ atoning sacrifice. Readings from this service: Hebrews 10: 1-18 Psalm 40: 6-8 Matthew 9: 9-13 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh The Rev. Ben Hughes
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From Hebrews 10, Alex and Ben look at how the sacrifice of Jesus will never be repeated, even if the discussion about it will be many times! Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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April 7: Christ: The Mediator & Sacrifice
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
Through the swirling, repetitive, and even seemingly contradictory language of chapter 9, Hebrews reveals how Christ fulfills and turns upside down everything they had ever hoped for. Readings from this service: Hebrews 9: 11-28 Psalm 68: 19-20 Luke 24: 13-27 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download o…
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From Hebrews chapter 9, Ben and Alex try to explain the biblical structure of chiasm, by reference to bacon cheeseburgers. Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh CCFC Clergy
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Alex looks at the implications of the resurrection, and why, without it, our faith is futile. Readings from this service: 1 Corinthians 15: 12-22 Psalm 118: 17-24 Matthew 28: 1-10 Thanks for listening! CONNECT with CCFC: Visit us on Facebook Visit our website Download our app!Oleh The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth
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